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Being a non-parent near a three year old…


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9 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Yes, we exist in a society which means if I have to tolerate your choices you must tolerate my annoyance of them. Too thin skinned to know not everyone wants your life? That some people look at kids in a neutral manner? How is me being annoyed by your sex trophies impacting your life in an appreciable way? Why do we have to adjust but you don’t?


Oh no, you annoy me in Public, your life is so challenging. The expectation we have to alter our behavior and responses for your choices is the true selfish shit. You made the choice to breed, I already get taxed more for what you did, I also don’t have to pretend your kids don’t annoy me. How dare we not fully arrest our emotional response to things that annoy us so you dont have negative fee fees 😂


thou doth protest too much 

You are such a child

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11 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

You are such a child

Least I can pull out


but don’t have to cause sterility 😉

cry harder I’m mildly inconvenienced by your choices. Not my responsibility to make you feel ok in public. I thought being a breeder was rewarding and shit. Funny how breeders get upset at us for not accepting their choices but we could care less about their weak ass pull out game. Other than going, ugh this kid is annoying whatever. Then you all have meltdowns over it because I’m apparently not supposed to have an emotional response to negative stimuli. Selfish selfish selfish. I’m such a child for expressing my emotions in a socially acceptable manner without thinking that breeders may be hurt by my emotions. 

thou doth protest too much 

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3 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

One more thing but there are fewer and fewer child appropriate restaurants anymore. Even McDonald’s and chic fil a are doing away with the kids place spaces! There simply is no appropriate place to go and eat with children because the restaurants are chasing the dollar and want seating space!

Eat at home. We didn't tell you to have kids.

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2 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Careful, the breeder gonna get mad about your emotions and call you selfish for having them. 

Look I don't care. When I'm eating my .99 cent double cheeseburger at McDonald's I don't wanna hear his kids. Bad enough I got to pay $2000 in school taxes in with my property tax every year and I don't have any kids that ride the bus or use the public school system.

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Just now, Biggie said:

Look I don't care. When I'm eating my .99 cent double cheeseburger at McDonald's I don't wanna hear his kids. Bad enough I got to pay $2000 in school taxes in with my property tax every year and I don't have any kids that ride the bus or use the public school system.

Not only are we expected to pay more money in taxes we also have to be totally cool and accommodating in public and not express our emotions lest they feel bad. Otherwise, we’re selfish.


Strong Jordan Peterson vibes itt.

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6 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:



Id actually pay money to see kids in that situation. The mental gymnastics alone would be worth it.


Just come to Pittsburgh then because kids at breweries is incredibly common here, even at ones that don't have food programs (i.e. they're bars).

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20 minutes ago, Brian said:

I take my 4 year old to the brewery all the time. The brewery I visit has setup an area for the kids to play. 


A brewery with an area for kids to play is obviously trying to appeal to families, but all else being equal I think breweries should be seen as 'adult only' spaces by default. If parents or groups of parents want to get a drink, go to Chilli's or something.

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On 9/26/2023 at 4:44 AM, Mr.Vic20 said:

My wife and I have a "slightly" different view on how to raise kids. We believe our children are our burden and that others shouldn't have to accommodate our life choices. Because of this, we avoided a lot of public activities, public transportation until our son could comport himself in a reasonably civil manner. We also make it a point to explain to our children that public spaces are a shared or common good and should be respected as such. I am highly intolerant of parents that believe their children are a magic excuse to behave poorly or to expect latitude for poor planning/management of themselves and their children in public. 


This is very much the approach my wife and I take as well.

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1 hour ago, Chris- said:


A brewery with an area for kids to play is obviously trying to appeal to families, but all else being equal I think breweries should be seen as 'adult only' spaces by default. If parents or groups of parents want to get a drink, go to Chilli's or something.

Lolololol. That’s some goofy ass shit you think bud.

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I remember my Walmart days and there was this couple who came in almost daily with their kids. A baby boy and a little girl, maybe 5 or so. Baby is fine and yeah sometimes he would cry and I get that. But the girl would throw the absolute worst tantrums on a regular basis and it drove me crazy. Just lay out in the floor and scream endlessly. 

Like, why do you have to do this? One of the parents could just stay home with the kids. Come on. 

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I remember my Walmart days and there was this couple who came in almost daily with their kids. A baby boy and a little girl, maybe 5 or so. Baby is fine and yeah sometimes he would cry and I get that. But the girl would throw the absolute worst tantrums on a regular basis and it drove me crazy. Just lay out in the floor and scream endlessly. 

Like, why do you have to do this? One of the parents could just stay home with the kids. Come on. 

You’re sounding pretty selfish not accepting that kids behavior bro!

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