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The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5) - "Road to Elysium" DLC to release on June 14


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A sequel to Croteam's cult philosophical puzzler launches later this year.




Your adventure in The Talos Principle 2 begins in an era where humanity as we know it has long gone extinct, but our culture lives on in a world inhabited by robots made in our image. You embark on a quest to investigate a mysterious megastructure, and along the way you’ll be confronted with questions about the nature of the cosmos, faith versus reason, and the fear of repeating humankind’s mistakes.


Pretty heavy, right? The Talos Principle 2 doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the depth of its story. It wants you to think—but not only about its epic narrative. There are, naturally, puzzles to solve here as well: and with varying levels of difficulty to suit any player. The sequel builds on the first-person 3D puzzle design of the original game, including using refractors to direct beams of light and creating copies of yourself to trigger switches and bypass obstacles.


But these established puzzles are also joined by new gameplay including gravity manipulation and mind transference—but we’ll let you discover these intricacies of these unique mechanics for yourself. The Talos Principle 2 will feel familiar but fresh at the same time. You can finish the game without solving every puzzle, but those seeking true mastery can attempt to conquer them all. Just watch out for the optional Gold puzzles, because they will melt your brain.


The Talos Principle 2 is a giant leap forward for the series—particularly the world design. These are the biggest, strangest, and most beautiful environments Croteam has ever made, taking full advantage of the latest in graphics tech. You’ll visit several all-new locations including a city on the brink of a paradigm shift and the varied landscapes of an island that holds the keys to the future.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5, 2023) - Reveal Trailer
1 hour ago, legend said:


I am a big fan of the first (though I wish I could have entered my own responses in the philosophical arguments :p ), so I am looking forward for this one!

With chat AI maybe you can now!

(To be honest with the rapidly accelerating quality of chat AI, image and video AI, AI voices, rapidly improving ability to provide and optimize code and all that good stuff, I'm pretty excited for the bizarre future of video games, it's going to empower both the brightest and the bumblingest of people to make some truly unique bullshit that will probably be 90% trash, but I still can't wait!)

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1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

With chat AI maybe you can now!

(To be honest with the rapidly accelerating quality of chat AI, image and video AI, AI voices, rapidly improving ability to provide and optimize code and all that good stuff, I'm pretty excited for the bizarre future of video games, it's going to empower both the brightest and the bumblingest of people to make some truly unique bullshit that will probably be 90% trash, but I still can't wait!)

Hey, Stardew Valley was made by one dude in his girlfriend's basement and it's one of the best games of the last decade. All it takes is one

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3 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

With chat AI maybe you can now!

(To be honest with the rapidly accelerating quality of chat AI, image and video AI, AI voices, rapidly improving ability to provide and optimize code and all that good stuff, I'm pretty excited for the bizarre future of video games, it's going to empower both the brightest and the bumblingest of people to make some truly unique bullshit that will probably be 90% trash, but I still can't wait!)

Could be done! Unfortunately if it’s like chat gpt it will ultimately just agree and say it made a mistake if you insist forcefully enough even if you’re full of shit, so that might not be much better!


In general though, AI is coming to games in lots of different ways, which is great!

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5, 2023) - Gameplay Trailer
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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5, 02 November 2023) - Release Date Trailer
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5, 02 November 2023) - Steam demo released (23.55 GB)



We play seven hours of Croteam's anticipated sequel and we end up with (great) questions about it.




The original The Talos Principle is a video game about solving puzzles on the surface, but it’s actually an outstanding statement on how we can create our own identity and discover the world through riddles, with some of humanity's greatest questions working as the foundation of every step we take. Lore about unknown figures helps us start to fill in the gaps as we discover more about that godly voice that leads our way, but this was mainly a lonely journey in the pursuit of knowledge.


The sequel, on the other hand, feels like the previous work was indeed a simulation. We are a citizen in the city of New Jerusalem (the citizen number one thousand in fact), among many other individuals: Our character feels like a small tree in an endless forest. However, as our ‘birth’ marks the end of our ‘species’ of robots that seem to behave and act like human beings, there’s also something special about our numbered protagonist that will be discovered while we play.


After a celebration of an important event, an unknown entity interrupts the festivities and we are asked to join a crew and investigate an island far from New Jerusalem. Before jumping into the adventure, we can explore part of the city, interact with multiple NPCs, and learn a lot about why the metropolis was built, what happened to humans, and what seems to be our purpose in life. A particular exchange with a fortune teller was delicious and mixed some light-hearted humor with the deep topics we expect to find in The Talos Principle.


From the get-go, I felt like a true citizen of this new place, speaking with its people, receiving messages on social media forums, and being part of virtual calls with the rest of the crew. While you will still solve puzzles on your own — at least that’s the case in the first three areas of the apparent twelve available in the final game — the other characters, with fully fleshed-out and interesting personalities, will accompany you on the different scenarios you explore, discussing themes, making their own discoveries, and informing you about their findings.





