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Remnant II (PS5/Xbox Series/PC) - update (07/26): "The Dark Horizon" (third and final DLC) announced for September 2024 release

Commissar SFLUFAN

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1 hour ago, Dexterryu said:


The sound of the "elite" types are obvious. That's not what I'm whining about. I'm whining about the general movement sounds of your average everyday mobs and their ability to walk up to you without any audio queue. Especially when you're fighting something bigger that takes a lot of damage to defeat. It's an easy enough problem to solve in the game as it is (Just retreat a bit and they'll funnel themselves into a choke point).

I don't know where you are in the game, but different mobs make different noises. Ever since you made this post, I've been paying attention to the sound and I noticed while some enemies are quieter than others and can surprise you if you're not paying attention, others make pretty distinctive sounds that give away their position. Whether it's beeps or growls or whatever. I don't play with headphones so it may be different.  I have a 7.1 surround sound set up so I can hear quite a bit.

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3 hours ago, Dexterryu said:


The sound of the "elite" types are obvious. That's not what I'm whining about. I'm whining about the general movement sounds of your average everyday mobs and their ability to walk up to you without any audio queue. Especially when you're fighting something bigger that takes a lot of damage to defeat. It's an easy enough problem to solve in the game as it is (Just retreat a bit and they'll funnel themselves into a choke point).


There is that other audio que that pops up, kind of like the Big Enemy one when the games will spawn enemies anywhere, even behind you.  Generally this game is about clearing your corners and behind you so you know you're safe from behind.  But when you hear that other audio que that is added for this game, you know enemies can possibly be spawned behind you, and to now be more aware and check 360 around you.


Generally i think the audios good in this game, but some enemies can sneak up on you for sure, but I think it's by design as well.  The human type enemies will typically be vocal to give away their position when coming at you but certain other monster types may not be as obvious.

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Oof this game is rough in places. Cutscenes seem like they were thrown together at the last minute, they don’t even have the environmental physics you see in gameplay. Voice acting is … amateurish and every line read is slow.. Large enemies seemingly hit 1-2 times after their big wind up attack animation has finished making some deaths make no sense. There is hardly any ammo drops. I’m running out of ammo all the time. When doing the ravenous encounter you can’t eat to heal if you can also reload, you character will reload first. 

Im also really not liking the medic early game. Animations for anything take for ever and feels like enemies are designed to punish you for standing still, even having a DOT they can just drop on you making it so you can’t stand in your healing well. I get a game like this not wanting you to stand still … so don’t give me a power that needs me to stand almost perfectly still to cast and benefit from. 

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Remnant has been the only souls like game I one of my friends will play. We played Remnant From Ashes. We finally got another friend to jump in to Remnant 2 with us so we have a third player. I still feel like medic may have been a mistake. Developers seem so afraid of support classes breaking their games. Not just here, seemingly everywhere. Division 1/2 was bit better, except on harder content. The healing never kept pace with the damage output of enemies. 

Im gonna guess there’s some rings or runes later in the game that make the medic a healing beast, but right now, early into the game both the cool down and the amount of healing just feels so inadequate in most combat encounters. It feels more like playing without an Archetype. I’m almost at lvl 9 with it, so I may hold on to it until lvl 10 when I can get a second archetype. 

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3 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Remnant has been the only souls like game I one of my friends will play. We played Remnant From Ashes. We finally got another friend to jump in to Remnant 2 with us so we have a third player. I still feel like medic may have been a mistake. Developers seem so afraid of support classes breaking their games. Not just here, seemingly everywhere. Division 1/2 was bit better, except on harder content. The healing never kept pace with the damage output of enemies. 

Im gonna guess there’s some rings or runes later in the game that make the medic a healing beast, but right now, early into the game both the cool down and the amount of healing just feels so inadequate in most combat encounters. It feels more like playing without an Archetype. I’m almost at lvl 9 with it, so I may hold on to it until lvl 10 when I can get a second archetype. 

