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Didn't Know Which Thread to Put this in So I gave it its own topic

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1 hour ago, DarkStar189 said:

I'm not surprised the guy was shot answering the door that way. It's sad and shouldn't have happened sure.  But he has a bright ass porch light. Use it and look out the window.  Open the window and yell out.  Someone knocking on the outside of your door isn't a threat to your life that you need to bust out the door ready to draw.  I'm more confused why they opened fire on the wife.  Was she armed too or did they think she was going for the gun?  To be clear I'm not excusing the police for any of this.  They created the situation by going to the wrong house.

She picked up the gun off her dying husband and just unloads the magazine through the open door in the direction of the flashlights

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2 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

Was she armed too or did they think she was going for the gun?

She took shots at them too, also not realizing they were cops. Fortunately she wasn't hit. 


1 hour ago, MarSolo said:

A guy was beating his wife on my lawn and the cops were taking their sweet time. I had to improvise knowing that cops are a LITTLE racist.

Yeah but you could have gotten that guy killed. Cops are now thinking there's an armed suspect... a black one to boot.

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6 hours ago, MarSolo said:

I call again, lie and say the guy is black and carrying a gun. Within five minutes there were multiple cop cars at my address.

This is legitimately disturbing behavior. 

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Christ almighty, this thread. 


Fuck the police, though. I mean, if it were me, I wouldn’t have opened the door or I wouldn’t turned on the light and peeked out the window. 

But. In a country full of gun nuts and the idea of owning a firearm for self defense, it makes sense this guy did what he did. If the police had done their due diligence, he’d still be alive. 

  • Halal 1
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15 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

She took shots at them too, also not realizing they were cops. Fortunately she wasn't hit. 


Yeah but you could have gotten that guy killed. Cops are now thinking there's an armed suspect... a black one to boot.


Well, he was white and beating his wife, so my concern for HIS safety is kind of not there at that point.

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Video released. Door opened, dude was instantly plugged.




New bodycam footage shows a deadly police shooting in New Mexico on April 5. Officers responded to the wrong address after receiving a domestic violence report and fatally shot 52-year-old homeowner Robert Dotson, who investigators say pointed a gun at the police. NBC News’ Shaquille Brewster reports.


Better footage. This actually shows the guy opening the door probably did actually raise a gun at police.

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Having watched all three body cam videos, I legitimately don't know how anybody could be critical of the police in this situation. 


They arrive on the street for a domestic violence call, and per modern SOP for DV calls, they park down the street to make a surprise arrival. This is meant to protect the person making the call from additional violence when the aggressor realizes the police have been called on them. As they are walking down the street looking for the house, the first of the three officers confuses the numbers when he reads 4805, when they were actually dispatched to 4808, which is across the street. They go to the door and knock and announce themselves as police three times in about 90 seconds. At this point they begin to question whether or not they are at the correct address, and radio in for verification. Because they now think they may be at the wrong address, they actually move away from the house to de-escalate the situation. Moments later the door opens, the officer realizes the homeowner is armed, tells him to put his hands up, and the homeowner points his gun at the officer. All three officers fire.


There is no reason that scenario ends with anything but a "sorry to wake you, our mistake" besides the very American cowboy idea that one should go brandish a firearm because somebody knocked on their door in the middle of the night. If this had been a stranded motorist looking for assistance, everybody would think the homeowner is a psycho for pointing a gun at them.

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1 hour ago, Reputator said:

Video released. Door opened, dude was instantly plugged.




New bodycam footage shows a deadly police shooting in New Mexico on April 5. Officers responded to the wrong address after receiving a domestic violence report and fatally shot 52-year-old homeowner Robert Dotson, who...


Better footage. This actually shows the guy opening the door probably did actually raise a gun at police.

Question is did he know they were cops?  I don't know that he did. The Cops DID identify themselves, but I'm not sure he heard them. All he probably heard was the banging on the door. His wife definitely didn't know they were cops. Even the cops acknowledge that. He probably didn't either.