The first quarter of The Talos Principle 2 features devilish puzzles and deep dialogue trees, set in a gorgeous sci-fi world.




Ancient, vine-draped monuments and towering obelisks protrude from the forest floor, connected by a maze of stone paths and one hyper-speed transit capsule. Statues loom among the monoliths: hooded human figures and mythological beasts surrounded by saintly geometry in gold and turquoise. I’m running down an overgrown platform by the water, sun radiating off the side of my face, trying to find the next puzzle. I take a sharp turn, the shadows shift and my silhouette is suddenly projected in front of me: waist on a slim pivot, hip joints jutting out, sticklike arms. I remember I’m made of metal and wires, and for a brief moment, I’m surprised. I forgot — I’m a robot.


The Talos Principle 2 reintroduces a post-apocalyptic world filled with the puzzles and dreams society left behind, and populates it with a race of machines who simultaneously worship humans and consider themselves to be the natural evolution of humanity. The game’s first quarter, which spans roughly seven hours, offers a beautiful and immersive playground of puzzle solving and philosophical inquiry, and it feels both grander and more cohesive than the original Talos Principle. That game came out in 2014 and featured a lone robot in an AI-powered testing ground. The sequel features an entire society of sentient machines. It also has lots of laser-powered, logic-based spatial puzzles, of course.





We solved a whole bunch of ingeniously designed puzzles in our five hour demo of The Talos Principle 2.




What The Talos Principle 2 does especially well so far is present puzzles that seem physically impossible to solve at first glance. There were plenty of rooms where I felt like a kid trying to understand a magic trick. In almost every one of those cases, though, I was able to string together a solution that left me feeling like a magician myself. I’d only find myself cheating twice, as I discovered two rooms in which I could hop on the walls of the chamber to get to the end room. I’m not sure if that’s an intentional decision or not, but it did leave me feeling a little disappointed in myself.


That’s only a taste of what’s to come. I’m assuming that each open area introduces a new puzzle concept, which means that there could be another nine or so here. I can see late puzzles getting a little overwhelming if I’m juggling that many tools, but I have faith that developer Croteam knows how tricky it can get before reaching the point of frustration. That strength is on full display in the first quarter of the adventure. Like the sequel’s talkative androids, I yearn to uncover every secret I can in this mysterious world. Keep tossing me puzzles that are this well designed and I’ll keep solving them.





There's nothing quite like overcoming a puzzle and comprehending its solution in The Talos Principle 2.




With the final puzzle in this tutorial area solved, I stepped through a portal and awoke in New Jerusalem, my consciousness having been born and placed inside a robotic shell. Today, as it turns out, is a special day as I am the 1,000th android to gain consciousness after completing Elohim’s puzzles. The great Goal has been completed and so this city of AIs can get about existing in perfect harmony with nature in a human-free Earth.


Before I’ve even stepped outside, I’m speaking with other robots and discussing matters of great import. My tabula rasa-like nature means I can offer a fresh perspective on the current political problems, with the main one being: should we stop at one thousand robots or keep going? But soon enough the attention shifts as an unknown holographic projection beckons the robots to come and visit an island outside the city.


It’s here that The Talos Principle 2 started to show me the scope that Croteam is aiming for in the game. My primary objective was to board a vehicle and head to the island. However, the mayor suggested I explore the city, my new home, to learn about our past and chat with the other robots. So I spent a bit of time reading exhibits in the museum, speaking with robots about whether the Founder had the right idea, and what I think of this mysterious hologram business. But with my appetite for puzzles whetted, I quickly boarded the vehicle and jetted off to the island in search of something to flex my brain.





In terms of sci-fi themes, The Talos Principle 2 is way closer to the original Star Trek than Picard.




The Talos Principle 2 represents an old-school brand of sci-fi that invites people to play around with the ideas it poses; warm, welcoming and slow. Even the series’ conclusions, when it offers any, are inherently optimistic, centering on humanity and the ability society has to thrive with nature in the future. It’s a return to a Carl Sagan era of forward thought, positioning people as the solution, not just the instigator, in problems like climate change, overpopulation, rogue AI, pandemics and space travel. This alone is a refreshing perspective in a sea of mainstream sci-fi media that only envisions the future as a miserable, sterile void manufactured by society's stubbornness and greed.


“Consistently, science fiction presents itself as being original for taking a dystopian view, as if it was subverting a mainstream narrative of hopefulness,” Jonas Kyratzes said. “They'll be like, ‘In our story technology is bad.’ Oh really, you mean like every other story?”


As a series, The Talos Principle is more thematically aligned with the aspirational sci-fi of the original Star Trek or The Next Generation than it is with the gloom of today's Picard. This optimistic, human-first approach makes The Talos Principle 2 subversive as a work of contemporary sci-fi.