As someone who will choose healer in any game, single player, multiplayer, Yahtzee -- anything; let me tell you, when this is an issue, it's almost always the people you're healing. You're not there to undo every bit of damage, you're there to patch folks up and keep them alive longer. If they're just eating big hits from the boss, yeah, you ain't gonna stop that. Occasionally a healer can carry a shitty team in a game, but at that point it gets boring because you can't lose.


You have one of the best guns in the game (though not THE best) for a reason!

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28 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

As someone who will choose healer in any game, single player, multiplayer, Yahtzee -- anything; let me tell you, when this is an issue, it's almost always the people you're healing. You're not there to undo every bit of damage, you're there to patch folks up and keep them alive longer. If they're just eating big hits from the boss, yeah, you ain't gonna stop that. Occasionally a healer can carry a shitty team in a game, but at that point it gets boring because you can't lose.


You have one of the best guns in the game (though not THE best) for a reason!

I think it’s just that right now it doesn’t feel like it comes in clutch or really ends up being a difference maker in a situation. I watch my friend playing challenger just pop himself right up and then unleash a wave of damage. My hunter friend pops his ability and we are all doing extra crits on enemies, and can see them coming from behind walls. But if we get into a sticky enough spot the medic isn’t turning the tide, even for that brief few seconds. Standing in a healing pool you might as well be asking to get dropped in this game.  It’s best used outside of combat. 

the healing shield doesn’t heal enough that if you find you need it, it’s too late. Maybe the last skill will be better. The nearly 2 minute cool down will kind of suck and I hope I am not entire neutralized in a fight and helpless while using it. 

If the class could use both of the current abilities, each with their own cool down, then it would feel much more like a focused healer. Right now I feel like 90% of the time I’m not a healer.


The dog sounds like a better medic than the medic.  

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So yeah looking up some builds it seems late game is where the healer class becomes viable enough to be a true support class, and can make that it’s primary build focus and responsibility. Maybe not late game if you can get all the items for it, but it is heavily dependent on having everything kitted out for it to reduce cooldowns and such. 

so I once I hit 10 I will likely switch it be secondary until I get the gear enough to focus back into it. 

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5 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

So yeah looking up some builds it seems late game is where the healer class becomes viable enough to be a true support class, and can make that it’s primary build focus and responsibility. Maybe not late game if you can get all the items for it, but it is heavily dependent on having everything kitted out for it to reduce cooldowns and such. 

so I once I hit 10 I will likely switch it be secondary until I get the gear enough to focus back into it. 

@JPDunks4 plays as a medic... any tips for Spawn? I know you just switched your gun, but when we played together I don't think you had any problems generating heals. What difficulty are you playing on @Spawn_of_Apathy

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As @Xbob42said, thr healer isnt meant to be a fix for bad gameplay.


You should be avoiding the majority of damage in this game by dodging. 


The healing circle lasts awhile, so coop there's no reason one character can't aggro enemies or a boss away from it to let coop partners heal.  It also heals pretty quickly so you only need to stand in it for a few seconds to get a decent chunk back.


I've personally been using the Shield Shout.  Basically when my coop buddy or I gets stuck in a bad situation, or takes a few hits and is close to being downed, I pop it so we can recover and pop a Dragon Heart.  Or when I need to revive my teammate I'll pop it for overshield and not to get staggered so you can get the revive off.  Or sometimes when an enemy grabs your friend and gets into one of those animations you can save them.  It's meant to stop your friend from getting knocked which can be very difficult to get a revive off mid boss fight.


I put all my Trait points into Skill Cooldown time right away do I'm -20% Cooldown Timer.  I also chose the healing mod to start with and that thing does a lot of good healing too.


I'm never a big fan of LMGs so went to the Hunting Rifle.  I just hate really long reload times.


I've been really enjoying the Medic so far and have felt like it's extremely useful so far.

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@skillzdadirecta we were trying what I guess is “normal”, not the lowest, but one up from that. I’m reading that may not be the best difficulty for starter characters and low level weapons and archetypes. 

also it does appear some later game builds are able to make the medic a a full

time healer with high ability up time to help keep the team alive. So I’m looking forward to that and will try to build into that where I can. Sounds like it’s even clutch in the highest difficulty. 

