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Transphobes threaten to bomb a hospital

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While not ALL of Libs of TikTok content is good, a lot of it comes off as informational. For instance, there should abso-fucking-lutely NOT be discussion of sex related topics until at least 5th or 6th grade MINIMUM if not closer to 7th/8th grade. Incorporating (what I perceive to be) very confounding & muddling messaging about identifying ones sex should by no means be a thing being taught at such a young age, let alone even earlier in some cases.

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2 hours ago, SoberChef said:

While not ALL of Libs of TikTok content is good, a lot of it comes off as informational. For instance, there should abso-fucking-lutely NOT be discussion of sex related topics until at least 5th or 6th grade MINIMUM if not closer to 7th/8th grade. Incorporating (what I perceive to be) very confounding & muddling messaging about identifying ones sex should by no means be a thing being taught at such a young age, let alone even earlier in some cases.


Don't be a chud.

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3 hours ago, SoberChef said:

While not ALL of Libs of TikTok content is good, a lot of it comes off as informational. For instance, there should abso-fucking-lutely NOT be discussion of sex related topics until at least 5th or 6th grade MINIMUM if not closer to 7th/8th grade. Incorporating (what I perceive to be) very confounding & muddling messaging about identifying ones sex should by no means be a thing being taught at such a young age, let alone even earlier in some cases.

I believe this argument often tries to conflate children of that age range being taught that gay and/or trans people exist with them being taught sex-ed.  

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8 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I believe this argument often tries to conflate children of that age range being taught that gay and/or trans people exist with them being taught sex-ed.  


And on top of that why not discuss sex topics at 5th or 6th grade? Kids figure it out before then anyway. Weren't we all talking about babies being born out of girl's butts in the 2nd grade? At least teach them to get it right. :p

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So full disclosure, considering the fact that I went to a Roman Catholic school from K-8 (hell no to furthering such a venture into my high school years mind you), I have to say that I'm inherently biased in terms of what should/shouldn't be taught, promoted, instructed, whatever in grade school. That said however, I still do see a very clear delineation of when its right & when its wrong. For instance, I was in 3rd grade bringing my fathers Playboy in for show & tell. Now translate that to modern day, and just by pulling out a cell phone does one have a method of showcasing objectively far worse things than were ever shown in Playboy or nearly any other skin mags of the late 80's to early 90's.


I'm not saying don't level the playing field of "there are men, women, and those that either can fluidly change their ideation & presentation, but also morph into one another via processes typically done by a physician." I'm just saying that there should be a broad general way to touch base on it, preferably whenever health class becomes a thing. Furthermore, there should absolutely be an advocate or counselor of some sort that provides a safe place for students wanting to know more, ask questions, pose fears & anxiety, all without repercussion or persecution. Again, I reiterate my sentiment of this being a thing that's discussed closer towards high school age (think around 13 or 14 initially).


Thank you @Spork3245for continuing to engage in a conversation as opposed to @Anathema-


As for @Keyser_Sozesaying 5th or 6th grade, OK fine I grasp that it is imperative to lay out some basics at that age as most youths are in one way or another, having urges. That said again, what's the clear line there? If, while absolutely warranted, want to just speak in terms of typical relationships in 2022 terms, then fine. Going into detail about genitals, types of sex, all that comes with the fear/doubt/anxiety/depression for those faced with a possible realization that they aren't who they have presented themselves to be, that isn't necessarily a topic for the classroom in the moment.


Apologies @thewhyteboarif I am possibly derailing the OP. IDGAF what your stance is on anything, blowing up a building for ones own personal political motivations is NEVER the right answer.

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A lot of “sexual education” at younger ages is not so much for “sexual education “ but for identifying body parts in a medically correct way and explaining consent/appropriate behaviors from adults and other children. Knowing what to call something is very important and should be taught from a very young age. 


waiting for 5th grade or later for sexual health is also terrible as something like a third or girls have their first period before then. 

but yeah most of this channel is just FUD about gay and trans people existing or drag shows where they read books to kids

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31 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

So full disclosure, considering the fact that I went to a Roman Catholic school from K-8 (hell no to furthering such a venture into my high school years mind you), I have to say that I'm inherently biased in terms of what should/shouldn't be taught, promoted, instructed, whatever in grade school. That said however, I still do see a very clear delineation of when its right & when its wrong. For instance, I was in 3rd grade bringing my fathers Playboy in for show & tell. Now translate that to modern day, and just by pulling out a cell phone does one have a method of showcasing objectively far worse things than were ever shown in Playboy or nearly any other skin mags of the late 80's to early 90's.


I'm not saying don't level the playing field of "there are men, women, and those that either can fluidly change their ideation & presentation, but also morph into one another via processes typically done by a physician." I'm just saying that there should be a broad general way to touch base on it, preferably whenever health class becomes a thing. Furthermore, there should absolutely be an advocate or counselor of some sort that provides a safe place for students wanting to know more, ask questions, pose fears & anxiety, all without repercussion or persecution. Again, I reiterate my sentiment of this being a thing that's discussed closer towards high school age (think around 13 or 14 initially).


