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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - update: 10+ million copies sold worldwide in first three days (fastest selling title in the Zelda series)


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I'm not sure if ToTK has any amiibo exclusive items or features, but I think it's important enough as a sort of PSA to mention that I've found a few pieces of previously amiibo-only gear in the world, but I've also received one piece of said gear from an amiibo... I have no idea if only some pieces are in-game and some are amiibo-exclusive or if I just plucked a treasure from the game that'll be replaced with like a gold rupee or something. If you like exploring for gear like I do, maybe hold off on amiibo use until this is clear!

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1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

I'm not sure if ToTK has any amiibo exclusive items or features, but I think it's important enough as a sort of PSA to mention that I've found a few pieces of previously amiibo-only gear in the world, but I've also received one piece of said gear from an amiibo... I have no idea if only some pieces are in-game and some are amiibo-exclusive or if I just plucked a treasure from the game that'll be replaced with like a gold rupee or something. If you like exploring for gear like I do, maybe hold off on amiibo use until this is clear!

apparently there's no exclusive amiibo gear


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3 minutes ago, Bacon said:


You mentioned it a bit ago, but have dungeons become actual dungeons are they still big shrines/divine beast-ish?

We've now heard from both IGN and DF that the dungeons are like actual dungeons, I still have only done 2 and while they've been a bit better than Divine Beasts, I still felt like they were just big shrines.

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Just now, Xbob42 said:

We've now heard from both IGN and DF that the dungeons are like actual dungeons, I still have only done 2 and while they've been a bit better than Divine Beasts, I still felt like they were just big shrines.

Well, people still think Divine Beasts were actual dungeons, so it's hard for me to take that a face value. I suppose I should just look into it myself.


Not coming in here to shit on the game, but TOTK doubles down on everything I dislike. Don't want to build things, don't want to craft, don't wanna explore an open world. Minecraft is the worst thing ever lol. I'm just experiencing FOMO cuz I have loved every 3D Zelda until BOTW, and despite that, everyone enjoying TOTK makes me want to play it even tho I know I won't have a good time. I was actually hoping you had finished a majority of them and you would inform me that they aren't what I want so I could get over this feeling.


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Yeah if you hated BotW, chances are you'll most likely have a bad time here if you're not interested in engaging with the new systems. That said, there's vastly more actual content, like tons of side quests, a lot of better, bigger puzzles for you to find and solve for generally better and more satisfying rewards, and with the building system combined with fast travel, you can scoot your ass across the world in record time.


Oh, also the dungeon bosses are actual unique bosses with unique mechanics instead of being weird shitty ___blight Ganon clones.

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Finished off Metroid Prime Remastered before playing this for a bit. Didn't get very far though, only the first shrine, but I'm really looking forward to playing more, and I love this art style. It's like playing a Studio Ghibli film. 

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3 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

People do it because they find it fun, not to "become the best." Speedrunning as a whole is a massively collaborative effort, not just a bunch of hypercompetitive dudes competing for fake trophies. They love to break games. You could use the logic you just used for literally anything else. Why become an incredible musician? Put that effort into becoming a master architect. Why become a master architect? Put that effort into suckin' your own dick! There's no such thing as a more or less meaningful hobby, the hobbies that are meaningful to you are the only ones that matter.

Because having intricate knowledge of a games mechanics is entirely useless as none of that translates to any other aspect of life. In most cases that skill doesn't even translate to being good at other video games. At least hobbies like playing a sport helps you stay healthy.


If they're truly doing it purely for fun and entertainment then sure it's no more harmful than any other hobby that doesn't have much utility, but I find it hard to believe a lot of people (most?) don't do it purely for the dopamine spike and subsequent internet "clout" they get.


I played the shit out of Phantasy Star Online, WoW, and Warframe and while I had some fun I definitely regret spending so much time on them and I'll never play another MMO or live service game because at some point it just ends up feeling more like a job than something actually enjoyable.

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10 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

Because having intricate knowledge of a games mechanics is entirely useless as none of that translates to any other aspect of life. In most cases that skill doesn't even translate to being good at other video games.

Who the fuck gives a shit? What a bizarre way to quantify the value of a hobby. Stamp collecting doesn't transfer any skills besides being a weirdo but people've done it for decades. Also most top tier speedrunners appear to be in great shape because they consider keeping themselves healthy and fit vital to what they do. But even if they were all neckbeard fedoras breaking their gaming chairs every week, that's their business yo.

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2 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

We've now heard from both IGN and DF that the dungeons are like actual dungeons, I still have only done 2 and while they've been a bit better than Divine Beasts, I still felt like they were just big shrines.

No where close to this yet, but Zelda games post-Majora have a bad habit of feeling like this until the 3rd dungeon.


Glass half full, the 3rd dungeon is usually awesome.

