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John Carmack headlines Basedcon, an anti-woke sci-fi convention.


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1 hour ago, MarSolo said:


I’m sorry, did anyone of these incels ever SEE Raiders of the Lost Ark? Marion Ravenwood’s first scene is her drinking some fat guy under the table, and then punching Indy in the face the first moment she sees him. THEN she helps him fight off the Nazis that come to her bar. Seems pretty competent to me.



Friday Movie GIF

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13 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Don't sell yourself short; patience is a Choi e a person makes to implement in any given situation.


And I don’t fault anybody for insulting people who say and do bad things, my point is that it is self-defeating. Your experience in work is evidence of this also on a smaller scale. Would you have a career as long as yours, able to take care of your children on your own, if you just got into the muck when people behaved badly?


And whether you realize it or not, your existence in the lives of those people altered their perceptions of the world for the better. There are lasting impacts that are hard to see at the micro level, but are meaningful in the aggregate.


Patience is only sort of a choice. I can only choose to be patient because I have it in me. Everyone's breaking point is different. Is everyone able to just swallow the multiple times old white guys screamed in my face about how I don't know what I'm talking about because uneducated and ignorant? Or being told I had no right to use a sick day to grieve over a late term miscarriage because I should be lucky to have my position given my "background"? Or being told I'm the best in the department but I'll be passed over for any promotions because management doesn't think I'll fit in? And then being moved to report directly to this guy that used my childhood city as a euphemism for some a racial slur who then immediately fired me for a "personality mismatch" before getting fired, himself, for sexually harassing thisn going black girl on our team?

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7 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Patience is only sort of a choice. I can only choose to be patient because I have it in me. Everyone's breaking point is different. Is everyone able to just swallow the multiple times old white guys screamed in my face about how I don't know what I'm talking about because uneducated and ignorant? Or being told I had no right to use a sick day to grieve over a late term miscarriage because I should be lucky to have my position given my "background"? Or being told I'm the best in the department but I'll be passed over for any promotions because management doesn't think I'll fit in? And then being moved to report directly to this guy that used my childhood city as a euphemism for some a racial slur who then immediately fired me for a "personality mismatch" before getting fired, himself, for sexually harassing thisn going black girl on our team?

Behaving patiently is a choice. It is a skill you learn and hone with time. It is easiest if this has been taught to you from childhood, but even impatient adults can expand their capacity to be patient.


You keep telling anecdotes that agree with my point. I don’t know what else to say.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

Behaving patiently is a choice. It is a skill you learn and hone with time. It is easiest if this has been taught to you from childhood, but even impatient adults can expand their capacity to be patient.


You keep telling anecdotes that agree with my point. I don’t know what else to say.


I'm just saying I don't think it's fair to assume everyone can just be patient in the face of bigotry. Sometimes it gets worse and it's hard to hold back. Like I'm more patient than others because my parents raised me from a very young age to be mindful of people that will hate and look down on my just for the color of my skin. I'm lucky. I had great parents. Not everyone does. That shit can be painful. I might be able to swallow it, but others have to choose between fighting back or crying to themselves in a bathroom stall and I don't think it's a fault if they're choosing to fight back over suffering alone.

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27 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


I'm just saying I don't think it's fair to assume everyone can just be patient in the face of bigotry. Sometimes it gets worse and it's hard to hold back. Like I'm more patient than others because my parents raised me from a very young age to be mindful of people that will hate and look down on my just for the color of my skin. I'm lucky. I had great parents. Not everyone does. That shit can be painful. I might be able to swallow it, but others have to choose between fighting back or crying to themselves in a bathroom stall and I don't think it's a fault if they're choosing to fight back over suffering alone.

I think you are also selling others short by thinking you are a special case. You just explained it, your parents instilled the virtue of patience in you from a young age. You *learned* patience. That certainly makes it easier to practice patience in adulthood. There are all sorts of other reservoirs of the mind that we can expand, even if parents missed the boat in childhood. Stuff like compassion and empathy. Or negative traits, like greed, can also grow in adulthood through learned behaviors.

It can be very difficult to learn these things, and unlearn bad habits and traits, but it isn’t impossible. The benefits of a patient existence are many at the individual level, and they compound at the societal level.


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5 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

Wtf is going on 

Grownups who disagree about something are chatting civilly about issues that pertain to them and their families, mostly.

