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How do you think getting older has affected you mentally?


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I feel like I've been tempered in some ways. Like with the death of Aaron Carter, I would have probably reacted with detached "eat the rich" energy if you asked me 10 years ago. Now it makes me sad.


I think it makes a difference when you've experienced real loss. Unless you're a psychopath, the first couple times that you lose someone that *really* hurts changes your outlook on life, and not always for the better.


That's why I say I've been tempered in *some* ways. In other ways, I'm more angry than I ever was when I was younger. But it's more like a seething, underneath anger. 


Basically I feel like my empathy has increased at the same rate as my righteous rage, and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm going to pop.

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In summary: practically the same as what you've described.


I've definitely become more prone to feelings of anxiety, sadness, the identical "seething, underneath"righteous anger that you've described.  But at the same time, I have become vastly more empathetic as well, just as you've described which when combined with that righteous rage creates what sometimes borders on a pretty combustible mix.


What I know has definitely changed is my overall sense of humor...or should I say lack thereof.  That thing is practically gone at this point.  I'm genuinely, deliberately having to force myself to laugh or smile when someone makes a joke or witty remark to just not seem like a total asshole.


Yeah, aging hasn't exactly been great for my mental state largely because of (gestures wildly to everything, everywhere, all at once).

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I would say that I’m a fair bit more thoughtful, but less patience. I attribute this to being in a high stress job and being a father. So I’m not sure it’s age, but rather circumstance that has molded me in the last 20 years. I wonder and hope that my patience will return when my kids are older and  I’ve moved on from this career. 

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I’m hitting 40 this month and the midlife crisis is setting in, except I can’t afford To go get a corvette or something. I don’t feel old, until I start remembering shit that happened like almost 30 years ago. I need to get serious about taking care of my health and fitness.

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I’m much more reflective about everything - which certainly helps when it comes to managing/processing more difficult moments in life. That’s been the key difference between myself now and ten years ago. I’ve always been very driven, but now it is more focused/less self-driven.

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I pretty much feel done and ready to die… Its just a mix of lacking purpose at this particular moment and not being able to rely on my body…

Recently I spent 2 hours hunched over by my couch afraid to move because I was having severe spasms in my spine.. 10 hrs of that crap and the continuous inability to rely on my body have allowed me to gain weight and just be unhappy (the weight gain contributing to the back condition)… taking 9 pills a day to maintain a level 5 pain is just not worth it


 About the only thing keeping me level is the fact that dying would be a shit move for my family…


Im sure the yearly bouts of holiday depression I’ve experienced the last few years are probably going to be really annoying now..


I intend to pursue the nuclear option early next year.. Im hoping getting myself a dog will help alleviate a chunk of that malaise, it is something I promised myself as a gift..

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I’m now 40 years old and still live at home with mom. I always feel like I’m running outta time to do anything significant. Like finding someone to love and raise some kids with. Also getting older, has made me bitter at the world. I want to bring a kid or more into the world to love, but I think “what world will they have” I feel like humanity has let me down and just looks worse every news cycle. I also find myself getting more emotional and I nearly cried watching Bluey tonight because it was fucking touching. I feel like I’m owed something from the world because the past 7-8 years of my life has been pure shit. Lost my dad, aunt, dog, hurt on the job, 3 years of back and forth of “nothing seems wrong”, finding out I needed surgery, more damage then they thought, lifting restrictions for life, and lost the ok paying job. Fired from my last job because the new owners were a bunch of idiots, entire store staff left like Twitter in 2 months (including managers) Oh and my long hauler Covid shit that comes and goes and has  ramped up my anxiety like no tomorrow. It comes out of no where and occasionally feels like a full on panic attack. Plus I love my movies and last year my receiver crapped out on me and I was movie-less. I want to watch my movies on my projector with the big sound cause it beings me joy. Thankfully I’m up and running again but tons to catch up on. 

Thank god for family, my weed to keep me calm, walks I get to take my dog on(hopefully dogs once again soon) and the music that accompanies it. 

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On 11/5/2022 at 9:51 PM, Bacon said:

Every year I wish more and more for immortality.


I used to want immortality and I would take a cyborg ninja body given the opportunity but honestly I want to find out what is after this as well :thinking: 


As for how things have changed I've generally gotten less lonely and down as I've gotten older but more angry and rebellious :lol: I had my industrial/grunge phase but for nearly the past decade I've been in my very angry metal phase :angry:

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3 minutes ago, DPCyric said:


I used to want immortality and I would take a cyborg ninja body given the opportunity but honestly I want to find out what is after this as well :thinking: 


As for how things have changed I've generally gotten less lonely and down as I've gotten older but more angry and rebellious :lol: I had my industrial/grunge phase but for nearly the past decade I've been in my very angry metal phase :angry:

I'm right there with you. I actually pretty much stopped listening to heavy music when I turned 20. I'm not really sure why, I guess it just didn't fit my life. Once I turned 30, my playlists started having a lot more Suicide Silence and Lorna Shore all of the sudden. My taste in music has gotten angry again.

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12 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Yeah, and I hate it. I can't imagine not existing.


Well it won't matter that you can't imagine it when you are dead. I hope there is something after this I have someone that I want to reunite with but if there isn't anything then it doesn't matter anyway. I doubt there is anything and just expect my body to be food for the worms/energy for new life which doesn't seem all that bad.

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And seriously let me tell you that nothing is ever too late. You can work on it any time and it will become yours, just likely in ways you might never expect. 


Everyone has a destiny but the secret they don't want you to know is that you get to pick your destiny. It's literally a result of what you decide to do.

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I'm more anxious than I use to be, but largely under control.


The worst part about aging isn't my age per se (I'm 39 now), but that I see time slipping faster and faster. I'm beginning to think of projects spanning 10 years like it's nothing, but it's not nothing in a human life and you only get so many of those. I wish there were more time than I'll have in my life to do the things I want to do.


Otherwise, I'm happy with where I am at this point in my life.

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2 hours ago, legend said:

The worst part about aging isn't my age per se (I'm 39 now), but that I see time slipping faster and faster. I'm beginning to think of projects spanning 10 years like it's nothing, but it's not nothing in a human life and you only get so many of those. I wish there were more time than I'll have in my life to do the things I want to do.


Time relativity on a personal scale. Same reason why time out is such torture for children.

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13 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


How many times have you died so far?

Quite a few. I've been homeless, institutionalized, hounded for association. All of them a new clean break at life. It's only natural to die throughout life, unless you're some sort of soulless pedant who barely understands the human experience.

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