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Beat it - Bacon's Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins thread.


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The game skips over what is basically the prologue and it jumps straight into chapter 1. Very weird choice IMO. The party all arrives at the main town at the same time but seems to be lacking memories and then they just join up as they all have this urge to kill Chaos. They get sent on busy work which would be that prologue and skip right over the team building. Right away, Jack is a no bullshit guy and it is indeed worthy of the giga chad meme. He was told that Chaos doesn’t exist, said bullshit, and walked away while blasting limp bizkit. Shit is great. Jack was asked to say something to a scared kid. How did Jack respond to the kid? “Where’s the mayor.” Great people skills, Jack! 


This game has 3 difficulty modes from the start, and I of course picked hard and play without AI party members(aka solo). The game is hard, but it is also I’m not used to the intricacies of combat. The same thing happened to me with Nioh. It has two methods of guarding. It makes sense, but I wish they just did the more advanced guard and based the game around that. I haven’t even really used the regular guard yet as the advanced guard is what fills your MP.


MP works like this. You have two base magic charges. Magic charges are used for everything but basic attacks and healing. You can get expandable charges by doing your finishing move that I will call soul sucking cuz it’s funny, and by using your advanced guard. Your advanced guard drains your stagger gauge much faster than regular blocking. If you get staggered, you are often one hit away from death. Expendable charges go away on death and until you recover whatever it is that drops when you die. I don’t believe you can gain more expendable charges until you complete the corpse run. Now your basic skills only spend the MP in your MP charge slots, but you have advanced skills that also consume the charge slots. It takes longer to rebuild an MP charge slot than to regain MP. 


You can also dash and roll. You press evade once for dash, which seems to have i-frames and after a dash you can roll, which the game specifically points out that you can get hurt while rolling, and rolling is used to mainly cover distance. 


I found the first boss to be one of the hardest first bosses I have ever encountered and it does do a good job at making you better at the game. You die until you learn or give up. I really enjoyed it and replayed that mission again right away to fight the boss again. 


The game is also mission-based, like the Nioh games. The vast majority of cutscenes happened between missions. Actually, some missions are just cutscenes. There are also side quests which, at least this early on, have no story content, and are short and sweet missions with a mini-boss at the end. 


If I had to compare this to a From game, I’d say it is a mix of Elden Ring and Sekiro combat wise. And I forgot to mention, but you can only soul suck your enemies once you stagger them. The first boss had a split HP bar. You can get him to 50% which automatically staggers him, or you can break his stagger bar, soul suck, and take him to 50% that way. I killed the first boss with my soul suck and I was able to stagger him before I drained all of his HP. Similar situations like that occurred in Sekiro.


The job/weapon system seems kinda superficial right now. You kinda just wanna level everything so you can get all the passive and advanced skills (mostly buffs) that can be used regardless of job/weapon. Right now, I favor the Greatsword and Shield and Sword. The Swordfighter job really comes in clutch as you can spend 1 magic charge to make yourself invincible for one attack and when attacked you automatically retaliate with a devastating slash. It actually feels kinda busted and it is hella fun. Shame it seems tied to a base job and not an advanced job. I’d love to use it the whole game and with other weapons.


Overall, I am really enjoying the game.


And that’s all I have to say for now. Will update as I get further.

I probably won’t be beating this before FFXVI so I doubt I’ll have much more to say until some point after FFXVI. 

  • stepee 1
  • Halal 1
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@stepee It's not really impressions, more of an overview of the start of the game.


Also, really dig the music so far. Game visually looks kinda meh, like a late PS3 or early PS4 game. Runs alright but with a few hiccups. The aesthetic is on point.



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1 minute ago, stepee said:

So I never quite got it, does it actually tell them same story for the most part as FF1 or is it just within the same universe or is it an alternate universe that is similar to it?

It tells the FF1 story but it adds a bit extra.


This game is super fun but using FF1 as the backdrop really holds it back. The story in FF1 lies somewhere between trash and completely non-existent.

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I have beaten 3 bosses in total now, and the second one I didn't care for. I even watched a video after I was done with that boss to make sure I wasn't missing something. I wasn't. It was just a boss where you will never realistically drain its break meter and instead have to focus on just raw damage. I ended up just face-tanking it with my spin-to-win move.

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3 hours ago, Bacon said:

I have beaten 3 bosses in total now, and the second one I didn't care for. I even watched a video after I was done with that boss to make sure I wasn't missing something. I wasn't. It was just a boss where you will never realistically drain its break meter and instead have to focus on just raw damage. I ended up just face-tanking it with my spin-to-win move.

That's how sekiro is too. You're supposed to break posture on like 99% of enemies but theres like 2-3 bosses that it's way easier to just do direct damage to them.

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2 hours ago, legend said:

I do want to play this one at some point because it's just so fucking over the top I feel like I'll be laughing through the whole thing.

It's fun overall, but my major complaint is the loot system. Ever since Nioh, the Diablo Looter Shooter Loot Pinata gearing sucks. Like, I'm out here spending what feels like hours dismantling gear. You fill up the 600 inventory slots hella fast. There is a loot filter system that automatically dismantles gear you don't want, but this early on the only gear I don't want is shit without Job Affinity, and even then grey gear still matters if it won't put me under the required amount of affinity.