Talos Principle II appears to be a strong follow-up to its predecessor, but there are still several aspects that require some refining before release.




In addition to the interesting new story, there are plenty of fun things to discover and enjoy. While exploring the new human utopia of New Jerusalem, players may discover a monument dedicated to the Progenitor’s love of cats where there are several real cats featured, including one affectionately named Stanley Biscuits. Additionally, another new feature is the presence of an in-game social media tab, where players may come across a chat room stating simply that the “Are Frogs Humans?” debate is banned.


Though it may not be something vital to the game, it adds a little bit more realness to a futuristic sci-fi plot line that at times can feel alienating. Though the overall “new human society” sci-fi idea is interesting and provoking, it can be hard not to feel as though the dialogue and concepts are trying a bit too hard. Many of the conversations felt as though they were intentionally trying to provoke reactions by discussing concepts such as the idea of whether mortality gives life its meaning and having the characters argue in response depending on the answer they receive. Though these deep conversations are certainly thought-provoking, they at times also felt a bit forced and pretentious.





The Talos Principle II takes Croteam's stellar philosophical puzzler firmly forward, with new mechanics, beautiful scenery, and a gentle learning curve.



I absolutely love the way puzzles are handled in The Talos Principle II. Both games have stuck to a compartmentalized way of working with puzzles, where all the components and mechanisms you need to use are kept solely in the room you’re working on. The Talos Principle occasionally deviated from that every now and again with secret puzzles, but for all intents and purposes, Room 6 wasn’t going to be solved by some long-range shenanigans going on in Room 2. There’s a very reasonable and gentle learning curve here, which I think is going to be The Talos Principle II’s best selling point. When a new gadget or mechanism is introduced it never leaves the player to sink or swim. It eases you in, showing you some very basic applications for whatever it is you’re learning about before introducing previous mechanics or intertwining them. That said, when the time comes, some pretty complex solutions will be needed, and your training will lend you to solving them, albeit taking a bit longer to do so. In total, I was able to experience three areas with ten puzzles each, and you need to solve at least eight to progress. Two of the puzzles are kinda like wildcard puzzles you can do at any time once you find them, and I do like that they offer an alternative solution if you have that one puzzle that you just cannot figure out.




The Talos Principle 2 Preview - Diving deep into thoughtful themes and mind-blowing puzzles, this is a sequel of promising scope and ambition.




You begin in this Egyptian-themed tutorial area with minimal context and a succession of puzzles that is nothing but a smoke curtain for what’s to come, deliberately hiding the scope of the game that will expand before your eyes about one hour later, when you awake to a new and surprising reality. As the thousandth and final robot to reach this futuristic settlement, you quickly discover that you in fact harbor the consciousness of a human, created after a plague erased humanity and organic forms as we know them. Known by your new peers as 1K, visiting the city quickly segues into exploring unknown regions, often comprised of stunning sights, jaw-dropping structures, and mind-bending puzzles.


The way your team of explorers discuss their approach and findings is akin to an adventure game, with reasonably sized areas to wander about freely. There’s lore to be found, PDA conversations to have, some of them of intriguing metaphysical depth, but locating the puzzle sectors is your goal, clearly signposted so that you know where to go to put your brain cells to the test. The light beam puzzles are just the entry point for a world of head scratching, now bolstered by the introduction of RGB convertors, where two colored rays will be converted into a differently colored one, a process that needs to be carefully thought out to activate receivers and unlock barriers.





Preview: We've been blown away with our hands-on time with The Talos Principle 2 so far. This could be the game of the year for puzzle fans.




Whereas The Talos Principle asked what makes us human, The Talos Principle 2 asks what makes a society. It’s a broader question that you alone might struggle to answer. It’s why on this adventure you have companions. With the celebrations surrounding your arrival in New Jerusalem rudely interrupted, a discussion is called as to whether an expedition should be sent out to investigate a megastructure that has recently emerged. Of course, there are varied opinions on the matter, but this is ultimately where you’ll be spending your time in The Talos Principle 2.


Along with a party of strangers that you’ll soon come to know as friends, you touch down on the megastructure to find that it’s split into numerous zones. Initially you can only explore the large hub at the centre, but with a bit of legwork, you’ll soon have the schematics that gets the local transport system up and running. Well, sort of; it’ll take you to the first zone at least. It’s here that you’ll have your first taste of the new puzzles that The Talos Principle 2 has in store for you, and its more open structure.





The Talos Principle 2 is here. How is it compared to the original?




