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If you have older kids, definitely look into dual enrollment at a community college


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  • 5 months later...

So apparently since I was in college, the Amazon machine has jumped into renting these crazy priced textbooks. Honestly it was pretty reasonable, like $25 for the semester for a book that was selling used for about $100, and over $200 new. Just have to slap a return label on it like anything else from Amazon when it is time to go back.


Semester 2 he’s doubling his class load now that he has a handle on the general flow of a typical college course.


History II

College Algebra

Intro to Philosophy

Art Appreciation 


He also joined the school’s eSports team. Fun fun.

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On 8/15/2022 at 6:38 PM, sblfilms said:

The community college here actually sends teachers to the in district High Schools and provides the courses there during the regular school day. You can also do online or in person at the college campus.


Our kid just has his once a week co-op stuff Monday and then self-study at home during the week, so easy for us to work in 3 hours each Tuesday and Thursday for him.

I remember when I nearly did something similar to this in high school, but going to the “local” university (1 hour drive away, but being poor with no car I couldn’t do it!)


but I would have had to take the graduation requirements (math, chemistry, history, and two English classes) and then whatever I wanted. Full university credit and high school credit, might have even gotten most credits to transfer to another state school. I could have had two full years of college 100% paid for (books too) if I lived near there or had a car. 

my wife’s old high school she taught at you could dual enroll and get a hs diploma and a CS associates degree, for free, with an internship while graduating high school. Hell of a deal. VA will also let you transfer all community college credits to UVA/VT/another university if you get good enough grades to be accepted as a second year. I imagine most other states are like this as well. 

im going to be forcing this stuff on my kids as best I can (unless they somehow get into an elite college right out of high school)

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@b_m_b_m_b_mi think with books and everything, we will be all-in at around $3k to do 66 hours of credits at the CC, which is the max you can transfer to a state school in TX. Since John will live at home for his last two years/54 credit hours since we live about 30 minutes from the University of Houston main campus, I’m thinking we should knock his BS out for around $19-20k. Not a bad deal for a business degree from a decent program. Law school is a different story, but ROI is good even if you go into something boring like corporate law.


But yeah, there are some decent paths to a college degree if you do a little extra legwork and your kid goes along with it 😂

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

So we basically decided to forego most of the rest of junior high for our daughter (she's 12 in August) and just do college courses for our middle kid (he's going to be a freshmen in high school in September) now that we are finishing up this second semester with our oldest at the community college. All three are now officially enrolled, just need to have to two younger ones take the placement test. I'll probably work with them on prepping for that over the next couple of months. 

We will go at a slightly slower pace with the two younger ones as I don't really need them finishing their undergrad when they are 15 or 16! But excited to have all three of them doing this stuff. When they were younger, I didn't have a ton to do with their schooling, but I've taken on more as they've become more advanced. I spend a good 15 hours a week working on school stuff with my oldest now, and I find it quite enjoyable.

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  • 1 month later...

The oldest kiddo just finished his 5 class spring semester. 4 As and 1 B for John. He gets the weekend off from school before he starts summer classes where he will take another 5 classes.

I’m teaching a placement test prep class twice a week in the mornings for my two younger kids and five other kids who are part of our education co-op. It is kinda neat to see the kids have those “a-ha!” moments where something they have struggled with finally clicks.


And if you haven’t been to college, I really highly recommend looking at a community college as a place to start. It is really obvious to me that these teachers want students to succeed. I’m glad this is how my children are easing their way into college. A much smaller shock to the system than sitting in a lecture hall with 500 other students!

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People in my life keep gently nudging me towards community college/trade schools. There’s just nothing I’m particularly interested in, and I know myself well enough to know I’ll never stick with it long enough to get a degree just to do it. 

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21 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

People in my life keep gently nudging me towards community college/trade schools. There’s just nothing I’m particularly interested in, and I know myself well enough to know I’ll never stick with it long enough to get a degree just to do it. 

Maybe start with just a single class? Find a subject you have a least some interest in and give it a shot. I actually had no interest in any college stuff when I finished high school, but I ended up taking a Marcoecon class my second semester and it changed my mind.

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I tried school many, many times. Community college twice. Big school once. Art school once. Every time, my grades are really good for a term or two, then I burn out and my grades tank, then I eventually quit because I don't want to keep wasting money/adding debt to it if I'm not going to commit


Sometimes I think about going back to school, but then I think it's dumb to expect the result to be any different this time.

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1 minute ago, Fizzzzle said:

I tried school many, many times. Community college twice. Big school once. Art school once. Every time, my grades are really good for a term or two, then I burn out and my grades tank, then I eventually quit because I don't want to keep wasting money/adding debt to it if I'm not going to commit


Sometimes I think about going back to school, but then I think it's dumb to expect the result to be any different this time.