Thank you @Spork3245for continuing to engage in a conversation as opposed to @Anathema-


As for @Keyser_Sozesaying 5th or 6th grade, OK fine I grasp that it is imperative to lay out some basics at that age as most youths are in one way or another, having urges. That said again, what's the clear line there? If, while absolutely warranted, want to just speak in terms of typical relationships in 2022 terms, then fine. Going into detail about genitals, types of sex, all that comes with the fear/doubt/anxiety/depression for those faced with a possible realization that they aren't who they have presented themselves to be, that isn't necessarily a topic for the classroom in the moment.


Apologies @thewhyteboarif I am possibly derailing the OP. IDGAF what your stance is on anything, blowing up a building for ones own personal political motivations is NEVER the right answer.

I went to a Roman Catholic school for grades K-8, we were taught sex-ed at 4th or 5th grade.

I believe this is the appropriate age; it potentially can cut down on teenage pregnancies by explaining how it works so school yard myths about how women can get pregnant are known to be BS, and, also, could stop potential bullying of a child who is gay/trans and is coming to realize/understand it.

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I was taught how my dick worked in 5th. All the boys in the school were called to the gym where we watched an informational video and were given a pamphlet with diagrams and everything. I mean, it was more about how your parts function and to not be worried about natural shit like erections and wet dreams than it was about sex. In middle school and high school I had mandatory sex-ed classes that taught various things and such things like the only safe sex is no sex and all the horrible stds that can turn dicks into something that looks like cauliflower. 

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56 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


A lot of “sexual education” at younger ages is not so much for “sexual education “ but for identifying body parts in a medically correct way and explaining consent/appropriate behaviors from adults and other children. Knowing what to call something is very important and should be taught from a very young age. 


This is sooooooooooooooo important

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I’m pretty sure my first sex ed class (public school) was in the 5th grade. It was more of a “this is how body part x works” than anything about intercourse. Some of the hardcore Christian kids got excused from it, of course. Stuff like that  is absurdly necessary. So many kids (especially ones from religious backgrounds) don’t learn a damn thing at home, and this info can save lives. Libs of TikTok and other chuds just hate that gay and trans folk exist, and want them dead. There’s no place in civil society for assholes like that. 

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5 hours ago, SoberChef said:

While not ALL of Libs of TikTok content is good, a lot of it comes off as informational. For instance, there should abso-fucking-lutely NOT be discussion of sex related topics until at least 5th or 6th grade MINIMUM if not closer to 7th/8th grade. Incorporating (what I perceive to be) very confounding & muddling messaging about identifying ones sex should by no means be a thing being taught at such a young age, let alone even earlier in some cases.


1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

A lot of “sexual education” at younger ages is not so much for “sexual education “ but for identifying body parts in a medically correct way and explaining consent/appropriate behaviors from adults and other children. Knowing what to call something is very important and should be taught from a very young age. 


waiting for 5th grade or later for sexual health is also terrible as something like a third or girls have their first period before then. 

but yeah most of this channel is just FUD about gay and trans people existing or drag shows where they read books to kids


42 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This is sooooooooooooooo important


Exactly. "Sex" education should begin in Kindergarten or Grade 1...but it has nothing to do with the act of sex. In Ontario, the previous Liberal provincial government (also helmed by the first openly queer premier in Canada) introduced a new sex-ed curriculum that involved starting lessons as early as Kindergarten. There was MASSIVE backlash from conservatives. But...it was exactly as b_m describes: classes initially about the fact that there are differences between people. Then the next year you'd learn the names for body parts. Then after that you'd learn that babies are carried inside bodies. Then the fact that some people like different types of people. Then after that...etc. You wouldn't actually learn about the act of sex until grade 5 or 6, but the entire thing was cancelled by the successive Conservative government.


There is no harm (and in fact, massive benefit) to demystifying sexual things to younger kids, especially the proper names for body parts, the fact that people have different body parts, etc.

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

This is sooooooooooooooo important


I don't understand how this isn't normal conversations, especially for kids near puberty age. You homeschool your kids, right? This is stuff we taught my kids before I sent them off to kindergarten.


I swear, these conversations can't be had by people with kids. I mean, are there no parents that had talking age boys that had questions about their erections? Boys start having them as infants. I had these conversations with my parents super young, too. I'm 40. This isn't a "new" thing.


I think we're dealing either people who don't have kids or terrible parents. I don't see any middle ground here other than maybe some poor, new parents that are being horribly misguided by social media.

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Sometimes you don't need a long winded argument.  


Libs of Tiktok is a fucking TERF account. Don't follow it or expect sympathy for defending it. 


You can have your viewpoints about what is and isn't appropriate but you're never going to get a fair representation of what's going on from a propaganda mill.


Maybe leave it to the people who study this stuff for a living rather than expecting everyone else to give equal weight to agitprop that targets your personal religious beliefs.

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Oh hey, a topic about targeting a hospital with bomb threats because of transphobia


Anyway I think this seems like a good time and place to tell you guys that I have some real concerns about how they teach sex education in school


Every topic involving attacks against the trans community isn’t an open invitation for your pet peeve grievances about society being too accommodating to them fucking CHRIST. 

