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Man who incited insurrection prepares extensive opposition file on Gov. Ron DeSantis

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What’s nice is you don’t really need to bother getting an opposition file on Trump because it’s just all out there but the bad side is that nobody cares. Also “Little D” isn’t bad and if it can’t be meatball ron I suggest that.

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20 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I really don’t know how you can watch what happened in 2018, 2020, and 2022, and still think the odds are in favor of Trump winning. It isn’t impossible, but guy needs a LOT of help.

2022 gave me hope, however a likely recession is lining up at the worst time for Biden. Once Trump is nominated by the GOP, enough people will fall in line with him while enough Democrats won’t show up for Biden. 

I would be very pleased to be wrong on this. 

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My off the cuff reaction is that I'm more worried about dummy split-ticket voters who will vote for Biden in a Biden v Trump rematch, but for a Republican Senate/House candidate, if the economy is actually hurting people in 2024 instead of just being something that was in the news a lot in 2022. So basically if the job market doesn't survive the Fed's jihad to tank it, I guess.

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15 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

a trump nomination unites the left to center, with an exception of a very few stupid people who want clicks. In the real world he’s hated across the board.

I agree, but I thought that in 2016 so I’m not willing to rule out anything. I know he’s hated far worse now, but I’m more concerned that Biden/Harris doesn’t bring out voters, and the anti-trump center-right vote just doesn’t come out as well, and he once again pulls off the electoral college. 

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1 hour ago, BloodyHell said:

I agree, but I thought that in 2016 so I’m not willing to rule out anything. I know he’s hated far worse now, but I’m more concerned that Biden/Harris doesn’t bring out voters, and the anti-trump center-right vote just doesn’t come out as well, and he once again pulls off the electoral college. 

People are seeing what happens when someone like Donald Trump gets to appoint THREE Supreme Court Justices.


Do people have short memories? Yes, but guess what? You can remind them that a woman’s right to choose was taken away by Donald Trump. And more will be taken away if he gets the opportunity to appoint more, because I guarantee people like Clarence Thomas will take the opportunity to retire between 2025 and 2029 if a Republican is in charge.

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49 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

People are seeing what happens when someone like Donald Trump gets to appoint THREE Supreme Court Justices.


Do people have short memories? Yes, but guess what? You can remind them that a woman’s right to choose was taken away by Donald Trump. And more will be taken away if he gets the opportunity to appoint more, because I guarantee people like Clarence Thomas will take the opportunity to retire between 2025 and 2029 if a Republican is in charge.

Sure, you can, but I think you’re taking the current economic situation too lightly. People with variable rate mortgages are drowning, Biden’s Fed is actively trying to put millions out of work, eggs are 6$/dozen.

”I was better off under republicans”. 

We know that’s very little to do with Biden, but that doesn’t matter, because that will be the narrative.


I also don’t believe that Trump will be the nominee, and that would be worse for Biden, I think.


Personally I think Biden has done a pretty good job of trying to move things forward without upsetting the apple cart, but a log of people don’t see it. They only see 6$ eggs and Biden “in charge”.

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47 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Sure, you can, but I think you’re taking the current economic situation too lightly. People with variable rate mortgages are drowning, Biden’s Fed is actively trying to put millions out of work, eggs are 6$/dozen.

”I was better off under republicans”. 

We know that’s very little to do with Biden, but that doesn’t matter, because that will be the narrative.


I also don’t believe that Trump will be the nominee, and that would be worse for Biden, I think.


Personally I think Biden has done a pretty good job of trying to move things forward without upsetting the apple cart, but a log of people don’t see it. They only see 6$ eggs and Biden “in charge”.

Things weren’t great during the midterms either. Guess what? Dems increase their majority in the Senate and barely lost the House.


People are seeing the alternative and saying “no thanks, I’ll take higher prices on gas and egg.”

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I don’t know if that’s satire or reality, they’re inseparable at this point 


I believe it’s real though I don’t know how to confirm that shot specifically is real or not but if you google it puddinggate is allll over all the outlets 

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12 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

This meatball is cooked. He’s like a 15 year old dominating his little league but collapses at the first curve ball. This primary will be a massacre. 



It is fucking uncanny how the GOP goes from being Machiavelli when it comes to destroying Democratic opponents into being Charlie Brown with the football when trying to figure out how to sink Trump.


They seem to think they can tip toe past Trump to the nomination....

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On 3/17/2023 at 7:13 PM, sblfilms said:

I really don’t know how you can watch what happened in 2018, 2020, and 2022, and still think the odds are in favor of Trump winning. It isn’t impossible, but guy needs a LOT of help.

On 3/18/2023 at 3:55 PM, Massdriver said:

2022 gave me hope, however a likely recession is lining up at the worst time for Biden. Once Trump is nominated by the GOP, enough people will fall in line with him while enough Democrats won’t show up for Biden. 