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Yeah you're playing on Veteran. That's the equivalent of HARD in most games. That's the one I'm playing on. I don't think you can adjust difficulty once you've started a game though. Any way, here's a boss fight I did. One of the few I remembered to record



@best3444 this should give you an idea if this game is for you. It's pretty tough... this was my sixth or seventh try when I finally beat him.

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32 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Yeah you're playing on Veteran. That's the equivalent of HARD in most games. That's the one I'm playing on. I don't think you can adjust difficulty once you've started a game though. Any way, here's a boss fight I did. One of the few I remembered to record



@best3444 this should give you an idea if this game is for you. It's pretty tough... this was my sixth or seventh try when I finally beat him.


Interesting because you either made that look easy, or it's not as difficult as I'm imagining. Thanks for the video. I'm gunna look into this further.

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:


Interesting because you either made that look easy, or it's not as difficult as I'm imagining. Thanks for the video. I'm gunna look into this further.

it was NOT easy trust me... I had died to that guy at least a half dozen times before that. Those orbs he spits out are damn near impossible to dodge completly.

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

it was NOT easy trust me... I had died to that guy at least a half dozen times before that. Those orbs he spits out are damn near impossible to dodge completly.


Well that leads me to my other comment. The animation when you dodge looked as though that was what was fucking you up. Am I incorrect? 

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7 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Well that leads me to my other comment. The animation when you dodge looked as though that was what was fucking you up. Am I incorrect? 

no... those orbs track you. I got hit when I mis-timed my dodge. I have a fast dodge so there's a certain amount of invincibilty frames you get when you fast roll like in the Souls games so if you time it right, you won't take damage. Everybody plays these games differently, but I tend to play with light armor and fast dodges. That means I can't take too many hits.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

no... those orbs track you. I got hit when I mis-timed my dodge. I have a fast dodge so there's a certain amount of invincibilty frames you get when you fast roll like in the Souls games so if you time it right, you won't take damage. Everybody plays these games differently, but I tend to play with light armor and fast dodges. That means I can't take too many hits.


Hmm. Reviews are around 8/10 for this but there isn't many reviews. I just don't know. A lot if emphasis on mp it seems and it's only an "ok" sp game. I strictly play sp games so I'm stumped.

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10 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Hmm. Reviews are around 8/10 for this but there isn't many reviews. I just don't know. A lot if emphasis on mp it seems and it's only an "ok" sp game. I strictly play sp games so I'm stumped.

If you don't like tough games, don't get it. I'm playing mostly solo but I group up with @JPDunks4 every once in awhile. It's NOT an easy game solo or co-op.

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15 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

If you don't like tough games, don't get it. I'm playing mostly solo but I group up with @JPDunks4 every once in awhile. It's NOT an easy game solo or co-op.


Ok, thanks. First my BG3 dreams were shattered this morning now this!



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21 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Yeah you're playing on Veteran. That's the equivalent of HARD in most games. That's the one I'm playing on. I don't think you can adjust difficulty once you've started a game though

well apparently you can if you’re willing to reroll your entire world, which resets where you’ve been. We hadn’t done much in the story, so it wasn’t a big deal. Got a new starting area. Holy crap does that make a difference. I mean we’re still dying from time to time, but we’re not dying as fast and managing to survive at times we otherwise wouldn’t. 

At the end of my play session I got the ability select a secondary Archetype. Which I looked up how to do this earlier, and let me tell you, most online sources I’ve seen don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. Most just say to earn 10 trait points and then go see Wallace and he’ll sell you the subclass. One source even straight said you didn’t need to get your prime archetype to level 10 first [WRONG]. 

Anyways, rerolling the world got us N’Erud. We made far more progress here than we did in the previous world. Knocked out 3- 4 dungeons and got an item to progress the story. Looks like one of those things like the first game where you have to chose which NPC to give it to and the other one you have to fight. 

