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I’m rewatching Supernatural, I honestly forgot how good it is


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Show is just so much fun. Writing isn’t always the best by any means, but the humor throughout and underlying build to overall plot is just so solid. Such a shame it only got 5 seasons, but at least the story ended well with Dean getting a happy ending and Sam feeling as though he fulfilled a purpose.

What’s that? Sam’s standing outside Dean’s new house at the season 5 finale right before the credits roll setting up a ridiculous number of seasons that come off as poorly written fan fiction since the creator left the show as he planned for only 5 seasons but the network insisted on it continuing…? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

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8 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

It’s worth watching the Scooby Doo episode


Oo snap. I got something me and my mother can do together when she returns from her pilgramage. Arigato gozai mashita. 


Sorry English is a shit language cuz it lacks the nuasce for feelings and I at times need to use other languagues if i feel the words can gain enough emphasis to match my feeling of graritude in this case.


Edit: people give hugs in thanks rigbt? Cux the hug react is more appropriate for how I feel to you.

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2 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


Oo snap. I got something me and my mother can do together when she returns from her pilgramage. Arigato gozai mashita. 


Sorry English is a shit language cuz it lacks the nuasce for feelings and I at times need to use other languagues if i feel the words can gain enough emphasis to match my feeling of graritude in this case.


There's a handful of times that the show gets better, but it maybe gets to mid/late-Season 2 quality or Season 3 quality, never touching S4-S5 again, but that's only after they switch writers to someone competent that was clearly a fan of the show, and Kripke got (slightly) involved again. Don't ask me when the "real transition" actually happens, but I want to say it's maybe in the last 3-4ish seasons of the show. The finale it actually got is "fine", but the semi-downer finale from S5 would've been a near-perfect ending note, IMO. 

That Scooby Doo episode though... my god. Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

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1 minute ago, Spork3245 said:


hug me lena dunham GIF by Girls on HBO


Yoo remember dude that unhappiness in the mental health thread is usually from a lack of feeling loved and then not loving yourself. Nothing wrong with being gay because falling in love is normal. I'm more concerned about dealing with a sociopath, then a LGBTQ comrade that needs emotional support and wants it.


So with that said it's only gay if you are in love with a man which is fine but if you just love a man show him because our society is a society in name only and lacks the love, compassion, comradiere, etc. It's why the you need Jesus people are wrong. You don't need Jesus. He is a man God. Sigmar doesn't need you but he wants you. The problem with the lack of religion is the lack of community not meeting your neighbors bring once a week at Church and related events means. (Figured that out by going to Church.) 

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15 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


Yoo remember dude that unhappiness in the mental health thread is usually from a lack of feeling loved and then not loving yourself. Nothing wrong with being gay because falling in love is normal. I'm more concerned about dealing with a sociopath, then a LGBTQ comrade that needs emotional support and wants it.


So with that said it's only gay if you are in love with a man which is fine but if you just love a man show him because our society is a society in name only and lacks the love, compassion, comradiere, etc. It's why the you need Jesus people are wrong. You don't need Jesus. He is a man God. Sigmar doesn't need you but he wants you. The problem with the lack of religion is the lack of community not meeting your neighbors bring once a week at Church and related events means. (Figured that out by going to Church.) 


... I was just accepting your hug but you just made it weird. :sadsun:

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8 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


... I was just accepting your hug but you just made it weird. :sadsun:


I am in love with a woman that in all likely hood is a 10/10 so it shouldn't be weird. She hasn't been my phone home and lock screen and she has blocked me on all comms channels minus my phone I think. Need to test that and I think she's just mad and I can help her overcome that so I see no reason to change the pics cuz she makes me happy and I feel happy everytime I see her. Guess maybe an eye on the prize thing but prize as a word sucks cuz prizes are usually objects and she is a she not an it. 


Fuk I'm in such a good mood. I need to do a giveaway.

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My wife and I just finished the whole show finally. I'd seen the first 8-9 seasons years ago and stopped, then my wife binged the show in recent years and caught up to me so I jumped in with her to finish it. The last few seasons are definitely an improvement over the rough seasons 7 thru 12 (I liked season 6 a good bit, Kripke even directed the season 6 finale). I'm glad I finally watched the whole thing and put the show to bed. I haven't bothered watching The Winchesters prequel spin-off show, no interest.

