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Reminder about Florida, voting results and time zones:



In the note I write later tonight -- more like late tonight, I will send along my cheat sheet to how I will follow the election, but here's the deal, if the polling is right, and Gillum and Nelson win by 4 points or more, we will know pretty early, because as much as 50-60% of the state is likely to report before 7:30, 8:00 EST at the latest.  Do keep in mind, as I will remind you all tonight, there is a significant GOP vote in the central time zone, so the early numbers will get more Republican as the night goes on, but I will help try to explain this on twitter.


Big 'if' on the polling since we don't know were the polling errors are, but people who are good at reading Florida numbers will have a decent idea how close it'll be early in the night as they get the returns, and remember that there will be tightening no matter what because the Panhandle reports later as they're in a different time zone.

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6 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Reminder about Florida, voting results and time zones:



Big 'if' on the polling since we don't know were the polling errors are, but people who are good at reading Florida numbers will have a decent idea how close it'll be early in the night as they get the returns, and remember that there will be tightening no matter what because the Panhandle reports later as they're in a different time zone.


So part of Florida will start reporting while another part of Florida is still voting? I've always thought it's bad enough that that happens across states.

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:


So part of Florida will start reporting while another part of Florida is still voting? I've always thought it's bad enough that that happens across states.


Yeah, remember 2000? Media outlets called Florida while people were still voting in the Panhandle. I THINK early votes and all will still be reported early? But always remember there's typically a sizable GOP vote remaining in the Panhandle. If Dems are looking far enough ahead, it's possible the race will be called earlier if Dems really do win by +4 or greater. If it's a bit tighter, than how far ahead the GOP is in the Panhandle will be crucial.

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2 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


thank you for your service nate 


Ah, always nice to see reactions on Twitter from people who don't read past the headline. :) 



"So in the House we have Democrats with about a 4 in 5 chance of winning," Silver told ABC's "This Week."


However, he noted that "polls aren't always right."


"The range of outcomes in the House is really wide," he explained. "Our range, which covers 80 percent of outcomes goes from, on the low end, about 15 Democratic pickups, all the way to low to mid 50s, 52 or 53."


Hillary had a >80 chance of winning, and sure enough, Trump won. +15 Dems has around the same shot as +60.

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Dems only losing one Senate seat, gaining 10 Governor's, and ~50 house seats is about as optimistic/realistic as can be, considering about half of the Dem caucus is up this year in the Senate. The fact that IN/MO/and ND are all just lean R is very optimistic too. May still be able to get something there with good turnout.

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16 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Dems only losing one Senate seat, gaining 10 Governor's, and ~50 house seats is about as optimistic/realistic as can be, considering about half of a Dem caucus is up this year in the Senate. The fact that IN/MO/and ND are all just lean R is very optimistic too. May still be able to get something there with good turnout.


If all this happens (it would be REALLY nice to have a bunch of Dem governors for the upcoming census), I look forward to Chuck Todd's fabulous insight about how this means Dems are screwed because they'll have a lot to defend in 2024.

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Do you not understand how probability works?


The polls are fine, they were fine in 2016, reporting on the polls is shit as is most other reporting in this country.


Nate Silver 2008:  I called 49/50 states! look at me!


Nate Silver 2016-present: dO yOu NoT kNoW hOw PrObIlTy WoRkS



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8 minutes ago, Jose said:

I mean it didnt really show a systemic polling error last time. 

Yeah. National vote share was very close to the polling amount, and Trump won razor thin margins in PA, MI, and WI giving him the presidency. We may see the same thing here, with Dems getting the combined vote total for the house easily, but losing a bunch of house districts by a razor thin margin costing them control of the chamber. And about a 15% chance of just that scenario too.


There's also about the same % chance that Dems over perform (under counting/polling more marginal/less likely to vote groups) and even take the Senate, though I think this is a more remote chance.

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