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What were the first PC games you remember playing and first PC you had at home?


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The Oregon Trail is the first one I remember, along with Number Munchers. The first console like PC I had at home was the TI-99/4A with The Attack, Defender, Frogger, and I vaguely recall some other tank game but couldn't find it. The first desktop PC my mom got me for school was the Packard Bell 486 around 1994, I think.

The TI-99/4A was limited in what you could do with it, so was it more of a console PC? It was a keyboard into which you inserted cartridges, and it had a tape deck.

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Pentium 60 don’t remember the other specs. First game on it I can remember is whacky wheels but I just remember that as the first game I downloaded. I remember Encarta as a first software but not sure what hard copy game was first, probably a shareware collection disc.

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I was very much a console kid growing up, no home PC until I was on my own (all of my Highschool reports were typed on a typewriter). It was a build from a local PC store chain with an 800MHz Pentium 3 and an Nvidia TNT 2 I believe.


The first real PC game I can remember playing was Warcraft 2 at my aunt and uncle's house.

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2 minutes ago, jaethos said:

I was very much a console kid growing up, no home PC until I was on my own (all of my Highschool reports were typed on a typewriter). It was a build from a local PC store chain with an 800MHz Pentium 3 and an Nvidia TNT 2 I believe.


The first real PC game I can remember playing was Warcraft 2 at my aunt and uncle's house.

I would go over to my aunt and uncle's house to play Lemmings.

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3 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

First PC games I played were on a Vic20. I'm not positive, but I think the first game was Gateway to Apshai. The first PC I had at home was Tandy color computer 3. 


I don't know how I never realized that your username here was a reference to this. :lol: :blush:


My dad has been into computers since the 80s and he actually ran a dialup BBS out of our house, so a lot of the earliest games I remember were things like Trade Wars, Legend of the Red Dragon, etc. I was also really into Commander Keen, Crystal Caves (which I see has an HD remake on Steam! :o) and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (also on Steam! :o), plus the old 2D (and eventually 3D) Duke Nukem games. 


This thread is making me nostalgic as hell; I might be buying some HD remakes on Steam tonight. :p 

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19 minutes ago, Ominous said:

First PC we had was an IBM that had no HDD that you had to boot off a floppy and run any app of it's floppy.


First game I remember playing on a computer at home was Street Rod



people boot off a floppy?










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Apple II: Spellevator

Macintosh: The Playroom
DOS: Commander Keen at a friends house, I think?


We had Apple computers growing up, I didn’t own a PC proper until college.  Played lots of Blizzard, Bungie and shareware games as a result.


I know a lot about old Macintosh games, even some of the B&W only ones.   But Apple II’s were a school thing.

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Too young to really remember. My dad was a programmer in the 80s/90s so we always had computers growing up. The earliest games I recall playing a lot of were Wolf 3D, Commander Keen, and the original side-scrolling Duke Nukem. 


We always had various hand-me-down computers that we would play games on, but the first "new-in-box" computer that was solely for the purpose gaming and schoolwork was a Compaq Presario with an AMD 450mhz AMD K6-2 and 64MB of RAM. We eventually added an extra 128MB stick and Guillemot Maxi-Gamer Cougar TNT2 video card.

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The first PC game I remember playing is either Doom II or this horror adventure called Phantasmagoria. That game gave me fucking nightmares and my mom was livid with my dad that he let me play it.


I don't remember what kind of PCs we had when I was a kid, but my first computer that was "mine" was a HP laptop with Windows ME.

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I played some sort of math game on an early Apple at school. First PC I had was a used Vic 20, one of the first if not the first games I played on it was Radar Rat Race. Later on I played Cross Country Canada and the Apple II GSes at school. When I got my first x86 PC, the first game I played was Command & Conquer 2.

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Needless to say, after hearing that fuckin' owl talk for 2 seconds, no one in my family cared about or remembered King's Quest after that. Jesus Christ. I don't think we got more than 20 minutes into this game.


After that it's a bit fuzzy, I remember lots of weird early emulators for NES, real bad SNES, for some reason I remember Midtown Madness, but that was much later, we had the steering wheel with real force feedback, where it would countersteer against you and was fuckin' awesome, uhh... FF7 port, but super early on I remember lots of Nickelodeon flash (or proto flash...?) games on the Nick portal on AOL. Graal Online, all kinds of wacky shit.

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   Softporn Adventure was my very fist computer game. It was VERY ADULT obviously!! Later games were Leisure suit larry in the land of the land Lizards. Great for a young 13 year olds mind. I played it on an Apple IIe in my garage. This is the early 80's There we no graphics as it was a word adventure. This was my very first dip into anything PC. We had an Apple IIe barrowed from my mom's Boyfriend {Step DAD if you will, he and she worked in a government building downtown San Diego} work and he was a huge influence in my interest in electronics mainly the computers and how and for what did.


   We later bought Chop Lifter, and Lode Runner for my first graphic games. Loved loved loved Lode runner. You could make your own levels and I made thousands of them, awesome game. All there were on a flickering green screen, AHHH the good ol; says!


  Going to the computer store was such an amazing experience. Games were all on large floppy disks and were very expensive if I remember right. I had a decent allowance growing up as we had many chores plus paper routs and mowing lawns. What an amazing amazing period that was. There was no returning something if it didn't run right either, it was all buy at your own risk. I also raised rats and sold babies to my local fish store for feeders. 1 apiece and that was good income. I had quite the enterprise going when I was young. Too bad it was all at the expense of school at which I decided quite early on was not needed in any way....lol


   It's when I got to play Return to Wolfenstein that the world of video games really hooked me. It was a fantastic video game and I played it after school and chores & homework ever single chance I got!

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