The Talos Principle 2 isn’t meant to have complex gameplay. You control a robot humanoid in either first- or third-person, your choice. You walk and run around, talk to people, and interact with objects. Beyond that, you’ve got a semi-open world compared to the first game. You can spend your time talking to NPCs and exploring every nook and cranny of the map areas to find secrets, which is an absolutely great and necessary boon over the first game. The puzzles make my head explode, and sometimes walking around the beautiful and relaxing maps is exactly the break you need to come back to them.


My biggest frame of reference for these types of games is the Portal series, and the puzzle style and language embodied there. The Talos Principle 2 has a different puzzle design than that series. Staring at the environments in Portal 1 and 2, I could figure out most of the puzzles in those games if I thought about it long enough. You can’t do that as much in these puzzles. They’re far more about the individual mechanics and objects than the room environment. I pretty much did the equivalent of banging my head against the wall, thinking as deeply as possible about what I was missing because the puzzle room language is difficult to read, and then eventually managed to figure out the right thing.





The Talos Principle 2 is a philosophical, narrative sci-fi puzzle adventure game and a sequel to 2014's fan favorite puzzler.




Ten years later, The Talos Principle leaps into a story in which biological humanity has gone extinct and the sentient robots are exploring the limits of their civilization on an island. The Talos Principle remains underpinned by some heady themes about the nature of humanity, culture, and the reach of authority. At its core, there’s a mystery, a  structure at the heart of the city that must be explored and understood.


If that seems a little vague, it’s both intentional and unavoidable. I don’t want to spoil any surprises. Plus, I’ve only had hands-on time with a small slice of the game, essentially the first 25% of a 20-hour-plus experience.





Back in 2014, we took a deeper look at the metaphysical world of The Talos Principle, a narrative-driven and thought-provoking puzzle adventure that told the story of humanity and its demise. The Talos Principle II continues with the philosophical theme, but expands on it by asking a much bigger que




When you arrive on the island, you discover a great pyramid, several times more massive than the pyramids of Giza, as well as other massive structures and ruins. After landing on a nearby cliffside, the exploration and puzzle solving begin.


The Talos Principle II brings forward much of the same puzzle solving mechanics found in the first game. You’ll be connecting, reflecting, and refracting beams of light to open doors and other passages, collecting tetrominoes and uncovering secrets from the past. In the first area of the island I visited, there were 8 main puzzles to solve and a handful of other puzzles whose real purpose was yet to be determined. As for the main 8, they get progressively trickier to solve, but if you put your knowledge of having solved the previous puzzles to work, the next solution will pop like an epiphany at any moment.


New mechanics have been introduced to help with solving the various puzzles, including the RGB Converter, which combines two colors of light to create the third. However, they skipped the logic that comes from color theory, and now red light combined with blue light gives you green light. Elseways, blue and green combine to give you red, and red and green combine to give you blue. There’s also a new portal mechanic, looking like something straight out of a Doctor Strange film, however I didn’t get to see that during my preview except during the intro cinematic. I’m sure there are other tools likely to be introduced later, as well.







Each puzzle and location is very much elevated by the campaign as a whole. The story is incredibly straightforward and simple as well, though still providing you with the ability to adventure off elsewhere if you so choose. As you progress through all of these mental obstacles, you build on the understanding of previous puzzles and mechanics to add to your experience, making concepts that were once foreign to you seem so much easier.


The campaign’s push towards exploration also allows you to uncover things hidden within the world. Not being tied to a time limit and being able to redo every puzzle made the entire experience less stressful as well, making it an ideal gameplay scenario for this sort of game. I wasn’t locked to doing any one thing, which gave me the freedom to indulge in experiences such as tests left behind by technological symbols and journals and voice records of the humans that came before. Before long, I realized that I was several hours into the game without having actually completed any puzzles or moving forward with the story.





It all starts when you're born. But for the human civilisation in The Talos Principle 2, that doesn't mean going through decades of physical growth,




The puzzles in The Talos Principle 2 are just as obvious and prominent as in the first game, and this is something pondered by the characters that have embarked on this journey. A lot of the fundamentals and puzzle mechanics of the original carry forward to the sequel, with plenty of guiding lasers, jamming force fields, putting things on switches, and good old boxes, but there’s also some intriguing new elements that the game will explore.


Some of these will be fairly logical continuations of old ideas, such as the ability to combine red, green and blue lasers to make new colours, but there’s also new ideas like gravity manipulation and mind transference that will emerge deeper into the game – this latter one has raises some major philosophical quandaries, as you swap between bodies at will.





The philosophical puzzler is back with new mechanics and robot companions. Here’s our preview of The Talos Principle 2.




The great thing about Talos is that it continuously layers puzzle elements, growing more complex with each new tool introduced. Inverters, for instance, allow you to take red light and turn it blue and vice versa. Drillers, on the other hand, let you create holes in certain surfaces and pass objects (or light) through them. 


