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JK Rowling Doesn't care about "Legacy"

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6 minutes ago, TheShader said:

and not from overdose

Hahahaha, nice cop-out. The dose makes the poison, remember? By your logic the botulinum toxin is not harmful because it only harms if you overdose on it.


Also, you're missing the part where she never caused "harm to society" in the first place. Please provide me with a source that she did. Also, I know you're into conspiracy theories, so please only legitimate sources and not Jezebel.


By the way, since you missed the forest for the threes, the analogy was there to remind you that it is only sensible to call something harmful if its downsides vastly outweigh its benefits. If someone saved the lives of billions of people by developing a vaccine for malaria for instance, it would be insane to call that person "harmful to society" because he once snatched an old lady's purse. Obviously, neither the ''''''harm'''''' nor the benefits are extreme in the case at hand but it illustrates the underlying principle.

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9 minutes ago, Demut said:

The dose makes the poison, remember?

Yes, you know, just how water is poisonous by this standard. You can overdose on water. Ya know, the thing we need to live.


10 minutes ago, Demut said:

Also, you're missing the part where she never caused "harm to society" in the first place.

I'm not missing it. Let me stop being coy about it. You don't consider trans people are people. You think the fact that the only openly trans person in the HP universe is named Sirona Ryan is hilarious(And in case you try and say otherwise, I saw you respond over her name in the HW mega thread). It's easy to think someone isn't causing harm to society when you don't view their victims as a part of society.


13 minutes ago, Demut said:

By the way, since you missed the forest for the threes, the analogy was there to remind you that it is only sensible to call something harmful if its downsides vastly outweigh its benefits.

I assure you, I missed zero trees for the forest. 


14 minutes ago, Demut said:

If someone saved the lives of billions of people by developing a vaccine for malaria for instance, it would be insane to call that person "harmful to society" because he once snatched an old lady's purse.

Please provide me a source in which JK has saved the lives of billions of people while harming a single person. We can continue the discussion of this statement once you have provided that.


15 minutes ago, Demut said:

Obviously, neither the ''''''harm'''''' nor the benefits are extreme in the case at hand but it illustrates the underlying principle.

It does not. You are using an extreme example of '1 billion lives saved to a snatched purse' to prove your point that someone hurting tens of millions of people is no big deal. All the while ignoring that the philanthropy of millionaires does not inherently absolve them of their crimes. Unless you want to say outright that Bin Laden, Epstein, Maxwell, and others were a net positive to society due to their philanthropy.

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So I learned in this topic that this author who wrote a popular children's book that led to a videogame that many posters on this board not only bought day one but consider to be a game of the year candidate is not only as evil as Charles Manson, Jeffery Epstein, Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussain, she also deserves to die for expressing an admitedly shitty unpopular opinion :| The irony is... something.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So I learned in this topic that this author who wrote a popular children's book and that led to a videogame that many posters on this board not only bought day one but consider to be a game of the year candidate is not only as evil as Charles Manson, Jeffery Epstein, Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussain, she also deserves to die for expressing an admitedly shitty unpopular opinion :| The irony is... something.

Since this is clearly expressed at me, can I ask you to parse some of this?


1) You start off by pointing out she wrote a popular children's book series. Are you suggesting that popularity equals morality?


2) You go on to mention the game. Are you suggesting the popularity of a game based on this franchise creates morality? Or that I, the person you're talking about, am happy about seeing people on this board ignoring the problems of JK in order to purchase this game day 1?


3) I'm just gonna say, you missed the point of my posting about Manson, Epstein, etc. didn't you? I'll just be blunt, the point was that philanthropy does not automatically absolve one of their harms to society. But I feel like you know that considering you have nothing to say about someone else saying nothing more than 'LMAO' linked to JK's Wikipedia page as a defense of her harm to society.


4) Literally no one has said she deserves to die. No one is wishing for her death. Recognizing that death, a thing that literally happens to everyone, would end a major source of harm in the world is not wishing someone would die. Death comes for everyone, and society for millions of years has only advanced due to the old dying off. That's literally how progress is made, for better or worse. Just 100 years ago those in charge of the world would have burned everything to the ground at the sight of an iPhone and central heating. Literally everyone dies, and that's a good thing. You'll die, I'll die, maybe SFLUFAN won't, but the rest of us will.

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10 minutes ago, TheShader said:

Since this is clearly expressed at me, can I ask you to parse some of this?


1) You start off by pointing out she wrote a popular children's book series. Are you suggesting that popularity equals morality?


2) You go on to mention the game. Are you suggesting the popularity of a game based on this franchise creates morality? Or that I, the person you're talking about, am happy about seeing people on this board ignoring the problems of JK in order to purchase this game day 1?


3) I'm just gonna say, you missed the point of my posting about Manson, Epstein, etc. didn't you? I'll just be blunt, the point was that philanthropy does not automatically absolve one of their harms to society. But I feel like you know that considering you have nothing to say about someone else saying nothing more than 'LMAO' linked to JK's Wikipedia page as a defense of her harm to society.


