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Biden says he'd support changing filibuster rules to codify Roe v. Wade into law

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Just now, Jason said:



Which sucks/is stupid, but you're acting like Biden hasn't outpaced Trump on judicial nominations filled with liberal justices of all ethnic backgrounds and also other different professional backgrounds, such as civil rights attorneys and public defenders.


Which you never talk about in your myriad of tweets, strangely. I'd think you should be on top of this.


Whenever he does something you want, you say nothing. When he does something bad, you're ready with a tweet because who has time to type?

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3 hours ago, ort said:

It's going to be funny when after all this handwringing and back and forth the republicans eliminate the filibuster at the very first chance they get... because that's exactly what they are going to do the very instant it's to their advantage.

Future Dems

”we are shocked at this decision, we are exploring various options”

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Wonder why theyre not trying to Codify same sex marriage as thats likely next big fish the zealots might want..


the GOP is so good at creating scares (Dems are coming for your guns)… Dems need to play that plan, and the best part is the things they accuse them of are true… get ahead of the GOPs locking in state legislature powers while you still can

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6 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Even though the Dobbs opinion makes it clear such a piece of legislation would not hold up in court the Dems need to follow the GOP playbook of not caring about that and passing the laws they want anyway. It isn’t futile, it is about the long game.

I haven't read the decision. Where in the opinion does it expressly state that a Congressional law would not hold up? 

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On 6/30/2022 at 4:31 PM, SaysWho? said:


I mean... if we just assume that the worst always plays out exactly the way we think, just like we assumed that not even a gun safety bill that simply said "We hate it when people are shot" was going to happen, sure. Between the ACA being overturned in 2012, Hillary winning in 2016 and Democrats totally not being able to win in 2017/2018, we don't exactly have a good track record in what we think is going to happen.


Plus for all we know, Clarence Thomas could croak next month and get replaced.


Codify it into law, keep the Senate in case a SCOTUS judge dies, liberalize the judiciary top to bottom, and put the right to an abortion on the ballot in every state you can. The Court doing this doesn't mean it's forever.

Sure, but its more likely that Thomas retires as soon as the GOP wins the presidency, and its 6-3 for the next 3 decades. Obviously nobody can predict the future, but if the gop wins 2022 and 2024, we can make a pretty damn good guess. 

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6 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Sure, but its more likely that Thomas retires as soon as the GOP wins the presidency, and its 6-3 for the next 3 decades. Obviously nobody can predict the future, but if the gop wins 2022 and 2024, we can make a pretty damn good guess. 

Yeah it really doesn’t matter what’s “likely”


 This board is criminally horrific at figuring that out

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I don't like the rules that have been set up because they aren't work in my favor, time to change them. 


More and more the democrats are becoming tyrannical, less we forget Bernie Sanders said it out loud, "you have two members the Senate, who have sabotage what the president is fighting for...." 

  • No sir, it's not sabotage, its democracy.
  • No sir, it's not two, its 52. 
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12 minutes ago, Commodore D said:



I don't like the rules that have been set up because they aren't work in my favor, time to change them. 


More and more the democrats are becoming tyrannical, less we forget Bernie Sanders said it out loud, "you have two members the Senate, who have sabotage what the president is fighting for...." 

  • No sir, it's not sabotage, its democracy.
  • No sir, it's not two, its 52. 

The GOP literally changed the rules to get these ghouls in their SCOTUS seats, made up rules to prevent Obama from filling a seat, then tossed it as soon as they could when they could fill a seat, wtf are you on about.  Lets also not forget that Dems want to give people more rights in this scenario.

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1 hour ago, Commodore D said:



I don't like the rules that have been set up because they aren't work in my favor, time to change them. 


More and more the democrats are becoming tyrannical, less we forget Bernie Sanders said it out loud, "you have two members the Senate, who have sabotage what the president is fighting for...." 

  • No sir, it's not sabotage, its democracy.
  • No sir, it's not two, its 52. 


The filibuster is pretty anti-democratic, especially the lazy two track system that the Senate currently uses.  But I can't imagine how mad you got when McConnell blocked Garland's nomination process and how unforgivable you still find that action, if something Bernie said gets you this irritated

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I was a career counselor when I was in the Navy, and one thing I always stressed to the sailors who came to me for guidance was this:  If you concentrate on the shitty aspects of your job (and life) while bobbing around the middle of the Pacific on an ship, you are going to have a bad time.  Instead, thing about the good things that have come from your career in the Navy - the training that is (incredibly) transferrable to the civilian world, the friends you made, and the experiences you had visiting other countries. 


As an example:  I COULD remember our port call to India as the worst port call of my career, complete with dysentery (or whatever it ended up being), the sweltering heat, the waiting in line for 8 hours to get off the ship, etc.  But instead I'll remember the bad-ass tuk-tuk ride to the hotel, the (hands down) best beer I ever drank, and the comradery established and fortified during those days. 


If you only ever concentrate on the shit, life is going to be shit. 

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1 hour ago, Commodore D said:



More and more the democrats are becoming tyrannical,

I don’t see how it’s tyrannical to want to actually represent the will of the people by enshrining peoples rights into law.


If you really care about democracy, anyway, but you seem to really care about minority rule so your unpopular opinions aren’t touched.

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54 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I don’t see how it’s tyrannical to want to actually represent the will of the people by enshrining peoples rights into law.


If you really care about democracy, anyway, but you seem to really care about minority rule so your unpopular opinions aren’t touched.

Why push the Kentucky deal while ignoring the bully pulpit.
Why solicit for money AFTER Roe v Wade fell.

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3 hours ago, Commodore D said:



I don't like the rules that have been set up because they aren't work in my favor, time to change them. 


More and more the democrats are becoming tyrannical, less we forget Bernie Sanders said it out loud, "you have two members the Senate, who have sabotage what the president is fighting for...." 

  • No sir, it's not sabotage, its democracy.
  • No sir, it's not two, its 52. 

Go fuck yourself. 

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1 hour ago, unogueen said:

It's meta. The greatest trick of trump is that he made online feel decisive. The magats are meat, but the courts are what matter.

No, he merely made online feel offline, tricking people into embracing the antithesis of decision.  The magats are not meat; they are petroleum.  The courts are the dead oil-slicked pelican in the infomercial.


And you can’t be ‘meta’ without the latest VR headset and a Facebook account.

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3 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

I don’t see how it’s tyrannical to want to actually represent the will of the people by enshrining peoples rights into law.


If you really care about democracy, anyway, but you seem to really care about minority rule so your unpopular opinions aren’t touched.

Conservatives only "care" about whatever benefits them in the current moment. Its the same as them suddenly championiong free speech when they were being banned from social media for being bigoted assholes. When they have the power they censor anyone and everyone. They are disingenuous to their core because they know their true beliefs are unpalatable by most people when out in the open. 

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8 hours ago, Commodore D said:



I don't like the rules that have been set up because they aren't work in my favor, time to change them. 


More and more the democrats are becoming tyrannical, less we forget Bernie Sanders said it out loud, "you have two members the Senate, who have sabotage what the president is fighting for...." 

  • No sir, it's not sabotage, its democracy.
  • No sir, it's not two, its 52. 

So McConnell ending the filibuster on Supreme Court nominations to stack the court to end Roe vs Wade is just fine but ending the filibuster altogether to codify Roe vs Wade is tyranny? 





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