With all these cool elements, Talos left me scratching my head quite a bit. Mixing and matching these tools quickly gets complex. Thankfully, I never got too frustrated with a puzzle, as the game is designed in a non-linear fashion. While the puzzles are numbered from one to eight, you can simply leave one if you’re stuck, as they’re each contained to their own space (á la Portal). Plus, if you explore the surrounding area, you can uncover special tokens, which can be used to bypass certain puzzles if you’re really out of ideas. With that said, every single “aha!” moment left me feeling like I was a genius puzzler… at least until I progressed to the next challenge ahead!





The Talos Principle 2 is, at its core, an epic puzzle game that will push the limits of your problem-solving capabilities.




Not much has changed from The Talos Principle in terms of how the puzzles are solved. Each puzzle in the main world requires you to open up a gate to a stone pedestal that houses a relic of the past. That gate can be opened a number of ways, but the most common is going to be by directing a specific laser beam into a receptacle, which opens it up. How you get that laser there is the real challenge, as a lot of rooms give you next to no tools to begin with. It’s up to you and your wits and imagination to figure out how to get in.  


During my time with The Talos Principle 2, I never experienced something that I couldn’t solve by dutifully figuring out what has to go where and what colour lasers can be made at any given time, etc. Sure, there were a few puzzles that have stumped me even as I write this, but I remain confident that they can and will be solved because I fully intend to complete as much of this game as my brain will possibly allow me to.  



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5, 02 November 2023) - hands-on previews posted
  • 2 weeks later...

Preview | The Talos Principle 2 is a healthy dose of new and nostalgia for puzzle game fans of all tastes



I can't quite believe it's been nine years since the latter first wowed with its environmental head-scratchers, themes of transhumanism, and barn-loads of bastard AI-powered baddies, but here we are. That's a conundrum unto itself. In any event, here I am in the throes of The Talos Principle 2, falling in love all over again, inside a world that's unreasonably infuriating, brilliant, fresh and familiar all at once.




Thrown once more into a contradictory world of ancient ruins and highly-advanced technology, The Talos Principle 2 is as thoughtful as it is challenging. Games like The Witness, Return of the Obra Dinn, and what I've played so far of Islands of Insight have taken the puzzle-adventure genre to new heights in spectacle and exploration terms in more recent years, but one of my favorite things about the first Talos Principle game was simply  existing in its series of interlinked puzzle rooms. 


With over 120 intricate and steadily more challenging puzzles to be overcome, you quickly found yourself juggling pressure plates and Weighted Companion Cube-like tools (minus the cake, sadly), laser beams and diverter apparatus, and industrial fans and time-warping machinery, all within the bounds of a setting that appeared untouched for hundreds if not thousands of years. I've barely scratched the surface of The Talos Principle 2's preview build, but one of the most appealing parts of my journey so far is the feeling of coming home. 



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5, 02 November 2023) - "Launch" trailer

Game Information
Game Title: The Talos Principle 2



  • PlayStation 5 (Nov 2, 2023)
  • PC (Nov 2, 2023)
  • Xbox Series X/S (Nov 2, 2023)


Developer: Croteam
Publisher: Devolver Digital


Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 89 average - 100% recommended


Critic Reviews


Digital Spy - Joe Draper - 5 / 5

The Talos Principle 2 builds on the genius puzzle design of the first game in innovative ways that makes it another masterpiece in the genre. Even with a more story-driven focus, there's nothing else quite like experiencing every mystery its sublime world has to offer.

EIP Gaming - Dylan Graves - 10 / 10

As close to flawless as any puzzle game can be, the Talos Principle 2 offers some of the deepest philosophy, most poignant moments, best written characters, and -- of course -- the smartest puzzles in gaming, all beautifully interwoven with each other to produce a masterful experience for contemplative gamers.

Niche Gamer - Fingal Belmont - 10 / 10

Compounded with its impeccable craftsmanship, The Talos Principle 2 puts AAA games to shame with its value. This is an enormous and long puzzle game that is lengthier than most RPGs and can easily breach the 50-hour range. All of this for a paltry $29.99. Engrossing, epic, and vast intelligently written video games apparently don’t have to cost $69.99.

PSX Brasil - Victor Vitório - Portuguese - 100 / 100

The Talos Principle 2 is a masterpiece that ventures into puzzles and the philosophical universe of deep questions. Although it is aimed at an audience that seeks exciting, challenging and honest intellectual stimuli, this is a less intimidating experience than it may seem, thanks to the flexibility to advance in the campaign and the certainty that each puzzle already brings with it everything necessary to solve it. Few games have given me so much satisfaction with the beauty of seeing it all connect and finally unravel the riddle before me, making me rush right to the next one. This is one of the best games of 2023 and I'm glad it exists.

PlayStation Universe - Zahid Ahmed - 10 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is a testament to the power of video games as a medium for profound storytelling and intellectual stimulation. If you're seeking a unique and thought-provoking gaming experience, this is a game you must experience on the PlayStation 5.

