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Abbott and Desantis are scum, News at 11

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2 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Wasn't Covid one of the reasons Dems struggled with Hispanic voters?  I remember reading that somewhere...


As in, they couldn't go door-to-door and talk to voters in poorer districts, or something like that.

It was mostly south Florida they did poorly in because Cubans and Venezuelans are different from Hispanics in the rest of the country, which is why it's weird the gop did this to Venezuelans, lol. 

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28 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Wasn't Covid one of the reasons Dems struggled with Hispanic voters?  I remember reading that somewhere...


As in, they couldn't go door-to-door and talk to voters in poorer districts, or something like that.

That was the argument Texas Democrats gave in South Texas. I don’t believe it. 

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On 9/16/2022 at 12:48 PM, PaladinSolo said:

Ultimately i don't get why this was done, like sure Abbott does it cause hes a shithead but TX is an actual border state, like if anyone changes their mind on who to vote for this november its probably not going to work in DeSantis' favor cause the people waffling likely aren't going to go "Yeah he spent my FL tax dollars to lie to migrants in TX and send them to MA, I'll vote for him!"

This is why I said it could backfire on him. My buddy lives in Florida and he says that once DeSantis REALLY hits the national stage in unfriendly media appearances, he's gonna flame out because he really is that stupid. If Trump really decides to go after him, he'd gonna Rubio Desantis basically and end his aspirations. The guy is an empty suit propped up by Fox News who is, by some accounts, running his campaign. Most Floridians are too stupid to realize how bad this guy is. EVERYTHING he does is a culture war stunt.

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15 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


Wait wait wait wait. Did I miss this piece of news in previous articles? I thought these were migrants living in Florida. DeSantis picked up these guys from Texas first, brought them to Florida, and then sent them off to Martha's Vineyard?

That's exactly what he did. He used State money that was granted for relocating illegal migrants from Florida to do so. To get around that loophole, the planes made pit stops in Florida for "refueling" but none of the migrants he relocated were actually in Florida until he took them there on the way to Martha's Vineyard. it made absolutely NO SENSE and cost Florida taxpayers a ton of money to give Migrants free rides further into the country. 

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Here's the problem, as triggered as all of us libs are about this... and as gobsmacking stupid this stunt was, and no matter how much logic you throw at it's ridiculousness... the right is eating this shit up. They love it. They think Desantis is a hero and they are calling for more.


This is the new era of politics. It's all about scoring zingers on your opposition.

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18 hours ago, ort said:

Here's the problem, as triggered as all of us libs are about this... and as gobsmacking stupid this stunt was, and no matter how much logic you throw at it's ridiculousness... the right is eating this shit up. They love it. They think Desantis is a hero and they are calling for more.


This is the new era of politics. It's all about scoring zingers on your opposition.

I foresee a future in which politics consists entirely of political stunts like this, coupled with crass Trump-ish jokes about them at the stump.  The key will be to see how far things you can push things before inciting full-on factional warfare.

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26 minutes ago, CastletonSnob said:

Found an interesting table on Twitter.




THIS is what I mean when I say that I don't understand Beto's strategy of trying to woo rural voters. LOOK at that -1,281,203 difference between Biden and Trump for rural voters.

Its dems weakest area, stemming losses there, while the suburbs keep moving towards dems, and getting your urban vote out is their only path in TX.  Is it going to work this year?  Probably not, but they can't rely solely on the cities to turn the tide for them there.

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Here are the latest polls in Texas.



The KHOU/Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation Poll was conducted in partnership with our sister stations WFAA, KVUE, and KENS.


The good news is, that the majority of millennials (49%) and Gen Zers (67%) plan to vote for Beto. Beto also leads Abbott in Black voters (79%), and in Hispanic voters (53%), and has a 2% advantage over Abbott in woman voters. If they could just vote in large numbers, Beto would have a good chance.

It's just that Abbott has a BIG advantage in white voters (63%), that Beto might not be able to overcome.

So, it's boomers and Gen Xers who are ruining Texas.

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1 hour ago, CastletonSnob said:

Here are the latest polls in Texas.



The KHOU/Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation Poll was conducted in partnership with our sister stations WFAA, KVUE, and KENS.


The good news is, that the majority of millennials (49%) and Gen Zers (67%) plan to vote for Beto. Beto also leads Abbott in Black voters (79%), and in Hispanic voters (53%), and has a 2% advantage over Abbott in woman voters. If they could just vote in large numbers, Beto would have a good chance.

It's just that Abbott has a BIG advantage in white voters (63%), that Beto might not be able to overcome.

So, it's boomers and Gen Xers who are ruining Texas.


No need to hedge on whether Beto can win over more old, white men. That's not possible for him.

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2 minutes ago, CastletonSnob said:

Honestly, I have NO idea how we get young people to vote.


Focus on policy that matters to them. Student debt, gay rights, reproductive rights, marijuana legalization. It's funny because Dems are on the correct side of all of those things, but they refuse to hold strong stances for fear of upsetting their older and more conservative constituency; that is the ones that give them more money.


Wishy washy platitudes don't really work on younger voters that grew up in a world where the right is more and more honest about their regressive views. Hey look, this side says they want to ban abortions and will push through legislation as soon as they can while your side is hemming and hawing over whether they have enough votes because it's not worth bringing up without enough being 110% sure they have the votes to make it worth their time.

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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:

Devote an entire class senior year of HS that only focuses on current events and politics, honestly just think they're unaware of whats happening and who supports what and why.


Current social studies.. a good idea at the same time it would be politicized to hell. The outcry of grooming would be huge… how would MAGA is described would differ so much based on the ideologies of the teacher..parents would bitch to hell and back.

  If they brought back classes like home economics and basic shit like changing a tire people would find a way to feel “targeted”

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7 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

Getting people other than white older people to vote is a universal issue, if young people voted at the rate of older ones the GOP as it is now, wouldn't be viable at the national level.

The biggest success of the GOP has been convincing the younger crowd that they’re vote doesn’t matter and “it’s all rigged anyway”

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An Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey of Texas voters finds Republican Governor Greg Abbott with…Full Release & Results



The economy is the top issue for 40% of Texas voters, followed by abortion access (16%), immigration (12%), and healthcare (8%).

Like Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid".

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Here's what the 2018 Texas gubernatorial election looked like by demographic.



See how various demographic groups are voting in Texas’ elections for U.S. Senate and governor


Men (47% of voters): 37% Valdez, 62% Abbott

Women (53%): 48% Valdez, 50% Abbott


18-29 (15% of voters): 59% Valdez, 36% Abbott

30-44 (25%): 48% Valdez, 50% Abbott

45-64 (37%): 38% Valdez, 60% Abbott

65 or over (23%): 32% Valdez, 67% Abbott


White (59% of voters): 26% Valdez, 72% Abbott

African-American or Black (13%): 80% Valdez, 16% Abbott

Latino or Hispanic (22%): 63% Valdez, 35% Abbott

Other (6%): 42% Valdez, 56% Abbott


White (59% of voters): 26% Valdez, 72% Abbott

Nonwhite (41%): 65% Valdez, 32% Abbott

Beto is doing better than Valdez in Millennials/Gen Zers, Blacks, and Latinos.

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2 hours ago, CastletonSnob said:

Here's what the 2018 Texas gubernatorial election looked like by demographic.



See how various demographic groups are voting in Texas’ elections for U.S. Senate and governor

Beto is doing better than Valdez in Millennials/Gen Zers, Blacks, and Latinos.

You ain't gonna turn texas red by posting these at d1p. Get it out to places that matter! You aren't changing any minds here.

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