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Very stable genius reportedly thinks getting impeached after losing the midterms would help him win in 2020


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I think a lot of politicians are overweighting the one relevant data point in Clinton's impeachment.


Dems are obviously skiddish about talking impeachment, and Republicans are eager for it because they think it will be some magical elixir for their historical unpopular president.


It ignores the most important issue, and one that I think speaks to the average voter. The GOP in the 90's never made their case that the investigation, much less the little wrong doing they actually proved, was serious enough to warrant impeachment.


The claims against Trump are more serious than they were for Clinton. And, arguably, what is already known is more serious than they ever proved against Clinton(there is already a strong case for obstruction in what we all already know, for example).


I think there is a bit of self delusion going on here among the GOP. They have focused so much on the Mueller interview and the "perjury trap" that they've convinced themselves that's where the danger lies.


It's kind of a classic case of projection. They so often investigate things for political reasons with no meat on the bones that the perjury trap is actually their goal. So they think that is the goal here. Maybe they are thinking they can beat the wrap if all Mueller has on Trump is him lying about an ancillary topic. And you know what, maybe they could. Even though I think the fundamentals of Trump's support is more brittle then that of Clinton when impeachment seemed to help him, I think there would be disappointment, if not backlash, if that's all Mueller could get him on.


The problem is that, as I said, I think the case is already stronger against Trump, and Mueller seems to show little interest in hinging his case on a perjury charge.

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