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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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5 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


political science is really something 

Poly Sci Major is a joke. Most of what I learned in poly sci classes only helped me understand things people on the CEB were saying a few years ago. Out of my friends who were Poly Sci majors, only one is doing something productive with her life and is about to graduate law school.  The others are still living with their parents with shit jobs lol. People are better off majoring in something more useful and taking a few classes on the side if the topic interests them. 

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1 hour ago, johnny said:

Poly Sci Major is a joke. Most of what I learned in poly sci classes only helped me understand things people on the CEB were saying a few years ago. Out of my friends who were Poly Sci majors, only one is doing something productive with her life and is about to graduate law school.  The others are still living with their parents with shit jobs lol. People are better off majoring in something more useful and taking a few classes on the side if the topic interests them. 

Hey, I was a polisci major for a bit... Before the recession really hit. Then I went engineering. Was also planning on law school. I'm really glad I didn't, cause I don't think I would have been able to get into a good school with my grades, and lower tier law schools have a terrible track record for grads


But yeah, it was a joke. I got more substantive discussions here than in my classes. Though I will say that my international relations class is the best class I've ever had. We did a simulation where different groups in class made up fake counties that paralleled real counties. My group got North Korea which was so much fun on the "international" stage

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6 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Though I will say that my international relations class is the best class I've ever had. We did a simulation where different groups in class made up fake counties that paralleled real counties. My group got North Korea which was so much fun on the "international" stage



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9 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I'm sure Trump was in 2015. It wouldn't be surprise me: both are outside the mold of current politics.


They're both essentially populists who use current technology to their benefit... like Politicians back in the day who jumped on radio and television respectively. Neither isn't anything we haven't seen before. They are, both of them, products of their times.

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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


They're both essentially populists who use current technology to their benefit... like Politicians back in the day who jumped on radio and television respectively. Neither isn't anything we haven't seen before. They are, both of them, products of their times.


Brah, I'm responding to your point that Trump wasn't a mystery to them. He totally was. :p 


What the technology is and how it's used are going to be completely different. Trying to steer 24-hour news using social media, and randomly going nuts in public to every slight to you, don't have a hundred parallels in US history.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

They definitely need to use her ability to throw GOP members off-balance. They simply don't know how to respond to her. I'm not saying she's some magical politician, because she has flaws (no experience legislating, etc), but she also has talents that differ from most other legislators.


She also has a brighter spotlight than most other politicians.





Not that twitter is the be-all-end-all of media reach, but I think it's demonstrative of how much attention she can generate.


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3 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

It's interesting how Twitter has basically failed as a mainstream social media platform (declining users each year), but yet it's still huge in the political landscape.


Apparently the REALLY crazy shit that Trump aims at his supporters actually goes up on Instagram.

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5 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

It's interesting how Twitter has basically failed as a mainstream social media platform (declining users each year), but yet it's still huge in the political landscape.


Isnt that decline because of the fake account purges?

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NBC Opinion Piece: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 70 percent tax on the rich isn't about revenue, it's about decreasing inequality



Again, the revenue question is the wrong question. Not because talking about revenue plays into a Republican strategy of deeply hypocritical deficit fear mongering­­­­ — though it does. Not because extracting money from rich people is easy; there are serious technical questions about how to implement taxes on the very wealthy. The problem with using revenue to justify progressive taxation is that over time, an effective progressive tax system should actually raise less and less money.


Progressive taxation should work as a corrective tax, like tobacco taxes or a carbon tax. Sure, tobacco taxes raise some revenue for the states. But their primary purpose is to curb smoking. While a carbon tax could produce a lot of government revenue, the real point is to limit global warming pollution. In essence, corrective taxes try to put themselves out of business; if tobacco tax revenues decline because people quit smoking, or if carbon taxes stop rolling in because the economy becomes fossil-free, that is victory, not defeat.



[AOC's] wealth tax scares billionaires. But it's a great idea.


  • stepee 1
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