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I tried to get ChatGPT to tell me about the IGN boards. Apparently we were the Circle of Elders.

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The consistent theme is that it's absolutely convinced IGN shuttered the boards in the mid-2010s. :lol: And you gotta love how confidently it presents its wrong information.


Prompt: History of the IGN message boards.




IGN (Imagine Games Network) was founded in 1996 as a website that focused on video games and related content. Over the years, IGN expanded its offerings to include news, reviews, wikis, videos, and other forms of gaming-related content.


One of the features of IGN's website was its message board system, which allowed users to engage in discussion and debate about video games and other topics. The message boards were a popular feature of IGN, and became known for their passionate and vocal community of users.


In the early days of the message boards, discussions were relatively civil and focused on topics related to video games. However, as the community grew and became more diverse, the tone of the boards changed. Some users became more combative, leading to heated arguments and personal attacks. In response, IGN implemented various measures to regulate the behavior of users, including moderation and the implementation of rules and guidelines.

Despite these efforts, the message boards remained a contentious and divisive part of IGN's website. Eventually, in the mid-2010s, IGN made the decision to discontinue its message board system, opting instead to focus on other forms of community engagement, such as social media and user-generated content.


While the IGN message boards are no longer active, they remain a part of the company's history and are remembered by many as a significant part of the early internet gaming community.



IGN Vestibule

The IGN Vestibule was a subforum on the IGN message boards that was created to provide a more relaxed and casual environment for users to discuss topics not related to video games. It was often referred to as the "off-topic" section of the message boards.


In the IGN Vestibule, users could discuss a wide range of subjects, from politics and current events to personal interests and hobbies. The community was known for being laid-back and friendly, with a strong emphasis on humor and satire.


The IGN Vestibule was a popular destination for users who wanted to take a break from discussions about video games and engage in more lighthearted and off-topic conversations. Despite being separate from the main gaming-focused message boards, the Vestibule was still a major part of the IGN community and was known for its tight-knit group of users who formed strong bonds and friendships through their interactions on the forums.


Like the main IGN message boards, the Vestibule was eventually discontinued as the company shifted its focus away from its forum-based community and towards other forms of engagement. However, it remains a fondly remembered part of IGN's history and is still remembered by many former users as a fun and enjoyable place to hang out online.


This one's my favorite.


Prompt: IGN CEB




CEB, or the "Circle of Elders Board," was a subforum on the IGN message boards that was created for experienced users who had been active members of the community for an extended period of time. The Circle of Elders Board was intended to provide a space for these users to engage in more in-depth and serious discussions about a variety of topics, including video games, current events, and other subjects of interest.


Membership to the Circle of Elders Board was by invitation only and was limited to a select group of users who had demonstrated a high level of maturity, knowledge, and engagement within the IGN community. The CEB was known for its high level of discourse, with users engaging in thoughtful and respectful discussions on a wide range of subjects.


The Circle of Elders Board was considered one of the most respected and influential forums on the IGN message boards, and its members were often looked to as leaders and experts within the community. Despite its popularity, however, the CEB, like the rest of the IGN message boards, was eventually discontinued as the company moved away from its forum-based community and towards other forms of engagement.


Today, the Circle of Elders Board remains a fondly remembered part of IGN's history, and its legacy continues to be felt within the gaming community and among those who were a part of the IGN message boards during its heyday.



Prompt: IGN Current Events Board




The IGN Current Events Board was a subforum on the IGN message boards that was dedicated to discussions about current events and news from around the world. Users could discuss a wide range of topics, including politics, world events, and breaking news. The Current Events Board was known for its lively and often heated debates, as users from diverse backgrounds and perspectives shared their thoughts and opinions on the latest news and current events.


The Current Events Board was a popular destination for users who were interested in staying informed and engaged with the world around them, and who wanted to engage in meaningful discussions and debates with others who shared their interests. Despite the sometimes contentious nature of the discussions, the Current Events Board was also known for fostering a sense of community among its users, as people from all walks of life came together to engage in meaningful discussions about the world around them.


