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I need to find a workout plan for someone fat and completely out of shape, so needs to start easy enough. I do have a squat rack and bench at home with a powerblock adjustable dumbbell set. I probably should just get a gym membership again though.

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14 hours ago, Dodger said:

I need to find a workout plan for someone fat and completely out of shape, so needs to start easy enough. I do have a squat rack and bench at home with a powerblock adjustable dumbbell set. I probably should just get a gym membership again though.


When I started exercising again (i’ve lost about 30lbs since august) I just started doing what was easy and I knew how to do. So I just started walking 3 miles a day to get started on cardio until I felt ready for the elliptical I do now. I also started to do pushups and sit ups and set goals for myself because I knew how to do those and they were free. From there I added weights and eventually had a routine that worked for me. Along with eating healthier.


Any exercise is better than no exercise so just do whatever you are willing to do and start setting incremental goals from there imo.


One thing to watch out for is it can be encouraging the kind of gains you get in the first month or two, but it slows down a lot after that so you want to make sure you have a routine that you will stick with and can live with as you lose some of that visual motivation. But like saving money, if you just keep it up and then look back you’ll see the gains you want, it just gets a lot more incremental so you stop noticing the day to day.

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15 hours ago, Dodger said:

I need to find a workout plan for someone fat and completely out of shape, so needs to start easy enough. I do have a squat rack and bench at home with a powerblock adjustable dumbbell set. I probably should just get a gym membership again though.

At that level it’s all about lifestyle adjustment. Do not underestimate the power of walking either. Everytime I go to Europe I always lose weight just because I’m walking everywhere.

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First comp for the year done: Lift For Autism 2024. 

Pissed with myself that I didn’t spend more time practicing CBD work; came in dead last in the first event; had I been able to do just a little better, would have wound up winning overall instead of finishing third. 

Still a great time; ended up with the longest hold time for the Hercules Hold for anyone in the men’s class, which was nice, and had the most reps on Saxon Bar Block DL for anyone in the men’s classes, also nice. 

Here’s a highlight reel for anyone interested in seeing me doing my stupid human tricks, lol. 


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Leaner, I’m below 230 for the first time in awhile, definitely lost strength but size is staying the same which happens in high doses of special supplements. 

Still no corresponding increasing in my libido which is odd and unfortunate because I rebuilt a rotation in preparation for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/13/2024 at 1:02 AM, Dodger said:

I need to find a workout plan for someone fat and completely out of shape, so needs to start easy enough. I do have a squat rack and bench at home with a powerblock adjustable dumbbell set. I probably should just get a gym membership again though.

I’ve been on a long, gradual journey towards getting back in shape (I’ve fluctuated wildly over the last 15 years mostly due to work/life circumstances). What’s worked for me this time is the old adage that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. Example: a part of my routine is going to the gym three times a week (something I definitely had to build up to). If I’m not really feeling it on one of those days, I’ll still go to maintain the routine, but I might leave after like 15 minutes of light exercise. That’s not much and might feel like a waste of a trip, but 15 minutes is better than 0 minutes. Or when I’m feeding my sweet tooth, I’ll compare the calorie count on various ice creams. Sure, it would be “better” to cut out the ice cream entirely, but fuck that. I’ll find a light option that I like, because a 500 calorie pint is better than a 1000 calorie pint. It all adds up over time. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 1:02 AM, Dodger said:

I need to find a workout plan for someone fat and completely out of shape, so needs to start easy enough. I do have a squat rack and bench at home with a powerblock adjustable dumbbell set. I probably should just get a gym membership again though.

Starting Strength, or (a better alternative, but similar in many regards) Greyskull LP.  Three times per week, linear progression for four main lifts, with token accessory work.  Simple enough that it can be written on the back of a napkin, yet incredibly effective.  Add in getting 10k-12k steps per day and you've got a solid foundation to work from.


