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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - update: 10+ million copies sold worldwide in first three days (fastest selling title in the Zelda series)


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Back to this today and at Zoras Domain and moving forward a bit. I’m looking forward to not being so freakin underpowered. I’ve already turned back direction once from the rock people place. I just now did my second tower. I guess I’ll go do some more and some more shrines before moving forward because one hits suck.

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9 minutes ago, stepee said:

man if I could just take one mother fucking hit from like anything this would go a lot better

Are you dodging? Do you parry? I keep a massive amount of recipes to heal with. Are you investing into hearts or stamina?

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4 hours ago, thedarkstark said:

Question related to this I had played like 50 hours before I got to that part and didnt encounter 

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The Yiga Clan

before that part and was kind of bummed thinking they wouldn't be in this game. Was it just a coincidence/luck that I never ran into them before that sequence? Because since then I now see them constantly.


Definitely a coincidence.

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18 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Are you dodging? Do you parry? I keep a massive amount of recipes to heal with. Are you investing into hearts or stamina?


I’m going to do all hearts now to make it less Souls but I did do one stamina at first. This particular shrine has like 10 enemy’s and nothing to heal with and it takes away your items so it’s esp ruff

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14 minutes ago, stepee said:


I’m going to do all hearts now to make it less Souls but I did do one stamina at first. This particular shrine has like 10 enemy’s and nothing to heal with and it takes away your items so it’s esp ruff

Oh okay ya now I see your problem


You need to Git Gud





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4 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Oh okay ya now I see your problem

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pretty much, I just get stubborn because it makes it so much less open than it appears at first once you realize how gated it is by difficult and with wanting you to go certain places first and return to places. It’s less fun exploring for me when I feel I’m constantly having to turn back and find a less difficult area instead. I feel like Elden Ring handled this better and wasted less of your time.

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1 minute ago, stepee said:


pretty much, I just get stubborn because it makes it so much less open than it appears at first once you realize how gated it is by difficult and with wanting you to go certain places first and return to places. It’s less fun exploring for me when I feel I’m constantly having to turn back and find a less difficult area instead. I feel like Elden Ring handled this better and wasted less of your time.

I did shrines until I felt like I had enough hearts and stamina to hold my own. 

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Finally beat that shrine. Fucking hell. Took me about 3 hours. I watched that entire Jared Foggle mini series and a bad cg scooby doo movie while trying to beat it. All of it was a waste of time really. I was obviously supposed to go back to it later as the enemy’s all took like a minute to beat and the weapon I got is like 5 times the level of my other weapons.


But like, why does it have to be so hard that I have to go back? I don’t see how the game is any better by not being just a more reasonable task. It’s a pretty easy to find shrine near waypoints it’s providing. Why make it so if you go there and see it and bother heading that way, there’s a good chance the game wants you there later? I got the same reward as a 30 second puzzle shrine besides a weapon that will be gone after I kill two enemy’s with it. I like a lot here but definitely some things from BOTW that put me off not addressed. Seems actually worth dealing with in this one so far though.

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5 hours ago, stepee said:

Back to this today and at Zoras Domain and moving forward a bit. I’m looking forward to not being so freakin underpowered. I’ve already turned back direction once from the rock people place. I just now did my second tower. I guess I’ll go do some more and some more shrines before moving forward because one hits suck.


I will second that you should upgrade your armor. It makes a huge difference.


11 minutes ago, stepee said:

Finally beat that shrine. Fucking hell. Took me about 3 hours. I watched that entire Jared Foggle mini series and a bad cg scooby doo movie while trying to beat it. All of it was a waste of time really. I was obviously supposed to go back to it later as the enemy’s all took like a minute to beat and the weapon I got is like 5 times the level of my other weapons.


But like, why does it have to be so hard that I have to go back? I don’t see how the game is any better by not being just a more reasonable task. It’s a pretty easy to find shrine near waypoints it’s providing. Why make it so if you go there and see it and bother heading that way, only to find out the game wants you there later? I got the same reward as a 30 second puzzle shrine besides a weapon that will be gone after I kill two enemy’s with it. I like a lot here but definitely some things from BOTW that put me off not addressed. Seems actually worth dealing with in this one so far though.



I don't think any regular shrine enemy should take a minute to beat. Are you just whacking them with a stick? :p You should at least fuse something to any sticks!


I think the hardest shrines I've done so far were naked combat shrines, but even those usually have means to very quickly upgrade your gear. There was one that seemed incredibly hard until it become apparent you could just ultra hand the things they were standing on :doh:



And if you do want better weapons, a quick stroll through the castle is a good place to grab some. Just run from the enemies if you feel unable to deal with them during the raid.