4) Literally no one has said she deserves to die. No one is wishing for her death. Recognizing that death, a thing that literally happens to everyone, would end a major source of harm in the world is not wishing someone would die. Death comes for everyone, and society for millions of years has only advanced due to the old dying off. That's literally how progress is made, for better or worse. Just 100 years ago those in charge of the world would have burned everything to the ground at the sight of an iPhone and central heating. Literally everyone dies, and that's a good thing. You'll die, I'll die, maybe SFLUFAN won't, but the rest of us will.

I said nothing about morality... nothing at all. That little debate you're having with Demut is between you and him. I'm not defending JkR because I really don't give a shit. Harry Potter means absolutly NOTHING to me and my intro to the world was literally the game that came out a couple of weeks ago. I just think that some of the rhetoric in this topic is BEYOND silly and yes it is a bit ridiculous to compare her and her shitty opinions to some of the most evil people that have existed in the 20th century. It's hyperbolic and serves no purpose. But I'll let you and him continue your pissing contest :peace:


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When Rowlng's own gleefully unapologetic rhetoric is being used by right-wing politicians all over the world in their campaign to stigmatize and de-humanize LGBTQ individuals to the point where their being legislated (or worse) out of existence is a real possibility, then as far as I'm concerned, invoking the effect of her words in the same breath as the historical precedent that similar rhetoric has perpetuated is not beyond the pale in the least.


Especially, if the individual making the analogy is a member of one of those marginalized, targeted groups.

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

When Rowlng's own gleefully unapologetic rhetoric is being used by right-wing politicians all over the world in their campaign to stigmatize and de-humanize LGBTQ individuals to the point where their being legislated (or worse) out of existence is a real possibility, then as far as I'm concerned, invoking the effect of her words in the same breath as the historical precedent that similar rhetoric has perpetuated is not beyond the pale in the least.


Especially, if the individual making the analogy is a member of one of those targeted, marginalized groups.


Harry Potter is basically a symbol of hate at this point. Only those who turn a blind eye can't quite see it yet.

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1 hour ago, TheShader said:

Yes, you know, just how water is poisonous by this standard. You can overdose on water. Ya know, the thing we need to live.

Oh, good, so you are starting to get it. Do you see yet why it's silly to handwave away side-effects by saying "only happens with an overdose" when the same is true for the most lethal toxin on the planet? And it actually has beneficial applications in the right (minuscule) amount, i.e. botox.


1 hour ago, TheShader said:

I'm not missing it. Let me stop being coy about it. You don't consider trans people are people.

LOL, what!? Of course they're people, what else would they be? Cats? Dogs?


1 hour ago, TheShader said:

You think the fact that the only openly trans person in the HP universe is named Sirona Ryan is hilarious

I think it's pretty hilarious that you think that was intentional. QAnon for progressives.


1 hour ago, TheShader said:

And in case you try and say otherwise, I saw you respond over her name in the HW mega thread). It's easy to think someone isn't causing harm to society when you don't view their victims as a part of society.

Again, what are you on about? They're not living somewhere in the wilderness, why wouldn't I think of them as part of society?


1 hour ago, TheShader said:

Please provide me a source in which JK has saved the lives of billions of people while harming a single person. We can continue the discussion of this statement once you have provided that.

You did read the following sentence, right? I mean you even quoted it.


1 hour ago, TheShader said:

It does not. You are using an extreme example of '1 billion lives saved to a snatched purse' to prove your point that someone hurting tens of millions of people is no big deal. All the while ignoring that the philanthropy of millionaires does not inherently absolve them of their crimes. Unless you want to say outright that Bin Laden, Epstein, Maxwell, and others were a net positive to society due to their philanthropy.

Again, where is your evidence that "tens of millions of people" were harmed? I asked you for a source, you didn't provide one. And to spell it out once more for you: It's silly to call something "harmful" when the harm is minimal whereas the benefit is immense. It doesn't need to reach the extremes of my example, that was just to show you the underlying principle, which you apparently agree with.

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5 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

she also deserves to die for expressing an admitedly shitty unpopular opinion

It isn’t even an unpopular opinion. I think the views expressed in this poll are pretty well in line with what Rowling has said:



A majority of survey respondents back transgender sports bans, while also supporting nondiscrimination protections for trans people in jobs, housing and public spaces.


Who knows where things will be another 10 years down the road though

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

When Rowlng's own gleefully unapologetic rhetoric is being used by right-wing politicians all over the world in their campaign to stigmatize and de-humanize LGBTQ individuals to the point where their being legislated (or worse) out of existence is a real possibility, then as far as I'm concerned, invoking the effect of her words in the same breath as the historical precedent that similar rhetoric has perpetuated is not beyond the pale in the least.

This is a fabrication. I think most people don’t even know what Rowling has said on the topic given the strange characterization of what she has said. She wouldn’t fit in with the likes of Ron DeSantis in a discussion of these issues.

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4 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Guys, you've all collectively gone over this a million times. You hate Rowling, she's really fucking evil, you bought her game and played it for 200 hours. It's okay, you're going to hell and you can't talk your way out of it on a gaming forum. 