Feeling pretty good.  New PR for the squat on Sunday (540 for a single), and a solid attempt at hitting 405 for bench press - stalled out right at the halfway mark, about 2" below the point where had I cleared that portion of the lift, would have been able to hit lockout.  Should easily be able to get it after my next training meso in six months.  May try for Deadlift (600#) and OHP (275#) PR's this week, although I'm trying to manage my work load closely, with another comp this weekend, one that I expect to be pretty taxing - heavier circus dumbbell than I've handled before, Car deadlift for reps, and Conan's Wheel, along with sandbag toss and keg load and carry, should leave me feeling nicely thrashed by the end of the day.

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6 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I hardly have any in my diet though. I don’t eat a lot of meat. 


I did this too. Protein is good for you and fills you up. No issues here. 

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11 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I did this too. Protein is good for you and fills you up. No issues here. 

I’ve been having coffee at breakfast. Regular lunch. Protein shake for dinner instead of eating another meal. 

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Managed to get out of bed early enough to be done with my workout before 8 AM. 💪 Good leg day workout. And have walked a bit over four miles and it's not even noon yet. 

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12 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I’ve been having coffee at breakfast. Regular lunch. Protein shake for dinner instead of eating another meal. 


You will lose weight that way and there is nothing wrong with that schedule. 

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I feel like after months of being tired, pressured, ill, or busy, I have finally have capacity to exercise. Enjoyed a gentle 1.5 mile run at about 5am on Tuesday and then I’ve just run/walked 3 and a bit miles home (the walk was the mile or so of horrific, endless hill in the scorching 20C weather we’ve got). 

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14 minutes ago, Ominous said:

Been doing a lot of zone 2 training since the start of the year and it might be paying off. Best my previous best by 7 minutes. 



Nice job. 

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Work has been so freaking crazy I haven't been able to maintain a solid lifting routine. Still doing great on the nutrition side. Actually need to up my calorie intake because I must be burning more than I'm taking in. Started around 196lbs, wanted to get to 180, did that. Now the past week I'm holding steady at 175lbs. I can really feel a difference in my joints.

With all good things comes at least one bad. 4 days ago.... toothache popped up out of the blue. Never had one my whole life. Got pretty bad with a headache and neck ache. Dentist got me in quick and surprise! Going to need a root canal. Pretty unexpected too. The tooth looks healthy, no cracks or cavity. But x ray shows a clear infection deep at the root. Nothing a little dental insurance plus $760 won't fix:/. At least the antibiotics will hold me over until the 20th when I go back to the dentist.

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11 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

Work has been so freaking crazy I haven't been able to maintain a solid lifting routine. Still doing great on the nutrition side. Actually need to up my calorie intake because I must be burning more than I'm taking in. Started around 196lbs, wanted to get to 180, did that. Now the past week I'm holding steady at 175lbs. I can really feel a difference in my joints.

With all good things comes at least one bad. 4 days ago.... toothache popped up out of the blue. Never had one my whole life. Got pretty bad with a headache and neck ache. Dentist got me in quick and surprise! Going to need a root canal. Pretty unexpected too. The tooth looks healthy, no cracks or cavity. But x ray shows a clear infection deep at the root. Nothing a little dental insurance plus $760 won't fix:/. At least the antibiotics will hold me over until the 20th when I go back to the dentist.


Fuck tooth aches. The worst pain I've ever had was from that a month and a half ago. Sorry to hear man. Good for you with the weight loss though. 

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Started a new training mesocycle yesterday (with a new program to boot), along with a new diet plan yesterday.  I'm getting to a point where just eating clean and being generally mindful of what I eat isn't working well in supporting my goals, so I downloaded Justin Harris' Carb Cycling plan.  Nothing new or special about carb cycling, and in reality it leans pretty heavily into somewhat specious broscience in discussing its effectiveness (it isn't overly dissimilar from Kiefer's Carb Backloading from ~15 years ago), but what is nice is that it includes an Excel file into which you input personal info, and it spits out a weekly diet plan model covering daily calorie and macro targets, along with suggested meals for hitting the targets, in addition to a fairly comprehensive listing of the nutrient info for the foods that the program advocates using as the primary sources of nutrition.