Impulsegamer - Chris O'Connor - 4.8 / 5

Solve physical puzzles while puzzling over your existence.

Areajugones - Ronald Goncalves - Spanish - 9.5 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is a work that excels as a video game, excels as art, and excels as a reflection, thus becoming one of the best titles of the entire year. In addition to being a substantial improvement over its predecessor, Croteam has managed to materialize a beautiful production that stands out for its entertainment but, even more, transcends for its ability to make us revalue the beauty of humanity, life and existence.

IGN Italy - Damaso Scibetta - Italian - 9.5 / 10

A challenging and visually incredible experience, perfectly balancing complex puzzles and deep storytelling. A must for lovers of the genre.

XboxEra - Genghis Husameddin - 9.4 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is Croteam’s largest and most realised project yet. It’s in every way a natural step from the first title, a beautifully written and challenging one. This game may very well be one of the best narrative puzzle titles I’ve played in quite a long time.

Checkpoint Gaming - Edie W-K - 9 / 10

There wasn't much to improve about the original, but Croteam has succeeded in creating an incredible sequel in The Talos Principle 2. The puzzles are better, the world is larger, and the narrative is even more thought-provoking. Top it off with a breathtaking environment and a moving soundtrack, and this just might be the puzzle game of the year.

Expansive - Laurie Jones - 4.5 / 5

The Talos Principle 2 is a stunningly presented sequel, with glorious visuals, breathtaking soundtrack, and a semi-open world environment you’ll want to explore every inch of. Its puzzles gradually, smartly evolve with the game and its ideas stay interesting and fresh, but it’s the compelling conversations and thought-provoking dialogue that you’ll stay for, presenting intriguing scenarios and heart-wrenching moments. Some issues around performance and end-game puzzles aside, this is an important release for the genre, a successful sequel in every sense, and a must play whether you’re a fan of the genre or not.

Game Rant - Pam K. Ferdinand - 4.5 / 5

There’s little doubt that gamers who liked The Talos Principle will enjoy its sequel. It offers much the same experience in a more cohesive package. The puzzles are more accessible to the layman while still presenting a satisfying challenge, and very few will have to be skipped, even for someone who doesn’t consider themselves a puzzle person. And while the philosophical meanderings can be a bit long-winded, most of them can thankfully be ignored. Overall, any complaints pale in comparison to the fully engaging adventure puzzle experience that Croteam is offering with The Talos Principle 2.

GameBlast - Luan Gabriel de Paula - Portuguese - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is a unique experience in the way it presents dilemmas, builds the world and instigates the player with solid and challenging gameplay. It's just not impeccable due to minimal problems that make the game a little less fluid, such as extremely annoying bugs.

GameSkinny - Alyssa Rochelle Payne - 9 / 10

A brilliant puzzler that will leave you pondering more than its challenges.

GameSpot - Phil Hornshaw - 9 / 10

Expanding and improving on the original in every way, The Talos Principle 2 is a brilliant puzzler that's most compelling during conversations with its characters.

Gamepressure - Giancarlo Saldana - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is a powerful puzzle game that builds on its predecessor and effortlessly takes your mind for a ride.

Gamersky - 心灵奇兵 - Chinese - 9 / 10

If one day we were facing extinction and I had to choose something to save, I would definitely save The Talos Principle 2, because it's really worth it.

GamesRadar+ - Joe Donnelly - 4.5 / 5

"This sequel brings Croteam back to the top of that table, where it's more than earned its place."

GamingTrend - Cassie Peterson - 90 / 100

The Talos Principle 2 is a philosophical puzzle adventure game that's also thought-provoking and has a deep narrative. It takes the foundation laid by the first game and expands on it in every way possible.

Generación Xbox - Javier Gutierrez Bassols - Spanish - 90 / 100

In a year that has been excellent in terms of big releases and with numerous contenders to GOTY, The Talos Principle II stands as a more than serious option. And it does so on its own merits by proposing a totally different experience, far from frenetic action or strategy. Instead, we find a philosophical proposal, based on thought and focused on history, with a series of very well implemented and thought-out puzzles.

Press Start - Adam Ryan - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle II's expertly designed puzzles are kept interesting and engaging throughout a lengthy thirty-hour runtime by the incremental introduction of consistently intriguing mechanics. Pairing well with pragmatic problem solving is a story that delves into ancient Greek philosophy and mythology that effectively asks unimaginably important questions that can't possibly be answered. It's common to find an experience that makes you feel, and equally common to find one that makes you think, but The Talos Principle II is a rare cross-section that allows you to do both simultaneously.

