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Congressional bipartisan public hearing on UFOs and aliens begins tomorrow

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3 minutes ago, Uaarkson said:

The amount of testimony from pilots describing craft behaving in ways that are beyond our current level of technology is the most eyebrow raising element of this whole affair. Man-made drones can’t move at supersonic speed and then stop and turn on a dime, no matter how advanced. Then you have the reports of supersonic craft moving without any kind of thermal exhaust trail. Fascinating stuff.


From someone very smart I follow:


"We too easily dismiss terrestrial explanations, ranging from sensor error to human fallibility, and I would start there 1000 times out of 1000 before looking beyond the stars for answers."

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7 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

The vastly more concerning aspect of this technology -- assuming that the testimony reflects actuality (which is in and of itself questionable) -- would be which nation possesses the capability to do so if it wasn't the United States.



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18 minutes ago, CayceG said:


From someone very smart I follow:


"We too easily dismiss terrestrial explanations, ranging from sensor error to human fallibility, and I would start there 1000 times out of 1000 before looking beyond the stars for answers."

Flying Sci-Fi GIF by Feliks Tomasz KonczakowskiArea 51 Aliens GIF by Sky HISTORY UK

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20 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

The vastly more concerning aspect of this technology -- assuming that the testimony reflects actuality (which is in and of itself questionable) -- would be which nation possesses the capability to do so if it wasn't the United States.



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30 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

The vastly more concerning aspect of this technology -- assuming that the testimony reflects actuality (which is in and of itself questionable) -- would be which nation possesses the capability to do so if it wasn't the United States.

America assumes it must be alien if it's superior to us. 

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2 minutes ago, Reputator said:


I mean we share intelligence with pretty much every other major first world nation, so it's more like "well if it wasn't us, and it wasn't YOU, theeeen..."


Oh believe me, there are definitely limits to what we share with even our most trusted allies and this type of technology would fall under those limitations.


2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Only other viable option is China, because Russia is hot mess.


Correct - the PRC really is the only near-peer that could possibly develop these vehicles.

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4 minutes ago, Reputator said:

So there's a nation right under our noses with aircraft technology more than a century ahead of us?


Possibly, but not likely at all.


Assuming that the reports from the aviators are accurate -- and I personally believe that they're not -- then the most likely explanation is that the vehicles are from an American "deep black budget" program.


Again, the most probable/likely explanation is that the pilots visually misinterpreted what they were seeing.

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2 minutes ago, Reputator said:

So there's a nation right under our noses with aircraft technology more than a century ahead of us?


I subscribe to the idea that these craft are indeed alien (or inter-dimensional).  Some of what people have seen are piloted/controlled by humans, but they were not built by humans, because no one has figured out how to actually build them yet, or truly understand how they work.  


Perhaps China HAS figured it out, and now higher-ups in the US military and intel community are sounding the alarm because America is still stuck piloting retrieved craft, and none of the agencies or defense companies have figured out how to build them ourselves.  So the only way for the US to catch up with China at this point is disclosure so more people and companies can work towards finding a solution.  :alien:

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1 minute ago, mclumber1 said:

Perhaps China HAS figured it out, and now higher-ups in the US military and intel community are sounding the alarm because America is still stuck piloting retrieved craft...


Except that absolutely no "higher-ups" in the US national security community have done anything of that sort at all.

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I think it's ignorant to assume that we have anything close to a full understanding of physics, or how the universe works in total.  Humans continually think that they've reached the sum of all knowledge, and then that understanding is shattered time and time again.


I also believe that it would be impossible to understand any other intelligent civilizations' intentions through an anthropocentric lens.  Any alien activity would be literally incomprehensible to us.  So any attempt to perceive the patterns or reasoning of alien entities would be futile, unless they made legitimate and purposeful contact.


UFO's have always ignited my imagination.  We haven't ever seen a single shred of proof that we have been visited by an alien species, but it doesn't make the phenomenon any less fascinating.  I find UFO stories really interesting and have enjoyed reading them my whole life, but again, never once has literally a single bit of evidence been provided.  I will say that there seems to be a lot of smoke here about something, and it's quite surreal to be reading some of these terms being thrown around by government officials and major news publications.  But until something, anything, that proves these claims is provided, I find it best to remain highly skeptical.  That said, I also don't think it's a bad thing to be curious and open to the idea that there are things we do not, and may not ever understand.

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23 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:

I think it's ignorant to assume that we have anything close to a full understanding of physics, or how the universe works in total.  Humans continually think that they've reached the sum of all knowledge, and then that understanding is shattered time and time again.


