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The orcas have declared war.

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2 hours ago, Dodger said:

Killer whales for a reason

Technically they're not whales.


Still, commercial fishing is one of the most destructive industries on the planet, if not the most destructive. You know who else likes to eat fish? Killer whales. You know who keeps jacking all their shit? Humans.


If this is just killer whales being like "we're done with your shit," then I am fucking here for it. They are smart cookies.

  • stepee 1
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31 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Technically they're not whales.


Still, commercial fishing is one of the most destructive industries on the planet, if not the most destructive. You know who else likes to eat fish? Killer whales. You know who keeps jacking all their shit? Humans.


If this is just killer whales being like "we're done with your shit," then I am fucking here for it. They are smart cookies.


They think one of the orcas had a traumatic experience with a boat and is now teaching other orcas to attack boats with her. They're supposed to be smart enough that she's probably literally telling the other orcas the boats are bad and scary. 

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11 minutes ago, Jason said:


They think one of the orcas had a traumatic experience with a boat and is now teaching other orcas to attack boats with her. They're supposed to be smart enough that she's probably literally telling the other orcas the boats are bad and scary. 

They probably wouldn't do it if we weren't fucking driving them extinct.

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14 minutes ago, brucoe said:

Say it loud enough and Samuel L. Jackson will demand he star in a movie of the same name.


I've had it with these boat fighting orcas on my Monday to Friday Mediterranean. 

  • stepee 1
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/20/2023 at 4:38 AM, Fizzzzle said:

They probably wouldn't do it if we weren't fucking driving them extinct.

Biologists have no agreement that this is any kind of attack. Many of them think it’s about teaching her young to hunt. Especially since they only seem to be attacking rudders. this is one specific pod, and research has shown every pod of orca’s seem to have both their own dialects, and hunting traditions.  

They are definitely incredible animals though. You can watch them surgically hunt seals in a lot of places. You can also see a shark wash up on shore a lot of places and you know it’s a orca attack because the only thing missing will be the liver.


theres an incredible video of them attacking a seal on an icepack, watching them coordinate and attack together is a special thing. 

another video I saw, some guys were fishing Yellowfin Tuna, and a shark attacked the the tuna on their hook, and ended up on the hook itself. They were fighting this shark, reel, let out frag, reel, let out drag, typical saltwater fishing, and they had it near the surface. Out of nowhere, an Orca just comes flying from below, breaches into the sharks belly, and just launched it through the air and came down on top of it, taking it with him. They had to cut line immediately (law when whales/orcas/white sharks are involved, as soon as you can identify them you need to cut line in North America) and never saw the shark again. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 2:28 AM, unogueen said:

It's funny how anthropomorphism has grown a fondness for such egregious creatures. Like if the symbol for wildlife conservation wasn't one that was spectacularly uninvested it's own survival maybe we'd be somewhere.

how do you type so many words without ever saying anything of value?


Egregious creatures? Either you don't know what egregious means, or you're just a moron. 

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3 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

how do you type so many words without ever saying anything of value?


Egregious creatures? Either you don't know what egregious means, or you're just a moron. 

You like rapey animals? Plenty of cute ones are. Pandas have long decided they don't want to survive.

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27 minutes ago, unogueen said:

You like rapey animals? Plenty of cute ones are. Pandas have long decided they don't want to survive.


Ducks are the rapiest I believe. So much so that 'God' created the females to have TWO vaginas, one with false traps & the like while the other is for who she chooses to be her mate. Also, corkscrew penises.

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2 hours ago, SoberChef said:


Ducks are the rapiest I believe. So much so that 'God' created the females to have TWO vaginas, one with false traps & the like while the other is for who she chooses to be her mate. Also, corkscrew penises.

Knowledge brings fear.

  • True 1
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4 hours ago, SoberChef said:


Ducks are the rapiest I believe. So much so that 'God' created the females to have TWO vaginas, one with false traps & the like while the other is for who she chooses to be her mate. Also, corkscrew penises.

Please don’t look up sea otters

  • Halal 1
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9 hours ago, unogueen said:

You like rapey animals? Plenty of cute ones are. Pandas have long decided they don't want to survive.

