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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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5 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


I think Beto is a great example of what I was referencing.  If he wins, it will be a minor miracle.  If he loses, I will pin it on his position on guns - or at least his perceived position on guns. I have no doubt that there were tens, if not hundreds of thousands of voters who held their noses and voted for Cruz, despite finding him smarmy and unlikable.  Many of these people are no doubt interested in O'Rourkes position on the economy, healthcare,  and other issues, but are not Democrats.  


I agree with you 100% when it comes to guns re: Dems. Look at 2006 and Dems were very will positioned in rural States and districts. Not so much the case now.

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19 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm this close to just giving up, leaving my job, getting in my car, and just drive until the car breaks down.  Why should I believe my new job in two weeks will work out?  There's no point in anything anymore.


The overall popular vote still looks to be a 5 to 10 point margin in favour of the democratics and they look like they are going to win the house. The only reason it's not a blowout is because of gerrymandering by the GOP. The Democrats are also winning more governorships. Yes Beto and Gillum losing will suck, but overall it's still a win for the Democrats tonight if they win the house, just not as big as some thought it would be.


Stay strong buddy.

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2 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

There's no point.  If the dems can't take the house, I'm done.


Turn the news off if it is hitting you this hard psychologically and try to find hobbies and interests to focus on. If you want to help people, there are non profits that need help and money. Just vote and do your part. That's all you can do. 


P.S. The Dems will take the house tonight. 

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Fuck this country's misconstruement of the 2nd amendment. No country in the world, Middle East or otherwise, cares as much about guns as Republicans do. 


Republicans are the reason this country is on the path towards making the movie Idiocracy a historical document. 

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57 minutes ago, Jose said:


The fuck is wrong with you?

According to Republicans nothing a gun in one hand, a bible in the other, a foot holding down a black person, with nary a hispanic or muslim in sight, with a woman huddled behind me crying from being sexually assaulted without a hope of justice, all while I watch every Dem and liberal burn in hell, couldn't fix.


Then I'd be just like them. Or at least their idealized version of themselves. 

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3 minutes ago, Emblazon said:

Fuck this country's misconstruement of the 2nd amendment. No country in the world, Middle East or otherwise, cares as much about guns as Republicans do. 


Republicans are the reason this country is on the path towards making the movie Idiocracy a historical document. 


Democrats are just as stupid. It’s both sides inability/lack of a desire to try and understand the other side that has put this country where it is. 

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4 minutes ago, Emblazon said:

Fuck this country's misconstruement of the 2nd amendment. No country in the world, Middle East or otherwise, cares as much about guns as Republicans do. 


Republicans are the reason this country is on the path towards making the movie Idiocracy a historical document. 


You are not going to win over rural voters with that attitude.  Being serious here.

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1 minute ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

OK, let’s all get some air. Center yourselves. Life is often not what we want or believe it should be. Keep clam and do your best to solider on. Tomorrow is another day. Uh, does anyone have any more platitudes, i’ve Used all of mine. :p


All I have is rum.

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