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Played rugby today. Maybe 30s in, tackled a guy maybe…70lbs heavier than me and as he came down, full on studded boot to the head - cue a bit of bleeding and swelling. That eased up then after 50 minutes, got elbowed so hard in the nose I thought it must have broke. Looks like it hasn’t, just swollen up and sore as hell. I might be getting too old for this game.

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With the above revelation and definitely not continuing to play rugby after this year, I’m trying to decide on some goals. I think I’d like to get to a point where a 10km run is easy (it’s very doable now, but it would be nice for it to have the same feeling as a 5km does now -  more fun than pain).


I might consider some physical changes as well (dropping some inches from my waist and chest).


Then maybe target some basic strength goals (be able to complete 20 unassisted pull ups would be achievable but hard for me). I’m having those same thoughts from when I took a break from rugby though - what next that won’t fuck me up in my 40s and doesn’t cost the earth. 

Open Water swimming is tempting and paddle boarding, but then when the colder months hit, it’s much harder.



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  • 1 month later...
3 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

I was at 279, and that was a lot lower than when I weighed probably 370 before that. I didn't know the exact amount, but I had a big stomach.


Congratulations man. Keep up the great work. 

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Winter is finally releasing Michigan from it's icy grip, so I've been able to do more outside running. Went nearly 4 months without running a half, back to being ready to run one every week or so. Time to start increasing my distance again so I can run a solid full or maybe 50K. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I’ve now ‘officially’ stopped playing rugby, mentally, I’ve been finding I hard to feel motivated to do some hard graft. 

My brother in law is also getting married in August and I’m concerned I’ll look vaguely shit for it.


I know that isn’t a great reason but to provide a mid-point I’ve signed up for a 10K in July to have a target, and May start playing touch rugby on Friday’s so I’ve got that to look forward t (physically). 

It will be interesting to see if o can make some meaningful change in about 90 days. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I’m taking a leave of absence from work. Because 1.) fuck that place 2.) need to focus on me for a bit.


in that time frame I plan to live a bodybuilding lifestyle, after I get back from the Mediterranean, so back to regimented diet and two a days. Unclear when I’m coming back from the Mediterranean right now but the latest would be 6/12 I won’t have to return to that shit-hole until 7/26 and then only at reduced hours so one be full time until 9/20


more than enough time to make some progress towards acceptable 

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3 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:

jfc I strained something doing overhead pulls and now sitting/laying down sucks and deep breaths hurt. 


My back feels miserable, it's not a sharp pain, just a constant dull pain 


Stretching definitely helps 

I just ate a chicken sandwich with 2 chocolate doughnuts and I feel perfectly fine.  Follow me for more work out tips.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little late as the event is on the 19th of July but did my first 10K training run. Either my watch or their course is off, because following the route we’re running (two laps for the event) o wasn’t even half way back when I’d hit 5K. Based on my old Fitbit Charge 2, the distance is closer to 6.5km…


Suffice to say, after being up from about 4.15am and being out all day, it wasn’t the easiest run. I also decided to go out with no headphones just in case they’re not allowed on the day and it was also boring as fuck. I’ll definitely be sneaking them on for the run and pretend to not hear any Marshall’s. 

Either way, circuits tomorrow and another 5km on Friday - then I reckon maybe 2 more of that and I’ll start to extend with some interval training. I know I can already run 6 miles, but it would be nice to do it well and target say 55 minutes and find it easy. 

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26 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

A little late as the event is on the 19th of July but did my first 10K training run. Either my watch or their course is off, because following the route we’re running (two laps for the event) o wasn’t even half way back when I’d hit 5K. Based on my old Fitbit Charge 2, the distance is closer to 6.5km…


Suffice to say, after being up from about 4.15am and being out all day, it wasn’t the easiest run. I also decided to go out with no headphones just in case they’re not allowed on the day and it was also boring as fuck. I’ll definitely be sneaking them on for the run and pretend to not hear any Marshall’s. 

Either way, circuits tomorrow and another 5km on Friday - then I reckon maybe 2 more of that and I’ll start to extend with some interval training. I know I can already run 6 miles, but it would be nice to do it well and target say 55 minutes and find it easy. 


I do loops between 2 bridges on a paved path (the whole route is on Google maps) along a canal. Last summer 3 laps was less than 10k but this summer 4 laps is around 14k so the same distance was less than 3.3k last year but about 3.5k this year. Also, Google thinks I run across the water multiple times rather than using the bridges and occasionally go way off course.

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To find out if it’s easier running the same loop in the morning or the evening (aiming to be there for 6am

tomorrow and give it a go). Met up with a friend today who was trying to convince me to try out a marathon. I’d love to but the issues I have with my left hip I think would prevent me from

running that far. 

Update: did a 5K near to my house with a start time of 5am. It might be my body clock but compared with an evening run, this was piss easy. At least half the run is uphill and my split time was about 30s faster per kilometre. It was that comfortable in either going to do another 5km tomorrow morning/evening or hold off a day and aim to do 5km at my usual, slow, plodding pace, then a 2.5km on a tactically flat part at a pace I’ll suffer at. 

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After suffering knee pain for over a year and trying physical therapy, I finally decided it was time to get arthroscopic surgery on it to clean it up.  Had some sort of flap they fixed and "loose bodies" that were floating around.  Cleaned it all up. It's been over a month now and I finally feel like I'm becoming my old self again.  Depression definitely had set in with horrible eating habits developing.  Since the surgery I feel like I flipped a switch in my brain.  Like no excuses now, clean your shit up. I go to bed at 11:30 now instead of 1am.  I cut out the habit of drinking alcohol and eating a huge late night snack(a meal if I'm being honest).  Now I eat dinner around 5pm, then maybe around 9-10pm I drink a casein protein shake. Helps fill that void of eating something late without being heavy.  I started right at 200lbs and now I'm down to 189 in about a month and a half. Trying to get back around 180. Late night drinking/eating/stress wrecked me. My blood pressure started averaging about 134/90 with resting heart rate around 90bpm.  Now I'm right around 120/80, and resting heart rate around 79bpm after less than 2 months. 

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6km run this morning - felt easy, makes me fee happier that the 10km is in a month. I still haven’t got a set strength routine in place and really need it - my body is telling me now is the time to build maintain more core and keep the muscles around my hips/knees as strong as possible, for as long as possible. 

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