2 hours ago, MarSolo said:


Well, he was white and beating his wife, so my concern for HIS safety is kind of not there at that point.

Even given those things, you sent the cops in with a heightened sense of danger that could have resulted not just in this guy getting hurt, but any number of folks. As this very topic shows, there's always a risk of someone getting hurt who doesn't deserve it when cops are called and I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate this story either for a whole HOST of reasons if they heard it.  Also, this:


2 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

They could have seen a random black guy and things could have gone very bad very quick. 

See: Tyrie Nichols 

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2 hours ago, MarSolo said:

Well, he was white and beating his wife, so my concern for HIS safety is kind of not there at that point.


Dude, the state of mind of the officers arriving on scene has huge potential impacts on how they handle things. Playing into racist stereotypes to provoke a response by police is so terribly reckless.

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Having watched all three body cam videos, I legitimately don't know how anybody could be critical of the police in this situation. 


They arrive on the street for a domestic violence call, and per modern SOP for DV calls, they park down the street to make a surprise arrival. This is meant to protect the person making the call from additional violence when the aggressor realizes the police have been called on them. As they are walking down the street looking for the house, the first of the three officers confuses the numbers when he reads 4805, when they were actually dispatched to 4808, which is across the street. They go to the door and knock and announce themselves as police three times in about 90 seconds. At this point they begin to question whether or not they are at the correct address, and radio in for verification. Because they now think they may be at the wrong address, they actually move away from the house to de-escalate the situation. Moments later the door opens, the officer realizes the homeowner is armed, tells him to put his hands up, and the homeowner points his gun at the officer. All three officers fire.


There is no reason that scenario ends with anything but a "sorry to wake you, our mistake" besides the very American cowboy idea that one should go brandish a firearm because somebody knocked on their door in the middle of the night. If this had been a stranded motorist looking for assistance, everybody would think the homeowner is a psycho for pointing a gun at them.

Moral of the story, " Guns DO NOT make you safer"


Those poor kids... I hadn't heard that part of the story before.  I wonder how Right Wing media is gonna cover this if at all.

  • stepee 1
  • True 1
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50 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Having watched all three body cam videos, I legitimately don't know how anybody could be critical of the police in this situation. 


They arrive on the street for a domestic violence call, and per modern SOP for DV calls, they park down the street to make a surprise arrival. This is meant to protect the person making the call from additional violence when the aggressor realizes the police have been called on them. As they are walking down the street looking for the house, the first of the three officers confuses the numbers when he reads 4805, when they were actually dispatched to 4808, which is across the street. They go to the door and knock and announce themselves as police three times in about 90 seconds. At this point they begin to question whether or not they are at the correct address, and radio in for verification. Because they now think they may be at the wrong address, they actually move away from the house to de-escalate the situation. Moments later the door opens, the officer realizes the homeowner is armed, tells him to put his hands up, and the homeowner points his gun at the officer. All three officers fire.


There is no reason that scenario ends with anything but a "sorry to wake you, our mistake" besides the very American cowboy idea that one should go brandish a firearm because somebody knocked on their door in the middle of the night. If this had been a stranded motorist looking for assistance, everybody would think the homeowner is a psycho for pointing a gun at them.

999,999,999/1,000,000,000 times, somebody  that intends you harm isn’t knocking on your door first. 

  • True 1
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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Moral of the story, " Guns DO NOT make you safer"


Those poor kids... I hadn't heard that part of the story before.  I wonder who Right Wing media is gonna cover this if at all.


This is sorta my take, just having the gun increased the chances that he'd die. 

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1 hour ago, SuperSpreader said:

This is sorta my take, just having the gun increased the chances that he'd die. 

