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Movie theaters are elitist and expensive

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Elitist is a bit much, but I’ve argued since 2013 that the thing that will kill theaters is the theaters arms racing their way to unaffordable pricing for too many people.


I am laser focused on the lower end of the pricing model for this reason. There are a ton of people looking for an inexpensive night out, and we can provide a solid experience without making people break the bank.


There is also room for segmentation in the market, more expensive and premium experiences. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, but the trend in the last 20 years has been far away from affordability.

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32 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Elitist is a bit much, but I’ve argued since 2013 that the thing that will kill theaters is the theaters arms racing their way to unaffordable pricing for too many people.


I am laser focused on the lower end of the pricing model for this reason. There are a ton of people looking for an inexpensive night out, and we can provide a solid experience without making people break the bank.


There is also room for segmentation in the market, more expensive and premium experiences. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, but the trend in the last 20 years has been far away from affordability.

Are second run theaters still a thing anywhere? My first high school job was at one, but it closed after a year (I was too young to care about the details, but I’m pretty sure the owner was an idiot). There was one down the street from me when I lived in Wichita that I loved, but it got sold to Regal in 2017 and they shut it down a year later. There were plenty of movies that I didn’t want to buy a full price ticket for, especially when I was making just slightly above minimum wage. But if you could wait a month or two until it came to the dollar theater, where you could get a ticket, a small drink and popcorn for like seven bucks? There was nothing better. Sure, the theater was kind of a dump, but who cares? I was able to get out of my shitty apartment for a couple hours and enjoy a movie for almost nothing. 

But now I guess after a month or two nearly everything is streaming, so there’s probably not a space for that any more. 

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33 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

Are second run theaters still a thing anywhere? My first high school job was at one, but it closed after a year (I was too young to care about the details, but I’m pretty sure the owner was an idiot). There was one down the street from me when I lived in Wichita that I loved, but it got sold to Regal in 2017 and they shut it down a year later. There were plenty of movies that I didn’t want to buy a full price ticket for, especially when I was making just slightly above minimum wage. But if you could wait a month or two until it came to the dollar theater, where you could get a ticket, a small drink and popcorn for like seven bucks? There was nothing better. Sure, the theater was kind of a dump, but who cares? I was able to get out of my shitty apartment for a couple hours and enjoy a movie for almost nothing. 

But now I guess after a month or two nearly everything is streaming, so there’s probably not a space for that any more. 

The studios mostly killed the second run industry about 10 years ago when they changed the way film rental works in the later life of the film, and its almost completely dead now with window shrink. I do wonder if we could see a revival with studios being a bit more fair terms wise after week 4.


I would love to do second run and play 20-30 films at a time with some creative scheduling even in a 4-6 screen theater.

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Its $70 for 2 adults with pop corn and drink for an evening show where I live. Premium price for a premium experience is fine but more often then not you are getting a sub par experience. The theaters are staffed by a skeleton crew of employees who absolutely dont want to be there and could give a fuck less, not that I blame them I am sure they are not getting paid well. 



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The big screen does project a certain image, like unable to pause to piss or other such. And it leads to bombastic development because that subwoofer isn't paying for itself. I see the marriage of serialized tv and movie productions continue pushing hard in the next while.

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2 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Its $70 for 2 adults with pop corn and drink for an evening show where I live. Premium price for a premium experience is fine but more often then not you are getting a sub par experience. The theaters are staffed by a skeleton crew of employees who absolutely dont want to be there and could give a fuck less, not that I blame them I am sure they are not getting paid well. 



damn dog you only have an alamo drafthouse or something? 

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I use to be a diehard theatre guy but it’s expensive and the experience is hit or miss. I really haven’t been to the theatre since the first Sonic movie before Covid. Since then I’ve been quiet, no movie theatres or home theatre for most of 2021 and half of 22. I’m proud to say that I finally got my receiver yesterday after 10.5m since I purchased it. So I’m hoping that my movie watching can commence again. Gotta get me 2 more speaker mounts to make it 7.2.4 in my room. The only thing I wish was that the 3D market were a little more livelier for releases as most are foreign purchases now. If streaming is the way of the future, I want the 3D option for home as well. As my 3D projector destroys most theatre outings I’ve been too lately. Plus I can have Atmos for all my movies and not pay the premium price for the one auditorium the theatre has setup for it.

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The theater experience is unique, but I don't miss it much. I do go for "big" films still like Top Gun: Maverick or MCU films so I don't get spoiled online but movies like The Northman or The Green Knight? I just wait and watch it at home with my wife in peace on my huge ass 4K TV. Is it the same as a theater? No, but the difference is negligible enough to save the money and time and the comfort of being at home outweighs any negatives.



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On 7/16/2022 at 2:16 PM, johnny said:

their comment is dumb as fuck. movie theatres rock. generally speaking, one ticket is not expensive. the price gets up there when you have a family. 

well that’s kind of the problem. They’re pricing it to the point where you only do it for special, big event movies. 

the large screen and audio systems are nice, but are they worth $15/ person before snacks, vs staying home? I don’t know that it is any more. 

we don’t live in a world where it’s going to theater or waiting 6-9 months for Blockbuster to get it. 

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I love how some people will look at you like you have a hole in your head for spending $30 on disc to watch at home. I think it’s the better bargain for me then a theatre because that $30 would be my cost for a single viewing with snacks. At home I can watch with my own snacks, watch with multiple people I don’t mind watching films with, pause for snack/bathroom breaks and watch it again whenever I want. For some people they will also save even more money by not having to pay for a sitter. Sure you have kids at home now but you can(try) wait until they go to bed and watch at night (if you aren’t tired from looking after the kids all day) Not everyone needs the big screen and sound to enjoy their films (ok I have some issues with that but again) For those equipped at home with an Atmos setup with a. Big ass tv/projector setup. Why bother when the release window for home viewing keeps shrinking. I couldn’t believe Jurassic Park Dominion was already on a PPV channel up here in Canada and it’s only been about a month since release. Again that’s $30 a PPV movie but I could easily get 6 people in my setup to watch at the same time. So everyone can pitch in $5, go to friends house with nice setup and enjoy at your own leisure at a fraction of the cost. Sure the initial setup will cost A LOT but I think works out well in the end I think.

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i think the home theatre crowd is a very small percentage. and some people who want one can’t afford the initial investment. 


most people don’t actually care about picture and sound. all of my friends are perfectly content with their 15 year old DVDs. 

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Expensive is right on the nose...


I remember movie tickets always being cheap enough that you didn't even really think about the cost. Taking my two kids to a movie these days costs $40 bucks... and that includes zero snacks.


I am in one of the cheapest Midwestern states there are... so I can only imagine the cost in big cities.


For $40 bucks I can get Netflix for like 2.5 months.

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