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One of my friends passed away after having a heart attack at our gym, I was wondering where he'd been and wanted to text him about how badly the cowboys were playing but also didn't want to bother him. I figured I just kept missing him since I started my new job and my schedule has been a little different. Damn.

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Into the world of 2024 and whilst I’m not going to blog every single day I may do a monthly update. I’m aiming to be consciously, physically active (so outside of my usual waking commute, general movement) 366 times (the goal is every day, but there will be times when that doesn’t pan out, so I’d rather have the flexibility). 

I’m also going to measure my weight, chest, and waist at the start of every month and see what happens. I’ll also be adapting or adding something each month to build as a routine, but not all of that will be health and well-being related. Really, I just want to make sure that when I’m 35 this November, I’m half way through my thirties on a good place, not obese and unfit! 

So yesterday was a 6 mile bike ride and today was 15 minutes of yoga. Probably run tomorrow and then more yoga on Thursday, S&C on Friday then walks and stretching over the weekend.

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Getting back to running more. Doing a lot of zone 2 runs where I keep my heart rate low.. Ran a half marathon this morning that way. Was slow and boring, but I guess it's a good way to get faster somehow. Ran 28.9 miles this week. Hope to increase these numbers. Fuck winter though, can't wait for April or May. 

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3 hours ago, Ominous said:

Getting back to running more. Doing a lot of zone 2 runs where I keep my heart rate low.. Ran a half marathon this morning that way. Was slow and boring, but I guess it's a good way to get faster somehow. Ran 28.9 miles this week. Hope to increase these numbers. Fuck winter though, can't wait for April or May. 


I'm trying to get back into running too, and to make the winter running easier on myself I recently bought these shoes. They have Gore-Tex and I live in Portland where it usually rains all winter. I also got a jacket similar to this one (they're not selling the actual jacket anymore). 


And of course once I spent about $300 on winter rain running shit, it has barely rained at all this winter. :lol: 


Do you have a recommendation for running lights? 

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8 hours ago, Nokra said:


I'm trying to get back into running too, and to make the winter running easier on myself I recently bought these shoes. They have Gore-Tex and I live in Portland where it usually rains all winter. I also got a jacket similar to this one (they're not selling the actual jacket anymore). 


And of course once I spent about $300 on winter rain running shit, it has barely rained at all this winter. :lol: 


Do you have a recommendation for running lights? 

I have a noxgear tracer2 vest and their chest lamp. 

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Trying to get back to a point where I don't feel weak af in the gym.  Between a particular rough bout of COVID in November, RSV in December, and being busy as hell with the holidays, I feel like I lost almost two months of training time.


Combine that with starting a new training cycle which is higher volume/lower intensity (my programming periodizes toward lower volume/higher intensity over time) and the time away plus being detrained to the higher work capacities required, and it seems like I'm feeling disgusted with myself as often as not when I finish my workouts.


But, the DOMS cramping is less notable with each week since I started the new cycle a couple weeks ago, and I can feel the conditioning and strength coming back, even though it's slower than I'd like.  My goal was to hit a 405 bench at the end of the peaking phase after this cycle; not sure if that will happen, but I feel like hitting it after the next training cycle should be achievable.  After that, the only major strength goal I'll have to check off my list will be a 315# OHP, which could take another couple years based on where I'm at now (hit a 255# single at the end of October just before I got sick), especially I'm planning on dropping another 15-20 lbs over the next year.


And since I got a podium finish competing Novice class in my first three strongman comps, I'm taking the advice of a friend/coach, and jumping over to Masters for more of a challenge.  Weights are typically identical to what I'd be handling at the weight I'm working to get down to, although the competition will definitely be harder since most guys in the Masters division seem to have 5-10 years of comp experience.

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Has anyone heard anything (good or bad) about the MaxPro? It was on Shark Tank a few years ago and Shaq recently became an investor, which has boosted their publicity. 


Anyway, I've been debating getting one. In short, I need to start exercising more, and in addition to getting back into running I think I'd like to do some weight-lifting type exercises, having never really worked out in a gym before ( :blush: ). Since I'm new to it I don't really know what I'm doing, and the device's app and digital guide service seems like they might be helpful (though I've heard the app isn't very polished). 


