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2022 Midterm Thread

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Took my ~5 month old daughter to vote in 2016 against that big orange asshole. It was freezing at 6:30, and the nice old ladies running the precinct running the whole operation let us skip the line so we could get inside quicker. I’ll never forget that. 

I may start going back to in person so I can bring my kids that’s (^^) a good idea. 

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In case you wondered why (like I did) Shapiro is leading in the polls and will more likely than not be the next governor of pa look here


Shapiro: This guy loves to talk a big game about freedom, right? It is not freedom to tell women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. That is not freedom…

Good shit. Reminds me of Obama in a good way

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6 hours ago, Ominous said:


You can take your kid(s) with you to vote. Went many times with my parents....it helps teach kids that voting is something you should do.

I took my 13 year old this time. I remember going several times with my mother when I was a kid. I do think it’s a good thing to do :) 

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More evidence of a competently functional democracy at work:



Election workers in Arizona’s most fiercely contested county faced more than 100 violent threats and intimidating communications in the run-up to Tuesday’s midterms, most of them based on election conspiracy theories promoted by former President Donald Trump and his allies.




Election workers in Arizona’s most fiercely contested county faced more than 100 violent threats and intimidating communications in the run-up to Tuesday’s midterms, most of them based on election conspiracy theories promoted by former President Donald Trump and his allies.


The harassment in Maricopa County included menacing emails and social media posts, threats to circulate personal information online and photographing employees arriving at work, according to nearly 1,600 pages of documents obtained by Reuters through a public records request for security records and correspondence related to threats and harassments against election workers.


Between July 11 and Aug. 22, the county election office documented at least 140 threats and other hostile communications, the records show. “You will all be executed,” said one. “Wire around their limbs and tied & dragged by a car,” wrote another.


The documents reveal the consequences of election conspiracy theories as voters nominated candidates in August to compete in the midterms. Many of the threats in Maricopa County, which helped propel President Joe Biden to victory over Trump in 2020, cited debunked claims around fake ballots, rigged voting machines and corrupt election officials.





Scores of pre-election lawsuits have been filed in battleground states ahead of final voting on Tuesday, signaling the possibility of even more contentious court fights in the weeks ahead.




Scores of pre-election lawsuits have been filed in battleground states ahead of Tuesday’s election, signaling the possibility of even more high-stakes and contentious court fights as voting wraps up and local officials start counting ballots.


Much of the current litigation focuses on the processes surrounding how votes are cast and counted – with some lawsuits seizing on the same debunked conspiracy theories about election fraud that propelled the court efforts to overturn the 2020 election.


In all, 120 cases surrounding voting had been filed as of November 3 – more than half of which have sought to restrict access to the ballot– according to the Democracy Docket, a liberal-leaning voting rights and media platform that tracks election litigation. By comparison, 68 election lawsuits had been filed before Election Day in 2020, the group said.


“What we saw in 2020 was this effort to undermine the elections, but, for the most part, it happened after the elections,” said Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections at the organization Common Cause, which advocates on democracy issues. “This time what we are seeing is the prep beforehand.”



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38 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


So play this the other way: which foreign leader can help prevent a GOP coup in the US?

No and not due to a lack of want it’s because of the asymmetry of propaganda. Conservatives would be apoplectic and their media reaction would translate to “both sides controversy” in the mainstream press and dems wouldn’t be able to have an effective rebuttal

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I'm tired of people from other states who don't understand how bad voter suppression is in states like mine criticizing people in those states for not being able to vote their politicians out. Their only solution is "just vote harder!", as if voting will magically fix every problem, especially when the people in charge are trying their hardest to make sure we CAN'T vote.

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16 minutes ago, CastletonSnob said:

Here's the reality: Voting, or at least, voting alone, isn't going to fix the problems in this country. We voted Trump out in 2020, and he tried to overturn the results. And despite staging a coup, he's still a free man, and STILL insists that he actually won.


Your argument that voting doesn’t work is that Trump was voted out and is not in power?


I wish I could take back my Beto vote I made in your honor

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22 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

anyone thinking they have any idea about what is going to happen tomorrow is out of their mind. 

we could be looking at 55 dems or 55 republicans in the senate and a small majority of dems in the house to a 30 seat pickup for the gop. We don’t know!


While you are correct, I've all-but-decided to reconcile myself to the "worst case scenario" for my own sanity :p

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