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So far so good I suppose.. its been a rough start.. the building mechanics and just utter absolute use of menus to do anything of significance was really killing the mood and pace at the beginning… a weapon isnt a useful weapon unless you make some sort of combined abomination….it gets overwhelmingly annoying having to do in-game pause to attach an item to each arrow… 


all that being said the curiosity to see the changes to the world, the more prominent presence of other characters, and the more complex shrines really carry the weight of the game… seeing rearranged enemies with odd weapon combos is nice too.. the content and places to go is overwhelming in a great way

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6 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Who the fuck gives a shit? What a bizarre way to quantify the value of a hobby. Stamp collecting doesn't transfer any skills besides being a weirdo but people've done it for decades. Also most top tier speedrunners appear to be in great shape because they consider keeping themselves healthy and fit vital to what they do. But even if they were all neckbeard fedoras breaking their gaming chairs every week, that's their business yo.

Yup.  I feel the same about people who try to get good at competitive games, like fighters.  The challenge is fulfilling to a lot of folks, even if they never get to the top.

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2 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

No where close to this yet, but Zelda games post-Majora have a bad habit of feeling like this until the 3rd dungeon.


Glass half full, the 3rd dungeon is usually awesome.

Well, you can do them in any order, but I get what you mean! They weren't bad, and the leadup to them was definitely cool, but man they were simple.


2 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:

So far so good I suppose.. its been a rough start.. the building mechanics and just utter absolute use of menus to do anything of significance was really killing the mood and pace at the beginning… a weapon isnt a useful weapon unless you make some sort of combined abomination….it gets overwhelmingly annoying having to do in-game pause to attach an item to each arrow… 


all that being said the curiosity to see the changes to the world, the more prominent presence of other characters, and the more complex shrines really carry the weight of the game… seeing rearranged enemies with odd weapon combos is nice too.. the content and places to go is overwhelming in a great way

I mean, weapons aren't useless without attachments, for lesser weapons I don't attach anything most of the time, for my big weapons I combine with my high quality fuse stuff to make insanely powerful weapons. You definitely shouldn't be attaching something to every arrow you fire! 

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2 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Who the fuck gives a shit? What a bizarre way to quantify the value of a hobby. Stamp collecting doesn't transfer any skills besides being a weirdo but people've done it for decades. Also most top tier speedrunners appear to be in great shape because they consider keeping themselves healthy and fit vital to what they do. But even if they were all neckbeard fedoras breaking their gaming chairs every week, that's their business yo.

Stamp collecting isn't something you do 10+ hours a day every single day. Yeah it might be useless but it's not an obsession that takes 1,000's of hours of your time. People are free to do what they want, I just think a lot of them at some point will end up regretting the amount of time they put into it. This is off-topic though, I don't want to derail this thread.

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4 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

Stamp collecting isn't something you do 10+ hours a day every single day. Yeah it might be useless but it's not an obsession that takes 1,000's of hours of your time. People are free to do what they want, I just think a lot of them at some point will end up regretting the amount of time they put into it. This is off-topic though, I don't want to derail this thread.

Oh, you're not wrong on that point, but I find people end up regretting plenty of things. Bad relationships, loans, years at shitty jobs, eating like shit, smoking, eating Taco Bell 4 times a day... I figure most reasonable adults will be able to tell when they're doing something they don't actually find fulfilling and rewarding eventually! Also I think most of the ones doing it for 10 hours a day actually make damn good money streaming. I don't think too many unpopular ones can afford that kind of timesink even with few responsibilities.

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So far, it seems to do a good job of giving you clear destinations/objectives if you want them. But then of course half the fun is getting distracted on your way to that next waypoint. Made it to my first temple (wind) before having to go to work. 

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3 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

great tips, no spoilers.



Yup, Im one of those megalong log morons… i can deduce and logically solve zelda puzzles just fine.. improvise and create random things kicks my ass..


it is because these abilities here are more open to creativity that im struggling to maximize/enjoy them… it hit me right in the stupid… Its funny cause I just watched the “dont be afraid to dream bigger darling” scene from Inception..


I expect someone will create a wood robot with these tools

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13 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:



Yup, Im one of those megalong log morons… i can deduce and logically solve zelda puzzles just fine.. improvise and create random things kicks my ass..


it is because these abilities here are more open to creativity that im struggling to maximize/enjoy them… it hit me right in the stupid… Its funny cause I just watched the “dont be afraid to dream bigger darling” scene from Inception..


I expect someone will create a wood robot with these tools

Yeah, at 47 my creative muscle.. Well it's seen much better days. The stuff I'm 'figuring out' is pretty straight forward and all I can think of is what a simp I am lol. Can't even figuring out how to power fans n stuff 

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4 minutes ago, eventide11 said:

Yeah, at 47 my creative muscle.. Well it's seen much better days. The stuff I'm 'figuring out' is pretty straight forward and all I can think of is what a simp I am lol. Can't even figuring out how to power fans n stuff 


Hit em

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It is 100% bullshit that the gliders phase out after a while. I just want to fly around as long as the wind will let me. Honestly when the thing started pulsing green I was unreasonably disappointed.

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Since this is a direct sequel, is there a short-ish recap I can watch of the main plot of the original game? I never finished BotW and I don't want to have to finish my save from six years ago before starting with TotK.

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17 minutes ago, Jason said:

Since this is a direct sequel, is there a short-ish recap I can watch of the main plot of the original game? I never finished BotW and I don't want to have to finish my save from six years ago before starting with TotK.


Story recap for Zelda? 😆 I 





Link is trying save Princess Zelda from harm. 


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