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19 minutes ago, legend said:


I will second that you should upgrade your armor. It makes a huge difference.




I don't think any regular shrine enemy should take a minute to beat. Are you just whacking them with a stick? :p You should at least fuse something to any sticks!


I think the hardest shrines I've done so far were naked combat shrines, but even those usually have means to very quickly upgrade your gear. There was one that seemed incredibly hard until it become apparent you could just ultra hand the things they were standing on :doh:


This was a naked combat one where I couldn’t do some normal strategies. I could fuse some weapons with spikes and stuff but even those didn’t seem to do much. Arrows worked ok but they only gave me a few for a bunch of enemy’s. 


But it’s also the game doesn’t really want the average player to go wherever they want, there’s an order of getting more powerful and hitting the right areas for your level. It’s generally just harder than I want a Zelda game to be. 


I know I could look some things up and make it easier on myself doing some things in order and paying attention to some things I’m probably not. But I guess I feel I’m promised a game where I should be able to do things my own way a bit more. Also the difficulty with all the one hitting makes me want to experiment and have fun with the combat less. 


I feel like I wish either the game were more clear about where it wanted you to go to proceed or it were designed with less difficulty gating that didn’t have you constantly in areas where you get one shotted. I find that that the place where it lands now with this doesn’t respect time as well. Part of it might be that when you end up in the wrong place in Elden Ring at least you are leveling up. 


I also just don’t want to even have a Fromsoft comparison when it comes to difficulty with Zelda. Should just throw in an easy mode. I’m tempted to create my own!


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Naked combat are definitely the hardest but they're still incredibly easy if you don't rush in guns blazing. You can usually stealth around the outside to get a good handle on the layout of the room and what tools they provide you with. Theres usually a way to immediately kill 1-2 enemies (platform you can knock down, an edge you can push them off).


Theres also going to be a spiked ball or a spike trap somewhere you can fuse to your weapon and drastically increase your damage. Once you kill 1 or 2 fuse whatever material they drop to your arrows to take out the enemies with the longest weapons as they pose the biggest threat.


The captain can fuse weapons just like you can, if you can steal the items near him and fuse them to your weapons first he wont be able to 1-2 shot you.

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I’m pretty sure I just wasn’t supposed to go to this one yet. I’m really early on. Im not much past when the four points of interest open up.   I made robots with spikes for instance and they would grind at the robots for like a minute before they would pop with two of those grinding at them. I went slow but it was like 10 enemy’s and they had long sticks that would one shot me and could hit me super far away. It just required too much perfection for too long of a period of time at the level I’m at.

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4 minutes ago, stepee said:

I’m pretty sure I just wasn’t supposed to go to this one yet. I’m really early on. Im not much past when the four points of interest open up.   I made robots with spikes for instance and they would grind at the robots for like a minute before they would pop with two of those grinding at them. I went slow but it was like 10 enemy’s and they had long sticks that would one shit me and could hit me super far away. It just required too much perfection for too long of a period of time at the level I’m at.

You never get "stronger" though, so those will never get easier. The only thing that will change if you come back much later is you might be able to survive 1 hit because you have more hearts but 2 is still likely going to kill you.

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10 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

You never get "stronger" though, so those will never get easier. The only thing that will change if you come back much later is you might be able to survive 1 hit because you have more hearts but 2 is still likely going to kill you.


I figured you would get some ability or something to make combat easier later besides being able to stand one more hit, damn. Well, I guess I just wish there was an easy mode :P

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I mean I also likely don’t have all the powers so who knows but I was using the stuff around that I saw that I could. But it’s just an example anyway, I’m constantly dying and wish there was an easy mode.


As usual, I imagine people who don’t have an issue with the difficulty will feel that one isn’t needed which is wild

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1 minute ago, stepee said:

I mean I also likely don’t have all the powers so who knows but I was using the stuff around that I saw that I could. But it’s just an example anyway, I’m constantly dying and wish there was an easy mode.


As usual, I imagine people who don’t have an issue with the difficulty won’t feel that there needs to be one which is wild


You have all the powers lol. Just get creative and have the devices do the killing for you! Lol

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I don’t think difficulty works for me the way it does for some other people. When I’m saying something is hard it’s not like I’m going around actively trying to die over and over. I’m saying that I’m trying to move forward  and advance the game and I’m dying more often than I want to and that I wish there was an optional mode I could opt into that would make it easier for me to die less.

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3 minutes ago, stepee said:

I don’t think difficulty works for me the way it does for some other people. When I’m saying something is hard it’s not like I’m going around actively trying to die over and over. I’m saying that I’m trying to move forward  and advance the game and I’m dying more often than I want to and that I wish there was an optional mode I could opt into that would make it easier for me to die less.