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16 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

I think we watched the first two seasons, but stopped because it kind of blends together. Good show, but it would have benefited from being 10-12 episodes a season, for sure (like most from the era it started in). Just imo.


S3 is when everything goes nuts. I'd highly recommend pushing to it. S4 and S5... F, I don't think there's a single bad episode tbh. They're like Angel S5 good.

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2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


There's a handful of times that the show gets better, but it maybe gets to mid/late-Season 2 quality or Season 3 quality, never touching S4-S5 again, but that's only after they switch writers to someone competent that was clearly a fan of the show, and Kripke got (slightly) involved again. Don't ask me when the "real transition" actually happens, but I want to say it's maybe in the last 3-4ish seasons of the show. The finale it actually got is "fine", but the semi-downer finale from S5 would've been a near-perfect ending note, IMO. 

That Scooby Doo episode though... my god. Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers



I just rewatched X-Files and the two "reboot" seasons reminds me a lot of Supernatural after season 5. Which is to say that the ongoing mythology stuff is mostly blah. But the standalone, monster of the week episodes could still be quite good.


I went through the show back when only 9 seasons were out(I think) and then i had to stop and wait for a new season. My interest in the show at that point was so low that I just couldn't get back into it when the next season came out.


What I remember specifically is the lazy story telling of "Sam sacrifices himself for Dean then Dean sacrifices himself for Sam" ad infinitum. I was starting to suspect a meta storyline where they both were stuck in a Hell dimension since season 5 and were doomed to perpetually cause each other unending torment due to their loyalty to one another and the bad decision making that it necessitated.

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Still one of my top five shows. 


It's not just that the quality dipped after season five, it's that the story ended in season five and attempting to carry it on had to ignore the ultimate resolution. It didn't cheapen what came before but it existed in a space that could never be as serious because the attempts at greater challenges were transparent failures and the central conflict was boring because it was actually resolved with finality in season five.


I, like a lot of fans and obviously the people who ran and performed in the show, wanted to keep the good vibes rolling but anything after five is at best a shadow or echo of greatness. 


As far as the number of episodes I totally disagree. TV lost something when it lost the case-of-the-week format. Could the "story" of Supernatural be told with fewer episodes per season? Sure, but it wouldn't be an unadulterated good. I've seen other shows recently that I felt needed more episodes. Characters don't get a chance to breathe in their own skin anymore and in some cases I think it's been for the worse. 


Not for nothing I think Supernatural struck that perfect balance between freak of the week and a larger story. Better than any other show. The Boys could learn something. 


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3 hours ago, Anathema- said:

Still one of my top five shows. 


It's not just that the quality dipped after season five, it's that the story ended in season five and attempting to carry it on had to ignore the ultimate resolution. It didn't cheapen what came before but it existed in a space that could never be as serious because the attempts at greater challenges were transparent failures and the central conflict was boring because it was actually resolved with finality in season five.


I, like a lot of fans and obviously the people who ran and performed in the show, wanted to keep the good vibes rolling but anything after five is at best a shadow or echo of greatness. 


As far as the number of episodes I totally disagree. TV lost something when it lost the case-of-the-week format. Could the "story" of Supernatural be told with fewer episodes per season? Sure, but it wouldn't be an unadulterated good. I've seen other shows recently that I felt needed more episodes. Characters don't get a chance to breathe in their own skin anymore and in some cases I think it's been for the worse. 


Not for nothing I think Supernatural struck that perfect balance between freak of the week and a larger story. Better than any other show. The Boys could learn something. 


True, I think the first 3-4 seasons of Supernatural and the first couple seasons of Fringe were the peak of "monster of the week" television. I kind of miss it.


I wish the format would be brought back. Certain shows kind of dance around it. The first episode of season 2 of The Witcher personifies it. The Last of Us is doing something vaguely similar in having every episode be kind of its own vignette.


But like, I want more shows to just go full scooby-doo. I want the Jon Snow spin-off series to be Jon and Tormund traveling Westeros solving mysteries every week. That's what I wanted the Witcher to be. Not every show needs to have end-of-the-world stakes.