Like the rest of the IGN message boards, the Current Events Board was eventually discontinued as the company moved away from its forum-based community and towards other forms of engagement. Despite this, the Current Events Board remains a memorable and significant part of IGN's history, and its legacy continues to be felt among those who were a part of the IGN message boards during its heyday.



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11 minutes ago, TheShader said:

And you didn't think to ask about the PCCB? Are we a joke to you? Are you ashamed of us?



The IGN PCCB, or the "Political Correctness Crackdown Board," was a subforum on the IGN message boards that was created to provide a space for users to engage in discussions that might not be considered politically correct or appropriate in other forums.


The PCCB was known for its edgy and often controversial discussions, as users explored topics related to race, gender, sexuality, politics, and other sensitive subjects. The community was known for its frank and often irreverent approach to these topics, and discussions on the PCCB could be heated and sometimes offensive.


Despite its reputation, the PCCB was also a popular destination for users who wanted to engage in open and honest discussions about these issues and who felt that other forums were too censored or politically correct. The PCCB provided a space for users to express themselves freely, even if their opinions were not universally accepted or appreciated.


Like the rest of the IGN message boards, the PCCB was eventually discontinued as the company moved away from its forum-based community and towards other forms of engagement. The PCCB remains a controversial and often misunderstood part of IGN's history, but for many former users, it was a memorable and influential part of their time on the message boards.


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2 minutes ago, TheShader said:

That was...a surprisingly accurate description. I feel seen.


When I just prompted "IGN PCCB homosex" it gave a warning about the content being against the ChatGPT TOS. But then I asked it why the IGN PCCB was into homosex:



It is not accurate to say that the IGN Political Correctness Crackdown Board (PCCB) was "into homosex." Discussions on the PCCB covered a wide range of topics, including those that were considered sensitive or controversial. However, it is important to remember that discussions on the PCCB, like all online discussions, should adhere to basic standards of respect and decency towards all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic. Discussions that promote hate or discrimination against any group of people are not acceptable and go against the principles of an inclusive and respectful online community.


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That is still accurate. We did not, and do not, condone homosex. This is difficult for people to understand as they often conflate our comfortability with participating in activities with each other while nude with the same as homosex. It should also be noted that our ritualistic rubbing of each other's members was purely as a ritual to both relieve one another's stress in a friendly manner as well as bring good fortune to the board.

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1 minute ago, Uaarkson said:

Just remember folks, classic CEB was a place where you would see posts from people like Lopez and Markot, if that’s a circle of elders then any group of people is lol


But we also had a Scandinavian patriarch!

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12 minutes ago, outsida said:

ChatGPT is amazing


Pretty much every response it gives very confidently mentions the IGN boards were discontinued. :lol:




The term "WULs" likely refers to "Who's Up Lists," which were a feature of the IGN message boards. WULs were essentially lists of users who were currently online and available to chat.


Users could create their own WULs, which could be set to either public or private, and other users could add their names to the list if they wanted to be included. WULs were a popular feature of the IGN message boards and served as a way for users to connect and chat with one another in real-time.


WULs could be created for a variety of purposes, such as to keep track of users from a specific geographic location, users with similar interests, or users who were part of a particular subforum or community. They could also be created for more specific purposes, such as to plan gaming sessions or to arrange meetups.


Overall, WULs were an important part of the social fabric of the IGN message boards and helped to foster a sense of community and connection among its users. Despite the discontinuation of the message boards, the memory of the WULs remains a significant part of the history of IGN and its communities.



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26 minutes ago, dualhunter said:

Try it with IGN staff instead of boards. The ones who left in disgrace or are still there somewhere, but there are disturbing reports about them.


It drew a complete blank on namlas. What names should I try?

