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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


I like the level in which Massdriver gives a diverging economical opinion. People like jigs/heyyou could never do that, which is why I've always appreciated him.


Question about the bold: are you suggesting she's to the left of your average politician in Nordic countries or other European nations? I haven't seen that yet.



I think that's what he means, though. His opinion is that this is actual Marxism, not the "socialism" Obama was accused of.

If she agrees with the DSA statement posted here, then yes she is. Their Marxist positions are  posted in this thread for everyone to read. This is not “socialism” like we saw with Obama. This is the real deal. Read the wiki about the organization and see what ideologies they accept. Some of you are happy about this which is sad I suppose, but others seem to be in denial. If they aren’t trying to have the state control the market, then why do they state clearly they favor destroying the market economy? Alienation of labor, destroying the profit motive, and on and on. Good stuff


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I think you guys are overreacting to her nomination, lol.  A young latino woman beat an old white man in a younger district that has a large latino population in a year where women are excelling, I seriously doubt shes the reincarnation of Carl Marx, or even symbolic of a larger trend.  She just fit the district thats all.

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Liberals As the Overton Window Shifts into Including the Extreme Right Over the Past 40 Years: I Sleep
Liberals When One Socialist Candidate Gets Nominated and the Realization the Overton Window Might Shift Back to Enabling Occasionally Doing Something to the Left of Moderate Right: Real Shit

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But perhaps even more impressively, the initiative was decisively approved—during a midterm primary election—in spite of the fact that committees in support of State Question 788 were outspent by committees opposed to the measure six-to-one. According to the latest campaign finance records, Oklahomans for Health, which played a leading role in support of the initiative, and Yes On 788 spent a total of about $155,000 during their campaigns based on the latest campaign finance disclosure statements submitted June 26.


Committees opposed to the initiative, Oklahomans Against 788 and SQ Is NOT Medical spent a total of about $920,500 on their anti-legalization campaigns, some of which was used for television advertising against the measure. Supporters, on the other hand, did not have enough funds to go on the air with their message.


Chip Paul, chairman of Oklahomans for Health, told Marijuana Moment that the group’s minimal spending “speaks volume for liberty, freedom, unity… because Oklahoma united around this and made it happen.”



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4 minutes ago, Massdriver said:


Apparently there was also fuckery with making people specifically request a second ballot to vote on this? If that's true I'm thinking what likely happened is that it backfired on them due to the side in favor of it being way more likely to care enough to request the second ballot. 

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1 minute ago, Jason said:


Apparently there was also fuckery with making people specifically request a second ballot to vote on this? If that's true I'm thinking what likely happened is that it backfired on them due to the side in favor of it being way more likely to care enough to request the second ballot. 

Where did you read that? That's interesting and pretty fucked up.


The OK governor did everything to try to stop this thing. They lined up big cash, law enforcement, religious officials, and party leaders. They failed. To me Oklahoma signals the end of marijuana prohibition since they can't even stop it in a deeply red state during a primary vote. Yes it's medical, but it's loosely written medical not unlike the original California medical law in 1996. Every Republican in the country is looking at this and realizing it's over.

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7 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Where did you read that? That's interesting and pretty fucked up.


The OK governor did everything to try to stop this thing. They lined up big cash, law enforcement, religious officials, and party leaders. They failed. To me Oklahoma signals the end of marijuana prohibition since they can't even stop it in a deeply red state during a primary vote. Yes it's medical, but it's loosely written medical not unlike the original California medical law in 1996. Every Republican in the country is looking at this and realizing it's over.


I'm having trouble finding follow-up about this, but here's something from yesterday: http://www.news9.com/story/38512104/sq-788-advocacy-group-claims-ballots-being-withheld

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1 hour ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


the way people hate on her is magical

some of these "negatives" are hilarious.  higher education (need to keep dumb people), support seniors (fuck them old people who vote for the racist shit), womens rights (fuck them even though they voted for this shit too), housing (keep the darkies down)

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2 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


the way people hate on her is magical



Sean Hannity is a pretty good propagandist.


If that's the best he can do to smear this woman, I am fairly unworried about this supposed radical socialist takeover.


I would consider myself more on the moderate side of the party, and there is only 2 or 3 things on that list I might find objectionable at all.

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‘It’s not just one district’: Ocasio-Cortez pushes back on Pelosi’s caution not to read too much into her victory


I'm not going to disagree with Pelosi's overall assessment, but this REALLY got to me:


At another news conference on Thursday, Pelosi called Ocasio-Cortez “lovely” and said “we look forward to her invigoration of the Congress when she comes here.”




Nice condescension, you old bat. 

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4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Good for her.


Also I am fucking SHOCKED that Fox News actually said LGBTQIA+. I assume it’s a copy paste, but that jumped out at me for reasons I cannot easily articulate for some reason. :p


Fox knows that the more letters they use the more ridiculous and foreign it comes across to their viewers.


There are actually a lot of people in the LGBT community who think the acronym is becoming too complicated.

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3 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

You'd LOVE the military! :p

Isn't that true of most government entities? My wife works at the CDC and I have no idea what she is talking about half of the time. She works for IDEA which is under the DGMQ umbrella. lol

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The Democrat Is Up Big In Arizona’s Senate Race — For Now



ccording to a CBS News/YouGov poll conducted June 19-22, likely Democratic nominee U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema leads all of her potential Republican opponents by at least 7 percentage points among registered voters: She leads Rep. Martha McSally 41 percent to 34 percent, former state Sen. Kelli Ward 43 percent to 35 percent and former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio 45 percent to 28 percent.1 An NBC News/Marist poll conducted June 17-21 showed similar results: Sinema led McSally 49 percent to 38 percent, Ward 48 percent to 38 percent and Arpaio 57 percent to 32 percent.


If we take these results at face value, Arizona doesn’t even look that competitive; Sinema would be heavily favored. But there’s plenty of reason to believe that the race will tighten before November. One red flag is the high number of respondents who refused to support one of the two major party candidates. Instead, from 11 percent to 27 percent of voters said that they were undecided, intended to vote for a third-party candidate or won’t vote at all.



The uncommitted bloc looks likely to help the GOP in Arizona too. According to the crosstabs of these polls, these Arizonans are disproportionately Republican. For example, in the YouGov poll pitting Sinema against Ward, 92 percent of self-identified Democrats back Sinema, 4 percent aren’t sure and 1 percent want to vote for someone else — but among self-identified Republicans, just 75 percent support Ward, 11 percent aren’t sure and 8 percent say they’ll vote for someone else. In Marist’s Sinema-McSally matchup, 88 percent of Democrats are behind Sinema and just 2 percent are undecided; just 77 percent of Republicans support McSally and 13 percent say they’re undecided.


Why the disparity? Republicans are in the midst of a contentious primary between McSally, Ward and Arpaio, while Democrats are united behind Sinema. Many Ward voters, for example, are not inclined to think kindly of McSally at the moment, and that’s probably keeping some usually reliable Republican voters from telling pollsters they will support the party’s nominee no matter what. But by the fall, these voters usually return to the fold as hard feelings from the primary fade away.


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lol, Illinois GOP couldn't even manage to find a 3rd party candidate, also Ted Cruz telling people to vote democrat must hurt.



McSweeney’s comments come just days after the filing deadline passed for qualifying a third-party candidate for the general election — which could have provided a safe harbor for Illinois Republican votes. Prior to that, the party had also failed to recruit a candidate to challenge Jones in the primary election, failed to knock him off the primary ballot and wasn’t able to field a write-in candidate against him in the primary.

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