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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - update: 10+ million copies sold worldwide in first three days (fastest selling title in the Zelda series)


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4 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Yeah I sent in the robot devices to engage them and keep them distracted. 


BTW, wind temple and water temple down now. I have 12 hearts and two stamina wheels. I woke up at 6am to play.

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There’s a sky shrine I’m trying to do where I have to bring a Crystal from one island to another. That’s the easy part. The hard part is trying to get the chest that’s hanging off the one island by using turning psychics to get the chest to swing up onto the island.

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11 hours ago, stepee said:


This was a naked combat one where I couldn’t do some normal strategies. I could fuse some weapons with spikes and stuff but even those didn’t seem to do much. Arrows worked ok but they only gave me a few for a bunch of enemy’s. 


But it’s also the game doesn’t really want the average player to go wherever they want, there’s an order of getting more powerful and hitting the right areas for your level. It’s generally just harder than I want a Zelda game to be. 


I know I could look some things up and make it easier on myself doing some things in order and paying attention to some things I’m probably not. But I guess I feel I’m promised a game where I should be able to do things my own way a bit more. Also the difficulty with all the one hitting makes me want to experiment and have fun with the combat less. 


I feel like I wish either the game were more clear about where it wanted you to go to proceed or it were designed with less difficulty gating that didn’t have you constantly in areas where you get one shotted. I find that that the place where it lands now with this doesn’t respect time as well. Part of it might be that when you end up in the wrong place in Elden Ring at least you are leveling up. 


I also just don’t want to even have a Fromsoft comparison when it comes to difficulty with Zelda. Should just throw in an easy mode. I’m tempted to create my own!




You can get one-shotted pretty easily early on, but you should be able to handle most places with care. I didn't really let the fragileness of the early game stop where I went, with the exception that I've avoided gleeocks and the lynels. While you will get better weapons as you go, most of the weapons I use even 75+ hours in are just standard basic weapons fused with something, or arrows fused with something and those somethings are usually easy to come by. Make sure you take a look at what weapon fusions actually do. If you are just fusing rocks to your weapons, those won't really be good damage dealers. But items that get dropped by enemies often are. Or fusing weapons with weapons can be a big boost. If you find yourself low, just take a trip to the main lookout point. In their underground area they have some basic weapons there that you can just take.

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1 hour ago, MarSolo said:

There’s a sky shrine I’m trying to do where I have to bring a Crystal from one island to another. That’s the easy part. The hard part is trying to get the chest that’s hanging off the one island by using turning psychics to get the chest to swing up onto the 


You can rotate the island the chest is hanging from


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12 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

I did all the naked shrines guns blazing. There's a couple simple tips that will usually get you through them, assuming you can at least dodge an attack or two:


1. You almost always get free weapons/shields at the start.

2. There's almost always an easy robot to kill in a hit or two.

3. Fuse the crap it drops onto your weapons to make them tremendously stronger.

4. Do not attempt to fight the stronger robots unless you've killed the weaker ones and took all their stuff.

5. There's usually a hidden gimmick or armory room that you can use to your advantage if you're having a lot of trouble. Spend a life or two just exploring, don't worry about dying, to see if you can find such a room and make straight for it during a real attempt. Death doesn't cost anything so don't freak out about dying a few times to scout it out if you're having a ton of trouble.

6. Once you get a bow and some arrows, eyeball shots are definitely worth the effort for distance enemies while staying safe yourself. If they don't have a bow and are on a ledge or something, they'll just chuck easy to sidestep rocks.

7. Knocking enemies over will usually make them drop their held weapons, which is a great way to make you more dangerous and them less dangerous. Knock 'em down and steal their stuff!

8. If all else fails, you can totally just be sneaky, this requires more patience, which is why I never did it.


Also don't be ashamed to just Youtube that shrine name and see how other people dealt with it. Could be you're forgetting a mechanic or not noticing something in the environment. Many shrines have areas you can ascend to, people often forget about parries, or don't try to flurry rush because they think the dodge timing is hard, so there's always options.


