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Fallout 76 OT - Would Anyone Really Notice If West Virginia Was Nuked? Update (06/09): "Skyline Valley" Launch Trailer


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Eh, I am still playing it when I can.  I don't like the load times, and the weight restriction on storage boxes is stupid, IMO.  The storage box that holds your "banked" items shows 400 (as of this writing), but that isn't 400 items, that is 400 pounds.  400 pounds should be enough, but not when you are playing a game that kinda encourages you to loot things and store those items or crafting materials.  Finding vendors that you can sell items to are few and far between, and I was easily at max carrying weight and storage weight before I found the first vendor that I could sell something like 15 items for about 50 caps.


I still think if you have enjoyed any Fallout from the third game to now, you should enjoy this one. 

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I hit Level 62 recently, and yeah, I'm still enjoying it.


Level 50 is the "Level" Cap of sorts.  You stop getting "Special" Points once you hit 50, so deciding how to spec your points is critical.  With next weeks update, you will be able to move one "Special" Point around or collect a new Perk Card with each additional level up.  This will allow me to tweak things a little, as I wasn't totally aware of what I was doing as I played through it.  


I've never been a huge Fallout fanboy or anything, I enjoyed Fallout 3, found Fallout 4 to be kinda meh.  I didnt follow this game too much until its launch. 


Theres definitely its issues, the storage issues are a big one, the limitations to how big of a base you can build is a big one.  I personally dont care about no NPCs, theres robots that interact with you, and holotapes and what not that tell story.  While there are missions, none of them feel too important or anything.  


I think the main hook for me, is the shared world experience.  I just prefer multiplayer gaming, even if I have been doing this mostly solo.  I do have friends that play, so building houses to show eachother, sharing plans, recipes, items with eachother to help one another out is something I enjoy.  I poured a lot of points into Intelligence and crafting, so being able to craft high level fully kitted weapons and armors for my lower level friends is fun.  Just being able to share the world and play through the game with friends is enjoyable, and makes me enjoy it more than a Fallout 4.  


I'd get why some hate it.  I just personally really enjoy it, the character building forces tough choices, the builds are very unique and tailored to how you wanna play, and so far, theres been enough content to keep me busy.  It's also very very early in, and these types of games I feel always have rough launches, but improve and evolve into amazing experiences long term, so lets hope it just keeps getting better.

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15 hours ago, Pent said:

Eh, I am still playing it when I can.  I don't like the load times, and the weight restriction on storage boxes is stupid, IMO.  The storage box that holds your "banked" items shows 400 (as of this writing), but that isn't 400 items, that is 400 pounds.  400 pounds should be enough, but not when you are playing a game that kinda encourages you to loot things and store those items or crafting materials.  Finding vendors that you can sell items to are few and far between, and I was easily at max carrying weight and storage weight before I found the first vendor that I could sell something like 15 items for about 50 caps.


I still think if you have enjoyed any Fallout from the third game to now, you should enjoy this one. 


Tomorrows update will make your base storage 600, and they will increase it more and more to possibly have no cap.


https://bethesda.net/en/article/yzCWHFufFm0iUEyc4UWgA/upcoming-fallout-76-patch-notes-december-4-2018?sf95656556=1&utm_content=Bethesda Game Studios&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=Community

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4 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

Holy shit I didn’t realize what a collection of chucklefucks and shitsippers was on their board. Mother of god.


The only one I recognize as being a turd is Leslie Moonves...who else is bad there?

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6 minutes ago, nublood said:

So I tried it and...wow. This game is a steaming pile guys. What the heck happened???

Truncated development cycle because the Austin-based team that made Fallout 76 was originally making a multiplayer game called BattleCry which was cancelled.  The decision was made to shoehorn BattleCry's multiplayer tech (which was not designed for this type of "shared world" game) into the already miserable Fallout 4 engine, and voila - you get this "thing".

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1 hour ago, Jason said:


The only one I recognize as being a turd is Leslie Moonves...who else is bad there?

Donald Trump’s brother. Jerry Bruckheimer has donated a lot of dough to shit tier Republican candidates like McCain and Romney. 


Honestly though, Moonves and a Trump are more than enough :p

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