Would I be better off with just using some dumbbells at home and/or going to a regular gym? I guess the machine is pretty expensive compared to e.g. working out in my company's gym, but it's not outrageously so IMO and I'd even be able to use HSA money for it if I wanted. I do like its compactness and the ability to take it with me if I travel, not to mention preferring to work out at home over in public, and it seems like it would enable a lot of different exercises over the dumbbells. 

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Made my aas purchase so time to consider my next body goal, I’m both too small and too soft at once. Benefit is the steroids can work for both goals, Spain is three months but not gonna be shirtless there so no need to cut.

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11 hours ago, Nokra said:

Has anyone heard anything (good or bad) about the MaxPro? It was on Shark Tank a few years ago and Shaq recently became an investor, which has boosted their publicity. 


Anyway, I've been debating getting one. In short, I need to start exercising more, and in addition to getting back into running I think I'd like to do some weight-lifting type exercises, having never really worked out in a gym before ( :blush: ). Since I'm new to it I don't really know what I'm doing, and the device's app and digital guide service seems like they might be helpful (though I've heard the app isn't very polished). 


Would I be better off with just using some dumbbells at home and/or going to a regular gym? I guess the machine is pretty expensive compared to e.g. working out in my company's gym, but it's not outrageously so IMO and I'd even be able to use HSA money for it if I wanted. I do like its compactness and the ability to take it with me if I travel, not to mention preferring to work out at home over in public, and it seems like it would enable a lot of different exercises over the dumbbells. 

Gym is always more cost effective for us plebs 

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I just did my first set of deadlifts in nearly 4 years, I suspect I'm gonna feel this tomorrow even going a little easy on the weights compared to what my notes say I went up to the last time I did deadlifts :lol:

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4 hours ago, Jason said:

I just did my first set of deadlifts in nearly 4 years, I suspect I'm gonna feel this tomorrow even going a little easy on the weights compared to what my notes say I went up to the last time I did deadlifts :lol:

After my last disc injury when I was competing I completely cut out deads, personally feel they’re not worth the risk 

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1 hour ago, TUFKAK said:

After my last disc injury when I was competing I completely cut out deads, personally feel they’re not worth the risk 


Like 10-15 years ago I was fairly ambitious with my deadlifts, but I was also using a belt for deadlifts and squats. I've long since stopped using a belt and am now generally less ambitious with my deadlifts than I am with my squats. My notes say deadlifts were something I was doing pretty intermittently in the few years leading up to January 2019.


Not sure why I never did another one in early-mid 2019 but then late 2019 I was basically just doing legs and cardio because my right shoulder was kind of fucked up. Then right as I was ready to go see a doctor and do PT COVID hit. I've since done the doctor and PT (but probably need more PT, the same shoulder still gets tired/sore way too quickly carrying stuff like grocery bags) but was worried about going back into the gym because of COVID until January 2023. Then once I was finally back in the gym after 3 years I did go right back to squatting (and surprisingly could put up comparable numbers compared to what I've managed historically) but figured I shouldn't throw myself completely in the deep end on going right back to deadlifts too.


So long story short yeah I can see how deadlifts are riskier than squats but I think they're worth it even if it means going a little lighter than I can probably handle to make sure I'm doing them safely. I haven't really been super satisfied after my back workouts the past year, today's the first back workout in the past year where I feel like I really got good work in.

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Pretty much half-way update:


Was going well for 10 days. 3 sessions of yoga, on lord body stretch, 10km bike ride, 3 runs - along with usual walking around 6 miles a day.


Sadly, I’ve injured my shoulder (I don’t know what it was but initially I couldn’t lift my arm up and now just general pain around my front deltoid), so that’s curbed everything. It’s been about 4 days and I’ve just been walking and it’s been fine, but I’m missing my yoga and running!

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7 hours ago, Jason said:


Like 10-15 years ago I was fairly ambitious with my deadlifts, but I was also using a belt for deadlifts and squats. I've long since stopped using a belt and am now generally less ambitious with my deadlifts than I am with my squats. My notes say deadlifts were something I was doing pretty intermittently in the few years leading up to January 2019.


Not sure why I never did another one in early-mid 2019 but then late 2019 I was basically just doing legs and cardio because my right shoulder was kind of fucked up. Then right as I was ready to go see a doctor and do PT COVID hit. I've since done the doctor and PT (but probably need more PT, the same shoulder still gets tired/sore way too quickly carrying stuff like grocery bags) but was worried about going back into the gym because of COVID until January 2023. Then once I was finally back in the gym after 3 years I did go right back to squatting (and surprisingly could put up comparable numbers compared to what I've managed historically) but figured I shouldn't throw myself completely in the deep end on going right back to deadlifts too.


