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Red Dead Redemption II | Official Thread of Shrinking Equine Testicles

Commissar SFLUFAN

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5 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:

QUESTION: Do you guys remove auto aim?


I felt like I didn't fully understand dead eye but maybe this was my problem.  when I go into deadeye I feel like all the little red 'x's are in stupid places and I'm like "If I didn't use this stupid thing I woulda got a headshot!"

Especially since they said you need to shoot animals in the neck for perfect pelts.  Well, throw on dead eye and their fucking feet and chest are painted with little red 'x's.  Am I misunderstanding this???


52 minutes ago, Biggie said:

One more thing @Mercury33 @legend I also turned off/disabled auto targeting/aiming. 


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3 hours ago, atom631 said:

honestly, it takes a few minutes to tweak the controls to the point where it feels like a completely different game. Not sure why they settled on those default controls, but they done goofed. 


But... its still a Rockstar game and controls very much like a Rockstar game. There will be no patches or tweaks that are going to change that


They did patch GTAV but only when first person was added from what I remember.

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6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


They did patch GTAV but only when first person was added from what I remember.

Speaking of first-person mode, is it actually pretty playable all the way through in RDR2? I was curious about this as I didn't try it and was wondering if maybe it would improve some of the speed of movement etc.

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1 minute ago, Bloodporne said:

Speaking of first-person mode, is it actually pretty playable all the way through in RDR2? I was curious about this as I didn't try it and was wondering if maybe it would improve some of the speed of movement etc.

Well they did say that unlike GTAV, this game as designed with a first person mode in mind rather than added in later. Rockstar did a great job with first person in GTAV so I pretty much figured first person would work even better in this. You could play the whole game in first person if you wanted.

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1 hour ago, Captain Pickle said:

QUESTION: Do you guys remove auto aim?


I felt like I didn't fully understand dead eye but maybe this was my problem.  when I go into deadeye I feel like all the little red 'x's are in stupid places and I'm like "If I didn't use this stupid thing I woulda got a headshot!"

Especially since they said you need to shoot animals in the neck for perfect pelts.  Well, throw on dead eye and their fucking feet and chest are painted with little red 'x's.  Am I misunderstanding this???


When you first start the game and your dead eye is low, the way it works is as you pass your cursor over any part of a target's body, it will automatically assigned a target. Consequently, if you want a head shot, you have to drag the cursor over only the head of the target.


After you level up dead eye, it stops auto painting and requires you to manually press R1 when you want to mark a spot to shoot. 


Losing auto painting sounds worse, but it's better for exactly the reason you described: you can avoid shooting at irrelevant points and only shoot where you want to. That preserves ammo and I suppose for hunting allows for cleaner kills (I still haven't really hunted much in the game).

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The more I play of this game, the more I notice the disparity between the effort and polish put into the world, and the lack of it in gameplay and interaction. The world is so beautiful and so detailed that it exceeds what you'd reasonably hope for in a "next gen" R* game. It's a brilliant achievement, but it's marred by a similar lack of polish in how you interact with that world. I've already complained about the controls, but the menus deserve a similar thrashing. It's just silly that there are three different wheels of stuff to sort through all the time, and all these different interaction models for all these different items.


The best example is the freaking fast travel UI. Why the hell does fast travel require you memorizing the freaking map? You have a "magic" map available to you at all times, and the in game element you approach for fast travel is a giant map plastered on the side of your wagon, but when you select it you just get a list of names and no visual indication of where those places are. Same with the train and stagecoach UIs. There are two dozen different rodents with all their perfect models and AI, but you don't get a map when you fast travel.


Similar complaints extend to the gameplay structure. As advanced as an open world this is, the gameplay is on rails to annoying degrees. I hate it when I get off my horse and can't select what weapons I want on me. Sure, the game is telling me that I won't need a gun yet, but this is the wild west, and I'm trying to be prepared in a place where loitering is a capital crime, but no, not now, and with no indication. Missions auto fail for all sorts of reasons, often when my AI buddies ran off and got killed while I was taking a more cautious and sensible approach. Missions take place in the open world, but you have little if any choice as to how to go about them, and heaven forbid you make a reasonable decision beyond those parameters. It's been a while, but I feel like even GTA5 was a good deal more lenient and allowed various approaches to missions, but maybe RDR2 opens up more in later chapters (I'm in 3 right now).


