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True Detective: Night Country (HBO) - Official Trailer

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to True Detective: Night Country (HBO, 2023) - Official Teaser Trailer
23 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I'm in!


I also think seasons 2-3 aren't as bad as a lot of people claim.


Same - neither is as good as season 1 of course, but season 2 has some great filmmaking and specific episodes that are cool and season 3 reaches some pretty good highs. This is an all new cast and crew so this may as well be called a different show entirely, they're just using the vibe and name recognition and tone of the original show.

  • stepee 1
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It goes without saying that True Detective season 1 is one of the greatest shows of all time, and I think part of that had to do with the way it wove lovecraftian/cult elements into the story (without ever answering the questions). It's something I think the entire series should have followed...and maybe this one could:


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4 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Season 2 has some of the greatest completely unintentional comedy in the history of television.

Dare I say that it's borderline genius!


No matter how hard he tries, Vince Vaughn just can't escape his comedic tendencies. 

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Looks cool but I'm not sure about the True Detective branding. This doesn't appear to have been written by Pizzolatto, which makes me pretty skeptical. Season 2 was interesting and probably could have been really good if it was a little more coherent or had a little more to say about incoherence. Season 3 was good but ultimately was just chasing Season 1's tail. And, Season 1 is of course one of the best shows ever made.

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  • 5 months later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to True Detective: Night Country (HBO, 14 January 2024) - Official Teaser 2
  • 2 months later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to True Detective: Night Country (HBO, 14 January 2024) - Official Trailer
  • 1 month later...

Showrunner/Writer/Director Issa López makes a drastic departure from the previous three seasons with "True Detective: Night Country".

4.5/5 Skulls!

So stoked to start this Sunday night. Apropos of the weather I'll be experiencing this weekend with this massive storm surge set to strike upon us w/ over 2 FEET of snow before the weekend ends.

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That was a really fucking good first episode (of 6) - really intrigued by the setup. The opening quote will clearly be a thesis to the show and you can already see specific recurring themes for this season as True Detective does every season, this time it appears to be: dreaming vs. waking, God being alone, the origin of life, native people vs. white "invaders" and male violence against women. It's pretty clear the 8 guys at Tsalal Research Station did something as its noted that the entire station were all men. Really like the new setting and it definitely still had True Detective vibes throughout. It was also nice to organically learn aspects of the characters without it feeling like we're being fed exposition. 


This new season is co-written and every episode directed by Issa Lopez, who did the 2017 horror film Tigers Are Not Afraid, which I have not seen but have only heard great things about. With this kind of start, I have hope this could be a really good season of the show. Everyone should check it out. Yes, no more Nic Pizzolatto, but that's probably a good thing at this point. I got a lot of my True Detective fix with Alan Wake II but I want more, and here it is. It's also really refreshing to see a very game Jodie Foster back acting as she's only done three projects in the last 11 years (since 2013's Elysium) until this. 



Led by Jodie Foster and Kali Reis, season four isn’t so much a return to form as a renaissance.



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6 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

That was a really fucking good first episode (of 6) - really intrigued by the setup. The opening quote will clearly be a thesis to the show and you can already see specific recurring themes for this season as True Detective does every season, this time it appears to be: dreaming vs. waking, God being alone, the origin of life, native people vs. white "invaders" and male violence against women. It's pretty clear the 8 guys at Tsalal Research Station did something as its noted that the entire station was all men. Really like the new setting and it definitely still had True Detective vibes throughout. It was also nice to organically learn aspects of the characters without it feeling like we're being fed exposition. 


This new season is co-written and every episode directed by Issa Lopez, who did the 2017 horror film Tigers Are Not Afraid, which I have not seen but have only heard great things about. With this kind of start, I have hope this could be a really good season of the show. Everyone should check it out. Yes, no more Nic Pizzolatto, but that's probably a good thing at this point. I got a lot of my True Detective fix with Alan Wake II but I want more, and here it is. It's also really refreshing to see a very game Jodie Foster back acting as she's only done three projects in the last 11 years (since 2013's Elysium) until this. 



Led by Jodie Foster and Kali Reis, season four isn’t so much a return to form as a renaissance.



Tigers Are Not Afraid is a cool little movie. Didn’t realize this was same person. I thought it was interesting that although this is being listed as the fourth season of True Detective, in the opening credits she’s credited as the creator, and it’s “Based on the series True Detective created by Nick Pizzolatto”. I suppose that’s the cleanest way to keep the name going while signaling that there’s a new main creative force behind it. 

Anyway, yeah, really good start. It’s great to have Jodie Foster back and doing something people will actually watch (apologies to Nyad). I was also excited to see Fiona Shaw and my guy John Hawkes in there. 

  • Hype 1
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5 hours ago, TheLeon said:

Tigers Are Not Afraid is a cool little movie. Didn’t realize this was same person. I thought it was interesting that although this is being listed as the fourth season of True Detective, in the opening credits she’s credited as the creator, and it’s “Based on the series True Detective created by Nick Pizzolatto”. I suppose that’s the cleanest way to keep the name going while signaling that there’s a new main creative force behind it. 

Anyway, yeah, really good start. It’s great to have Jodie Foster back and doing something people will actually watch (apologies to Nyad). I was also excited to see Fiona Shaw and my guy John Hawkes in there. 


Yeah, I should really check out Tigers Are Not Afraid. And I saw the same in the credits, which is, as you said, probably the cleanest way to make a break from Pizzolatto. I mean, Woody Harrelson, Matthew McCoughaney and Cary Joji Fukunaga all remain executive producers too (though Fukunaga's credit did not come in the opening credits like the other three but at the end). 