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17 hours ago, GoldenTongue said:

Lol at the "teh show ended with S5" nonsense.  


It's rhetorical, come on. Obviously the show didn't per se end with season five, but the narrative did.


Here's the thing.


When you write a story you have to take it to the end. The central conflict has to play the key role in resolving the problem that will fix everything; and when I say everything I mean a conflict beyond which nothing could be greater.



What happens at the end of the season five is that resolution. Satan is the clear end of the line and it's silly to pretend that Crowley or whomever matches up in any way. 


The central conflict with the brothers was also resolved when Dean refused to leave Sam even when he had other options. It was part insulting and part uninspired to have them go right back to oscillating between one not trusting the other right after that was resolved. Was resolved. 


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You mean, aside from the fact that the series did continue, with support from original showrunner?




Like I said, there's nothing wrong with saying you don't like the show post-season five.  It's okay.  But if you enjoy the cognitive contortionism required to argue the point that Supernatural episodes which follow the finale of S5 are fundamentally less than, then by all means, have at it.

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It's not rhetorical to say the story ended. Stories have patterns that are knowable and observable. The first five seasons of the show clearly fit the pattern of a full and complete story with a final ending. It only helps the point that the continuation of the show put those facts in to sharp relief. Especially since I didn't hate post season five and I already said that. It was just weak for reasons that are easy to spot and eventually I got tired of it. 

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While the show never got to the heights of seasons 1-5, and some of the seasons after weren't great (6 you could really see them struggling to find their groove without Kripke), there were some nice additions to the lore that made me kind of glad it continued. The finale was really touching to me as well. 

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10 hours ago, Brick said:

While the show never got to the heights of seasons 1-5, and some of the seasons after weren't great (6 you could really see them struggling to find their groove without Kripke), there were some nice additions to the lore that made me kind of glad it continued. The finale was really touching to me as well. 

I thought 6 was mostly fine, it was 7 where it got arguably bad for a bit.

I think the major issue for most seasons post-S5 was that it didn't feel like there was a "build" to anything except for the last 3-ish seasons or so. It felt aimless and like there was no "overall" plan/saga for multiple seasons. Each season felt more-so self-contained until the last episode where it would "conclude" that seasons arc then "flip" to something else as a tease for the following season: the "links" felt  like they were only in the final episode for the most part. It was fine for the show to continue, but the lack of a "plan" was very apparent to me.

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4 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

I thought 6 was mostly fine, it was 7 where it got arguably bad for a bit.

I think the major issue for most seasons post-S5 was that it didn't feel like there was a "build" to anything except for the last 3-ish seasons or so. It felt aimless and like there was no "overall" plan/saga for multiple seasons. Each season felt more-so self-contained until the last episode where it would "conclude" that seasons arc then "flip" to something else as a tease for the following season: the "links" felt  like they were only in the final episode for the most part. It was fine for the show to continue, but the lack of a "plan" was very apparent to me.



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1 hour ago, Brick said:

Has anyone watched the prequel series, The Winchesters? I forgot it was coming out so forgot to watch it, but if it's good I'll catch it on Netflix before the second season starts. 

I watched the first two episodes and it was pretty bad tbh. HOWEVER, I’ve heard it gets a lot better and even “hardcore” Supernatural fans have come around to it.

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On 3/4/2023 at 3:33 AM, gamer.tv said:

I’ve been trying to get my wife into Supernatural for years, but Season 1 never grabs her and me desperately saying ‘The story gets really cool from season 2,’ amazingly isn’t selling it as well as I want to to. 


Just start from Mystery Box, she'll be fine. 

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The episode following where it’s revealed that Sam came back from hell without his soul is hilarious. Sam’s deadpan insults to Dean were just too funny.


I think season 7 was my least favorite. You think you’re getting Castiel thinking he’s God himself thanks to all the souls he’s absorbed from Purgatory as the big bad, but then it’s the lame leviathans.

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28 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

I think season 7 was my least favorite. You think you’re getting Castiel thinking he’s God himself thanks to all the souls he’s absorbed from Purgatory as the big bad, but then it’s the lame leviathans.


Yeah season 7 is where the show really begun to dip for me. You get all this promise of Castiel being OP and instead they gimp that plotline for Leviathans and the show didn't regain its footing for some time.

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