So long story short yeah I can see how deadlifts are riskier than squats but I think they're worth it even if it means going a little lighter than I can probably handle to make sure I'm doing them safely. I haven't really been super satisfied after my back workouts the past year, today's the first back workout in the past year where I feel like I really got good work in.

Best point I can make is, deadlifting only makes you better at deadlifting, I don’t find it very advantageous especially to just gym rats. Barely for bodybuilders.


obviously pursue your own training and goals I’d just focus on other things in your position.

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Went to the gym first thing this morning, but 20 minutes after they were supposed to open nobody was there. I waited a few minutes, but it was too cold to keep sitting there, so I turned around and went home. Grabbed some donuts on the way, because they are always reliably open. 


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I've been sick and have only been to the gym once since the New Year. I'm hoping to go today, but my wife is making breakfast so now it's on ice because I want food. I still have mucus-y gunk in my chest but otherwise feeling good. Hopefully we can get back to it this week. I'm just taking it as a long recovery period from all the progress made in Nov-mid Dec. 

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17 minutes ago, best3444 said:


You're killing your joints. Keep it up!

https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/fitness/is-running-bad-for-your-knees#:~:text=In fact%2C multiple studies have,of osteoarthritis later in life


In fact, multiple studies have shown that regular running strengthens the joints and actually protects against development of osteoarthritis later in life.



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6 minutes ago, Ominous said:

https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/fitness/is-running-bad-for-your-knees#:~:text=In fact%2C multiple studies have,of osteoarthritis later in life


In fact, multiple studies have shown that regular running strengthens the joints and actually protects against development of osteoarthritis later in life.




Tell that to the guy I worked with. 66 yrs old going on 145yrs. He spent his life running on concrete and running marathons etc. He litteraly has a walker and moves like a slug now. He told me many stories in how he completely regrets running like he did. His quality of life is awful. 

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42 minutes ago, Ominous said:

https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/fitness/is-running-bad-for-your-knees#:~:text=In fact%2C multiple studies have,of osteoarthritis later in life


In fact, multiple studies have shown that regular running strengthens the joints and actually protects against development of osteoarthritis later in life.



Steroids are good for you too!

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35 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Tell that to the guy I worked with. 66 yrs old going on 145yrs. He spent his life running on concrete and running marathons etc. He litteraly has a walker and moves like a slug now. He told me many stories in how he completely regrets running like he did. His quality of life is awful. 

Anyone that has ever consumed dihydrogen oxide has died, but I'll still drink it daily. 

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3 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:

I've been sick and have only been to the gym once since the New Year. I'm hoping to go today, but my wife is making breakfast so now it's on ice because I want food. I still have mucus-y gunk in my chest but otherwise feeling good. Hopefully we can get back to it this week. I'm just taking it as a long recovery period from all the progress made in Nov-mid Dec. 


I went, that was good. I didn't lose power except for my squats, maxed at 315, still good tho. 

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24 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

No, even trt has a negative impact on hepatic, renal and lipids. 


I will take your word for it over some junkies in my college who went into detail how it's safe lol. 

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8 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I will take your word for it over some junkies in my college who went into detail how it's safe lol. 

Gym bros should be ignored.

There are worse things than steroids for sure but nobody should think they’re safe, they’re not.

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Back to the gym yesterday after a semi week off from a cruise last week - went to the gym every day on the ship and did a bit of a full body circuit workout using the machines there.  Got a decent pump each day, but definitely fell a bit out of groove.  Now that the holidays are done and vacation is behind me, looking forward to really dialing back in on my training.  One Strongman comp in April, and another in early May so I'll be focused on development and prep for those, and afterward, I'm thinking of doing minimal strength work and spending six months or so on high volume bodybuilding/aesthetic work. Using the machines on the ship and feeling light DOMS in new places was a nice reminder of the benefits of a more diversified training regimen, and I wouldn't mind the novelty of something genuinely different for a few training cycles.



On 1/13/2024 at 9:14 PM, Jason said:


Like 10-15 years ago I was fairly ambitious with my deadlifts, but I was also using a belt for deadlifts and squats. I've long since stopped using a belt and am now generally less ambitious with my deadlifts than I am with my squats. My notes say deadlifts were something I was doing pretty intermittently in the few years leading up to January 2019.


