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Red Dead Redemption II | Official Thread of Shrinking Equine Testicles

Commissar SFLUFAN

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1 minute ago, AndyD said:

In case that is referring to me, I never said to anyone that they would get used to the controls. I just said that I personally got used to them. How the controls impact others is their own business.

No it wasn’t. 

Just now, johnny said:

The point is, the controls in this game are worse to us. I don’t think we’re saying old rockstar games have stellar controls or anything. But this game is noticeably worse to us. 


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1 minute ago, johnny said:

The point is, the controls in this game are worse to us. I don’t think we’re saying old rockstar games have stellar controls or anything. But this game is noticeably worse to us. 

Well, I never said the controls were any better or worse - just that Rockstar is known for this type of handling since GTA 3. 

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34 minutes ago, AndyD said:

I don't think so. I gave an example of how it impacted me. I think people are looking at prior Rockstar games as if they didn't have similar problems.


No it is dumb as you said it is cuz nostalgia. No it fucking isn't. And I have listed my issues, which are not issues I have had in the past. Bully, GTA: SA, the PSP GTA games, GTA4, RDR, GTA5 had nothing that has irritated me like some of the shit in RDR2. I am not going to say those games were without issues, but none that have made me look back on them with displeasure, except for Trevor and GTA5's ending. RDR2 will not be a game I look back fondly on. I will remember the later chapters and Arthur fondly, but not the game. 

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22 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm not having the issues a lot of folks are having because I learned how to play the game and it plays find from where I'm sitting.

The people know how to play the damn game you idiot. Just because you like it and others don't doesn't mean they don't fucking know how to play.

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1 hour ago, Paperclyp said:

I agree that if you find the controls clunky and bad then there’s not a lot of respite in hearing “you’ll get used to them.” But let’s not pretend the older games were bastions of good controls. 


The controls / gameplay in Rockstar games have never been great. They’re worse here because there’s more to do and the controls haven’t been updated to accommodate the additions or the nuance. 

  • stepee 1
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36 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


The controls / gameplay in Rockstar games have never been great. They’re worse here because there’s more to do and the controls haven’t been updated to accommodate the additions or the nuance. 

They’re bad and should be better. If the trade off is the more options to interact with the world though, I’ll take it. Previous rockstar games are really quite limited in how you interact.


Ive been trying to think of a game that attempts similar levels of interaction with moving parts though, and I can’t think of an example that pulls it off necessarily. Like, other open world games offer in depth interaction, but not in the chaotic way and literally moving parts the way this game does. 

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40 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Whatever you say, buddy. 

"Press X to Pick Up Hat" is obviously too complex of a control prompt for you... but I'm the idiot. My nine year old nephew has zero problems with the controls, and even if he did he wouldn't be acting like such a whiney bitch about them. The funny thing is, you clearly like the game more than I do because I'm nowhere NEAR finishing it while you've clearly been playing this bitch non stop since it came out and have even beaten it... all so you could come here and whine about how bad it is :lol:  

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

"Press X to Pick Up Hat" is obviously too complex of a control prompt for you... but I'm the idiot.

Actually, out of all the inconveniences, I like this one. Your hat being able to get shot off is great. I'll even try to find cover tall enough to save my hat. I always make sure to pick it up if I can, even when the game tells me to move forward. 


4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

The funny thing is, you clearly like the game more than I do because I'm nowhere NEAR finsihing it while you;ve clearly been playing this bitch non stop since it came out... 

Arthur is great. That character is the game. Everything I did was to experience Arthur's story. Story over gameplay all day.  

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Just now, Bacon said:

Actually, out of all the inconveniences, I like this one. Your hat being able to get shot off is great. I'll even try to find cover tall enough to save my hat. I always make sure to pick it up if I can, even when the game tells me to move forward. 


Arthur is great. That character is the game. Everything I did was to experience Arthur's story. Story over gameplay all day.  



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3 hours ago, AndyD said:

It does not change the fact that his description of what the game boils down to is the same description you can apply to all Rockstar games.


