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High-altitude UFO shot down over Alaska


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It seems more and more that this is the reason for all these detections: NORAD had the speed filter set too high on its radar reporting systems




So a bunch of stuff, including spy balloons (but also likely corporate or research balloons for various reasons, etc) have just been undetected. The important question is if China knew about this blindspot, and how they knew it. 

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3 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

It seems more and more that this is the reason for all these detections: NORAD had the speed filter set too high on its radar reporting systems




So a bunch of stuff, including spy balloons (but also likely corporate or research balloons for various reasons, etc) have just been undetected. The important question is if China knew about this blindspot, and how they knew it. 

Spies? You can easily buy one for a pack of smokes. Or corroborate with syndicated crime insiders, probably not a diplomatic channel many here consider.

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39 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Have you tried the Xenonauts 2 demo, it's on steam next fest! :o


I hope Xenonauts 2 is good. I Kickstarted the first game and when it finally came out I was just so wrapped up in other games that I never even gave it a shot. Little worried because there's like a half dozen games in the next month or so that I'm excited about, don't want to let Xenonauts slip through again.

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18 hours ago, Joe said:

So our boy AS is being silly. Not surprising. 

NORAD exists because the US felt that Canada couldn't adequately prevent Soviet strategic bombers from flying over Canada and dropping nukes on US cities.

So the US created a radar network that covered the North (much of it in Canada), and created a "joint" organization that is permanently under the control of a US general.

The issue is Canada has zero military installations in the North (Yukon/Nunavut/Northwest Territories), and has an air force incapable of providing for its own air defence. 

Our entire air force is made up of planes that were last made when I was in middle school (that have been "upgraded" since), including a bunch bought used several years ago after the Australian AF moved on from them.  We don't have a Navy that can patrol our waters either.


That we had to rely on the US AF to shoot down a drone (or alien space ship if you believe some on Twitter) should be a national embarrassment -- and demonstrates how incapable our national defence is.

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17 hours ago, Jason said:

Trudeau Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Justin Trudeau, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason because of the infection.


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4 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

If a tiny country like Sweden can manage to build fighter jets, Canada (Nearly 4 times the population of Sweden!) could build something that is sufficient. 


In the 1950s the Canadian defense industry did design the Avro Arrow, which would have been the most advanced interceptor of the time (Mach 2 at > 50,000 feet, etc), but right as it was completed it was scrapped after pressure from the US, as Sputnik launched and the US changed from interceptor-based defense to radar/missile defense. Most of the best engineers who worked on the jet (specifically its engine, which was ahead of its time) went to NASA and worked on the Apollo program and others.


Sweden can have its own defense industry because it isn't next to the US. US pressure makes it impossible for Canada to establish its own, as Canada is effectively a vassal of the US (with all the benefits and negatives that come with that).



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This is the one thing that is bothering me. If this was a UFO, or if any future unidentified object is a classical UFO, the US's first response is to shoot it down without even considering that it might be here for peaceful purposes. So, imagine if we're flying a surveillance recon of some future planet, how do you think we would respond if some unforseen alien civilization chose to respond to our "we come in peace message" by shooting down our representative? We may have just declared war on some alien race that we have yet to even establish communications. Just saying.

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7 minutes ago, brucoe said:

This is the one thing that is bothering me. If this was a UFO, or if any future unidentified object is a classical UFO, the US's first response is to shoot it down without even considering that it might be here for peaceful purposes. So, imagine if we're flying a surveillance recon of some future planet, how do you think we would respond if some unforseen alien civilization chose to respond to our "we come in peace message" by shooting down our representative? We may have just declared war on some alien race that we have yet to even establish communications. Just saying.


Considering the possibility that these are aliens is stupid. 


We have zero previous indication that it might be. Nothing about these encounters suggest extra-terrestrial visitors. It is most reasonable to consider what's actually possible--that it is a weather balloon or something that poses a hazard to civilian traffic. Not what's fantastical. 

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10 minutes ago, brucoe said:

This is the one thing that is bothering me. If this was a UFO, or if any future unidentified object is a classical UFO, the US's first response is to shoot it down without even considering that it might be here for peaceful purposes.

This isn't exactly the first UFO they're dealing with. Some of the more esoteric accounts of the government's handling of this phenomenon even allege that they made contact with several different species. Maybe they made a deal where they get to shoot down the X's crafts in exchange for leaving alone the Y's crafts or something :p


Also, if some hairless chimps' primitive gunpowder missiles can easily down your interstellar spaceship then you kinda had it coming, just sayin' ...

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I think what they actually pride themselves on is their socialized healthcare and lack of mass shootings, to be fair.


2 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

Anyone thinking that we shot down peaceful aliens or that any of these could even conceivably be aliens is out of their mind.  

How come? Not that it's likely either way but the details surrounding these most recent incidents are pretty sparse. Or have they released any info yet that confirmed the balloon or whatever hypothesis?

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