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OceanGate Titan submersible disaster - UPDATE 18 Sept 2024 - USCG Releases footage of wreckage portions

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12 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

So, on reflection -


As much as I think it was in poor taste to meme the demise of these people, I do get it. These are people who have wealth that we will never know, who do nothing other than profit from our sweat and blood, and you want us to shed a tear? Let me play the world's tiniest violin because an expedition that you knew could be deadly turned out to actually be deadly, and seemingly in no small part because the CEO hates safety regulations that put the rest of us at risk the same way all corporations want to put us at risk, then blame us when shit goes south. The same regulations that you shoot down so you can make an extra buck. 


This kind of event does shed light on how the common person actually views these people. Imagine if Musk or Bezos actually bit it during a rocket launch.


When the wealth of the few has reached a level where a (seeming) majority of people reflect on their deaths with apathy at best or joy at worst... maybe there's a problem.


And again, I get it. This little trip cost more than I make in 4-5 years


The craziest part of all this to me is that the CEO was so high on his own supply that he got in this death trap and died with them. This dude was so committed to being cheap that even he thought all the shady safety things weren't that big of a deal and thought he could go see the Titanic wreckage with a video game controller from fucking Radioshack. So maybe these people aren't necessarily as evil as we think they are, but after having everything in life go right for you you get a God complex and think nothing can go wrong. Because as someone else said, safety is gay, don't be a pussy Timmy we got rich people shit to do. 

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Just now, Kal-El814 said:

Y’all motherfuckers keep bringing up the Logitech controller as if it wasn’t the most tested part of this death trap, and I’m here to cancel anyone that keeps doing it :p


cancel me all the way into a string of lucrative netflix specials bb

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16 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Y’all motherfuckers keep bringing up the Logitech controller as if it wasn’t the most tested part of this death trap, and I’m here to cancel anyone that keeps doing it :p


Because it's fucking hilarious, that's why. 

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51 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Y’all motherfuckers keep bringing up the Logitech controller as if it wasn’t the most tested part of this death trap, and I’m here to cancel anyone that keeps doing it :p

The fact that it’s not a first party controller is indicative of the all around quality of the vehicle. Most tested or not, an Xbox controller or dual shock would have been more tested :P

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


It still hasn't succumbed to the trademark Logitech double click issue? 

Nope I'm actually surprised its still going. I think I got a unicorn though cause most of them last 3 years tops. 

The scroll wheel was not working so well but once I soaked the whole thing in 99.9% alcohol and scrubbed it with a toothbrush its working like new again. 

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13 hours ago, legend said:



It is rational to want the death of horrible people that harm the world, so that's fine. But there is no way to justify wanting them to horrifically suffer on top of that without invoking some pretty ugly values. It's a common human reaction to wish for such suffering, but it's not one we should encourage.


That's where I land.

Yeah, I agree. I don't celebrate the deaths of these people (especially not the 19 year old), but my point is I can understand why people do.


Broad concept it's sort of a "those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable" kind of thing. When we've apparently hit a point where people are celebrating the deaths of people who committed no crime other than being rich, one begins to draw parallels to France in 1789.

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6 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

When we've apparently hit a point where people are celebrating the deaths of people who committed no crime other than being rich


You arguably can't be a billionaire without having done something that's at least unethical.

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4 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

The fact that it’s not a first party controller is indicative of the all around quality of the vehicle. Most tested or not, an Xbox controller or dual shock would have been more tested :P

Sadly the passengers on this doomed voyage survived longer than a DualShock battery would have so…

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5 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

Y’all motherfuckers keep bringing up the Logitech controller as if it wasn’t the most tested part of this death trap, and I’m here to cancel anyone that keeps doing it :p


The worst part was there was one button in the ship (not the controller) because,"it shouldn't be complicated"

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On 6/23/2023 at 8:00 AM, Xbob42 said:

The 19 year old "kid" was an adult and I'm pretty sure knew his dad thought safety was gay as he was happy to tell people. I'd be asking my dad what he wanted in his eulogy, not getting in the coffin next to him.


Adult in the legal sense, but yes still a kid biologically and mentally. Still a teenager, and we know the brain doesn't fully mature until about age 25. The kid was terrified about going, but apparently wanted to please his dad, and go with him as a bonding exercise. His dad isn't the one who thought safety was "gay", that was the CEO of the Ocean Gate company. 