Ok, so you’re just a dumb shit.


no animal decides they don’t want to survive, WE destroy them. Kind of like the way you seem to have destroyed your brain.


saying a species doesn’t want to survive is just babbling for the sake of babbling. I mean, you mention anthromorphism, but then try to put human concepts like rape on animals? Animals have no concept of rape, only survival and procreation. To even bring up rape when talking about animals shows you have no place in the discussion. I can never tell if you’re a troll, or just plain mentally deficient. 


like I said, you say plenty of words, but nothing of value ever comes from them. 

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4 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Please don’t look up sea otters

Or bears. Not only will a boar “rape” a sow, it'll kill her offspring just so she will go into heat again. And if he doesn’t drag the cubs carcass off to eat himself, the sow will usually eat it. 

Old boars that can’t procreate anymore are by far the best individual bears to hunt because they they can no longer produce offspring, but they will still kill all of the cubs and yearlings in his territory because it obviously doesn’t understand fertility (or rape). Its all just part of yhe mating ritual.


Elephants also do this (lions as well) Old bulls dominate the herd and will kill competitors who try to breed the cows, but he can no longer breed them himself. This why I’m ok with the very, very limited hunting of specific elephants in what are auctioned hunts, because the killing of those old bulls helps the herd grow, and all of the money from the auctions goes back into anti-poaching efforts and the protection of endangered species. An animal killing the future of its species is better off culled from the herd, especially after his genes have been passed on and he can no longer mate. I still couldn’t kill one myself, even if I was super rich and could afford it, but I’m not against the practice in those specific circumstances.


anyway, that was a long tangent, but I’m more interested and passionate about this stuff than I am in most human political issues. The management of endangered species is complicated and messy, but science has shown that “just leave them alone”, which is what ‘Animal Rights Groups’ preach, is the worst way to deal with endangered animals. It requires specific interventions that people might think seem cruel, but are also best for the species as a whole.

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4 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Ok, so you’re just a dumb shit.


no animal decides they don’t want to survive, WE destroy them. Kind of like the way you seem to have destroyed your brain.


saying a species doesn’t want to survive is just babbling for the sake of babbling. I mean, you mention anthromorphism, but then try to put human concepts like rape on animals? Animals have no concept of rape, only survival and procreation. To even bring up rape when talking about animals shows you have no place in the discussion. I can never tell if you’re a troll, or just plain mentally deficient. 


like I said, you say plenty of words, but nothing of value ever comes from them. 

I never talked about the realities of survival. I was referring to the innate sense of anthropomorphism people draw from all life. Cancer is a general reality but doesn't stop people from calling it evil. Or more to the point I'm making, there's a loud portion of the population whose basic knowledge of anything is derived entirely from screens that leads to a disconnect with the actual realities of being a living being. And this disconnect makes it hard for people to envision what the realities of scarcity and ecosocial collapse are going to be.

  • True 1
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4 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Or bears. Not only will a boar “rape” a sow, it'll kill her offspring just so she will go into heat again. And if he doesn’t drag the cubs carcass off to eat himself, the sow will usually eat it. 

Old boars that can’t procreate anymore are by far the best individual bears to hunt because they they can no longer produce offspring, but they will still kill all of the cubs and yearlings in his territory because it obviously doesn’t understand fertility (or rape). Its all just part of yhe mating ritual.


Elephants also do this (lions as well) Old bulls dominate the herd and will kill competitors who try to breed the cows, but he can no longer breed them himself. This why I’m ok with the very, very limited hunting of specific elephants in what are auctioned hunts, because the killing of those old bulls helps the herd grow, and all of the money from the auctions goes back into anti-poaching efforts and the protection of endangered species. An animal killing the future of its species is better off culled from the herd, especially after his genes have been passed on and he can no longer mate. I still couldn’t kill one myself, even if I was super rich and could afford it, but I’m not against the practice in those specific circumstances.


anyway, that was a long tangent, but I’m more interested and passionate about this stuff than I am in most human political issues. The management of endangered species is complicated and messy, but science has shown that “just leave them alone”, which is what ‘Animal Rights Groups’ preach, is the worst way to deal with endangered animals. It requires specific interventions that people might think seem cruel, but are also best for the species as a whole.

Yea, no, otters are still worse. 


They do it for fun when they’re bored to baby dolphins and other animals and kills the other animal in the process.


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