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The First Descendant | F2P 3rd Person Action RPG Shooter Using Unreal Engine 5 | Coming July 2, 2024 for Consoles & PC


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2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


It's like if they made Lucio a cute woman and then made her nearly naked at the end. :p

True, welcome to sad little incel land... :dab: The frequency with which I see truly awful gamer tags in this game makes me feel not great. I'm usually one to just ignore chat in games, but I've found myself occasionally commenting in chat and then dropping the match on the particularly bad ones. I'm not playing with "XXhangXDarkyXX" :| I also received a friend request from a "Onlywhytes" and I told that guy to fuck right off. What a planet! :p

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24 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

You're too op that's why people want to be your friend. I'm very safe in my low level world :p


I haven't seen too many offensive usernames off the top of my head that I can remember either.

I'm shocked you haven't! I can't turn around without running into vulgar names. Just yesterday I saw:



XcunXtxSlayerX and TidBittyInspector


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2 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I'm shocked you haven't! I can't turn around without running into vulgar names. Just yesterday I saw:


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Those kinds of things would have amused me at one point but I've gotten pretty old and cranky in my old and cranky age.


But I do still watch Kill Tony...

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4 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I'm shocked you haven't! I can't turn around without running into vulgar names. Just yesterday I saw:


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Steam names are probably high on the offensive list because they can always change. I get teamed up with Playstation and Xbox people fairly often, then in Albion I don't look at too many people. I mean I'm sure I've come across something but nothing that scars your memory like you've seen.

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Okay, good haul this week! Luna has been completed, I have 2 of 4 parts for Ultimate Valby and I’ve completed my build of Enduring Legacy! (860K). Current goal is to finish valby and collect final two gold tier elemental resistance mods.also, Gluttony has fallen to my steady stream of bullets…

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2 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Okay, good haul this week! Luna has been completed, I have 2 of 4 parts for Ultimate Valby and I’ve completed my build of Enduring Legacy! (860K). Current goal is to finish valby and collect final two gold tier elemental resistance mods.also, Gluttony has fallen to my steady stream of bullets…


What do you think of these so called "unisex" Hawaiian shirts? I looked at them and they are only available for the male characters. What if I want to be a lady in a Hawaiian shirt? :cry:


Also, I might need your power on this mission in White Night Gulch. Last time I ran it, I was alone and couldn't finish the boss. So if no one shows up next time I try it I might have to bring in the ringer. :p

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8 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

@Keyser_Soze Hawaiian shirts for all or Hawaiian shirts for none! I’ll be around today if you require clobbering of a boss. 


Turns out I didn't need you this time. I joined the mission with 3 other people, with an ultimate bunny that could wipe the room in seconds while three of us played the bongos. :p

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QOL coming



Greetings, Descendants. This is the Director of The First Descendant, Minseok Joo. Today, I am here to share preview about Hotfix 1.0.7. We're aiming to release Hotfix 1.0.7 on Tuesday, August 13th, as we need additional time to verify some issues. In the meantime, I'd like to share some key updates in this hotfix. First, we’re adjusting the options for the Infiltration Operation on Hard Mode. The ‘Grappling Hook Disabled’...


I wonder if they will get to any type of character balance adjustments.


I'm mainly using Freyna but her kit seems weak. Her Q (and the rest of these won't make sense for you filthy game pad user, plus my keybinds are not default anyway. :p ) is alright, she shoots a poison that can stick to the enemy or the ground. However it is a skill shot so you could miss, meaning you basically did no damage.


Her E requires enemies to hit you in order to do damage. It's a "defense" skill but does not help in a significant way, if you get to that point you're getting shredded down anyway. If this was like an AOE skill, like a toxic cloud (she's stinky) that affected others I feel like it would be much better. Other characters like Bunny, Viessa or Valby have the benefit of skills that are essentially AOE. They create a trail or an area around them that damages enemies. Freyna's is basically like these skills but doesn't lay anything down.

Then her R (or 3rd skill) is a lot like her first skill but a bigger puddle but does less damage


Then her ultimate is just changing her gun to a poison gun but I feel like it's never better than a real gun.


What I'm saying is she needs a total rework. :p

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Freyna is up there with the likes of Kyle and Jayber right now. They exist but not in a way that makes you want to play them. Her poison needs to transmit virally for her build to be truly impactful outside of farming void shard that require poison damage. 

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@Mr.Vic20 So is Pyromaniac the hard one that requires coordination? I'll be tackling that one next, maybe people are good at it now.


