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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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Thinking Trump is having trouble filling his Vegas rally (which I would think is to attempt to help Heller). Just got off the phone with somebody from the Republican committee in Vegas begging us to go (we live 5 hours away). It got to the point that I had to inform him 3 times over the course of the call that he is calling a household that has a registered Democrat and I am non-partisan. He kept pushing to the point that I just had to hang up. 

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37 minutes ago, Littleronin said:

Thinking Trump is having trouble filling his Vegas rally (which I would think is to attempt to help Heller). Just got off the phone with somebody from the Republican committee in Vegas begging us to go (we live 5 hours away). It got to the point that I had to inform him 3 times over the course of the call that he is calling a household that has a registered Democrat and I am non-partisan. He kept pushing to the point that I just had to hang up. 


It's been known for a while now that they have to pack these Hitler Youth Rallies with paid crisis actors.

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GOP officials: Indicted Rep. Chris Collins (and one of Trump's first supporters) to stay on ballot



Indicted U.S. Rep. Chris Collins of New York will remain on the November ballot despite previously suspending his campaign, confounding Republican Party leaders in his district Monday who had counted on Collins' cooperation to replace him.


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3 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

Your stronger candidates and your most numerous candidates aren't going to run against an incumbent. I'm actually pretty surprised by how many are gearing up to run in 2020, especially the bigger names.


My favorite response:



While that is typically the case, I can see why 2020 against Trump would be seen as different based on a few factors.


1. HRC won’t the popular vote by a *lot*  and narrowly missed the electoral  win by relatively tiny margins in key states.


2. Trump is historically unpopular despite the common indicators of favorability being, ahem, in his favor.


3. That makes 2020 pretty winnable which would mean that a Dem candidate basically would have to wait until 2028 for their next chance if a Dem does indeed win in 2020.


4. It feels like the next big thing in the party may still be unknown, which probably leaves a lot of currently small timers dreaming it could be them.


I think all that lends itself towards both a lot of big names going for it and a large total number of candidates at least trying for the first contests.


We shall see!

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

To follow your #3 above, that means for Biden, Bernie, and some of the old guard, this is their last chance to run.

Yup. Like Warren who would be turning 80 on Inauguration Day if she waited for 2028 to run.

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27 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

Warren would never win so who cares 


That’s not really relevant to whether or not she would choose to run in 2020 or wait for 2028 if another Dem wins in 2020, but thanks.

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4 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Yesterday we got a Cruz +9, today we got a O'Rourke +2 both from good pollsters.


And even if Beto loses, he's forcing the GOP to divert a ton of effort and resources defending what "should" have been a safe race. 

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22 minutes ago, Jason said:


And even if Beto loses, he's forcing the GOP to divert a ton of effort and resources defending what "should" have been a safe race. 


I guess you could say they thought he'd CRUZ to victory.


























I hope someone assaults me for making that joke.

  • Guillotine 3
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Totally anecdotal, but I’ve had a lot of my regular republican voting friends say they are not voting for Cruz, and strongly considering voting for O’Rourke. It’s been surprising to see.

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Rightwing outrage media machine tries to gin up a fuss when it is shockingly revealed that lifelong Democrat Willie Nelson is supporting Beto O'Rourke. Willie Nelson shoots it down in the most Willie Nelson way possible.


"I don't care"


I liked the video that was posted in the comments, I hadn't realized Willie had covered this one :daydream:




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18 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Totally anecdotal, but I’ve had a lot of my regular republican voting friends say they are not voting for Cruz, and strongly considering voting for O’Rourke. It’s been surprising to see.


Dems have actually run really strong candidates in a ton of races this year. Of course, that tends to happen in a year that favors a party, and they did run some stronger runs in 2014 (Crist was a strong opponent against Scott in Florida, Nunn/Carter were decent in Georgia), but they're running many people who are actually exciting the base considerably. Gillum has people excited here in a way that DeSantis does not; Gillum is running an issues campaign while DeSantis ran a, "I love Trump and put my baby in Trump onesies," campaign and is trying to scare people away from Gillum. He also upset some of his supporters with his pick of a #NeverTrumper as his lt. governor. It's Florida, so it'll be a competitive race regardless; Gillum is not so far in the lead that I'm resting on my laurels, but living in Florida, you just never rest on your laurels. :p 


After a thinner bench in 2016, this could be a year they could really build future stars if they continue to campaign and fundraise as they've been doing.

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