Push Square - Simon Fitzgerald - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 follows in its predecessor's shoes by nailing down a brilliant philosophical puzzle sequel with new and improved mechanics. If the puzzle solving doesn't get your brain ticking, then the in-depth philosophical discussions surely will. With exceptional puzzle design, glorious presentation, and thought-provoking conversations, Croteam has created a follow-up to be remembered for years to come.

Shacknews - Larryn Bell - 9 / 10

Navigating the philosophical labyrinth that is The Talos Principle 2 has been captivating, satisfying, and well worth the wait.

The Games Machine - Francesco Alteri - Italian - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is the perfect combination of puzzle game and RPG phases. A philosophical story that starts from the game but reaches out to touch the player and the history of the human being. The Talos Principle 2 is one of the most complete gaming experiences of this year.

Try Hard Guides - Erik Hodges - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 asks deep philosophical questions and gives you time to ponder them as you solve a plethora of complex puzzles at your own pace. It is a game about relaxing and exploring, and while it can feel a bit like climbing a mountain, there’s no timer telling you how quickly you need to reach the top. An enjoyable experience from start to finish, no matter how long it takes you to get there.

WayTooManyGames - Kyle Nicol - 9 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 is something of a rarity in the gaming space. An extremely high-quality puzzle game that has a deeper meaning within its story, and interactions that make you think in more ways than one. This is on top of its breathtaking visuals, courtesy of the brand new iteration of the Unreal Engine. I cannot recommend it enough to any fans of puzzle games. The Talos Principle 2 is an absolute must-play.

Windows Central - Cole Martin - 4.5 / 5

The Talos Principle 2 may be approachable and forgiving without combat or fail states, but that doesn't mean the puzzles are easy to run through. As the player makes their way through the gauntlet of challenges, the puzzles become increasingly more complex. From moving boxes to bending gravity, things can escalate quickly.

PC Gamer - Dominic Tarason - 89 / 100

Not just a great sequel, but a thoughtful and human narrative adventure wrapped in a satisfying and beautiful puzzle game.

PC Invasion - Alexa BeMent - 9 / 10

Original and imaginative experience for a puzzle game that delivers on what it is.

New Game Network - Ben Thomas - 86 / 100

With thought-provoking philosophy and sharply varied puzzles, The Talos Principle 2 is a sublime sequel that seeks the knowledge of the gods but maintains its humanity.

CGMagazine - David Walters - 8.5 / 10

The Talos Principle II gives you a philosophical deep dive into yourself while offering some challenging puzzles as well. A great entry in the series.

COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 85 / 100

The Talos Principle 2 builds on the foundation of the first excellent game. It has a rich, thoughtful narrative where the puzzles aren’t just moving laser beams, but trying to figure out what it means to be part of a society. Moving the laser beams is fun, too, and there are enough systems to make those puzzles accessible but challenging. The Talos Principle 2 gives players a lot to think about.

TechRaptor - Jason Rodriguez - 8.5 / 10

The Talos Principle 2 has almost everything I could ever want out of a puzzle game. It builds upon the foundations of the original, and is a perfect callback to classics such as Portal and Myst. There’s a brave new world out there for you to explore, numerous sentient robots to meet, and countless puzzles that will make you wrack your brain.

Digital Trends - Giovanni Colantonio - 4 / 5

The Talos Principle 2 excels at giving players a suite of brain-busting puzzles built around strong eureka moments, even if it can feel as long-winded as a philosophy professor with its wandering existential monologues. Only the most determined genre experts may see the end of its super-sized story, but those who brave its gauntlet of mysterious islands are sure to walk away with newfound confidence in their ability to accomplish the impossible.

Eurogamer - Ruth Cassidy - 4 / 5

The Talos Principle 2 is an ambitious sequel that explores bold, if unambiguous territory in its philosophical robot puzzling.

God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 8 / 10

Whether you played the original or not, The Talos Principle 2 is still a drop dead gorgeous, incredibly challenging puzzle game.

Hardcore Gamer - Jordan Helm - 4 / 5

Though an occasional lack of polish and size for size's sake approach doesn't always prove beneficial, a brilliant assortment of puzzles nestled amidst a thought-provoking but compelling narrative still grants The Talos Principle II status as a sequel well worth the near-decade wait.

IGN - Will Borger - 8 / 10

Despite crashes and some issues with its difficulty curve, The Talos Principle 2's ability to explore both interesting puzzle design and deep philosophy simultaneously is incredibly impressive.

Metro GameCentral - Nick Gillett - 8 / 10

A funny and supremely inventive story-driven puzzle game, with a plot based on Greek philosophy that's delivered with the lightest of touches and a goofy sense of humour.

Slant Magazine - Aaron Riccio - 4 / 5

The aha-moment click of solving a puzzle is consistently satisfying, and on that level alone, The Talos Principle 2 delivers in spades. But where it soars is in the way that the discrete parts introduced throughout the game slowly begin to come together, revealing something akin to one massive, interlocking bit of machinery. If you buy into the game’s conceit, that humans are themselves machines, then these aha moments are more than just the thrill of accomplishment and more like a celebration of our inquisitive humanity and capacity for growth.

