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Ummmm ... is D1P OK?


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Well...how do we go about pumping those numbers up!?


No wait, maybe not, I like the group we have now.


That all said ... ummm did something happen to cause a mass exodus? (Totally doesn't pay attention to drama stuff so I'm in the dark here.)

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16 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

Well...how do we go about pumping those numbers up!?


No wait, maybe not, I like the group we have now.


That all said ... ummm did something happen to cause a mass exodus? (Totally doesn't pay attention to drama stuff so I'm in the dark here.)

People got old and message forums are an ancient relic of the internet.


Personally it strikes a balance between personal and anonymity that I enjoy, but no one under the age of like 25 has ever even been on a message board. Discord can scratch some of that itch, but not really, it's just chaos.

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Yeah, I've tried to incorporate Discord more into my life but I just don't totally jive with it like I do an actual message board/forum. Guess just have to chalk it up to age I suppose (fucking WILD to me that kids today don't even know about these ... WHAT ARE WE TEACHING THE YOUTH!?)

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We have lost a lot of the so called trouble makers for various reasons. But they were the ones creating interesting topics and pushing peoples buttons which kept things interesting. Lack of freedom of speech and expression has really killed these forums to be honest. I mostly just chat about video games in the Spawn Channel and sports in the Locker Room. Posting anywhere else where your opinion/opinions don’t line up or match the main people who run/mod this site is a risky proposition and will likely get you banned or worse. Which is why the site is a circle jerk ghost town most of the time now. 

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4 minutes ago, Biggie said:

We have lost a lot of the so called trouble makers for various reasons. But they were the ones creating interesting topics and pushing peoples buttons which kept things interesting. Lack of freedom of speech and expression has really killed these forums to be honest. I mostly just chat about video games in the Spawn Channel and sports in the Locker Room. Posting anywhere else where your opinion/opinions don’t line up or match the main people who run/mod this site is a risky proposition and will likely get you banned or worse. Which is why the site is a circle jerk ghost town most of the time now. 


This absolutely nails it. 

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3 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


We should print up some D1P stickers and stick them around McDonald's drive thrus. I'm sure someone will be curious enough to check the site out



This is actually a good idea. But why McDonald’s? I think we are Taco Bell crowd tbh. 

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I don't engage nearly as much as I used to. Ever since it was blatantly stated with a red banner across the top of the page that if your opinions don't align with a certain person's on here, I've just lurked for the most part. It became pretty obvious how they felt about anyone that disagreed with them, and honestly it killed all desire to participate. As I'm sure it did a lot of people on here.

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12 minutes ago, Biggie said:

We have lost a lot of the so called trouble makers for various reasons. But they were the ones creating interesting topics and pushing peoples buttons which kept things interesting. Lack of freedom of speech and expression has really killed these forums to be honest. I mostly just chat about video games in the Spawn Channel and sports in the Locker Room. Posting anywhere else where your opinion/opinions don’t line up or match the main people who run/mod this site is a risky proposition and will likely get you banned or worse. Which is why the site is a circle jerk ghost town most of the time now. 


I mean you can go visit any of the anti-lgbtq, antisemitic, anti-medical choice, etc. sites that exist if you want. 


Sesame Street Idk GIF

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13 minutes ago, Ominous said:


I mean you can go visit any of the anti-lgbtq, antisemitic, anti-medical choice, etc. sites that exist if you want. 


Sesame Street Idk GIF


Yea but if you state your beliefs and political views you get absolutely shit on and even banned. It's utter nonsense and I stay away from that hell hole altogether.


It's a big circle jerk in the political board where everyone shares the same views. If you come in there with any different opinion expect to be banned. :|

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Just now, best3444 said:


Yea but if you state your beliefs and political views you get absolutely shit on and even banned. It's utter nonsense and I stay away from that hell hole altogether.


It's a big circle jerk in the political board where everyone shares the same views. If you come in there with any different opinion expect to be banned. :|


Only when your "views" are discriminatory. Wrapping up hate in religion or politics is still hate. 

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23 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

It might just be me, but this the thread always comes around at the start of summer, when GI slows, but then the SP picks up massively with all the game announcements, then the more general forums will pick up as autumn approaches.

Shouldn’t you be busy posting pictures and reviewing your lame family vacation. 