While I definitely disagree that it’s “her” game (she had nothing to do with it) or that buying the game affects her one way or the other in any meaningful way, I do believe that hell would be worth it because the level of detail is just crazy.

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4 minutes ago, stepee said:


To be fair, you literally created an entire new topic directly about the situation with her, so the only thing TO do here is to have this same argument again. Kind of a troll post :P

walter white GIF


 Honestly I was a bit surprised by not only how quickly it escalated but by some of the points made here, specifically the ones I took exception to. Also it's not the least bit surprising to me that some of the folks who have the biggest issue with JKR (i.e. a very vocal percentage of the gaming public) gleefully bought a product that will undoubtedly put money in her pocket the first chance they got. Reminds me of all the brothers I know who claim to support social justice but STILL watch football to this day. Last I checked Colin Capernick STILL doesn't have a career :mthinking:

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

This is a fabrication. I think most people don’t even know what Rowling has said on the topic given the strange characterization of what she has said. She wouldn’t fit in with the likes of Ron DeSantis in a discussion of these issues.

I've read what she's posted, disagreed with some of it, but I still don't understand how she came away from that being the poster-child of transphobia in some people's eyes.  Her views seem very moderate compared to a lot of people.

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14 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

It's attitudes and topics like this where I'm not surprised most of the trans posters here leave. It's very unfriendly, especially a topic meant to troll people and then sit there and gloat while they try to plead their case. I thought OP was better than this.

And I thought you were being sarcastic when you said Harry Potter was a symbol of hate. You were being serious? Hooo boy. To be clear, I didn't post this topic to troll anybody. But it went from zero to sixty and once again this board has shown its complete inability to have any type of mature, nuanced discussion without resorting to straw men, personal attacks and poorly thought out comparisons. If I'm "gloating" about anything it's THAT.

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25 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

walter white GIF


 Honestly I was a bit surprised by not only how quickly it escalated but by some of the points made here, specifically the ones I took exception to. Also it's not the least bit surprising to me that some of the folks who have the biggest issue with JKR (i.e. a very vocal percentage of the gaming public) gleefully bought a product that will undoubtedly put money in her pocket the first chance they got. Reminds me of all the brothers I know who claim to support social justice but STILL watch football to this day. Last I checked Colin Capernick STILL doesn't have a career :mthinking:


ehhhhhhh this is reading a bit like you posted a topic about the situation just to kind of be like hah hah people play the game still when people criticize her. It feels like crossing into something kind of nasty, but I don’t think you mean it that way as I think you’re a good dude. 


The whole debate before was if people should feel okay with buying the game or not,  and I always was of the view that go ahead and buy whatever as she will be rich as fuck regardless but myself chose to buy from a key site and outmatch that with donations that  made me feel more comfortable with it morally. I think in regards to that it’s up to everyone to make their own choices with what they feel comfortable with buying as we know how deep that rabbit hole can go. I won’t judge anyone for their purchasing decisions.


This take seems to be arguing the opposite, that you shouldn’t buy the game because it supports someone who holds dangerous views towards the trans community. Except you think it’s okay to buy the game. So that then makes it seem like the argument has shifted to where in this topic we are arguing in support of her views. That I don’t agree with, I do not support people agreeing with her views at all.


If you are saying haha you bought a copy so you are supporting her views by buying the game (and that it contradicts someone’s vitriol against her), and then buy the game yourself, if you really believe what you are saying, then you are saying you support her views. 


I don’t think you meant the topic to come across that way but that’s a bit how it feels.

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9 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Who says I'm not an absolutely raging alcoholic?




Honestly even at the worst stages of my alcoholism I could maybe listen to ONE song before turning it off and going back to my hallucinations of gigantic spiders crawling up my hotel bed.

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50 minutes ago, stepee said:


ehhhhhhh this is reading a bit like you posted a topic about the situation just to kind of be like hah hah people play the game still when people criticize her. It feels like crossing into something kind of nasty, but I don’t think you mean it that way as I think you’re a good dude. 


The whole debate before was if people should feel okay with buying the game or not,  and I always was of the view that go ahead and buy whatever as she will be rich as fuck regardless but myself chose to buy from a key site and outmatch that with donations that  made me feel more comfortable with it morally. I think in regards to that it’s up to everyone to make their own choices with what they feel comfortable with buying as we know how deep that rabbit hole can go. I won’t judge anyone for their purchasing decisions.


This take seems to be arguing the opposite, that you shouldn’t buy the game because it supports someone who holds dangerous views towards the trans community. Except you think it’s okay to buy the game. So that then makes it seem like the argument has shifted to where in this topic we are arguing in support of her views. That I don’t agree with, I do not support people agreeing with her views at all.


If you are saying haha you bought a copy so you are supporting her views by buying the game (and that it contradicts someone’s vitriol against her), and then buy the game yourself, if you really believe what you are saying, then you are saying you support her views. 


I don’t think you meant the topic to come across that way but that’s a bit how it feels.

Yeah I said nothing of the kind in this topic or anywhere else. There's a LOT of projection going on in this topic.

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