I don’t think this is what actual scientists say? There’s a meaningful difference between saying, “we know everything,” and, “nothing that we’ve observed or tested suggest that FTL is possible without discarding the theory of relativity.” It’s not just semantics.

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2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


I don’t think this is what actual scientists say? There’s a meaningful difference between saying, “we know everything,” and, “nothing that we’ve observed or tested suggest that FTL is possible without discarding the theory of relativity.” It’s not just semantics.


Maybe not in the literal sense, especially since the enlightenment and the rapid advancement of science.  But to go from, "the earth is flat" to " just kidding the earth is round" to "all planets are round and the sun rotates around the earth" to "just kidding the earth rotates around the sun" to "okay actually the earth is one of trillions and trillions of other likely comparable planets around comparable stars" suggests to me that whatever understanding we have now will be seen as similarly quaint to future humans.

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14 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:


Maybe not in the literal sense, especially since the enlightenment and the rapid advancement of science.  But to go from, "the earth is flat" to " just kidding the earth is round" to "all planets are round and the sun rotates around the earth" to "just kidding the earth rotates around the sun" to "okay actually the earth is one of trillions and trillions of other likely comparable planets around comparable stars" suggests to me that whatever understanding we have now will be seen as similarly quaint to future humans.


The main difference is that the later beliefs are based on actual observation and testing, while the earlier stuff wasn't. 


Here's an example:

- You ask me to tell you the size of a ball in your garage while the door is closed

- I can't see it, so I guess it's 1m wide

- You open the door and then let me measure it, and I find that it is 7m wide using a tape measurer

- I then re-measure it using a laser and find it is 7.002m wide


It would be disingenuous to say "well you were incredibly wrong about the first number compared to the second, so why should I believe you about the third number?" It's similar when talking about how scientists have been "wrong" in the past, especially from pre-actual-science. Obviously we can and will continue to be wrong about many things, but the error range of how wrong we are shrinks massively over time. The chances of us being totally wrong on something as big as basic universal constants or laws is incredibly unlikely. It's not even in the same conversation as saying things like "people thought we could never fly, and then we went to the moon." Not pinning that attitude on you, btw, just giving examples.

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I've been consistently unimpressed by the gun cam footage that has been released, which seems more like they're chasing ghosts in the camera than an actual flying object. The testimony that objects flew very close to aircraft and were clearly visible by the pilots is much more interesting. I honestly have no idea what to make of the testimony that regularly recover technology and biologics. I'll just say that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and I'd file "advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations regularly visit our planet and leave stuff behind" as pretty extraordinary.

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2 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:

Maybe not in the literal sense, especially since the enlightenment and the rapid advancement of science.  But to go from, "the earth is flat" to " just kidding the earth is round" to "all planets are round and the sun rotates around the earth" to "just kidding the earth rotates around the sun" to "okay actually the earth is one of trillions and trillions of other likely comparable planets around comparable stars" suggests to me that whatever understanding we have now will be seen as similarly quaint to future humans.


None of that makes “maybe aliens tho” a rational position to take, especially when myriad other hypothesis are significantly more likely. Previous conclusions having been wrong doesn’t make unlikely conclusions more likely.

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39 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

If there's one thing that actual physicists will readily -- even gleefully -- admit to, it's that they don't have anything close to a full understanding of physics :p 


In fact, physicists use this line of reasoning as justification as to why they should receive more funding!

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11 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

I've been consistently unimpressed by the gun cam footage that has been released, which seems more like they're chasing ghosts in the camera than an actual flying object. The testimony that objects flew very close to aircraft and were clearly visible by the pilots is much more interesting. I honestly have no idea what to make of the testimony that regularly recover technology and biologics. I'll just say that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and I'd file "advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations regularly visit our planet and leave stuff behind" as pretty extraordinary.


Who woulda thunk that a bunch of pilots hopped up on Adderall flying at Mach 4 on the regular might imagine seeing some shit?

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14 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


The most top-down communist entity in our entire country uses a communist measuring systems? I'm shocked! :P


(I know you all know I'm kidding I honestly wish we were metric here)

I finally have an excuse to post this


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8 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Who woulda thunk that a bunch of pilots hopped up on Adderall flying at Mach 4 on the regular might imagine seeing some shit?

No no no.


The logical answer is ebes are coming here buzzing our aircraft because they’re  the universal equivalent of shit-posters!

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12 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


None of that makes “maybe aliens tho” a rational position to take, especially when myriad other hypothesis are significantly more likely. Previous conclusions having been wrong doesn’t make unlikely conclusions more likely.


How did you get "maybe aliens tho" from what I wrote?  I'm saying that using our current scientific understanding to absolutely rule out certain possibilities, which we can't categorically disprove, doesn't make sense to me.

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