I was playing a mission last night where I got into a shootout in a burning barn. As the fire closed in, I cleared a small area outside of enemies, left the barn and ran for cover. I didn't keep testing it, but I'm pretty sure that an unlimited number of baddies were spawning behind me, and I didn't last long. Replaying the mission, I guess I left 10 seconds too early, because I was then instructed to leave the barn in a particular place and run in a particular direction, where I then had to hide in a particular location and kill a couple enemies in a particular way. This is exactly the kind of stuff that MGS5 got so right. I had so much more agency in those missions, and if things went south, I was allowed to roll with the punches and adapt. The funny thing is that things go wrong in these story missions all the freaking time, it's just they have to do so in a scripted way.


None of this is a deal breaker, and I'm not trying to say the game is bad. If I hated the game I wouldn't keep playing it. It's just that so much of the UX and the gameplay in general is so tired and lifted directly from previous generations of open world R* games, and the world itself is rendered in a way I'd expect otherwise. Instead of rethinking how these missions could be more engaging or exciting or opening up gameplay choices, they added systems on top of legacy systems and built more and more world with more and more detail to explore with all those systems.

  • stepee 2
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2 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

The best example is the freaking fast travel UI. Why the hell does fast travel require you memorizing the freaking map? You have a "magic" map available to you at all times, and the in game element you approach for fast travel is a giant map plastered on the side of your wagon, but when you select it you just get a list of names and no visual indication of where those places are. Same with the train and stagecoach UIs. There are two dozen different rodents with all their perfect models and AI, but you don't get a map when you fast travel.


Similar complaints extend to the gameplay structure. As advanced as an open world this is, the gameplay is on rails to annoying degrees.

This is, again, all true.


I was pushing someone in our gang along in a cart we were using for cover. We get to the point where we need to move them to a horse to get out of town, but I want to kill all the lawmen in the area before I pick him up and run for my horse, I'm worried that he'll get shot to death while I'm carrying him. There's nobody behind me or that has line of sight to my buddy, just people off to the side, so I start lighting them up. FISSION MAILED, my buddy died, killed by a phantom bullet fired by nobody because I didn't advance the mission. Was I getting yelled at to hurry up? Yes. But how could I know that cleaning up baddies would cause THIS mission to fail? Every other mission where I looted or killed everyone before moving ahead, despite the protests of my friends or us getting shot at worked out just fine.


I had another story mission that I'm... hopeful wasn't janky? During a robbery I had my mask up the whole time. Again we scrap with the law. Middle of the battle, WANTED: Arthur Morgan, wanted dead or alive. No idea how they knew it was me. Hopefully it gets explained later...

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20 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I had another story mission that I'm... hopeful wasn't janky? During a robbery I had my mask up the whole time. Again we scrap with the law. Middle of the battle, WANTED: Arthur Morgan, wanted dead or alive. No idea how they knew it was me. Hopefully it gets explained later...

this reminds me of a question I had. I basically had a bounty on my head in 4 different regions and all I ever did was main story missions. Ive been wondering if I put my mask on, would that have avoided me being Wanted? From what you said, it sounds like it wouldnt matter...but it sucked shelling out over 300 in bounties to clear my name. 

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44 minutes ago, atom631 said:

this reminds me of a question I had. I basically had a bounty on my head in 4 different regions and all I ever did was main story missions. Ive been wondering if I put my mask on, would that have avoided me being Wanted? From what you said, it sounds like it wouldnt matter...but it sucked shelling out over 300 in bounties to clear my name. 

I think I've been diligent about using the mask when the story told me to, and I ended up with a bunch of bounties as well.

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Well, I finally started last night. 


Controls definitely feel clunky. I'm not a fan of picking up items, either. I opened a drawer last night and i wouldn't let me pick up the item because it said I was already maxed on that item, but I have no idea what the item was supposed to be.


I think I'm definitely going to be annoyed by small shit like that.

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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Well, I finally started last night. 


Controls definitely feel clunky. I'm not a fan of picking up items, either. I opened a drawer last night and i wouldn't let me pick up the item because it said I was already maxed on that item, but I have no idea what the item was supposed to be.


I think I'm definitely going to be annoyed by small shit like that.


The item you're maxed out is greyed out in the little mini-menu... it definitely tells you what the Item is. At least it does in my game.

