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Hospital Caught Dumping Patients On Street

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It takes a lot of balls to literally dump a patient on the county run hospital's doorstep.  Usually corporations get a little antsy about flagrant violations of law and huge adverse PR, but I assume some floor manager at that hospital was just a sociopath who wanted to free up beds for paying customers.

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16 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

We kicked out a homeless guy the other day. But he was violent. Ain’t putting up with that shit. Y’all have no idea just how bad some patients can be. Not knowing the full story, I can’t fully comment on this individual situation. I’m betting it likely could have been handled in a more dignified manner, though. 

I can't even imagine, especially a patient going through withdrawals or something. I remember the last time I visited a family member in the hospital, all through the night, would be sporadic screaming and crying. It got to a point where I asked the nurse if she could move the problem patients to another floor or give them some sort of sedative. She said that, under the circumstances, it wouldn't be safe to do so. My heart was truly with all of those care workers that had to deal with that on a daily/nightly basis. I was so happy when we finally got to take my son home from the NICU. 

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8 hours ago, Derek said:

I can't even imagine, especially a patient going through withdrawals or something. I remember the last time I visited a family member in the hospital, all through the night, would be sporadic screaming and crying. It got to a point where I asked the nurse if she could move the problem patients to another floor or give them some sort of sedative. She said that, under the circumstances, it wouldn't be safe to do so. My heart was truly with all of those care workers that had to deal with that on a daily/nightly basis. I was so happy when we finally got to take my son home from the NICU. 

Yeah, a lot of the time it becomes of question of how much abuse health care workers are supposed to suffer to take care of others. 

Had a very large lady this week who has been refusing all care. She has no diagnosis of dementia or other mental illness. She’d rather lay in her own urine and feces than be turned and cleaned. I didn’t accept that and took a team in to get her clean. She screamed and spit in my face. Just…why?

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So I worked the last five days in a row, four of them being doubles and I did this exact thing during that stretch( a double is a 16 hour shift because we’re so short staffed). Hence where I was since my fuck Islam thread.

You all have no idea what it’s like, none. We are the most frequently assaulted profession in the US, bar none with the ER being where over 80% of the assaults take place in my hospital and those numbers are comparable nation wide.


This drug addicted homeless pos spat on a nurse, threatened another and threw his actual shit at a another RN after being told he was discharged after refusing evaluation and intervention. Known history of it, LE won’t do shit when we’re attacked so we deal with it. I drug him out off the campus and left him there. Came back my next shift ad he was there doing the some bullshit; he’s assaulted at least 7 people I’ve personally seen including throwing a full urinal at a nursing students face.


What should we do? Buy him a house? Pull our money to pay his mortgage? Say thank you sir may I have some more after being assaulted? This city already has the most social services I’ve ever seen including an actual stipend to these people. Tf else do you want from us?

My job is not to house the unhoused, it’s to provide life saving emergency medical care in a time compressed environment. If someone with NO medical complaints and using us for shelter takes up a bed you or your loved ones may need during a medical emergency how would you feel then?


further, this mindset im seeing here is part of the reason why nurses and MDs are leaving healthcare hand over fist or going to clinics/home health/ outpatient/ etc. My last shift, we had FOUR ER nurses in my dept, in a 60 bed ER; meaning our waiting room held 35+ all night with wait times over 16 hours to be seen. ER nurses are legally capped at four patients to put that in perspective. I had ambulances waiting to off load for 5 plus hours. And this is at one of the highest paid institutions in the country and therefore the world.


Three of my nurses have interviews in the next two weeks as well in other departments/hospitals and they’re more senior than me.

keep abusing your providers, you’re gonna need us and we’re not gonna be there. I’m right on the verge of applying to an ambulatory clinic spot, I’ve 15 years of emergency medical experience 8 of those being an ER nurse 7 being on a fire engine/ambulance. Good luck replacing experienced providers with new-grads.


To drive this home, my favorite attending MD just resigned, and two residents quit in their second and third year respectively. It’s not just nurses that are fed up, it’s everyone of your bedside providers.


Our hospital is over 40 nurses short everyday for our licensed beds.

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10 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

So I worked the last five days in a row, four of them being doubles and I did this exact thing during that stretch( a double is a 16 hour shift because we’re so short staffed). Hence where I was since my fuck Islam thread.

