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Maryland AG releases 463 page report detailing 80 years of sexual abuse (at least 600 victims) and cover-ups by Archdiocese of Baltimore

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More than 150 Catholic priests and others associated with the Archdiocese of Baltimore sexually abused more than 600 children over the past 80 years. That's according to a state report released...




More than 150 Catholic priests and others associated with the Archdiocese of Baltimore sexually abused over 600 children and often escaped accountability, according to a long-awaited state report released Wednesday that revealed the scope of abuse spanning 80 years and accused church leaders of decades of coverups.


The report paints a damning picture of the archdiocese, which is the oldest Roman Catholic diocese in the country and spans much of Maryland. Some parishes, schools and congregations had more than one abuser at the same time — including St. Mark Parish in Catonsville, which had 11 abusers living and working there between 1964 and 2004. One deacon admitted to molesting over 100 children. Another priest was allowed to feign hepatitis treatment and make other excuses to avoid facing abuse allegations.




The Baltimore report says church leaders were focused on keeping abuse hidden, not on protecting victims or stopping abuse. In some situations, victims ended up reporting abuse to priests who were abusive themselves. And when law enforcement did become aware of abuse allegations, police and prosecutors were often deferential and “uninterested in probing what church leaders knew and when,” according to the report.


Sue it into oblivion.

  • Guillotine 3
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The Pope did recently make a statement about abolishing the practice of celibacy so things like this may not be quite as "common"? I mean I get how 1000 years ago, priests would be slinging ALL the dick in town because they hold the high ground morally & others were wanting to "get in good" with the men of the cloth. Today however, I don't think it's quite the same, but I'm fairly certain paternity suits would cost a hell of a lot less than child rape/molestation suits.

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1 hour ago, SoberChef said:

The Pope did recently make a statement about abolishing the practice of celibacy so things like this may not be quite as "common"? I mean I get how 1000 years ago, priests would be slinging ALL the dick in town because they hold the high ground morally & others were wanting to "get in good" with the men of the cloth. Today however, I don't think it's quite the same, but I'm fairly certain paternity suits would cost a hell of a lot less than child rape/molestation suits.


The Catholic Church doesn't exist today because it's conservative. Like if we proved genetics affect a person being straight or LGTBQ then like our doctrine would have to change because a God that loves us wouldn't create a being meant to go to hell. 


I think we should just let priests get married. As any man knows actual sex is what satisfies you so hopefully it would mean the guys left over doing this stuff are in fact actual pedos and not just horny and the kids are right there kinda thing. 

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7 hours ago, unogueen said:

80 years? Try hundreds. It's been a pious practice for men of the cloth to tempt themselves with children since the no nut for jesus challenge started.


Thousands kid. The Catholic Church traces its origins to early Christianity. The pope is the Bishop of Rome.

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14 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

...because a God that loves us wouldn't create a being meant to go to hell. 


You effectively just completely disproved God's "love" and/or existence in that one sentence.


God's supposed omniscience means that She already knows whether a being is condemned to Hell before that being comes into existence.  Therefore, God allows the creation of such a person even though She knows that person is damned for eternity.


So much for God's "love,", eh?

  • True 1
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Furthermore, if the argument is that She doesn't know whether a person is condemned to Hell, then that pretty much eliminates Her "omniscience".


In summary:


If She doesn't know if a being will be condemned for eternity, then She isn't "omniscient".

If She knows that a being will be condemned for eternity and can't do anything about it, then She isn't "omnipotent".

If She knows that a being will be condemned for eternity and can do something about it, but chooses not to do something about it, then She isn't "omnibenevolent".


What's the use of believing in this supposedly infallible Deity anyway?  I'd rather believe in one of those ludicrous pagan pantheons because at they're honest about how horribly fallible they really are.

  • Halal 1
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44 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


You effectively just completely disproved God's "love" and/or existence in that one sentence.


God's supposed omniscience means that She already knows whether a being is condemned to Hell before that being comes into existence.  Therefore, God allows the creation of such a person even though She knows that person is damned for eternity.


So much for God's "love,", eh?

The Bible is clear that God doesn’t love everybody, and Christians largely didn’t say such things until the 60s and 70s.

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I had a good discussion with my wife the other day about Christianity, and she was very confused about the whole thing. Couldn't understand why there are Catholics but also other Christians. When I explained what Protestantism is, she was also confused by how many types there are, and how big the range is in extremism. She asked "so who are the worst Christians?" and I had to explain which ones are more extreme in different ways, etc. How you have Anglicans and also Evangelicals in the Protestant camp (technically). She kind of threw her hands up in the air and said none of it makes sense, haha.

  • True 1
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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

I had a good discussion with my wife the other day about Christianity, and she was very confused about the whole thing. Couldn't understand why there are Catholics but also other Christians. When I explained what Protestantism is, she was also confused by how many types there are, and how big the range is in extremism. She asked "so who are the worst Christians?" and I had to explain which ones are more extreme in different ways, etc. How you have Anglicans and also Evangelicals in the Protestant camp (technically). She kind of threw her hands up in the air and said none of it makes sense, haha.