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I'll have to go back and double check, but I don't recall seeing it. 


the world seems detailed and impressive, I'm just worried the other things are going to kill it for me. I really hate the idea of always having to eat and feed and clean and all that that to keep going. That's not what a game is in my mind. It makes it a chore.


Honestly, I'm enjoying replaying Luigi's Mansion on 3DS much more right now. It's part of the reason I didn't bother with RDR until late last night. :p 

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5 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I'll have to go back and double check, but I don't recall seeing it. 


the world seems detailed and impressive, I'm just worried the other things are going to kill it for me. I really hate the idea of always having to eat and feed and clean and all that that to keep going. That's not what a game is in my mind. It makes it a chore.


Honestly, I'm enjoying replaying Luigi's Mansion on 3DS much more right now. It's part of the reason I didn't bother with RDR until late last night. :p 


I'm not sure how much of a requirement eating and stuff is... I don't think I've fed Arthur once during my whole playtime... I do regularly change his clothes though, for cosmetic reasons :p

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Ran the mission at the Drug store in Valentine. Got out and got gunned down, ended up keeping the money but didn't have the pistol, but can't fine a way to get back into the back room.


Don't like the save/load function of the game...never sure where I've left off, and difficult to find a clean stopping point when I need to get off the game.

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Just now, ARZ said:

Ran the mission at the Drug store in Valentine. Got out and got gunned down, ended up keeping the money but didn't have the pistol, but can't fine a way to get back into the back room.


Don't like the save/load function of the game...never sure where I've left off, and difficult to find a clean stopping point when I need to get off the game.


I just quit the game. Usually starts me back to near where I last left off.


1 minute ago, Bloodporne said:

What happens when you just ignore bounties and shit, do you constantly get attacked when going to an area? Can't you just murder everyone looking for you and call it a day or do new bounty hunters spawn continuously?


They have to find you... you can avoid them if you pay attention to the mini map. You can often see them coming although ambushes DO happen. I'm wanted in a territory right now, went and did a mission and got out without any bounty hunter coming after me.

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:

This is, again, all true.


I was pushing someone in our gang along in a cart we were using for cover. We get to the point where we need to move them to a horse to get out of town, but I want to kill all the lawmen in the area before I pick him up and run for my horse, I'm worried that he'll get shot to death while I'm carrying him. There's nobody behind me or that has line of sight to my buddy, just people off to the side, so I start lighting them up. FISSION MAILED, my buddy died, killed by a phantom bullet fired by nobody because I didn't advance the mission. Was I getting yelled at to hurry up? Yes. But how could I know that cleaning up baddies would cause THIS mission to fail? Every other mission where I looted or killed everyone before moving ahead, despite the protests of my friends or us getting shot at worked out just fine.


I had another story mission that I'm... hopeful wasn't janky? During a robbery I had my mask up the whole time. Again we scrap with the law. Middle of the battle, WANTED: Arthur Morgan, wanted dead or alive. No idea how they knew it was me. Hopefully it gets explained later...


1 hour ago, atom631 said:

this reminds me of a question I had. I basically had a bounty on my head in 4 different regions and all I ever did was main story missions. Ive been wondering if I put my mask on, would that have avoided me being Wanted? From what you said, it sounds like it wouldnt matter...but it sucked shelling out over 300 in bounties to clear my name. 


49 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

I think I've been diligent about using the mask when the story told me to, and I ended up with a bunch of bounties as well.


39 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

The mask just causes your wanted meter to drop faster... it's one of the things in that tip link I posted.

I think you can buy/upgrade better masks. The one you start with is just basic and doesn’t really hide your identity. 

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I really wish the horses would put a tiny bit of effort into not crashing into things and sending me flying. I know ultimately I'm to blame, but it is supposed to be an intelligent animal that likely has some sense of self preservation and it's perfectly happy to run into a tree, off a cliff, etc.

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10 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


There's loggers in that area of the map and they are constantly cutting down trees as they are building a new town... I was just in that area last night and recognized it immediately. Was still funny as hell :lol:


Was in that area today. That clip above is gold. 

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Don't feel like getting into what I consider nitpicking, but here's my hot take:


Red Dead Redemption II is a great leap forward that reminds me of Super Mario 64 with how much I think it may advance the medium of games and challenge how they're considered by players and media and designed by developers. 

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