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'Networking events' are the most miserable, contrived, pointless occurrences imaginable


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I am a pretty sociable person; I'm good at starting and maintaining conversation, and when given context or a relevant prompt, I have no issue with walking up to someone and introducing myself. None of these skills, however, are of any use at a 'networking event'. At these pointless and numbing engagements, the one and only personality characteristic you want or need is a complete lack of self-consciousness. You have to be willing to mosey up to someone next to the bar/food, read their name tag, introduce yourself as 'Wade from the D1P, Corp', then get down to brass tacks and TALK BUSINESS. It is the most soulless, contrived social scenario imaginable. Anytime I'm at a networking event, I secretly hope that someone drops Zyklon-B through the ceiling tiles. And what's even worse, anyone aged 38 or older continues to insist that networking events are necessary if you want to succeed, even though the modern generation could not give two shits.

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8 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Pretty much every gig I've gotten in the two years has been from a referral from someone in my personal network  :shrug:

But that's not the same as going to some business paper event with $30 tickets and a cash bar. My boss actively pushes me to go to those things, and they are a complete farce.

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I like the one I go to, but it fortunately doesn't have a $30 charge. It's donation based on a charity/local group in the area. So at one point, I wanted our local NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to be the one we donated to, and it won. So we raised around $900 in donations, and I was pretty happy with it. I honestly feel it's been worth it just to help an organization I really wanted to help.


As far as networking, I admit I haven't really worked with many people yet (one possibility is still around there but the process has been really slow), though I have met more people in the community, and I feel that's been valuable. 


It might just be depend on the type of event and who's running it and what you want to get out of it. Just being more connected in the community has been really cool, but if I'm paying $30 and getting little out of it, I'd probably have the same opinion you do. :p 

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I'm going to give 5 minutes of my own time to hopefully let you remember who the fuck I am after I leave for the next mother fucker to repeat the same thing.


These things are stupid, plain and simple.

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I mainly only ever network passively when I go golfing ( I usually wait for a part that needs 1 more to fill it out) and when I go rock climbig at my local Earth Treks or by volunteering at the my local American Legion chapter....I find that if you are doing something thats fun or interesting with complete strangers it sort of gives you a natural in and out to conversation.  


Only problem is it often may not be related your field or what you do...but hey..it's the DC area...there's always a good chance that someone knows someone.

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I disagree.. Networking events is how I have grown my COIs, new connection and new referrals and how I grow in the market and always surpass my goals. I keep getting promoted and moved to take over bigger branches and I keep getting asked what is that I do that others aren't doing. Umm I attend events, network/grow my COIs and partake intown/community events. In one quarter I took my last branch from being 13th in the market to 3rd. If you don't always talk to the same people, focus on making new contacts and listen and find something in common rest is easy.


FYI I don't like networking for the most part. 

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