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19 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

That's how sekiro is too. You're supposed to break posture on like 99% of enemies but theres like 2-3 bosses that it's way easier to just do direct damage to them.

Yeah, I just didn't expect it to literally be the next boss after the boss that made it seem that staggering is the best option.


In other news, boy og boy is Berserker the best. The fourth boss, the duo elemental boss, was turned into mana mist with my overpowered berserkpowered giga charged axe R2 attack of hell. I just did R1 > (hold) R2 over and over again. Boss got rekt.

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8 hours ago, Bacon said:

It's fun overall, but my major complaint is the loot system. Ever since Nioh, the Diablo Looter Shooter Loot Pinata gearing sucks. Like, I'm out here spending what feels like hours dismantling gear. You fill up the 600 inventory slots hella fast. There is a loot filter system that automatically dismantles gear you don't want, but this early on the only gear I don't want is shit without Job Affinity, and even then grey gear still matters if it won't put me under the required amount of affinity.


I generally like loot, but that does sound like a bit much! Perhaps I'll wait for a sale.

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Made this clip yesterday

Admittedly, I played like shit (bad dark souls habits) during my first encounter with this elite mob, but the second encounter is over in seconds. Goes to show that it can be important to bring the, uh, right job for the job. I feel that this clip really embodies the spirit of the game.

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2 minutes ago, stepee said:

I wonder how easy the easy is, this looks pretty fun.

Not sure, but you can block the red unblockable attacks on the easy mode. They happen in the video, kinda hard to see them due to the enemy flying.

Even on hard, there are AI companions and they aren't incompetent which is exactly why I don't use them even tho thematically it actually makes more sense to use them.

  • Halal 1
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For players who want to focus on the storyline without worrying about breaking a sweat, you can opt to enable Casual Mode. This is only applicable for players who select Story difficulty and has enemy strength and rewards to match, but also offers the following benefits:

  • Break gauge consumption for Soul Shield and other abilities is reduced
  • Enemies with unblockable attacks can be blocked in Casual Mode
  • Maximum MP does not decrease when you fall in battle
  • Your allies will automatically revive if they fall in battle


Soul Shield is how you absorb enemy attacks for MP and temporary magics.

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Man, I always thought FF1 felt like it could be an





Isekai translates to “otherworld” or “another world” and covers a genre of fiction that involves a character being put into an unfamiliar world and having to learn how to survive.


Guess it is now!

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  • Bacon changed the title to Beat it - Bacon's Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins thread.

Well, I beat the main campaign and its final boss. Man, it is a hell of a game. It is a game that is full of soul. I don't know what the post-game holds, but for what I have played, I have it a 10/10. I loved every minute with this game. It is not even close to an objective masterpiece, but I love it nonetheless. I can get why FF fans may dislike it. I understand the endgame will be a grind fest, but the grind only happens when the credits roll. For what I played, I love it. I would love another to be made somehow. Jack is the GOAT.


  • The music is really great and has a lot of fantastic remixes. It really stands out.
  • The gameplay was fun, but I found it to be too easy on hard.
  • The game isn't very long if you don't do post-game. About 20-30 hours. Definitely more a of long action game rather than a short RPG.
  • The level design is just fine. Too much insisting on creating paths that loop back around, but it's the best level design I have experienced in a team ninja game.
  • The visuals aren't amazing, but I found myself enjoying the visual design of the levels. Pretty much every level has a unique design and theme.
  • It has a perfect ending. I don't see how they could have done it any better.
  • stepee 1
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Here is the final boss lol. I'll spoiler-tag it just in case.

If you have watched any of my other videos you'll know how the final boss plays out.




Now nothing stands in my way for Final Fantasy XVI. Thanks, @stepee for Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. :twothumbsup:

  • stepee 1
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I will say that there aren't as many funny Jack moments as I'd like. They only did the limp bizkit thing at the beginning of the game, but there are some hilarious moments.


Without spoilers, a character asks if their parents are alive. Jack's response? "Nope. Sorry to disappoint." It was so unexpected at that moment that I burst out laughing. Another time had Jack asking who a character is, it was a serious moment where the character was revealing their back story. Jack goes, "I'm sorry I asked. To be honest, I don't give a damn about you.":lol:


Edit: Quotes changed to the actual quotes.

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It is worth it to play with and invest some time into your companions


because in the final missions, you are forced to play alone. While gameplay-wise, I do not regret it, story-wise, the story would have felt more impactful if you were actually fighting alongside your companions the whole time only to be forced into solo play at the end.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I started it last night and honestly on my laptop it looks and runs pretty darn great. I played the demo on ps5 back before the game was out and idk what it looks like there now but this certainly is much nicer looking than I pictured. 120fps for the most part on my laptop too maxed at 1600p/dlss quality. Noticed a little stutter here and there but within normal range. Seems like a solid port at least now.

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Like I’m in the

under water area with the glowing mushrooms and or whatever this place is

and it’s such a cool vibe and unique compared to say the more drab setting of FF16. Also maybe SE just has a hdr dynamic contrast friendly mandate because the hdr is excellent here too.

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37 minutes ago, stepee said:

Like I’m in the

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and it’s such a cool vibe and unique compared to say the more drab setting of FF16. Also maybe SE just has a hdr dynamic contrast friendly mandate because the hdr is excellent here too.

As a 14 fan, I really liked it too


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