The CEO that cut corners on safety though? Reap what you sow, but asshole cost the lives of 4 other innocent people. 

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7 minutes ago, Brick said:


Adult in the legal sense, but yes still a kid biologically and mentally. Still a teenager, and we know the brain doesn't fully mature until about age 25. The kid was terrified about going, but apparently wanted to please his dad, and go with him as a bonding exercise. His dad isn't the one who thought safety was "gay", that was the CEO of the Ocean Gate company. 


The CEO that cut corners on safety though? Reap what you sow, but asshole cost the lives of 4 other innocent people. 

Yeah if you're dumb enough to get on that piece of shit my sympathy faucet has dried up. We lose tens of thousands of innocent people to shit that wasn't their own incredible stupidity every day. I think I'll keep my sympathy for them over Suicide Squad over here. I ain't about to weep every time someone makes the most incredibly stupid decisions humanly possible. I think it's weird the amount of people trying to make us feel sorry for these, and I cannot fucking stress this enough: world class dipshits, just the absolute lowest of the totem pole morons.

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9 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Yeah if you're dumb enough to get on that piece of shit my sympathy faucet has dried up. We lose tens of thousands of innocent people to shit that wasn't their own incredible stupidity every day. I think I'll keep my sympathy for them over Suicide Squad over here. I ain't about to weep every time someone makes the most incredibly stupid decisions humanly possible. I think it's weird the amount of people trying to make us feel sorry for these, and I cannot fucking stress this enough: world class dipshits, just the absolute lowest of the totem pole morons.


We know it's a piece of shit now because of everything that's coming out about it, the company, and the CEO because of this story, but did they know all that beforehand, or were they sold on "an innovative, and groundbreaking submersible vessel, designed to show you the wonders of the wreckage of the Titanic"? I would think the latter since yeah knowing everything we know now about the vessel, there's no way I'd be paying 250K for a ride in it, hell I wouldn't ride in it if you paid me 250K. Fault the adults all you want, but again this kid seemed to be forced into it. How many of us were fully, truly independent from our parents at 19?


It does make me wonder though how many other companies' "thrill seeking" offerings are truly safe. I've done bungee jumping, canyon swinging, skydiving, etc., but those were all reputable companies, with strict safety regulations (or so I believe). The idea of exploring the Titanic wreckage I might do from a vessel like the ones James Cameron used, but how easily, and available would it be to research something like Ocean Gate's Titan beforehand so I could do my own risk assessment, and decide there's no way in hell I'm getting in something with so many safety red flags, like only being able to be opened from the outside. 

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These scam companies market themselves as "disruptors" and innovators. The people who they are scamming don't have perfect access to information or maybe they were just dumb. But being dumb shouldn't be a death sentance. That is why you need regulations and standards to protect people.

This company should have never been allowed to operate. 

I will say this though rich people and especially billionaires fight tooth and nail against regulations only to die from lack of safety regulations is delicious irony.  I understand why people feel very little sympathy. 

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3 hours ago, Brick said:

 How many of us were fully, truly independent from our parents at 19?


How many of us had a father that was a billionaire from the UAE? This was a great time to say, "I love you dad, but you're nuts. I think I'll be spending the day playing golf on top of the Burj Khalifa"

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38 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

All I'm gonna say is this story dominated cable news for nearly a week while almost 100 refugees drowning in Europe barely made a blip... so forgive me if I don't have a lot of sympathy for privileged idiots who paid a bunch of money to kill themselves.  Sorry not sorry.


I had a friend share the same frustration.

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People are just tired of feeling like our lives have no value. We lived through a pandemic that claimed over a million lives while the mega rich were mostly unaffected and profited from our suffering. Life moved on, but now we are supposed to stop and pretend like these people are somehow more valuable than those of us who die everyday from not being able to afford medical expenses?


I agree that the 19 year old is the most sympathetic in this situation, but if it we aren't gonna hold him responsible then why let the father off the hook? He was in charge of not just his life, but the life of his own son. Not doing enough research  beforehand when it involves the life of his child is just unacceptable. It's one thing to make irresponsible for yourself, it's much worse to make them for other people. It's not like this company wasn't already notorious in the deep sea community.

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