I mean it's been statistically proven that having a gun in the house increases the chances that someone WITHIN that house will be shot. I know of at least TWO accidental discharges in my family alone one involving children. Thank GOD no one was hurt in either instance. Both my father and stepfather have been on me to get a gun for my own home and I've been hesitatant to do it for this very reason.

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5 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Having watched all three body cam videos, I legitimately don't know how anybody could be critical of the police in this situation. 


They arrive on the street for a domestic violence call, and per modern SOP for DV calls, they park down the street to make a surprise arrival. This is meant to protect the person making the call from additional violence when the aggressor realizes the police have been called on them. As they are walking down the street looking for the house, the first of the three officers confuses the numbers when he reads 4805, when they were actually dispatched to 4808, which is across the street. They go to the door and knock and announce themselves as police three times in about 90 seconds. At this point they begin to question whether or not they are at the correct address, and radio in for verification. Because they now think they may be at the wrong address, they actually move away from the house to de-escalate the situation. Moments later the door opens, the officer realizes the homeowner is armed, tells him to put his hands up, and the homeowner points his gun at the officer. All three officers fire.


There is no reason that scenario ends with anything but a "sorry to wake you, our mistake" besides the very American cowboy idea that one should go brandish a firearm because somebody knocked on their door in the middle of the night. If this had been a stranded motorist looking for assistance, everybody would think the homeowner is a psycho for pointing a gun at them.


Yeah I'll be the last to defend cops when they fire on an unarmed person but I can't fault the cops either in this situation. Yes they arrived at the wrong address and this wouldn't have happened if they didn't, but that guy should have NEVER been pointing a gun at them, and they made every effort to make their presence known.

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7 hours ago, sblfilms said:

There is no reason that scenario ends with anything but a "sorry to wake you, our mistake" besides the very American cowboy idea that one should go brandish a firearm because somebody knocked on their door in the middle of the night.


People in this country are crazily terrified of all other human beings, it's to the point where they barely know their own neighbors. Guns are harder to get in Massachusetts and I have family that runs by the same "if someone is knocking on my door in the middle of the night, I'm grabbing my gun". Is a video doorbell is so hard to install if you're really that scared of other people? I don't know how I would even function if I lived with that sort of unfounded fear. The looks these folks gave me I'd admit to routinely falling asleep on the commuter rail into Boston is hilarious.

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5 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:


This is sorta my take, just having the gun increased the chances that he'd die. 

This has been shown time after time in study after study: living with a gun increases your odds of dying.


Residents who don’t own a handgun but live with someone who does are significantly more likely to die by homicide compared with those in gun-free homes, research shows.

And there are many more studies out there. 


Gun owners have terrible risk assessment and live in a fantasy world. Owning a gun isn't going to keep your family safe. If you want to keep your family safe, throw out your weapons.

  • stepee 1
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8 hours ago, sblfilms said:

If this had been a stranded motorist looking for assistance, everybody would think the homeowner is a psycho for pointing a gun at them.


Plenty of gun owners would not, especially if the homeowner didn't actually shoot and "merely" got the motorist off their property with the threat of violence. That is the very specific reason that many people own guns.

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See my first thought is never "bad guy is going to knock at my door in the middle of the night" to let me know he's here.   My front door has small windows near the top that I'm tall enough to look out, it's got a peep hole, I could also look out the front window. If you're that scared just don't answer the door. There's no need.

Wife and I got woken up at 1:30am a few years ago.  Our teenage neighbor got locked out of his house while his parents were away for the weekend. Stayed out late with friends and forgot his key. He remembered we traded house keys previously in case either of us had an emergency or something.  I would have looked like a real asshole answering the door with a gun in my hand.

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Home invasions do often present with knocking then a rush in which is why just don’t answer the door. 

My plan has always been, barricade the bedroom door, call 911, have the rifle pointed at the door cause at that point if they’re trying to get into the bedroom I can take that as intention to do harm. Fiancé knows the same.


but thankfully I live in one the safest areas in California so not even a blimp on my radar.

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