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1 hour ago, Dexterryu said:

Why is this thread here and not in the politics board? This is the board that I come to AVOID all of that crap.


I agree actually, I like to balance my anxiety by going into the appropriate board for my current level.

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1 hour ago, Dexterryu said:

Why is this thread here and not in the politics board? This is the board that I come to AVOID all of that crap.

They've chased so many of the non-radical users on that board away, they need more fresh meat.

I mean, have you ever seen @crispy4000 walk away from an argument before? [That's a joke, you know I love you Crispy.]

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3 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

I think I’ve walked away from politics board before here, lol.  Maybe that says something.


I mean, at least with gaming, people act more mature about the name calling and flaming nowadays. :p



I know you and @Spork3245 have gone at it a few times where you didn't budge. :p

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5 hours ago, best3444 said:


I know you and @Spork3245 have gone at it a few times where you didn't budge. :p

Perhaps, I know definitely on the gaming side.  I’ve been in the wrong here before, but if I’m not seeing it, I don’t easily roll over.

But in my limited time with the politics board, things can get so emotionally charged with so much fuck-the-other-side that when perspectives are challenged, it’s no fun for anyone.


It’s not just here.  I tend to avoid politics discussion on the web.  I’d rather just watch some honest to goodness debates on Youtube with proper academic formatting and moderators.

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15 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

Perhaps, I know definitely on the gaming side.  I’ve been in the wrong here before, but if I’m not seeing it, I don’t easily roll over.

But in my limited time with the politics board, things can get so emotionally charged with so much fuck-the-other-side and that when perspectives are challenged, it’s no fun for anyone.


It’s not just here.  I tend to avoid politics discussion on the web.  I’d rather just watch some honest to goodness debates on Youtube with proper academic formatting and moderators.


Oh, believe me I have been trashed and even banned for my political views on that section of the board on here. It's gross but I try to stay away from there now. I was only messin with you about spork. 

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If you actually want to convince someone of anything insulting them is a bad plan the majority of the time.


But I also think not meeting contemptable positions with appropriate contempt normalizes their position and allows it to spread. Striking the right balance in the right situations is key.

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17 minutes ago, legend said:

If you actually want to convince someone of anything insulting them is a bad plan the majority of the time.


But I also think not meeting contemptable positions with appropriate contempt normalizes their position and allows it to spread. Striking the right balance in the right situations is key.


I think it mostly comes down to attacking ideas vs. attacking the holder of the idea. I don't have an issue getting into the nitty gritty of why a belief or action is wrong on any number of levels, it just turns out you don't have to call a person a "piece of shit" to challenge their beliefs or actions that you find contemptible. But I understand why insulting people is a favored way of dealing with such characters. It can feel very nice to land a proverbial haymaker.

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17 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


I think it mostly comes down to attacking ideas vs. attacking the holder of the idea. I don't have an issue getting into the nitty gritty of why a belief or action is wrong on any number of levels, it just turns out you don't have to call a person a "piece of shit" to challenge their beliefs or actions that you find contemptible. But I understand why insulting people is a favored way of dealing with such characters. It can feel very nice to land a proverbial haymaker.


I think I mostly agree with that, although sometimes some degree of attacking the person is unavoidable. For example, if you're trying to dissuade others from associating with someone or their organization because they're bad news, you can't really avoid calling them a piece of shit at least implicitly :p 

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I think one more positive way to look at it is that maybe if they feel the need to separate themselves with their anti woke fellows that means they won’t be attending “woke” conventions. I’m actually ok with the idea of this kind of event if it means that chuds self segregate themselves from the rest of society.

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49 minutes ago, stepee said:

I think one more positive way to look at it is that maybe if they feel the need to separate themselves with their anti woke fellows that means they won’t be attending “woke” conventions. I’m actually ok with the idea of this kind of event if it means that chuds self segregate themselves from the rest of society.

By the looks of it there are dozens of them. Dozens!

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I’ve spent my entire life listening to this kind of hatred. Since coming out as bisexual, I still hear my father insult the LGBTQ community. I’m fucking over it. I tend to avoid engaging with these people, but if they come at me, I’m done holding back. Even if it is family. 

Also, calling women murderers for exercising bodily autonomy earns a giant “fuck you” too. 

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