Just take online classes and I’ll do them for you 🫣

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1 hour ago, Fizzzzle said:

I tried school many, many times. Community college twice. Big school once. Art school once. Every time, my grades are really good for a term or two, then I burn out and my grades tank, then I eventually quit because I don't want to keep wasting money/adding debt to it if I'm not going to commit


Sometimes I think about going back to school, but then I think it's dumb to expect the result to be any different this time.


That explains my college experience perfectly. I went to a community college for 2 years then to university for another 2 years and never graduated.


I wasted money and time. I only went to university to play basketball. So that at least was cool to play division 2 basketball. 

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

Maybe start with just a single class? Find a subject you have a least some interest in and give it a shot. I actually had no interest in any college stuff when I finished high school, but I ended up taking a Marcoecon class my second semester and it changed my mind.

Great suggestion, but here’s my problem: I’m just not an intellectually curious person. There aren’t really any school subjects that I look at and think “that sounds interesting”. I went to college after high school because that’s what was expected, and it was a one semester disaster. Now that I’m in my 30’s, I would like to think it would go a little better, but…

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6 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

Great suggestion, but here’s my problem: I’m just not an intellectually curious person. There aren’t really any school subjects that I look at and think “that sounds interesting”. I went to college after high school because that’s what was expected, and it was a one semester disaster. Now that I’m in my 30’s, I would like to think it would go a little better, but…


I completely relate. Thankfully I got really lucky and landed a career in the state because I honestly don't know what I'd be doing right now. I have 16 years with the state and only 14 years to go until retirement. 

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@sblfilms I finally read through this entire thread. That is so cool what you do for your kids. They will have a tremendous life (just like you :p) and the amount of love and dedication you put into them must be so rewarding for you and your wife. 


Now give me $1K so I can pay of this medical bill you son of a bitch. :dancing:

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39 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@sblfilms I finally read through this entire thread. That is so cool what you do for your kids. They will have a tremendous life (just like you :p) and the amount of love and dedication you put into them must be so rewarding for you and your wife. 


Now give me $1K so I can pay of this medical bill you son of a bitch. :dancing:

Can I also have £1000 for…medical bills. 

dog loop GIF

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44 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

Can I also have £1000 for…medical bills. 

dog loop GIF


I honestly do have this bill that I will not afford for a long time. It was from last summer when I had 3 ulcers in my stomach that took me out of work for almost 3 months with no pay. Hence why I completely collapsed financially and had to move an hour away with my patents.


I get phone calls and texts everyday saying I have urgent messages from the finance store where I owe over $1,000 for this medical issue. I keep ignoring it because I cannot even make payments towards it. 


I pay $800 a month for my vehicle alone because I had to buy it from a place that accepts bad credit. I make absolutely no ground financially each pay because I'm in such deep debt.


Question is how long can I keep ignoring these urgent messages before legal action is taken on me? It's extremely stressful and I just don't know what to do. 

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37 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I honestly do have this bill that I will not afford for a long time. It was from last summer when I had 3 ulcers in my stomach that took me out of work for almost 3 months with no pay. Hence why I completely collapsed financially and had to move an hour away with my patents.


I get phone calls and texts everyday saying I have urgent messages from the finance store where I owe over $1,000 for this medical issue. I keep ignoring it because I cannot even make payments towards it. 


I pay $800 a month for my vehicle alone because I had to buy it from a place that accepts bad credit. I make absolutely no ground financially each pay because I'm in such deep debt.


Question is how long can I keep ignoring these urgent messages before legal action is taken on me? It's extremely stressful and I just don't know what to do. 

That must be incredibly hard to manage. I know no one likes to receive unsolicited advice, but (at least in England) companies just want their money and are happier arranging a bespoke payment plan. That may be different in America. 

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  • 2 months later...

John just finished his summer from hell. 11 weeks of 5 classes plus me scheduling him 30+ hours a week at one of the theaters. He was really salty about it at first, but is pleased looking at his bank account 😂 


4 As and 1 B. He was also salty about the B because he ended the Biology class with an 89.2. Sooo close! Also, holy moly, that was a brutal course for non-science majors. 



So he has a little break until the 21st when he starts back up again.

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

John just finished his summer from hell. 11 weeks of 5 classes plus me scheduling him 30+ hours a week at one of the theaters. He was really salty about it at first, but is pleased looking at his bank account 😂 


4 As and 1 B. He was also salty about the B because he ended the Biology class with an 89.2. Sooo close! Also, holy moly, that was a brutal course for non-science majors. 



So he has a little break until the 21st when he starts back up again.

Nobody likes a goodie goodie show off. Teach your kids some humility. 

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7 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Well after I posted it and thought about who their Dad was it all made sense. Humility is not in your make up. Look at your humble brag threads. 


Shift those goal posts, my man.

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