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2 minutes ago, stepee said:

Oh hey, a topic about targeting a hospital with bomb threats because of transphobia


Anyway I think this seems like a good time and place to tell you guys that I have some real concerns about how they teach sex education in school


Every topic involving attacks against the trans community isn’t an open invitation for your pet peeve grievances about society being too accommodating to them fucking CHRIST. 

Yeah, but, have you considered how the trans averse people feel! Typical of the so-called tolerant left!

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4 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Conservatives are against children learning consent because they’re allied with child predators within and outside of the church simple as that



They’re against Drag Queen Story Time, meanwhile, they go to Sunday church where the priest is dressed more flamboyant than Liberace.

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20 minutes ago, MarSolo said:



They’re against Drag Queen Story Time, meanwhile, they go to Sunday church where the priest is dressed more flamboyant than Liberace.


Anytime I hear a Catholic rant about liberal / democratic pedophile rings, I crave the sweet embrace of death.

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2 hours ago, stepee said:

Oh hey, a topic about targeting a hospital with bomb threats because of transphobia


Anyway I think this seems like a good time and place to tell you guys that I have some real concerns about how they teach sex education in school


Every topic involving attacks against the trans community isn’t an open invitation for your pet peeve grievances about society being too accommodating to them fucking CHRIST. 


Also imagine that BARELY tolerating the existence of the trans community is society somehow being too accommodating, my word I have the vapours which of you strapping young lads will catch me as I fa…

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I feel like there's this eternal misunderstanding of what "kids today" pick up and when.  Always someone will let people know they don't think kids should learn this stuff and usually admit that they knew about it fairly young without being sexually assaulted or turning out to be a sexual predator as an adult.  Telling kids that sometimes men love men and women love women won't lead to a slippery slope of depravity.

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If you wait until middle school to start sex Ed, a fair number of the girls will already have started menstrual cycles. For the ones that aren't being educated at home that seems to be a bad idea to leave to the other kids on the playground to discuss/figure out.

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10 minutes ago, Chollowa said:

If you wait until middle school to start sex Ed, a fair number of the girls will already have started menstrual cycles. For the ones that aren't being educated at home that seems to be a bad idea to leave to the other kids on the playground to discuss/figure out.


Based on my playground chats, I expected to lose about 50% of the girls in my school to toxic shock syndrome by high school graduation.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

I'm pretty sure I had sex ed with ancient transparent overhead slides in 1st grade.

Oh look at this guy with sex Ed classes. I got nothing and I liked it! I couldn’t even go to the school wide abstinence only seminar because my parents wouldn’t sign the permission slip!

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7 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


I don't understand how this isn't normal conversations, especially for kids near puberty age. You homeschool your kids, right? This is stuff we taught my kids before I sent them off to kindergarten.


I swear, these conversations can't be had by people with kids. I mean, are there no parents that had talking age boys that had questions about their erections? Boys start having them as infants. I had these conversations with my parents super young, too. I'm 40. This isn't a "new" thing.


I think we're dealing either people who don't have kids or terrible parents. I don't see any middle ground here other than maybe some poor, new parents that are being horribly misguided by social media.

Yep, we’ve homeschooled all of our kids. All of our kids knew the body parts and mechanical functions of how babies were made by the time they were 5-6. It is part of protecting your children from actual predators.


I remember hearing at some sort of parenting conference when our oldest was just a baby that parents are more likely to wait too long that start too early, and that there really isn’t a too early. If there are aspects your kids don’t quite understand, it won’t hurt them.

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Yep, we’ve homeschooled all of our kids. All of our kids knew the body parts and mechanical functions of how babies were made by the time they were 5-6. It is part of protecting your children from actual predators.


I remember hearing at some sort of parenting conference when our oldest was just a baby that parents are more likely to wait too long that start too early, and that there really isn’t a too early. If there are aspects your kids don’t quite understand, it won’t hurt them.


It reminds me of parents that use all these euphemisms to avoid the very concept of death. No. My kids understand what death is. I explained it to my oldest when he was 3 after my father passed. My 4yo fully understands what death is, even if she is a bit dramatic sometimes. Kids are not stupid, they're just ignorant. How ignorant they are completely depends on how much we hide from them.


My mother was taking my 4yo to church the other day and my mother asked me to check on the child safety lock. At that point my 4yo assured my mother that she wouldn't open the door while the car is moving because she might fall out and die. I mean, I still switched on the lock, but it's nice she understood why she shouldn't be trying to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Northeastern was hit with a possible mail bomb and there are suspicions of another one near the Museum of Fine Arts. One injury, but luckily no deaths. Seems the package blew up as soon as it was opened by a member of the staff there. I absolutely hate that this becoming a thing again was one of those fears I've had in the back of my mind for weeks now.



One person was taken to the hospital Tuesday evening after a package delivered to a building at Northeastern University exploded when it was opened, school officials confirmed. Northeastern University said the package was delivered to Holmes Hall on Leon Street around 7 p.m. and detonated when a staff member opened it. That person suffered minor injuries and was taken to…


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