I would be very pleased to be wrong on this. 


On 3/18/2023 at 5:49 PM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

a trump nomination unites the left to center, with an exception of a very few stupid people who want clicks. In the real world he’s hated across the board.


On 3/18/2023 at 5:51 PM, Jason said:

My off the cuff reaction is that I'm more worried about dummy split-ticket voters who will vote for Biden in a Biden v Trump rematch, but for a Republican Senate/House candidate, if the economy is actually hurting people in 2024 instead of just being something that was in the news a lot in 2022. So basically if the job market doesn't survive the Fed's jihad to tank it, I guess.


On 3/19/2023 at 9:06 AM, BloodyHell said:

I agree, but I thought that in 2016 so I’m not willing to rule out anything. I know he’s hated far worse now, but I’m more concerned that Biden/Harris doesn’t bring out voters, and the anti-trump center-right vote just doesn’t come out as well, and he once again pulls off the electoral college. 


On 3/19/2023 at 10:09 AM, MarSolo said:

People are seeing what happens when someone like Donald Trump gets to appoint THREE Supreme Court Justices.


Do people have short memories? Yes, but guess what? You can remind them that a woman’s right to choose was taken away by Donald Trump. And more will be taken away if he gets the opportunity to appoint more, because I guarantee people like Clarence Thomas will take the opportunity to retire between 2025 and 2029 if a Republican is in charge.


On 3/19/2023 at 10:58 AM, BloodyHell said:

Sure, you can, but I think you’re taking the current economic situation too lightly. People with variable rate mortgages are drowning, Biden’s Fed is actively trying to put millions out of work, eggs are 6$/dozen.

”I was better off under republicans”. 

We know that’s very little to do with Biden, but that doesn’t matter, because that will be the narrative.


I also don’t believe that Trump will be the nominee, and that would be worse for Biden, I think.


Personally I think Biden has done a pretty good job of trying to move things forward without upsetting the apple cart, but a log of people don’t see it. They only see 6$ eggs and Biden “in charge”.


On 3/19/2023 at 11:46 AM, MarSolo said:

Things weren’t great during the midterms either. Guess what? Dems increase their majority in the Senate and barely lost the House.


People are seeing the alternative and saying “no thanks, I’ll take higher prices on gas and egg.”


On 3/19/2023 at 11:50 AM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Biden is more popular now than he was on Election Day 2022. And incumbents usually have a minor advantage in elections, and that was true for trump as well which made beating him more significant in 2020


On 3/19/2023 at 12:16 PM, outsida said:

Republicans yelling “woke” isn’t a solution to high prices on a dozen eggs. 


Y'all bring up really good points on both sides of 2024 prognostication. I'm not going to hold anyone to their guesses because that's all this is, and I certainly am not 100% confident Biden wins, but not being 100% for me is different than predicting a loss. I just don't know what the circumstances will be. I'm kind of on a political junkie high because I'm working on a Florida-centric special about its changing landscape, so let me bore you all with a bunch of letters and shit.


First, inflation:

  1. It has been trending down, and eggs have been trending in the right direction (saw them for $3.99 - $4.99 today, which is still too much, but less than a while ago here). And other things like chicken trended down significantly from where they were last year, as have gas prices. And many tech items are fixing up their supply chain issues in a big way with CPUs coming down in price.
  2. I think more importantly, inflation skyrocketed quickly for a lot of things, so we don't know if that remains the case by late 2024.
  3. Insulin is getting cut which you can specifically tie to Biden and the Inflation Reduction Act in a campaign.

On the whole, barring big events like a big recession hitting due to interest rates or something internationally, I think there are plenty of reasons to be more optimistic:

  • Democrats actually have quite a bit of tangible things to campaign on. I stress 'tangible' because in 2012, when Obama won way more easily than national polls let on, you really had to sell the fact that things that didn't impact you directly were good for the country when talking about putting a floor on the economic crash and getting things back on track. In Biden's case:
    • Insulin capped on Medicare is something he specifically can point to.
    • Lead pipes being replaced in your area can be tied specifically to Biden's infrastructure law.
    • Big tax credits you'll claim next year on energy efficient appliances and cars can specifically be tied to the Inflation Reduction Act.
    • The child tax credit many people were utilizing during the pandemic can be tied to Biden.
    • The big infrastructure projects that Biden is touring the nation and touting can be tied to him.
    • LGBTQ+ friends of mine have not forgotten Biden's signing of the Respect for Marriage Act.
    • Young people care about a lot of things, and many of them care about climate and student loan debt considering the long-term ramifications. Biden's fucking 80-year-old and tackled it harder than the young hip presidents before him and Trump. Yes, student loan debt is being held up in the Supreme Court and may not happen (I hope it does), but it's hard to blame Biden for Trump's justices, especially if Trump's the nominee. It's easy to say, "Well, people won't understand the difference," but I think this board sometimes underestimates how people process information. And holy shit, is the Inflation Reduction Act one of the most amazing laws I've seen this government put into action.
    • On that note, the price controls on the Affordable Care Act? Inflation Reduction Act says hi, and Biden can point to that.
  • Basically, it's just way easier for him to point to things that made a difference in your life. Hell, look at how he's already touting this stuff. He's not litigating Trump being a terrible human being as Dems did in 2016; he's showing that Trump actually did jack shit:
  • The rust belt strength that Trump had that Biden broke in 2020 is something Biden can and will run on. Ex:

    Let's also not forget that companies are opening up factories and specifically citing bills signed into law by Biden, from infrastructure to IRA to CHIPS:

    A Chinese solar giant will open its first US factory – a win for the White House, which is working to grow US clean energy manufacturing.

    CEO Mark Widmar told CNBC the Inflation Reduction Act was the key catalyst for building another factory in the U.S.

    A new fiber optic factory will meet demand stoked by new infrastructure funding.
  • I could not convince a single person in 2016 to forget their dislike of Hillary and vote for her to push the Supreme Court to the left. It was bad enough that the gutting of the Voting Rights Act and the Citizens United decision were not looked at as more important to voters. But Roe v Wade lit a fire in people that I really had to see to believe. I'm not guaranteeing how long people will care, but it's never left the news, and now Florida is trying to go for a 6-week ban. I've had people who voted third party or didn't vote in 2016, to people who voted DeSantis because they didn't trust Gillum, straight-up tell me, "Okay, you were right. You have my attention." Near verbatim. The lack of awareness in 2016 still pisses me off (hell, the people who haven't said this to me yet and thought people were being hysterical in 2016 still piss me off), but the mindset of, "I really didn't think they would get rid of Roe v Wade, but they did, and they're after gay marriage next," is not some obscure mindset. Clarence Thomas straight up said he wanted to look at the right to contraception, for Christ's sake. SCOTUS was almost a hypothetical for people in 2016; now they've seen that this shit matters.

That's not even going into the reminders of the Jan. 6 insurrection. 2022 was embarrassing for the Republican Party, a pathetic display with the worst candidates in a year they could have dominated. And it should have been worse. I'm a bit more optimistic now than a year ago, but only because people are getting off their asses. If 2016 taught me anything, going back to 2014 and 2010, it's that good things can happen when people get off their ass. So I'm more optimistic, but more optimistic that we won't rest on our laurels again. 


Biden can certainly win if he gets even more done (FTC banning non-competes and make it easier to unsubscribe to services, for example). For my adult life, I feel people have really underestimated him, from why he was picked as VP, to his 2020 primary campaign (hell, I was shocked at how quickly he turned things around), to the 2020 general election, to how he would govern. I'm not going to revert to my 2016 failings ("Don't worry, y'all. Hillary knows what she's doing and has a plan and she's a master politician!"), but I do think an important thing the president has proven to me is that he really did know how to get things done with seemingly rock-hard opposition when we all thought he was crazy to think it. I didn't even list everything he was able to do (Violence Against Women Act, sexual assault arbitration, gun control, USPS reform [which also is making it more green!]), but it's a lot, and it's made me feel better about how government can respond to the country's needs short-term and long-term.

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It will be interesting and likely not to GOP’s favor to be able to directly compare the two presidential candidates performance over four years and what they accomplished. Usually the other candidate has the benefit of possibility, we already know what Trump gets you.

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33 minutes ago, stepee said:


It will be interesting and likely not to GOP’s favor to be able to directly compare the two presidential candidates performance over four years and what they accomplished. Usually the other candidate has the benefit of possibility, we already know what Trump gets you.


Trump delivered the Space Force so that's all that matters.


BUT he fucked it all up by allowing the new branch to use the virgin Air Force ranking system and not the chad Naval ranking system.  I WANT SPACE ADMIRALS AND SENIOR CHIEFS.

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So I ran “meatball ron” by my Dad who is a fan of Desantis (though he says “really just for the covid stuff”) and he hadn’t heard it before. It fucking slayed him. He loved it so much he couldn’t get enough of it and started saying it already. Desantis almost instantly became a joke character. It’s definitely the one.

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

So I ran “meatball ron” by my Dad who is a fan of Desantis (though he says “really just for the covid stuff”) and he hadn’t heard it before. It fucking slayed him. He loved it so much he couldn’t get enough of it and started saying it already. Desantis almost instantly became a joke character. It’s definitely the one.

It wouldn’t be beyond trump to wait until a debate to drop it live on air

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