You all have no idea what it’s like, none. We are the most frequently assaulted profession in the US, bar none with the ER being where over 80% of the assaults take place in my hospital and those numbers are comparable nation wide.


This drug addicted homeless pos spat on a nurse, threatened another and threw his actual shit at a another RN after being told he was discharged after refusing evaluation and intervention. Known history of it, LE won’t do shit when we’re attacked so we deal with it. I drug him out off the campus and left him there. Came back my next shift ad he was there doing the some bullshit; he’s assaulted at least 7 people I’ve personally seen including throwing a full urinal at a nursing students face.


What should we do? Buy him a house? Pull our money to pay his mortgage? Say thank you sir may I have some more after being assaulted? This city already has the most social services I’ve ever seen including an actual stipend to these people. Tf else do you want from us?

My job is not to house the unhoused, it’s to provide life saving emergency medical care in a time compressed environment. If someone with NO medical complaints and using us for shelter takes up a bed you or your loved ones may need during a medical emergency how would you feel then?


further, this mindset im seeing here is part of the reason why nurses and MDs are leaving healthcare hand over fist or going to clinics/home health/ outpatient/ etc. My last shift, we had FOUR ER nurses in my dept, in a 60 bed ER; meaning our waiting room held 35+ all night with wait times over 16 hours to be seen. ER nurses are legally capped at four patients to put that in perspective. I had ambulances waiting to off load for 5 plus hours. And this is at one of the highest paid institutions in the country and therefore the world.


Three of my nurses have interviews in the next two weeks as well in other departments/hospitals and they’re more senior than me.

keep abusing your providers, you’re gonna need us and we’re not gonna be there. I’m right on the verge of applying to an ambulatory clinic spot, I’ve 15 years of emergency medical experience 8 of those being an ER nurse 7 being on a fire engine/ambulance. Good luck replacing experienced providers with new-grads.


To drive this home, my favorite attending MD just resigned, and two residents quit in their second and third year respectively. It’s not just nurses that are fed up, it’s everyone of your bedside providers.


Our hospital is over 40 nurses short everyday for our licensed beds.

A friend of my wife is a nurse in Ohio and gets racist and sexist shit shouted at her AT LEAST on a weekly basis (she was adopted from Central America as a baby and has very dark skin)


all of this and you guys don't go out and shoot someone at the drop of a at like our big brave police

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Yeah, I really don't want to hear the self righteous and judgmental talk from people who have never worked in this field and have no idea what it's like. Come on, dig in and get screamed at, cursed at, spit on, pissed on, hit, kicked, and everything else, then tell me we're supposed to be saints and keep putting up with these people. You can argue this woman wasn't like that, she had a walker and all. Well, I've been struck by a patient's cane in the head. It doesn't really matter.

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36 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Yeah, I really don't want to hear the self righteous and judgmental talk from people who have never worked in this field and have no idea what it's like. Come on, dig in and get screamed at, cursed at, spit on, pissed on, hit, kicked, and everything else, then tell me we're supposed to be saints and keep putting up with these people. You can argue this woman wasn't like that, she had a walker and all. Well, I've been struck by a patient's cane in the head. It doesn't really matter.

Oh no let ‘em; they’re gonna need us and we won’t be there. Their families can stroke out in the waiting room because the the two year triage nurse doesn’t recognize neuro symptoms outside of the protocol the facility has written and therefore outside of the window of tpa. Maybe they can be transferred to a facility that does a thromboectomy if it’s recognized after someone who knows something picks it up.


They’re creating this hellscape and they will deserve it, while I sit at an ambulatory clinic taking blood pressures for the same rate I get paid now. 

One of the nurses I referenced above, just told me they accepted a cath lab job. They’re done in two weeks. Better hope you have a nurse in triage who can recognize MI symptoms outside of the classic presentation to get to the cath lab in time. Shrug 


you lose nurses like me, you lose people who can see emergencies because we’ve experienced it; you lose a knowledge base that takes years to replace. You lose experience we pass onto other nurses; who can tell a new nurse things like a patient on bipap can impact venous return therefore you need to watch their cardiac output and blood pressure.