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49 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

It might just be me, but this the thread always comes around at the start of summer, when GI slows, but then the SP picks up massively with all the game announcements, then the more general forums will pick up as autumn approaches.

I was gonna say this is part of it for sure

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3 hours ago, SoberChef said:

Whenever I'm on, I find that there isn't nearly as many topics being posted or replies being left as much & it feels as though our little corner of the web is shrinking, or am I totally off base?

The gaming forums are mostly toxicity-free, but some of the ultra-left-wing toxicity that has been permeating the news forums has spilled over there in the past couple of weeks.


I've mostly abandoned the news forums.  How many threads rage-baiting and filled with nothing but people calling Republicans chuds/facists/etc. do people really want to read?

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30 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

I check in multiple times a day but just tend to lurk.

^^^ This.  I've never been a heavy poster.  Outside of The MGT during football season I mostly just lurk and read all the nonsense y'all post, throwing in the occasional comment if I feel it adds something. :)

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54 minutes ago, nublood said:


Aaaaand there it is. This is why we can't have or keep nice things.

What’s comical is the reference to “hate”. I’ve read things on the Current Events board celebrating people’s deaths or wishing for death because they don’t agree with their political or religious views. 

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The issue is simpler:


All boards have people who leave because they're busy, they don't like it, god forbid they died, etc. But we're not a big enough board that people start posting for the first time here, so we don't have anyone replacing people who leave. That's all it's been for years; we've had a version of this thread posted since 2013/2014 from what I remember. :p 


1 hour ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

I don't engage nearly as much as I used to. Ever since it was blatantly stated with a red banner across the top of the page that if your opinions don't align with a certain person's on here, I've just lurked for the most part. It became pretty obvious how they felt about anyone that disagreed with them, and honestly it killed all desire to participate. As I'm sure it did a lot of people on here.


I've always found this criticism weird because what exactly are you going to say that's going to be that bad? We've banned racists like everyman, conspiracy loons like heyyou, child molesters, etc., so what is the "disagreement" that's so toxic you'd be fucked if you said it? Reminds me of this:



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6 minutes ago, Biggie said:

What’s comical is the reference to “hate”. I’ve read things on the Current Events board celebrating people’s deaths or wishing for death because they don’t agree with their political or religious views. 



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11 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


antisemitism = disagree with semitism?


You disagree with being Jewish? You disagree with a gay/trans person existing?

Jesus was Jewish. Be all the gay and trans you want. Just don’t expect me to celebrate it. 

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2 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Jesus was Jewish. Be all the gay and trans you want. Just don’t expect me to celebrate it. 


Cool, so why do you "disagree" with Jewish, by your own words that anti = disagree?


We're not talking about celebration; we're talking about laws that govern what trans and gay people do.

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Cool, so why do you "disagree" with Jewish, by your own words that anti = disagree?


We're not talking about celebration; we're talking about laws that govern what trans and gay people do.

I didn’t say anything about me. I said if people disagree and post they will get attacked, banned, or totally banished from the site. This is why we have hardly anyone around anymore and do you see any new users lately?

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1 minute ago, Biggie said:

I didn’t say anything about me. I said if people disagree and post they will get attacked, banned, or totally banished from the site. This is why we have hardly anyone around anymore and do you see any new users lately?


More liberals have posted on this site than conservatives, yet many of them are gone, which is why your hypothesis never tracked. We're not a big enough board that people know we exist in general, so when someone leaves, you don't get another person replacing them. That's it. Bloodporne wasn't conservative yet no one's seen him for weeks; I hope he's OK, but he's definitely not being run off for being transphobic.


You specifically said "anti = disagree." So why are people disagreeing with being Jewish or LGBTQ? What's to disagree with?

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12 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


More liberals have posted on this site than conservatives, yet many of them are gone, which is why your hypothesis never tracked. We're not a big enough board that people know we exist in general, so when someone leaves, you don't get another person replacing them. That's it. Bloodporne wasn't conservative yet no one's seen him for weeks; I hope he's OK, but he's definitely not being run off for being transphobic.


You specifically said "anti = disagree." So why are people disagreeing with being Jewish or LGBTQ? What's to disagree with?

This will never end and is certainly a waste of time. You’re right. I’m wrong. There now go be happy with your friends. 

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