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👉 LET'S GOOOOO!! Help Kamusha escape the Florida hellscape!


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Hi, my name is Brie and I am a trans girl living in Florida. While I was born an… Brie Miracle needs your support for Donate to help Brie move out of Florida

Hi, my name is Brie and I am a trans girl living in Florida. While I was born and raised here, I can no longer call it my home. Recent shifts in the political climate have created a situation where I no longer feel safe here. As an openly trans teacher I fear my days are numbered as our governor continues to pass legislation banning me to even tell my students what my pronouns are. I must flee Florida for a state where I am free to be myself. I must do so for my, but more importantly my safety.

I have been contacting friends in Colorado and Illinois as I draft an exit plan. I have been pulling myself out of w bad financial situation and as a teacher I can only save so much money. Which is why I ask, if it is your heart, to help assist with my move. All money donated will go towards the savings that I have been storing away in preparation for the move and the rise in living expenses that comes from living in a safer, more progressive city.

This will be a big move for me. I have never moved out of state on my own and do not have a supportive family to assist me. Any bit, no matter how small, will help and will be much appreciated.


Florida has turned into a discriminatory environment for LGBTQ+ members, particularly in schools. For those who don't know, it is now law that you cannot teach or scarcely mention the existence of gays, trans, or other such individuals to students in schools from pre-K all the way up to high school seniors. Teachers can't ask students for their pronouns, can't refer to a student by a pronoun different from their birth, and must live in fear that identifying themselves might result in retaliatory action.


Kamusha, who is a teacher who happens to be trans, is in the crosshairs of these laws, and simply cannot have a lasting career in a state with such persecutory conditions. And in a place where such extremism is emboldened, her personal safety isn't even a guarantee.


Come on guys, we got this! Let's help our girl out of the Florida hellhole and into safer lands!

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I'm overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and donations today. It's been a tough few months watching my situation grow more worrisome but I'm feeling hope in a way I haven't in a long time. Y'all mean so much to me. Thank you :hug:

  • Halal 2
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2 hours ago, Kamusha said:

I'm overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and donations today. It's been a tough few months watching my situation grow more worrisome but I'm feeling hope in a way I haven't in a long time. Y'all mean so much to me. Thank you :hug:

I’m not in a position to donate right now, but I wish you the best and I hope people in your shoes in Florida who can’t leave are able to get a better state.

  • stepee 1
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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

Please keep this going until Friday. I can donate a bit then when I get paid. I'm treading water right now. 


That's up to Kamusha but if this is still up the first of June I'm making another contribution. I couldn't do much this week.

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44 minutes ago, Reputator said:


That's up to Kamusha but if this is still up the first of June I'm making another contribution. I couldn't do much this week.


You put the thread together and helped get this going so I’d actually say you did a lot this week!

  • stepee 1
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6 minutes ago, stepee said:

I’d keep it up until at least a week into June to give it a chance in case any randoms might come across it


According to a comment one of the donations came from my tweet about it, so there's that!

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Just donated, wish I could’ve done more but limited cash flow for awhile. If you keep it open until my next paycheck I can give more. 

I sent this to my fiancé who’s in tech in the Bay Area so hopefully it gains some traction there.

  • stepee 1
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On 5/24/2023 at 7:21 PM, Reputator said:


That's up to Kamusha but if this is still up the first of June I'm making another contribution. I couldn't do much this week.


On 5/24/2023 at 8:04 PM, stepee said:

I’d keep it up until at least a week into June to give it a chance in case any randoms might come across it


I'll be keep it up for a while so I can share it other communities I'm part of.


On 5/24/2023 at 8:25 PM, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

This is honestly the most generous online community I’ve ever seen. Great job, guys. 


I'm honestly so blown away by all the contributions. You guys are amazing. <3

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