Finally don't forget you can just fuckin' chuck your weapons if it'll be enough damage to kill something. It'll deal a double damage crit and break, but it'll likely also stun the enemy and buy you time. Obviously not recommended if you've only got a single weapon, but it's a good thing to remember in a pinch. Remember, fusing gives bonus damage, and since the weapons you get in survival shrines are generally weak, fusing them (particularly with fuse items like the soldier horns enemies drop, but even fire fruits and stuff help) can often double or triple their damage!


I should add, that if you suck or are too impatient for the sneaky stuff, do something dumb like fusing a long stick to a long stick to give you extra reach for when you go Leroy Jenkins on a bunch of constructs.

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If you are playing on pc and aren’t seeing “auto hdr” even though you renamed to Cemu when you start the game make sure to set “Prefer layered on dxgi swap chain” for cemu in Nvidia control panel. I got this working right yesterday and it really helps with the look of the lighting in general.

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4 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


I should add, that if you suck or are too impatient for the sneaky stuff, do something dumb like fusing a long stick to a long stick to give you extra reach for when you go Leroy Jenkins on a bunch of constructs.

Only issue with that is 2 long sticks still do shit damage and will break long before you can kill the captain. Better off gunning it towards one of the more durable objects littered around the map and sticking that on the end of the long stick. I attach all the parts enemies drop to arrows to basically double their damage, that way you can usually make it through without running out of arrows.

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1 minute ago, thedarkstark said:

Only issue with that is 2 long sticks still do shit damage and will break long before you can kill the captain. Better off gunning it towards one of the more durable objects littered around the map and sticking that on the end of the long stick. I attach all the parts enemies drop to arrows to basically double their damage, that way you can usually make it through without running out of arrows.


Oh, yeah, that only works for the weaker guys before you get to the captain. Hopefully, by the time you get to the captain you'll have pilfered some weapons from the weaker constructs you picked off first.

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so went to the water temple today..only the first time I got there I went up solo, not having completed the build up missions. Not even sure I was supposed to be able to reach up with the previous quests....but I get up there only to find out I couldn't take on the task of clearing that temple without my companion. That boss :lol::lol::lol: too funny. 

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19 minutes ago, stepee said:

Ascend is such a huge part of my enjoyment of this game. I didn’t like climbing in the first one and this is such a strange way of fixing that. Finding good vertical paths feels so nice.

After like 15-20 hours you shouldn't really ever have to climb again except on a few occasions. There are so many ways to traverse the world.

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Just now, 5timechamp said:

Im spending too much time in the depths (despite hating the area).. just me and those banana loving morons getting Yiga with it..


I went down there and got my ass handed to me lol. I'll revisit when I have much more heart containers. 

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20 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@Biggie fire temple, wind temple, and water temple down. Let's fuckin goooo!


I called in sick today



I’m working my way to the upper northeast investigation area. Don’t know exactly which Temple I’ll find there. It’s the area with all the muddy sludge. I’ll have to wait until tonight when I can play again. Have fun being sick. 

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41 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I’m working my way to the upper northeast investigation area. Don’t know exactly which Temple I’ll find there. It’s the area with all the muddy sludge. I’ll have to wait until tonight when I can play again. Have fun being sick. 


I'm actually sick with a very bad sore throat. I'm taking medication for it. Still doesn't stop me from playing Zelda.

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7 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Water temple


7 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Water Temple. The temple match the people. Zora is water, Goron is fire, Rito is wind, and Gerudo is...lightning.

Thanks. I’ll tackle that one next. Leave the Lightning one last.  

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:

@Biggie I attempted to lay in my bed to play Zelda in handheld and it was an utter nightmare controlling it. The image quality was butt, too. How much better is the OLED?

I mean no game is an easier experience playing in handheld mode in my opinion. I do enjoying just roaming around exploring in handheld mode with my AirPods in. The sound is fantastic. But if I’m facing a boss no way I’m doing it laying down in handheld mode with those shitty joy-cons. Pro controller on my OLED tv is superior. 

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