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Biden says he'd support changing filibuster rules to codify Roe v. Wade into law

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I had so much hope for Biden going forward, but these days, I find myself constantly disappointed by what he could do but just won't. He wants to play the dealmaker in an era where neither side is ever going to come to the table unless it's to do worthless legislation that allows them to pretend they're doing something.

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5 minutes ago, brucoe said:

I had so much hope for Biden going forward, but these days, I find myself constantly disappointed by what he could do but just won't. He wants to play the dealmaker in an era where neither side is ever going to come to the table unless it's to do worthless legislation that allows them to pretend they're doing something.


Infrastructure bill isn't worthless by any length or stretch of the imagination.


Gun bill may be small, but all of its components were needed and actually done after years of, "Now is not the time to talk about it."


Striking down NDAs that buy women's silence is not worthless to those women, or any woman in the U.S. is in a huge step forward in fighting back at horny, gross people in power.


The USPS was finally reformed after bleeding money since 2006.


He's outpacing Trump on judges, and Trump/Republican Senate are both a huge part of why we're in the mess we're in.



All this stuff is important, and methinks if Biden was able to get BBB passed with paid leave and universal pre-k and climate legislation, we wouldn't look at the other accomplishments so lowly. I think because that didn't happen -- and it was clearly the most ambitious part of his agenda -- it's colored what we think of everything else.

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Presidents like Obama and Biden are good leaders...for countries with functioning systems of government. For a society like the US, you need to be willing and able to bend every single convention possible to get things done, and those two are too spineless to do so. Obviously they have done good things and are far better than the GOP, it's just disappointing that even when they have the opportunity to do something better, they tend to get scared.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Presidents like Obama and Biden are good leaders...for countries with functioning systems of government. For a society like the US, you need to be willing and able to bend every single convention possible to get things done, and those two are too spineless to do so. Obviously they have done good things and are far better than the GOP, it's just disappointing that even when they have the opportunity to do something better, they tend to get scared.


President Harry Reid 

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Like, objectively, getting rid of the Senate filibuster would be one of the biggest transformative changes you could make to the current US system of government. You could actually pass legislation if you win an election.


More importantly: put in more Democrats in a Senate that's a toss-up.




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Even though the Dobbs opinion makes it clear such a piece of legislation would not hold up in court the Dems need to follow the GOP playbook of not caring about that and passing the laws they want anyway. It isn’t futile, it is about the long game.

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The politically smart thing to do would be to hold an up-or-down vote on abortion and gay marriage and legalized marijuana and everything else every few weeks from now until the election. String together videos of each Senator and House Rep voting no and demand they be replaced (regardless of party) with someone who will vote the correct way.

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3 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

The politically smart thing to do would be to hold an up-or-down vote on abortion and gay marriage and legalized marijuana and everything else every few weeks from now until the election. String together videos of each Senator and House Rep voting no and demand they be replaced (regardless of party) with someone who will vote the correct way.


And throw Cuellar under the bus? :(

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5 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

The politically smart thing to do would be to hold an up-or-down vote on abortion and gay marriage and legalized marijuana and everything else every few weeks from now until the election. String together videos of each Senator and House Rep voting no and demand they be replaced (regardless of party) with someone who will vote the correct way.


I like it!

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1 minute ago, PaladinSolo said:

The filibuster isn't even in the way, Manchin already voted no earlier this year, and that was just to break the filibuster on the bill.


That means the filibuster is in the way and a 50-50 Senate isn't enough to get rid of it.

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


That means the filibuster is in the way and a 50-50 Senate isn't enough to get rid of it.

No, they were voting to break the filibuster on just that bill, and even if it wasn't there dems still only had 49 votes, cause Manchin vocally said he was against the bill, and played some cop out about how it went further than Roe or some nonsense, lol.


But yes, if dems get 2 more senators to bypass the idiot from AZ and WV they can crash the filibuster and pass it, but right now they don't even have 50.

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22 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

The politically smart thing to do would be to hold an up-or-down vote on abortion and gay marriage and legalized marijuana and everything else every few weeks from now until the election. String together videos of each Senator and House Rep voting no and demand they be replaced (regardless of party) with someone who will vote the correct way.


This is such a fantastic idea!

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1 minute ago, PaladinSolo said:

No, they were voting to break the filibuster on just that bill, and even if it wasn't there dems still only had 49 votes, cause Manchin vocally said he was against the bill, and played some cop out about how it went further than Roe or some nonsense, lol.


But yes, if dems get 2 more senators to bypass the idiot from AZ and WV they can crash the filibuster and pass it.


Yeah, I agree with you about what happened, but that means the filibuster is in the way. :p 


What sucks is there's very little sway for Manchin since he's in West Virginia and whenever he retires, a Republican is replacing him who will make Democrats miss Manchin's stupidity. Sinema is a very strange case.

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The VRA passed nearly unanimously through congress and objectively has a strong constitutional, historical, and legal foundation and John Roberts still gutted it, the idea of codification of any law will make a material difference is pure fantasy given the extremism of the court.


the answer once and forever remains court reform (but this is still good from a political point of view)

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It's going to be funny when after all this handwringing and back and forth the republicans eliminate the filibuster at the very first chance they get... because that's exactly what they are going to do the very instant it's to their advantage.

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10 minutes ago, ort said:

It's going to be funny when after all this handwringing and back and forth the republicans eliminate the filibuster at the very first chance they get... because that's exactly what they are going to do the very instant it's to their advantage.


As soon as they control the Legislative and Executive this will 100% happen instantly.

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56 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Position is official:




Ok. Then state's sue, and this SCOTUS finds it unconstitutional and says the only way it can be accomplished is a constitutional amendment, which is impossible.


There's literally nothing that can be done. But I do think Democrats should at least try.

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2 hours ago, osxmatt said:


Ok. Then state's sue, and this SCOTUS finds it unconstitutional and says the only way it can be accomplished is a constitutional amendment, which is impossible.


There's literally nothing that can be done. But I do think Democrats should at least try.


I mean... if we just assume that the worst always plays out exactly the way we think, just like we assumed that not even a gun safety bill that simply said "We hate it when people are shot" was going to happen, sure. Between the ACA being overturned in 2012, Hillary winning in 2016 and Democrats totally not being able to win in 2017/2018, we don't exactly have a good track record in what we think is going to happen.


Plus for all we know, Clarence Thomas could croak next month and get replaced.


Codify it into law, keep the Senate in case a SCOTUS judge dies, liberalize the judiciary top to bottom, and put the right to an abortion on the ballot in every state you can. The Court doing this doesn't mean it's forever.

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