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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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Harsh, but fair.


I do try to give her the benefit of the doubt but even then she's failing to make her case well and letting her caucus lead her rather than the other way around. This isn't the ACA. Counting votes is mostly not useful in this fight.


Someone I saw on Twitter made the point best when he said that Pelosi doesn't want to waste time with impeachment votes only to fail in the Senate while she's passing show bills that .. only fail in the Senate. She's 100% missing where the politics are on this one; although I do still believe that if she got her head out of her ass she'd still be the best leader in the house right now.

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Interesting point: Representative Ayanna Pressley begged the press not to let President Trump and his racist comments distract from the real issues. But one of the very first questions went to Representative Ilhan Omar, asking her to address “rumors” that she was a communist associated with Al-Qaeda.


Omar, to her credit, kept incredibly cool in the face of this very Islamaphobic question, and rightfully pointed out that almost all Americans who are Muslim have had questions of this ilk directed at them at some point in their lives. She said she would not dignify the question with answer.



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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:


Interesting point: Representative Ayanna Pressley begged the press not to let President Trump and his racist comments distract from the real issues. But one of the very first questions went to Representative Ilhan Omar, asking her to address “rumors” that she was a communist associated with Al-Qaeda.


Omar, to her credit, kept incredibly cool in the face of this very Islamaphobic question, and rightfully pointed out that almost all Americans who are Muslim have had questions of this ilk directed at them at some point in their lives. She said she would not dignify the question with answer.



Typical politician dodging the question and not addressing the real issues.

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15 hours ago, Anathema- said:

Harsh, but fair.


I do try to give her the benefit of the doubt but even then she's failing to make her case well and letting her caucus lead her rather than the other way around. This isn't the ACA. Counting votes is mostly not useful in this fight.


Someone I saw on Twitter made the point best when he said that Pelosi doesn't want to waste time with impeachment votes only to fail in the Senate while she's passing show bills that .. only fail in the Senate. She's 100% missing where the politics are on this one; although I do still believe that if she got her head out of her ass she'd still be the best leader in the house right now.

Impeachment proceedings isn’t just about whether the have the votes in the Senate. It’s the live hearings and investigations the House can hold. It’s more shady and illegal shit coming to light right in the open for all the American people to see. 


And then with all the evidence against him, it’s Republicans that have to stand behind a vote not to impeach. To go on record that they’re ok with a President as criminally corrupt as Trump not facing any consequences. 


Before the open hearings into Watergate there wasn’t the votes or public opinion to impeach Nixon. The public hearings tipped everything away from Nixon. All he could done as run away. 


Pelosi doesn’t even want to try. I can’t tell if Republicans have something on her, or she’s just lazy. 

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In addition to pushing Democrats to embrace members of their party on the left, the other benefit for him is that turning the fight into cultural warfare has distracted from criticism of a border policy that has resulted in the use of mass detention camps while failing to achieve his promises of stopping illegal immigration, building a major wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and deporting millions of undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S.


"Let's not forget why Trump is attacking Democratic women of color in the first place: They brought attention to the inhumane conditions they saw at this administration's detention camps," former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee who lost to Trump in 2016, wrote on Twitter on Monday.


Trump and his defenders said that his tweets — nearly a dozen over two days — were about patriotism, not race.


"Their disgusting language and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged," he tweeted after the initial backlash. "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!"





And as the group again claimed the spotlight during their Monday press conference, the president congratulated himself on his strategy's success. "The Dems were trying to distance themselves from the four 'progressives,'" he tweeted — "but now they are forced to embrace them."


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40 minutes ago, Jose said:

We've become exponentially desensitized to this stuff, but Trump's recent tweets are so fucking bad.

There are a lot of people that just don’t comprehend what a vile thing it is to tell an American citizen to go back to their country. It’s enraging, and you all know that I’m not a fan of the targets of that garbage. 

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