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A Gigantic Fart Derailed RFK Jr.’s NYC Press Dinner: Report

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During the pandemic I went pretty deep into studying conspiracy theories. That chart is fairly well known and I have my criticisms of it. But it's generally a pretty reasonable summary of the potential harm a lot of conspiracy theories can pose. 


The only ones I don't recognize are (from top to bottom):

RFID in bras

Ancient giant trees

Avril Lavigne

Greta Thunberg time travel

Kylie Jenner is a clone

Prince Charles vampire



Stuff that doesn't matter, basically.


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3 minutes ago, silentbob said:

Anyone else in the “Leaving Reality” category or is just me. I know I’ve seen a UFO and dealing with ghosts/spirits at my projectionist job. 

Who knows man? I’m curious to hear your ufo and ghost stories.

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10 hours ago, finaljedi said:



Kennedy — a longtime aficionado of conspiracy theories — floated the idea during a question and answer portion of a raucous booze and fart filled dinner at Tony's Di Napoli on the Upper East...








totally clears the president thank you


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48 minutes ago, silentbob said:

Anyone else in the “Leaving Reality” category or is just me. I know I’ve seen a UFO and dealing with ghosts/spirits at my projectionist job. 


Not really in that category. But I entertain theories about JFK that challenge the official story. There just haven't been any that are better supported than the official story, for me. 

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8 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

Aliens exist, the US Government has UFOs and other technology that were captured from these beings, and the Titanic disaster was a case of insurance fraud.



This shit is stupid as hell.  The Titanic wasn’t even fully insured, it was insured for LESS than the Olympic, and sinking the thing at sea opens you to liability from anyone who dies as a result.  If you wanted to commit insurance fraud, just set a suspicious fire while docked.

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1 hour ago, LazyPiranha said:

This shit is stupid as hell.  The Titanic wasn’t even fully insured, it was insured for LESS than the Olympic, and sinking the thing at sea opens you to liability from anyone who dies as a result.  If you wanted to commit insurance fraud, just set a suspicious fire while docked.


Listen, I've done my research 

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20 hours ago, Uaarkson said:

Who knows man? I’m curious to hear your ufo and ghost stories.

I always put it off because of the walkie-talkie I had for my movie start/end times or issues that come up. So I was always expecting to hear my name called every now and then. I would always respond back to see if someone did call me, but most of the time no one was there. Never really put it together who/what I might have been hearing. Sister saw a man sitting in a fully lit theatre we were cleaning. She asked for him to wait outside while so she could start cleaning everything. Turned around to grab a broom and dust pan, and the man had disappeared from the top of the theatre seating. They could only leave by passing her, or a loud metal door that lead to hall and another metal door to outside. Which they couldn’t do in the very short time she just turned her back, or the age of the man (I think she said late 40’s or 50’s) We brought it up with my manager (and then appointed GM) if she had heard or seen any ghosts between theatres 5-8. She looked at us weirdly and asked why would we think that. We told her our stories along with a couple other workers who also had some sort of experience/knew nothing of this. Then she confessed she hated going into theatre #6, especially our cleaning closet in the theatre. Our electrical room was located right above between cinema #6&8, and the shadow I saw cross the C#6 movie platter. 


Creepiest one happened at home while I was asleep in my room. I was dead asleep and then I had someone loud as hell, laugh in my ear. It scared the shit out of me, and this is long before my weed years. I was still sharing the room with my brother and he didn’t hear anything, or my sisters next door. It was that loud, wasn’t maniacal but more of a ‘gotcha’ from an older gentlemen. Me and my sister switched rooms when I got my projector, hers was bigger and my older sister had moved out. So us 2 boys got the bigger and my sister got our old room. A few years later she had the exact same experience as me and nothing since. Although the dogs look up the stairs a lot, as if someone/something is there.


My UFO story is from like15-20 years ago. It was a perfect spring afternoon. Sunny sky, new humidity and just enough warmth for me to comfy in shorts and a t-shirt. I was grocery shopping with my mom and we’re just heading home in the car. All of a sudden a black shape oval like ship was just floating to the right of our windshield on like a 70 degree angle. It was maybe 10-15km away from us, but it was only maybe hovering at the height of a good t-storm cloud. Traffic in front us just came to a crawl, we didn’t have something on the road, no lights or anything. Everyone in front, saw what me and my mom were seeing. It maybe stayed in sight for 20-30secs and then it was completely out of site. Traffic slowly picked up to normal speed again, but me and mom still talk about today. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best thing about conservative support for Russia is it demonstrates how utterly full of shit they are about their John McLean fantasies.


Conservatives. I need an arsenal to defeat the US military when they become tyrannical! I pledge my life, my fortune and my sacred honor.


Also conservatives. The tyrannical invader isn’t going to lose so Ukraine should just surrender because high gas prices inconvenience me!

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Once people hear his actual voice it’s over for him just like it’s over for DeSantis now that they heard his French Stewart sounding ass.


Seriously, RFK sounds like his father lying on the floor after he got shot.



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38 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Once people hear his actual voice it’s over for him just like it’s over for DeSantis now that they heard his French Stewart sounding ass.


Seriously, RFK sounds like his father lying on the floor after he got shot.



He got a rare disease in the 90s which caused his voice to sound like that



he personally blames the flu vaccine for it (there is no known cause, scientists suspect an earlier in life respiratory infection)

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RFK Jr. is a deeply unserious thinker, and nobody would give him the time of day without his last name. He does a decent job of finding some of those small morsels of truth or commonality that many have and then goes way off the deep end. It's not any revelation that people have jettisoned a lot of faith in institutions, even just over the last few years. He speaks in a way that tickles the ears of people who already feel distrust.

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On 7/26/2023 at 9:47 AM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He’s pretty heterodox for the party on the environment for one, an instant disqualifier if one were to seek the nomination of the Katy freeway set


the maintenance phase podcast has a good episode about him specifically and antivax people in general


good word drop

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