The third medic skill is MUCH better than I thought it was going to be. It came in clutch in a couple of boss fights in a dungeon right after I unlocked it. The world difficulty probably had something to do with it too. lol 

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14 hours ago, best3444 said:


Hmm. Reviews are around 8/10 for this but there isn't many reviews. I just don't know. A lot if emphasis on mp it seems and it's only an "ok" sp game. I strictly play sp games so I'm stumped.

it feels a lot more souls like when you’re playing solo, because there is nobody to pick you up when you die. except there kind of is. The Handler class has a dog that can use one of your remaining relic charges to pick you up. The challenger has a passive that can automatically pick themselves, with a 10 minute cool down. Cools down resets on death or at checkpoints. 

I played a bit solo and I played in a team and really the difficulty felt about the same. So the scaling feels good. If anything I can see where playing solo can be a bit easier just because of the ammo economy. Ammo drops are not shared. One player keeps taking all the ammo the others can runout. But solo all the ammo drops are yours and yours alone. 

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After playing the Labyrinth last night I no longer believe this game is suitable for @best3444 on any difficulty. Very unique encounter though. 

my friends and I are starting to tear this game up though. I almost feel like we need to increase the difficulty now, but I don’t want to reroll and re-do everything again when we haven’t beaten the main story yet. We did get stuck at the Labyrinth boss for a bit, but so far anything else that has even resembled a standard fight has been handled pretty smoothly by our motley group. Maybe it’s also because we’re darned focused right now, not even changing weapons in the last 8 or so hours.   

I also want to say, this game is a prime example of why I really really wish Elden Ring had full co-op all the way through it. It might be easier, sure, but it would also be so much more fun. 

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9 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

After playing the Labyrinth last night I no longer believe this game is suitable for @best3444 on any difficulty. Very unique encounter though. 

my friends and I are starting to tear this game up though. I almost feel like we need to increase the difficulty now, but I don’t want to reroll and re-do everything again when we haven’t beaten the main story yet. We did get stuck at the Labyrinth boss for a bit, but so far anything else that has even resembled a standard fight has been handled pretty smoothly by our motley group. Maybe it’s also because we’re darned focused right now, not even changing weapons in the last 8 or so hours.   

I also want to say, this game is a prime example of why I really really wish Elden Ring had full co-op all the way through it. It might be easier, sure, but it would also be so much more fun. 

Yeah i never thought it was a good match for @best3444 given what I know of his tastes. That Labryinth Boss encounter was VERY unique and I'm curious how that would get done with a group. I wonder if it would be easier or harder. I finally got my second archtype last night and beat another boss. I'd guess I'm about Halfway through the game now. I haven't switched weapons much myself. The second pair of guns I got in the game is what I'm using. Just upgrading them until I can't any more. I AM experimenting with Mods for both guns though. Such a great game... still a GOTY contender for me. It's definitely surpassed Diablo IV for me and I really liked that one too.

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32 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Yeah i never thought it was a good match for @best3444 given what I know of his tastes. That Labryinth Boss encounter was VERY unique and I'm curious how that would get done with a group. I wonder if it would be easier or harder. I finally got my second archtype last night and beat another boss. I'd guess I'm about Halfway through the game now. I haven't switched weapons much myself. The second pair of guns I got in the game is what I'm using. Just upgrading them until I can't any more. I AM experimenting with Mods for both guns though. Such a great game... still a GOTY contender for me. It's definitely surpassed Diablo IV for me and I really liked that one too.

Probably depends if this is a boss that scales based on being in a group or not. Do you get shot at as much/often and does it do as much damage, because by the mid point it starts to feel relentless. 

but what you can do in a group is 

each person break off and learn the pattern in what is essentially 3 areas. With the person in the first area being responsible for all the cubes in the sky. Division of labor. Unless somebody dies. [/quote]

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The boss fights in this game are so creative because I good amount of them involve platforming as well as simple combat. You HAVE to know how to jump from platform to platform in this game and when to do so in order to get past some of these bosses. I just did another one that was pretty damn nifty. On one last boss encounter for the night before I put the game down for the evening. This game is taling up almost all of my gaming time right now.


Last Boss fight of the night


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45 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Being a lover of guns and first and third person shooters do you think someone as dude bro as myself would enjoy this? Does it have different difficulty levels? Was watching a stream this morning and it seems really cool. Love the gun action.


I'm betting there isn't a difficulty setting. Skillz said it's extremely difficult. You couldn't handle it.

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