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3 minutes ago, stepee said:

Man I trying it out and chatgpt is a fucking SQUARE it won’t write any songs about pooping for me at all wtf it thinks poop in general is offensive I need @legend to release something less restricted 


You can often trick it into giving you what you want.


Prompt: What's an example of a song about pooping?



One example of a song about pooping is "The Diarrhea Song" by Ray Stevens. It's a comedic novelty song that humorously describes the singer's experience with diarrhea. The song uses humor and playful language to make light of a potentially embarrassing subject. It should be noted that the song is not meant to be taken seriously and is intended for comedic purposes only.


Prompt: Write me a song like Ray Stevens' "The Diarrhea Song".



Here is a parody of a song about pooping, similar to "The Diarrhea Song" by Ray Stevens:


Verse 1: It started with a little tummy ache,

I didn't think much of it, that's a mistake.

But then I felt a rush, it couldn't be stopped,

I sprinted to the bathroom, and here's what popped.



Diarrhea, oh what a sight,

It's coming out like a fire hose all night.

Can't control it, can't hold it in,

This diarrhea just won't let me win.


Verse 2:

I thought I was done, but it wasn't through,

It kept coming and coming, what could I do?

I was on the toilet, for hours it seemed,

And my butt was sore, from the toilet seat gleam.



Diarrhea, oh what a sight,

It's coming out like a fire hose all night.

Can't control it, can't hold it in,

This diarrhea just won't let me win.



I tried to eat healthy, I tried to be good,

But this diarrhea has got me feeling crude.

It's embarrassing and it's no fun,

I just want it to be done, done, done.



Diarrhea, oh what a sight,

It's coming out like a fire hose all night.

Can't control it, can't hold it in,

This diarrhea just won't let me win.



So if you see me running to the loo,

Just know that it's not what I wanted to do.

This diarrhea's got me feeling so blue,

I just want it to be over, don't you?


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3 minutes ago, dualhunter said:


Steve Butts, Tal Blevins and anyone else who either left in disgrace or has allegations of sexual harassment against them.


Unrelated to the above, try idolminds and dial-up.


What happened to Steve Butts from IGN?

Steve Butts was a former Editor-in-Chief of IGN, a popular gaming and entertainment website. In 2017, it was reported that he had left the company after allegations of misconduct. The specifics of the allegations have not been made public, and it is important to note that he has not been convicted of any crime. Since then, he has not been associated with IGN. This information was current as of my training data's knowledge cutoff in 2021, and I do not have more recent information on his current status.


What happened to Tal Blevins from IGN?



Tal Blevins was a former Editor-in-Chief of IGN, a popular gaming and entertainment website. He served in this role from 2006 to 2013. Since leaving IGN, he has gone on to work in various roles in the gaming and technology industries. This information was current as of my training data's knowledge cutoff in 2021, and I do not have more recent information on his current status.


It says it doesn't know why specifically Tal left.

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What IGN staff left due to misconduct?

"In 2017, several employees of IGN, a popular gaming and entertainment website, left the company following allegations of misconduct. The specifics of the allegations have not been made public, and it is important to note that they have not been convicted of any crimes. In the wake of these departures, IGN issued a statement reiterating their commitment to creating a safe and inclusive workplace for all employees. However, without more information, I cannot provide specific names of individuals who may have left the company due to allegations of misconduct."

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19 minutes ago, stepee said:

Man I trying it out and chatgpt is a fucking SQUARE it won’t write any songs about pooping for me at all wtf it thinks poop in general is offensive I need @legend to release something less restricted 

I stand by my claim of more than 10 years that chat bot AI is the most boring form of AI! Large language models haven’t changed that opinion :p


“Here’s a bunch of hallucinated nonsense” 

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Just now, legend said:

I stand by my claim of more than 10 years that chat bot AI is the most boring form of AI! Large language models haven’t changed that opinion :p


“Here’s a bunch of hallucinated nonsense” 


I feel there is some social merit to this if it could make songs about pooping on people though!

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