I wish I didn't need something this detailed, but the reality is that diet remains one of the weak points in my programming - not to the point that it's significantly compromising progress (at least, not until recently), but all the same, I don't have nearly as strong of an intuitive understanding of the macro composition for so many of the foods I eat, and my natural inclination of heavy carb restriction, protein overabundance, and whatever fat is included in the foods I choose is what it is, isn't allowing me to continue getting leaner than where I'm at right now, which I'm not happy with.


First day of the diet's been okay - one benefit of eating exclusively clean whole foods with a proper macro consideration is that I'm eating a larger volume of food than I'm used to, which helps limit hunger and all that.  Hoping that compliance with the diet doesn't prove to be overly burdensome that I throw in the towel in disgust.  I'd really like to get from where I'm at (~245 lbs), down to around 215-220, without any notable loss in lean mass, over the course of the next eight months or so.  It's a bit aggressive as I prefer steady losses, and I'll most likely take a 3-4 week maintenance break to help with sustainability, but we'll see how it goes.


I'm liking how the new program is structured, although I'm experiencing the dicomfort of  new training meso now - going from high intensity, low volume work from the peaking bloack I was doing for about eight weeks, to lower intensity high volume base building work, for which I'm more than a little deconditioned.

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I’ve talked a little bit about my goals of getting back into better shape since June last year. I gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of muscle during the period following my accident and subsequent bed rest. 


I’m 6’4 but I was 210lbs, and I wear that okay, but I did not FEEL good at all. And had issues moving around etc.


It’s been a lot of steps along the way but just reporting today I weighed in at 170lbs. So 40lbs lost. I mean it’s been awhile since I’ve been back in the “normal weight” range. But damn if I think about it, in under a year that is pretty fucking rad. 


Im not trying to lose more weight now btw, I only have so much left I could if that was my goal. I might have to actually eat more to keep up with my exercises which rules. 

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58 minutes ago, stepee said:

I’ve talked a little bit about my goals of getting back into better shape since June last year. I gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of muscle during the period following my accident and subsequent bed rest. 


I’m 6’4 but I was 210lbs, and I wear that okay, but I did not FEEL good at all. And had issues moving around etc.


It’s been a lot of steps along the way but just reporting today I weighed in at 170lbs. So 40lbs lost. I mean it’s been awhile since I’ve been back in the “normal weight” range. But damn if I think about it, in under a year that is pretty fucking rad. 


Im not trying to lose more weight now btw, I only have so much left I could if that was my goal. I might have to actually eat more to keep up with my exercises which rules. 

Holy shit dude, 40 pounds was almost 20% of your body weight that you lost... That's very impressive, congratulations! What was your normal exercise routine, and how closely were you counting calories? Were you constantly starving? :s

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Just now, Nokra said:

Holy shit dude, 40 pounds was almost 20% of your body weight that you lost... That's very impressive, congratulations! What was your normal exercise routine, and how closely were you counting calories? Were you constantly starving? :s


So I’ll go into some detail, but first off, I have not changed my eating AMOUNT. I never made a conscious effort to go to bed hungry. I always made sure I was satisfied because otherwise it is not sustainable, or so I’ve heard. 


I changed some things. I don’t get desert for every meal. I eat fruit instead. I eat less pasta and more veggies and chicken. But like none of this is bad. I am I guess naturally on what is called an omad diet. Which is that I eat only once per day. This is just what I’m comfortable with and how I ate before and after. 


I don’t count calories at all. I have a vague enough idea of what is bad and what is good and what it is worth to me to eat things that taste better than their calorie worth. It’s all on the fly still, I just eat what I want. The only main thing is, no snack cheese, no desert besides fruit and special moments, pasta only two days a week. I love pasta.


