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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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5 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I love the looks on both their faces :lol:


Pence must be so torn. On one hand that top is quite revealing for his conservative values but on the other, she's obviously pro 2nd because the gun show is in town. :p

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1 minute ago, 2user1cup said:

I just want her to have a lot of security.




I like AOC but I don't think she's immune to real criticisms (and she'd be the first to admit she's in no way perfect and has a lot to learn).


But I will love her forever for how much she pisses off the right. And the more alt-right they are, the angrier she makes them. And her twitter game and self-effacing honesty and personality are so fucking refreshing. 

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21 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Funny how the right has become the political correctness and civility police. Remember when that used to be the left?


They really are vicious snowflakes.


100% projection as always



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5 minutes ago, Firewithin said:



So you could kinda tell it wasn't the original music during the part where he was on her knees pumping her fists while leaning forward, but now we have confirmation, and it's extra-hilarious that the person behind the QAnon account swapped in some burlesque-y music to try to make it bad. Here's the version with the alternate music, for comparison:



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4 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

When I heard that there was a dancing video, I was kinda hoping that it would be a lot more, um, exciting. That was just... nothing. 


Republicans, in yet another sad but brazen attempt to find anything to attack their political enemies, create yet another nothingburger. News at 11. :p 

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