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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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11 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

GOP also lost its super majority in NC state congress, meaning the Dem governor can no longer be overridden on vetos, I mean outside of the Senate and FL this has been a real beating.


for the actual blue wave everyone was hoping for, this was required. 


it was always a long shot, but it really wouldve let the GOP and Trump know the country is sick of their shit. Apparently, some states arent sick of it and maybe even like it. 

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Women have never held more than 84 of the 435 seats in the House. By 1:30 a.m. Wednesday as the votes were still being counted, 92 had already been declared winners.

“Women made history in a number of ways and were a significant force in flipping many districts from red to blue,” said Kelly Dittmar, a political scientist at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

Many of the winning candidates campaigned on the need for better health care for all Americans. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds — from military veterans to teachers — and many had never run for office before.

Women made inroads in gubernatorial races, too, which are particularly important because of the upcoming redistricting battles.

In both Kansas and Michigan, women flipped states that had been under Republican control.


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16 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Good but not great results. Or maybe great but not fantastic. Enough that hopefully the enthusiasm stays high. I'm hopeful for 2020 now, seeing that mid-east/mid-west states trump won elect Democratic governors and senators.


Glad Dave Brat lost, what a prick.

Brat can now spend more time gazing adoringly at his copy of Atlas Shrugged. 

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


A woman's right to determine what to do regarding her body and health < Than a Murican's unrestricted right to by silencers and AR-15's for "hunting and recreation".




Both are Constitutional rights. But one was magically interpreted from the right to privacy (which is not explicitly stated in the Constitution).  The other is actual text in the Constitution. 

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39 minutes ago, atom631 said:


for the actual blue wave everyone was hoping for, this was required. 


it was always a long shot, but it really wouldve let the GOP and Trump know the country is sick of their shit. Apparently, some states arent sick of it and maybe even like it. 

No one expected the Dems to flip the Senate... the numbers just weren't in their favor this year. Too many vulnerable Dem incumbents in Red States that Trump won handily plus the economy is doing really well. Trump actually did WORSE than he should have considering... 2020 though. I haven't given up hope yet in the people.

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7 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Both are Constitutional rights. But one was magically interpreted from the right to privacy (which is not explicitly stated in the Constitution).  The other is actual text in the Constitution. 


I guess the question is, if you ignore the constitution and had a choice between keeping A or B, which would you choose:


A - Right to own guns


B - Right to abortion, right to gay marriage, right to legal pot use, right to vote without suppression, right to healthcare


Would you still choose A and sacrifice B? And would that choice change if A was enshrined in the constitution and B was not? Or what if B was, and A was not? Because it sounds to me like you are a single-issue voter that is willing to sacrifice important rights for women and minorities and the poor in order to avoid losing 5% of your gun rights.

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21 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Both are Constitutional rights. But one was magically interpreted from the right to privacy (which is not explicitly stated in the Constitution).  The other is actual text in the Constitution. 


So you have a right to a tank? Or a Flamethrower? Or a Nuke? Because if the right to "bear arms" means "weapons" then Americans have the unrestricted right to any conceivable weapon imaginable with zero regulations. Every body ignores the "well regulated" part of the second amendment.

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29 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


A woman's right to determine what to do regarding her body and health < Than a Murican's unrestricted right to by silencers and AR-15's for "hunting and recreation".



There was a time, not just super long ago, when I still had a list of guns I wanted to eventually buy. 


Not anymore. I'm so over that shit. I actually sold off one of my pistols earlier this year. 


I would happily do away with the Second Amendment and implement new regulations on gun ownership. Americans have repeatedly proven they don't deserve unfettered access to guns. 

  • stepee 3
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You know what?  I'm going to go in the dead opposite direction of gun ownership.


There should be a national program to provide firearms to marginalized groups: African-Americans, Latin-Americans, LGBTQIA (I think I got all the letters), Muslims, any other ethnic/religious minority.  If the Constitution says something about "militias", then let's not allow the honkies have the monopoly on that shit!

  • Guillotine 1
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1 minute ago, SFLUFAN said:

You know what?  I'm going to go in the dead opposite direction of gun ownership.


There should be a national program to provide firearms to marginalized groups: African-Americans, Latin-Americans, LGBTQIA (I think I got all the letters), Muslims, any other ethnic/religious minority.  If the Constitution says something about "militias", then let's not let the honkies have the monopoly on that shit!


suddenly a million NRA member voices cried out in a faint whisper......we need gun control! 

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15 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

No one expected the Dems to flip the Senate... the numbers just weren't in their favor this year. Too many vulnerable Dem incumbents in Red States that Trump won handily plus the economy is doing really well. Trump actually did WORSE than he should have considering... 2020 though. I haven't given up hope yet in the people.



To put it into perspective, people talk about how badly the polls failed in '16, but on ED 538 had Trump's chance of winning about 3 times as high as the Dems had to take back the Senate(30% vs. 10%). It makes you appreciate just how much of a longshot Dems ever had of taking the Senate.


31 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Walker's defeat is definitely a highlight from last night.


Prior to the election we were talking about when we became politically engaged.


One of my early memories of being really into politics was Wisconsin trying to recall that cumstain.


One of my highlights from last night.

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3 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

There was a time, not just super long ago, when I still had a list of guns I wanted to eventually buy. 


Not anymore. I'm so over that shit. I actually sold off one of my pistols earlier this year. 


I would happily do away with the Second Amendment and implement new regulations on gun ownership. Americans have repeatedly proven they don't deserve unfettered access to guns. 


The thing is, you don't have to "do away with the second amendment" in order to enact sensible gun regulation. That's a false choice that's been perpetuated by the gun lobby. Especially when the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of regulation. It's that small, paranoid minority that's keeping anything meaningful from being done.

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2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

You know what?  I'm going to go in the dead opposite direction of gun ownership.


There should be a national program to provide firearms to marginalized groups: African-Americans, Latin-Americans, LGBTQIA (I think I got all the letters), Muslims, any other ethnic/religious minority.  If the Constitution says something about "militias", then let's not allow the honkies have the monopoly on that shit!


yeah the Black panthers tried that in the 60's... look what  happened to them. I personally don't need a gun... no need to give police ANOTHER reason to shoot first and ask questions later.

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


The thing is, you don't have to "do away with the second amendment" in order to enact sensible gun regulation. That's a false choice that's been perpetuated by the gun lobby. Especially when the overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of regulation. It's that small, paranoid minority that's keeping anything meaningful from being done.

I know. I'm just saying how much I've changed. I was never as big a gun nut as your average gun nut(like my parents), but I'm pretty much just like "fuck it" in regards to guns these days. I'll always keep my bolt action rifle I use for deer hunting, the 20 gauge shotgun that belonged to my late Papaw, and my two 22 LRs, one which I got from my parents when I turned 16 and one which my grandpa gave me that is from the 1930s. But other than that, meh. Other than the sentimental value and hunting, I just don't care about owning more guns. I hate that this is a problem unique to America and we don't do shit about it. 

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