Spaziogames - Salvatore Pilò - Italian - 8 / 10

Too bad for the attention, overly zealous, towards a narrative aspect that should have followed the example of the first chapter to replicate its success. However, The Talos Principle 2 remains an essential title for all puzzle game enthusiasts, who will find plenty to sink their teeth into, especially (and it is highly recommended) if they aim for completeness.

The Beta Network - Samuel Incze - 7 / 10

The Talos Principle II is a fun, but challenging, puzzle adventure. The narrative is intriguing, even if it is a little slow to get going. However, it is the puzzle solving gameplay that is the highlight of this title. The puzzles feel unique and very creative and will cause you to flex your problem solving muscles.

Entertainium - Gareth Brading - Masterpiece

The Talos Principle 2 somehow managed to impress me even more than the surprise of the original game did, leaving me completely blown away not only by the sheer size of the game, its beautiful environments and interesting characters, but also the masterful integration of the puzzles into both the world and the storyline. It might seem artificial and contrived to be solving these puzzles, but in the same way that the Portal games managed to make them seem entirely natural, so too does The Talos Principle 2 ground them geographically and philosophically within its world. It might have been almost a decade since the first game, but The Talos Principle 2 was more than worth the wait.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Katharine Castle - RPS Bestest Bests

Reprising its engrossing mix of chewy puzzles and deep philosophising about the nature of human experience, The Talos Principle 2 raises the bar yet again with its playful approach to problem-solving, and asks how we fit into the wider machinations of the world at large.


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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5) - reviews from OpenCritic posted
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to The Talos Principle II (PC/Xbox Series/PS5) - "GLaDOS Plays The Talos Principle 2" trailer

I've made my way to the second area. It remains a downright delightful puzzler. Nothing too hard yet. I think my biggest struggle in a puzzle was when I was playing late at night before bed and I had effectively solved it, but I had been completely overlooking that you can pick up a connector without resetting its connection and that was key to execute the solution. I started it up the next day, saw the text I had apparently been ignoring, and immediately solved it :p 

  • Hype 1
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Man, the jump in world building/storytelling is wild. It feels so different to be on a mission with a crew. 

I’m in the second area, and one of the non-numbered puzzles is already melting my brain. I can’t seem to do anything with the tools provided. I feel like I’m being pranked, which honestly feels like it could happen in this game. :lol:

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28 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

I’ve been playing on and off all day, made it to N-2. Mostly sticking to the main path, because the other stuff is going completely over my head. I’m totally hooked. 


That's just where I got to.


So far the only puzzle that had me quite confused for a bit was


High ground.


I was completely overlooking that there was another placable platform hiding up on top of one of the pillars until my wife pointed it out.


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RPS really adores this game!



The Talos Principle 2 raises the bar with a playful approach to problem-solving, with chewy puzzles and deep philosophi…




Early on in The Talos Principle 2, one of your soon-to-be robot pals says to you with a completely straight face, "We're here to solve this puzzle, not to discuss philosophy." I can almost see Croteam's writing team now, chuckling inwardly to themselves as they do a big silent wink to camera from behind the robot's eyes. You're not fooling me, Croteam. I'm here to solve puzzles and discuss philosophy, and I know you are too. You can't stop talking about philosophy in this game, and frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Millenia may have passed since the events of The Talos Principle, but the problems faced by this new society of advanced robo-humans (of which you are number 1000 to be 'born' into this world) still feel all too relevant to the issues posed by the lives we're living today: what is the price of progress? Will we ignore the mistakes of the past and push the world toward irreparable destruction? And why have cats remained loyal to this new race of robo-people, cementing their status as the superior future pet, when dogs have devolved back into vicious wolves? There are some puzzles too, I guess. Those are pretty great as well.




All of which is to say that there's a lot to love in The Talos Principle 2, even aside from its excellent puzzles, philosophical questions, and really quite gorgeous scenery. Despite the cold hard trappings of your mechanical body and its vast, brutalist architecture, there are deep wells of warmth and weirdness to be found here, and when you stack it all up it's not only one of the best puzzle games I've played this year, but also hands down one of the chewiest and stickiest games to lodge itself in my brain full stop. Kinda like what happens when I try and eat an actual Toblerone, to be honest - that stuff just gets everywhere. Even now, I'm thinking about the sheer scale and enormity of its giant laser towers, solutions to puzzles I haven't quite been able to wrap my head around yet, and whether, after losing track of which body-double I beamed my consciousness into back on island four, whether I am, in fact, still the same robot I began the game with. You might just be here to solve a puzzle, according to Alcatraz, but what a journey it takes you on in the process.


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