And again I go back to RDR1 - you're comparison of GTA 5 to RDR2 is the same comparison you can make to RDR1


I get why people don't like the game - it's obviously not for everyone.  But when people completely ignore how Rockstar has handled previous games thinking RDR2 would be a completely different game then that's what I don't understand.

I haven't fucking played RDR1 nor GTAV so my last Rockstar experience was GTAIV for maybe 10 hours total a decade ago. Sue me for expecting some progress in story mission design since then.


I don't even get your point. Are you saying if I had played all others then I wouldn't be allowed to criticize this aspect because expecting progress in their core design is stupid? I haven't, so by your rules I may and therefore you can drop it because you have closure now.


And despite all my criticisms I just sunk another 4 hours into all sorts of cool side content that I enjoy greatly right now.


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And for the record, after consulting the various control tweak articles out there and messing with it all for a while in the beginning, the actual gunplay and shootouts are killer and especially so in first person.


The damage models are very cool and graphic to the point I can't wait to Dead Eye some hillbilly in the face with a shotgun every time an ambush occurs.

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8 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


The controls / gameplay in Rockstar games have never been great. They’re worse here because there’s more to do and the controls haven’t been updated to accommodate the additions or the nuance. 

100%. theres so many different ways/things to interact with - fitting them on a controller with only so many buttons, this is bound to happen. My guess is PC gamers will have none of these issues when it inevitably gets released for them.


Also - keep in mind the last Rockstar game was released 5 years ago and RDR1 over 10 years ago. Its completely fair to expect Rockstar to fine-tune and clean up their gameplay elements so many years later. The fact that this game, at the very best, matches the clunkyness of the previous Rockstar releases really speaks volumes to where their priorities lie. Having said that, they sell an absolutely disgusting ridiculous amount of games regardless of how anyone feels about the controls. So your best bet is to not expect them to change their formula.

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11 hours ago, Captain Pickle said:

Just having a bit of fun.  


Ps: I just killed a bison!


every time a go to do a quest I end up hunting something I need so then I want to go back to camp so I hunt some more on the way back.  Chapter 2 will never end. Fuggin squirrels! 


I had a hunting side mission open up with Javier towards the end of chapter 3. I decided after the next story mission I would do it...and then it disappeared. :(


TBH - I havent done much hunting. A little here and there. I guess bc I have never given a shit about cosmetics in any game, but I do feel like Im missing a lot of adventures that happen while out hunting.  I was looking forward to doing this mission because of that. 


I really want to get back up into the Grizzlies. I havent been back since the first chapter, which was pretty short. 




for some reason, everyone on reddit is saying you should keep a chapter 3 save. Im not 100% sure why but it sounds like the story kicks up chapter 4 and on and doing a lot of the side stuff feels less important, necessary. 


also - 


after you beat the game, all the satchels are purchasable... so if you plan on exploring after the end of the game, then it might not be necessary to farm pelts for the satchels. 



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So I'd like to replay a mission from my Progress chapter list but I'm worried it's going to somehow fuck up my current game progress since it's two missions back by now. How exactly does the game handle replaying missions? 


When you're finished, does it toss you back where you were? 


Does the game expect you to do story missions in a certain order by the way? I ignored Hosea in Chapter 2 until the bitter end because...I don't know...and the hunting/buy a horse mission seems to have simply erased my horse which was at a higher level than what I ended up having to buy? Is there some in-game logic I'm not following here and the previous horse is simply somewhere else? The first cutscene started where you 'learn' how to saddle and unsaddle a horse and boom, my horse was replaced with some animal I had never seen. 

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Hunting a dead or alive bounty, aiming to keep them alive. Target walked in front of a gattling gun and his buddy greased him. THAT’S the kind of jankery I wish this game had more of, I like that I couldn’t bring them in alive because a firefight was chaotic. 


More of that, less of NPCs jumping under my horse in Saint Denis and me getting executed in the street for “murder.”


Also, a question... now there are occasionally roadblocks set up for me even when I’m in an area where I have no bounty and I’m not being hunted by the law / bounty hunters. Yesterday I got waxed because they had 2 gattling guns and I died before I could target anyone. Can anyone spoiler tag what’s happening there? They were right outside my camp but weren’t around when I rezzed. 

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