Did you even begin to explain Orthodoxy and the original Great Schism of 1054 to her?

If you really wanted to make her head explode, you can even further back to DocetismDonatism, Arianism, Monophysitism, etc.


And let's not even get into Gnosticism...

  • True 1
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9 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Did you even begin to explain Orthodoxy and the original Great Schism of 1054 to her?

If you really wanted to make her head explode, you can even further back to DocetismDonatism, Arianism, Monophysitism, etc.


And let's not even get into Gnosticism...


Don't forget Jews for Jesus.

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I saw the Virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake
I witnessed tribes of Judah reduced to ruin
I watched disciples twelve dissolved by flame
Looked down on son of God snuffed in vain
Blow your trumpets Gabriel!
As I beheld the bewilderment of Eden
Break the bread and crumb by crumb into the Leviathan's den
Nations fall prey
Hail my return
Hosanna (Hosanna)
Tribe of Judah decimate
Hosanna (Hosanna)
Roots of David eradicate
Hosanna (Hosanna)
Let wine of Sodom fill our mouths
Hosanna (Hosanna)
May sin of Gomorrah grace our hearts


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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Did you even begin to explain Orthodoxy and the original Great Schism of 1054 to her?

If you really wanted to make her head explode, you can even further back to DocetismDonatism, Arianism, Monophysitism, etc.


And let's not even get into Gnosticism...


Years ago, I used to teach a high school Bible study class that I turned into a Christian histories class. Let me tell you. There is nothing Christian parents hate more than sending their kids to a class like mine to have them taught all that fun history.

  • True 1
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7 hours ago, SoberChef said:

The Pope did recently make a statement about abolishing the practice of celibacy so things like this may not be quite as "common"? I mean I get how 1000 years ago, priests would be slinging ALL the dick in town because they hold the high ground morally & others were wanting to "get in good" with the men of the cloth. Today however, I don't think it's quite the same, but I'm fairly certain paternity suits would cost a hell of a lot less than child rape/molestation suits.

It's not clear to me that this would solve the problem completely, even though it may help to a degree. A lot of churches that do allow their priests or ministers to marry still have problems with sexual abuse. Allowing marriage may attract a better pool of priests or at least more of them so they feel they can throw the bad ones under the bus. The Southern Baptists come to mind among many others that have issues with abuse even though their ministers can marry.


Men of the cloth doing bad shit with their authority seems to be pretty consistent throughout church history. All churches, including the leadership, need to be criminally liable for the shit they cause so leadership doesn't look the other way. 


2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Did you even begin to explain Orthodoxy and the original Great Schism of 1054 to her?

If you really wanted to make her head explode, you can even further back to DocetismDonatism, Arianism, Monophysitism, etc.


And let's not even get into Gnosticism...

Unleavened bread is unacceptable!! 


Dyophysitism > Monophysitism


The Cathars just popped up suddenly as a throwback to Gnosticism in some ways. The history of Christianity is pretty fascinating. 

  • Halal 1
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1 minute ago, Massdriver said:

The Cathars just popped up suddenly as a throwback to Gnosticism in some ways. The history of Christianity is pretty fascinating. 


The Cathars suddenly appear in southern France and northern Italy as an offshoot of Bogomilism (which originated in Bulgaria), created their own parallel ecclesiastical structure, and get an entire crusade called upon them for their trouble!

  • stepee 1
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8 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


The Cathars suddenly appear in southern France and northern Italy as an offshoot of Bogomilism (which originated in Bulgaria), created their own parallel ecclesiastical structure, and get an entire crusade called upon them for their trouble!

Very interesting. I'm barely scratching the surface. I don't think the book I'm reading (Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years) went into that much detail about the Bogomilism that I can recall in that section. It's trying to cover everything in one book, so the Cathars only got a few pages. I'm finding it all VERY fascinating though and I think the book is doing a good job of balancing out the massive amount of history with 1200 pages or whatever it is.


I just can't get over how upset churches would get about the organization of the 2 natures of Christ within Jesus or if the Holy Spirit should proceed from the Father and the Son or just the Father as it was in the Orthodoxy. So much bickering over what most people now would think it absurd. I'm very much looking forward to the reformation. 

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5 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

There is no organization where men have access to children that doesn’t result in sexual abuse. Like K-12 public schools youth sports.


Fixed that for you.


Public schools don't generally shield abusive teachers. Now, abusive coaches and sports advisors? Yes.

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1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:

Fixed that for you.


Public schools don't generally shield abusive teachers. Now, abusive coaches and sports advisors? Yes.

I didn’t say anything about shielding them. Though they typically don’t need shielding. Part of the reason child predators love to do it via institutions like schools, youth athletic leagues, or churches is that there is a naturally revolving door. The children eventually move on and if you don’t get caught at the time, the probability of getting in trouble down the line drops off massively.

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