Also finished the battle pass with 2 weeks to spare, but not all the weekly challenges though. Luckily in the patch notes they dumbed down the last two weeks. :p

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1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:

@Mr.Vic20 So is Pyromaniac the hard one that requires coordination? I'll be tackling that one next, maybe people are good at it now.


Also finished the battle pass with 2 weeks to spare, but not all the weekly challenges though. Luckily in the patch notes they dumbed down the last two weeks. :p

if you are in normal mode, the final boss of that difficulty level is "The Hanged Man" he has a gimmick. In Hard mode there are three bosses with gimmicks:


* Obstructor 

* Frost Walker

* Gluttony


Nice work clearing the BP in the "pre season" window!

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I'm still trying to get that Venom Synthesis module, it's just NOT dropping like ever.


It sounds like it makes one of her skills like Viessa which would fix one of my complaints about her, but of course the bigger complaint is it's behind a very hard to get module. :p

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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:

I'm still trying to get that Venom Synthesis module, it's just NOT dropping like ever.


It sounds like it makes one of her skills like Viessa which would fix one of my complaints about her, but of course the bigger complaint is it's behind a very hard to get module. :p

Like so much of the game, patches are mostly about adding QoL features and reducing difficulties.

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I've acquired Enzo's Ascendant mod "Supply Firearm Enhancement"! This is perhaps the hardest mod to get in the game currently as it requires you to use Enzo to unlock Ultra precise encrypted vaults with like a 1% chance of getting this drop! That's rough, but actually accumulating enough ultra code breakers to even attempt this farm took...not a few hours. Anyway, I'm excited to now complete his build. I generally try not to invest in most non ult descendants, but given that he is essentially the current meta build, and it helps the whole team, I'll put in the time on this basic descendant.  

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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:

Is he the guy who spawns an extra gun on you that shoots off and explodes? I've played with a few of them.

Yeah, he's the dork with the death stranding style thing on his shoulder. The build I'm working on drops an ammo resupply crate that also hyper charges you critical hit and atk speed when you touch it. He can drop this without much pause over and over again and it works for the whole party. Add in Enduring Legacy with 850K DPS to this equation and I'm hitting for north of 1 million DPS! Gluttony, I'm coming for you! :sun:

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1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:

@Mr.Vic20 How do you feel about the Bunny Korean voice that says, "Wahoo!" vs the English Bunny voice that just laughs?

I had no idea there was an alternate, but in general I find video game depictions of women to be just awful, so I'm sure I hate both! :p


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11 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

New weapons, new enemies, return of old enemies and a new character that needs a winter hood and face mask but must let her breasts breath in the frigid air because...horny boys. What did I miss? 


Speculation that that is Ultimate Freyna because of the green tubes on her back.

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2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Speculation that that is Ultimate Freyna because of the green tubes on her back.

Oh sorry, yes! Definitely Ult Freyna and hopefully a slight rework as she makes the least sense of all builds in my opinion. Also, look at the energy bazooka! Looks like massive splash damage! :sun:

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Greetings, Descendants. This is the Director of The First Descendant, Minseok Joo. In this Dev Note, I would like to share preview of the Season 1 update. Please check the major update details along with the weekly updated content schedule for Season 1. Just when you thought Karel's Legion had retreated, they're coming back with more powerful tactical weapons.


@Mr.Vic20 Can you believe we finally get Hailey Scott!?! :o

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6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:




Also, what do you think the chances are we ever see another guy in this game?


And if we do do you think it will be a pretty boy or a handsome beefcake like one of @Greatoneshere's favorite actors, Brant Daugherty?

I think the design team has already shown their cards and the ratio of male to female will likely be1/4. The know they are selling this game to teen gooners, sad middle aged men, and misogynists' who are always happen when they see their world view of women as sex objects reinforced. Its a shame to, because the fundamentals of the game aren't bad. It keep me playing, but I'm suffering eye strain from all the rolling my poor vision spheres are encountering!  :p


On a positive note, I've maxed our Enduring Legacy (main gun build + 4 more, and all attributes are good golds!) I've also collected all but 22 of the available mods, out of a possible 559. All bosses fall with a half decent team and I am able to carry for at least one other player that either isn't trying or is for whatever reason a mismatch for a particular intercept. 

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@Mr.Vic20 I've officially inverted the inverted ironheart inverter uh that's what happened right?


And on to hard mode (but we weren't already there if you know what I mean? :] )


You never told me if you do the infiltration on hard mode it skips the narration and objectives. That makes it much less mind numbing to grind.


Tried Hanged Man and failed. Probably should have consulted your instructions first but I just wanted to see what it looked like. :p

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