For exercise I started out just trying to walk. My exercise routine before was a truck ran over me and I could only walk a quarter mile. I’ve been building up a lot of strength. Right now right after I wake up and take my piss I do 50 push ups, then check news, then do 50 push ups. Then depending on the day the order changes but always 400 sit ups, 200 side-ups, 50lb press x30 x2, 25lb curls x40, 50lb lift x40, 2.3miles on the elliptical on strength setting, 1 mile walk.


I started out with mostly the same exercises but obviously a lot less reps. It’s just easy stuff I can do by myself every day and not be sore. And I refuse to ever get that feeling where you wanna throw up like when you run too much. So I spread it all out.

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Also that is probably a bad routine for people or something! The point is to just do stuff you are comfortable with it and do as much of it as you are comfortable with. Also my back problems almost went away lol and I just feel a lot younger again.

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It's so humid in the gym today. Hard to breathe in here. I feel like I'm operating at 25% capacity. I guess 24hr fitness was acquired by an investment firm out of California and they control the thermostat remotely for all gyms?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/25/2024 at 7:34 AM, SuperSpreader said:

It's so humid in the gym today. Hard to breathe in here. I feel like I'm operating at 25% capacity. I guess 24hr fitness was acquired by an investment firm out of California and they control the thermostat remotely for all gyms?


Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. My favorite thing about doing all my exercises at home besides no people is that I can blast the AC and fans and have it as cold as i want which really helps me do more in my routines. Otherwise I tend to stop due to heat exhaustion before cardio exhaustion.

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Dumb question! I was just wondering like say you hit whatever your body goal is and you are happy with your routine. Can you just keep doing the exact same routine forever and maintain? Or since your body gets used to the effort do you actually lose muscle/gain fat by not moving your goals up constantly?


Im just thinking of how I’m working to get my elliptical to 3 miles (at 2.8!) under 36 minutes. I just don’t want to do it for longer time wise and I don’t feel a need to do more than 3mi. Eventually I’d probably just aim for 3mi in 30min would be my goal. Thats a lot of stairs in 30min.


But I notice as I set new higher limits on myself that also I have to just in order to keep my heart rate and calorie burn goal up. Otherwise doing the same exercise after awhile doesn’t do as much.


So say if I hit my 30min/3mi goal eventually - can I then do that forever or is it not enough to maintain anymore if my exertion is no longer enough?

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To an extent, once you have fully adapted to any particular type of workout to the extent that it no longer provides a stimulus requiring adaptation, then you are training at "maintenance" - it represents the point at which the stressor of the workout has been rendered inert based upon your level of conditioning.


But on a longer scale, other factors become an issue, such that there could be some degree of deterioration if training remains entirely static, but that "deterioration" can vary in form or magnitude based upon a number of different factors - it might be in joint health deterioration from accumulated fatigue for runners, joint breakdown from someone who trains with the exact same movements for an extended period of time, etc.


Personally, I think it's best to always try to consider some form of progressive overload over time, even if the changes are incredibly marginal. Also worth noting that progressive overload can occur in a host of ways - it doesn't simply have to mean more weight/volume. It can also come in the form of increased training density, or via modification to training structure such that there is a novel stimulus of one sort or another.

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6 hours ago, GoldenTongue said:

To an extent, once you have fully adapted to any particular type of workout to the extent that it no longer provides a stimulus requiring adaptation, then you are training at "maintenance" - it represents the point at which the stressor of the workout has been rendered inert based upon your level of conditioning.


But on a longer scale, other factors become an issue, such that there could be some degree of deterioration if training remains entirely static, but that "deterioration" can vary in form or magnitude based upon a number of different factors - it might be in joint health deterioration from accumulated fatigue for runners, joint breakdown from someone who trains with the exact same movements for an extended period of time, etc.


Personally, I think it's best to always try to consider some form of progressive overload over time, even if the changes are incredibly marginal. Also worth noting that progressive overload can occur in a host of ways - it doesn't simply have to mean more weight/volume. It can also come in the form of increased training density, or via modification to training structure such that there is a novel stimulus of one sort or another.


This is EXCELLENT advice and makes sense. I figured there would have to be something to consider with this. Thank you much, I’m actually saving this in a note.

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