Youre a new onset diabetic in dka, I can explain the how and why, and why you need to watch the potassium while you titrate the insulin infusion especially if they have a kidney injury.


you lose nurses like me, people you love will have bad outcomes and you will have played a part of why we left.

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I’m feel petty sure nobody on here is indicting healthcare workers for what went on in the OP.

I’m a unique nurse, I have dragged out patients by their actual legs after refusing to leave after discharge. Because I’m a large man with military experience who can still bench 405.


Most nurses aren’t me, so security does it. Which is what the op is referencing.

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Just now, TUFKAK said:

I’m a unique nurse, I have dragged out patients by their actual legs after refusing to leave after discharge. Because I’m a large man with military experience who can still bench 405.


Most nurses aren’t me, so security does it. Which is what the op is referencing.

Everybody else is welcomed to chime in, but the posts seem to indicate the issue is the hospital (and it’s place in the broader American healthcare system), not the staff tasked with putting the policy into effect.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

Everybody else is welcomed to chime in, but the posts seem to indicate the issue is the hospital (and it’s place in the broader American healthcare system), not the staff tasked with putting the policy into effect.


It wasnt to chide to health care workers but mor to show the shit show that is the American health care system.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

Everybody else is welcomed to chime in, but the posts seem to indicate the issue is the hospital (and it’s place in the broader American healthcare system), not the staff tasked with putting the policy into effect.

And the only two people on this board with actual real world experience on this topic had the same response to it. Why do you think that is?


Because we experience this every week? Because we’re assaulted and battered every week? Because we’ve been in this exact position before an innumerable amount of times? 



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3 minutes ago, SimpleG said:


It wasnt to chide to health care workers but mor to show the shit show that is the American health care system.

As I said. Should we buy them houses? Pay their mortgage?


What are you actually expecting from us?


My job would be super easy to just let someone sleep in one of my zones all shift, I’m down. 

enjoy the waiting room while you’re having a kidney stone then. Gotta follow the law right? 

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Actually I’m so burnt out at this point imma follow this boards wishes. 😏


i already said im capped at four patients, so some homeless person who won’t leave with no reason to be there, can just stay in the bed im assigned to. I can just document “patient refuses evaluation, will continue to monitor” and be legally covered while I do nothing all shift. You all want us to respect the law after all. Can’t toss em out.


when I’m in triage, im not legally allowed to treat you. So you can sit there on my lobby having an emergency. I’m following the law! Maybe once that person decides to leave I can get to you 



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if you were in healthcare you’d understand 


We have a term, reluctant discharges, aka people refusing to leave after being medically cleared and discharged. Also guess where the primacy of assaults happen on nurses to? They’re connected.


guess who are the ones who facilitate the process in the hospital/ED? Nurses. We’re the ones who clear beds so other people can be treated and seen. We’re the ones who ensure you and your loved ones have beds. We all skirt the law, definitely letter over spirit, but what I’m getting here is we all need to follow to the letter. I’m so down for that. I’d legit not have to do anything in that setting. I’m never bedside anymore. I’m either code triage or charge. 

Careful what you wish for; you may get it.


I’ll gladly sit on people who refuse to leave where all I have to is document that every few hours. Easy money.




were doing this wrong, let’s follow the boards desires.

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16 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Yeah, I really don’t know what people here expect hospitals to do. You can’t separate the nurses from anything else

going on in this thread. We facilitate it. We’re the frontlines, getting the brunt of abuse from people who get kicked out and dumped on the streets. 

Let’s just follow the law, I’ll be a hostess for my wage. The malingerer can stay in one Of the beds as long as they want, I won’t force them to leave, gotta make sure security doesn’t touch em either. 

They want this world they can have it; I’m done going above and beyond for this community. I’m here to get my pension and the law covers me.


legit after the stretch I just had, this is exactly what I needed to read. I worked 78 hours in an er in the last five days because we’re understaffed, very few nurses have my skill set at work, management won’t hire travelers due to the budget which is bullshit, we’re boarding 30-50 admits a day, while being assaulted daily all the while being demonized for ensuring people have access to healthcare here.

Already burnt out, this just pushed over the edge. 


Also, we’ve had 5 applications in the last 6 months, we’re 20 ftes short. Add another one in assuming I get the position I just applied to.

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