What's a shame is those three projects Foster did in those 11 years, two of them are really good, you mentioned Nyad (which no one watched) and The Mauritanian, which more people watched but still not many. 

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Considering the series only has 6 episodes total, this is going to fly so quick. I will say that the first scene interaction between our two leads felt a bit awkward, but aside from that little niggle with the premiere, I enjoyed it & am all aboard for the ride that is to come.

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Second episode was another really strong outing, with some great True Detective season 1 callbacks. The spiral, for one thing, but Fiona Shaw's dead husband being named Travis Cohle is clearly a reference to Rust Cohle's father (Matthew McConaughey's character from season 1) since Rust said he went to Alaska and he had a survivalist father out there who died of leukemia. If Rust showed up that'd be crazy but fun. Really enjoying the mystery and character dynamics so far.


Edit: I should have also mentioned that the Tuttle's were mentioned as the company behind Tsalal Station and they were also the family behind the child abuse ring in Louisiana in True Detective season 1 as well.

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"It was absolutely terrifying to share the space with it."




It starts as a flash — the briefest glimpse of something horrific, something freezing to the point of black. We get more: a head, a limb, a grimace. It starts to come into focus, around the scene, through bits of dialogue: These men froze to death in clearly agonizing terror, their bodies suspended mid-writhing as well as in the ground. Frostbite abounds; some even clawed their eyes out. Once they finally excavate the bodies, it will be as a singular, frozen mass, transported on a tongue of ice to the local rink so they can slowly defrost. It is Lovecraftian and spectacular. It is exactly what True Detective: Night Country production designer Daniel Taylor hoped it would be like.


“It’s the cornerstone of the entire show,” Taylor says. “It was absolutely terrifying to share the space with it. You were always aware. When we were dressing the ice rink, you were always looking over your shoulder because it felt like someone was watching you — or six people were watching you.”


To get the shape just right, Taylor and showrunner Issa López sat down to wade through all the “random thoughts that enter your head about what it could look like” after reading the description “corpsicle” on the page. They quickly narrowed down some details of what it had to entail: While Taylor had initially supposed the bodies could be in knots, López wanted them more linearly laid out. The sloping cascade of limbs would allow for the group to be all clearly “terrified in one direction.” To help illustrate how each scientist might be situated and entwined with another, López gamely dropped to the ground to start acting out how the terrified bodies would be frozen.



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Dave and Lou Elsey, the couple behind the macabre iceberg, break down the creation of one of this year’s creepiest props




At the heart of the mystery in True Detective: Night Country is a grisly centerpiece: a cluster of perished scientists, found frozen together in the Alaskan barrens in a pastiche of human misery—advanced frostbite, ruptured ear drums, burnt corneas, and self-inflicted bites. Finding who, or what, is responsible for the research team’s demise at the shadowy Tsalal Arctic Research Station falls to the fictional Ennis Police Department, led by Jodie Foster as chief Liz Danvers, who dubs the mass—found mostly covered by snow at the end of the series’ first episode—“a giant block of flesh” and a “corpsicle.”


Far from being swiftly deposited in a morgue or shipped off to the bigwigs in Anchorage, the structure has loomed larger narratively with each passing episode. It’s a focal point that is monumental, both in its significance to the story and in the effort to build it.


“This is from the mind of [True Detective: Night Country writer and director] Issa López,” says Dave Elsey, who, with his wife, Lou, created the series’ prosthetics, including the iceberg full of doomed men; “corpsicle” was López’s term for the formation from the very beginning. “She has a very dark mind. She also has a dark sense of humor. And we knew that from the moment they said ‘corpsicle’—we were like, ‘Oh, we’re on board.’”



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22 hours ago, TheLeon said:

“It’s a long fuckin’ night. Even the dead get bored.”


It’s so (intentionally) disorienting when everything is dark all the time. 

My mind is wanting to categorize everything happening in the show between 9 p.m- 7am. I have to keep reminding myself that I need some context clues to determine what time it is. 


I'm not quite sure how it will all work together yet, but I'm enjoying it. The winter night darkness and the isolation by necessity from the elements adds a fairly unique level of tension to the show. I've watched a little bit of that Icelandic show (I think) Trapped and it reminds me somewhat of it, but leans more into some tones of horror with the screaming body, apparition, and lockdown gone wrong. I think the sound track has enhanced the setting fairly effectively too. The pacing seems fairly matched to other seasons, but with 2 fewer episodes, I'm curious if that will change. Acting is solid. Characters are okay so far. 

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@Massdriveryou just nailed something as I read your response. You, me, all of us watching may very well feel a slight sense of being "lost" because it's always black. Time IS a flat circle!


I'm all in on the intrigue for sure, 2nd ep was far better. Also, seeing Chris Eccelston is always great ... well until we had to see his ass, some actors I just don't gotta see all that! :shock:

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Halfway through the season now and really loving the setting - I constantly forget that it's currently still polar/eternal night so they are working during the daytime even though it always feels like it's nighttime. This third episode was a big table setting episode as many middle of the season episodes are but we learned additional details about our main three detectives as well as more about the case and the potential supernatural or otherwordly things that could be precipitating events. It's been a very enjoyable season so far - Issa Lopez has a different style, her filmmaking feels more naturalistic and less stylized; whereas Cary Joji Fukunaga felt like he was making a statement with season 1, this plays out less showy, which I think works for it because it does do stylistic flourishes now and then which are great since they contrast so much with the natural tone frequently at play. Nothing will top season 1, this doesn't appear it will either, but it's definitely better than the messy season 2 (which I still really liked parts of) and on par with season 3 so far. 

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