Not sure why I never did another one in early-mid 2019 but then late 2019 I was basically just doing legs and cardio because my right shoulder was kind of fucked up. Then right as I was ready to go see a doctor and do PT COVID hit. I've since done the doctor and PT (but probably need more PT, the same shoulder still gets tired/sore way too quickly carrying stuff like grocery bags) but was worried about going back into the gym because of COVID until January 2023. Then once I was finally back in the gym after 3 years I did go right back to squatting (and surprisingly could put up comparable numbers compared to what I've managed historically) but figured I shouldn't throw myself completely in the deep end on going right back to deadlifts too.


So long story short yeah I can see how deadlifts are riskier than squats but I think they're worth it even if it means going a little lighter than I can probably handle to make sure I'm doing them safely. I haven't really been super satisfied after my back workouts the past year, today's the first back workout in the past year where I feel like I really got good work in.

Standard/conventional deadlifts shouldn't really be leaving you feeling terribly sore, unless you're deliberately slowly lowering on the eccentric, but even then, doing so should end up limiting your working load.


As far as being more/less risky than squats, there really isn't a valid body of evidence to support either argument.  At the end of the day, nearly any barbell movement can be risky if done with poor form/poor bracing.


In terms of value, it really depends.  The stimulus:fatigue ratio for deadlifts makes them less than ideal for many people whose primary goal is hypertrophy/aesthetic work, although RDL's can be fantastic for hamstring development.  But if one's goals include any degree of strength development, then I think deadlifts merit a spot in someone's program.  Even if there isn't any perfect direct carryover in terms of how you might have to handle lifting things in real life, development of the posterior chain is beneficial for nearly everyone.  And to quote many coaches, there isn't a single muscle in the body that is relaxed during a heavy pull.


And for the average person, I'd argue that a simple LP using something like Starting Strength, or (even better) Greyskull LP represents the most efficient use of one's time, when time available for training is limited.


On 1/14/2024 at 1:52 PM, TUFKAK said:

No, even trt has a negative impact on hepatic, renal and lipids. 

Not to pick at too many nits, but that isn't universally true - if trt (or some other form of HRT) isn't pushing levels close to or beyond normative levels, then I'd argue that there isn't really a negative impact.  And for those who are genuinely deficient (and not pursuing TRT for optimization, which is admittedly the case for a sizeable majority of the current TRT market), excessively depressed testosterone levels which fail to respond to all other interventions absolutely merit TRT, in terms of risk/reward.  My main pet peeve with many who opt for TRT is that they use that as a first resort, without first considering if deficiencies in Vitamin D, or magnesium, or some other micronutrient might be a problem...or if they are getting proper rest, or if they are engaged in a meaningful training program, or, or , or...

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6 hours ago, GoldenTongue said:



Not to pick at too many nits, but that isn't universally true - if trt (or some other form of HRT) isn't pushing levels close to or beyond normative levels, then I'd argue that there isn't really a negative impact.  And for those who are genuinely deficient (and not pursuing TRT for optimization, which is admittedly the case for a sizeable majority of the current TRT market), excessively depressed testosterone levels which fail to respond to all other interventions absolutely merit TRT, in terms of risk/reward.  My main pet peeve with many who opt for TRT is that they use that as a first resort, without first considering if deficiencies in Vitamin D, or magnesium, or some other micronutrient might be a problem...or if they are getting proper rest, or if they are engaged in a meaningful training program, or, or , or...

Saying it’s not universally true is technically true, just as it’s technically true that etoh consumption doesn’t universally impact the liver as well. In the majority of cases exogenous test raises lfts, the mechanism is unclear from my knowledge, and it impacts the ratio of hdl to ldl. Even a high normal can be concerning, just like a high hgb level has been linked to multiple pathologies, even if it’s “wnl.” Now, is test Is the worst aas you can do? Of course not, tren is the winner there, but the risks should be accepted not glossed over, obviously there’s a place for it as a treatment modality for hypogonadism, but there’s literature to link cardiovascular disease and trt in hypogonadal patients as well.


Risk reward is always the gold standard, I personally don’t care what people due with their own bodies and if they decide to use this as a first line tx that’s their choice. But to say there’s no impact ignores the literature as we currently understand it. 

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