Upgrading your armor makes the biggest difference in not dying (besides get gud). It's more important than getting heart containers.


Avoid silver and black enemies for now, they are damage sponges early on and they also hit very hard.

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I did all the naked shrines guns blazing. There's a couple simple tips that will usually get you through them, assuming you can at least dodge an attack or two:


1. You almost always get free weapons/shields at the start.

2. There's almost always an easy robot to kill in a hit or two.

3. Fuse the crap it drops onto your weapons to make them tremendously stronger.

4. Do not attempt to fight the stronger robots unless you've killed the weaker ones and took all their stuff.

5. There's usually a hidden gimmick or armory room that you can use to your advantage if you're having a lot of trouble. Spend a life or two just exploring, don't worry about dying, to see if you can find such a room and make straight for it during a real attempt. Death doesn't cost anything so don't freak out about dying a few times to scout it out if you're having a ton of trouble.

6. Once you get a bow and some arrows, eyeball shots are definitely worth the effort for distance enemies while staying safe yourself. If they don't have a bow and are on a ledge or something, they'll just chuck easy to sidestep rocks.

7. Knocking enemies over will usually make them drop their held weapons, which is a great way to make you more dangerous and them less dangerous. Knock 'em down and steal their stuff!

8. If all else fails, you can totally just be sneaky, this requires more patience, which is why I never did it.


Also don't be ashamed to just Youtube that shrine name and see how other people dealt with it. Could be you're forgetting a mechanic or not noticing something in the environment. Many shrines have areas you can ascend to, people often forget about parries, or don't try to flurry rush because they think the dodge timing is hard, so there's always options.


Finally don't forget you can just fuckin' chuck your weapons if it'll be enough damage to kill something. It'll deal a double damage crit and break, but it'll likely also stun the enemy and buy you time. Obviously not recommended if you've only got a single weapon, but it's a good thing to remember in a pinch. Remember, fusing gives bonus damage, and since the weapons you get in survival shrines are generally weak, fusing them (particularly with fuse items like the soldier horns enemies drop, but even fire fruits and stuff help) can often double or triple their damage!

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Did a shrine tonight where I was having a little trouble figuring out what the intended solution was, but I prefer that than just cheesing it by using Recall, as tempting as that may be. I have to believe even the developers must have forgotten about Ascend and Recall at times, and are just laughing in frustration at people bypassing their design lol. 

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one of the shrine quests is driving me crazy!!!!!


can't recall what it's called but 


it has one of the shrine crystals attached to one of the flux constructs (level 3 I think) I can get the damn crystal but getting it back to shrine location is driving m crazy. It's high up and everything is way too 'floaty'. When I fly up the shrine location I always end up losing the crystal (and whatever craft I've created) :lol: can't tell you how many times I've watched the crystal tumble down and away from the floating island. 


I'm at like 104 or so shrines and 110 roots (i've explored the crap out of the underground

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6 hours ago, stepee said:

I’m pretty sure I just wasn’t supposed to go to this one yet. I’m really early on. Im not much past when the four points of interest open up.   I made robots with spikes for instance and they would grind at the robots for like a minute before they would pop with two of those grinding at them. I went slow but it was like 10 enemy’s and they had long sticks that would one shot me and could hit me super far away. It just required too much perfection for too long of a period of time at the level I’m at.

Yeah I know which shrine you are talking about. There are easier ones where they take all your weapons and make you learn the basics. I think you went straight to the hardest one first. 

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6 hours ago, stepee said:


I figured you would get some ability or something to make combat easier later besides being able to stand one more hit, damn. Well, I guess I just wish there was an easy mode :P

Trust me. Once you start making lots of health restoring recipes, get companions, and stronger weapons with fusion it will get a lot easier. And of course lots more hearts and stamina. 

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1 hour ago, Biggie said:

Trust me. Once you start making lots of health restoring recipes, get companions, and stronger weapons with fusion it will get a lot easier. And of course lots more hearts and stamina. 


Yea, but I had to do a shrine naked where the enemies would one shot me. Instead of engaging in combat I used my abilities and had all the devices in the shrine kill all the enemies as I stood in the corner to watch. 


There is always away even when you're weak as fuck. 

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:


Yea, but I had to do a shrine naked where the enemies would one shot me. Instead of engaging in combat I used my abilities and had all the devices in the shrine kill all the enemies as I stood in the corner to watch. 


There is always away even when you're weak as fuck. 

Yeah I sent in the robot devices to engage them and keep them distracted. 

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