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Battlefield V Open Beta - Get in here!


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10 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

We'll see how the body-dragging mechanic works, too, I guess. If it allows you to reach from behind cover and pull someone in then it could be good.

I have absolutely no faith in DICE's ability to implement that system in a way that it's not terribly buggy at best and fundamentally broken at worst.


That system requires a degree of player character interaction that is unprecedented in a Battlefield title.  All previous player-to-player interactions are relatively simple in nature (melee, revive).  This is a pretty complex interaction in comparison.


Furthermore, we're talking about this interaction occurring within the Frostbite engine.  An engine that still apparently still cannot handle a player character simply walking over a 6 inch incline.  And we're to believe that this engine will handle the player-to-player interaction of grabbing and dragging and the associated animations?!?

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11 hours ago, Brick said:

I wonder if maybe this game is just coming out too soon after Battlefield 1. Only two years seems pretty quick, especially when BF1 had a lot of DLC maps added. 

BF1 took a long time to get its shit together, but now it’s fantastic. Such a good variety of maps and guns. It’s a shame to see it ending. 


BFV is not ready for launch and I don’t think Nov is even enough time. This should be a Feb/mar release. 

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42 minutes ago, atom631 said:

BF1 took a long time to get its shit together, but now it’s fantastic. Such a good variety of maps and guns. It’s a shame to see it ending. 


BFV is not ready for launch and I don’t think Nov is even enough time. This should be a Feb/mar release. 

The communities for both BF1 and BF4 are still VERY healthy from what I can tell.


As of now, I've put in a little over 15 hours into the BFV beta and I still don't know what to make of it.

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2 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

The communities for both BF1 and BF4 are still VERY healthy from what I can tell.


As of now, I've put in a little over 15 hours into the BFV beta and I still don't know what to make of it.


same. Narvik has grown on me to where I enjoy playing it (albeit it still missing that intense war feeling). Rotterdam, now that I know the map, is fine..but just not very fun and very lifeless. 


I had my first "This is Battlefield" moment, even though its so COD-inspired where I got 7 skills with the V1 rocket on Rotterdam at D. Then rushed in and capped the point, taking out 2 more enemies along the way. 


I need to go back to BF1 now and play it and see how it compares with BFV fresh in my mind. The good news is there will be another beta in October. Hopefully, they smooth out some of the issues. 

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Jesus. The 2nd sniper rifle, ZH-29 is filthy. It’s like a medic gun from BF1 but more damage and no one can spot you. Lol. You can almost play an aggressive recon with it. 


I just took it from 0 to level 4 in 1 match. I think I was 31/8 that round. Once this thing is upgraded  with quicker aim and reduce vertical recoil it will be ridiculous. 

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8 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

<----- Squad Leader of MVP squad twice in a row tonight.


I guess that's a wrap because the open beta ends tomorrow at 10am my time :p


I was never in an MVP squad. :( I need people to play with on Xbox.  With BFV being more squad focused than 3,4, 1 Id imagine it would make it much more fun to play. 

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6 hours ago, Brick said:

There is another beta planned after this one I believe. 


There will be another beta in October. Here is my wishlist in no particular order:


  • More planes and tanks
  • make the planes and tanks more threatening, needs a spotting mechanic, which brings me to:
  • Add spotting but only for members of your squad (this would further help encourage team play among randos)
  • Fix the audio / add more ambient sounds to make it feel like a war
  • Slow down the TTK slightly to give you a chance to react
  • reduce range on SMGs so the semi-auto rifles become viable.
  • give the medic class some semi-auto refiles too
  • reduce medic revive animation time
  • allow medic to revive from prone
  • Larger clips in the support LMGs
  • Make LMGs sound/act like LMGs (slower velocity, more damage - just so they sound different from SMGs)
  • Fix the Grenade launcher. Like literally redo it from the ground up, its terrible
  • more damage on grenades
  • More starting ammo - at least 1-2 more full clips - or dont make us first run to a supply crate at every spawn
  • allow us to unlock guns and upgrades in-game and not have to back out to main menu first
  • Combine armory and the company in to one section
  • get rid of that blue flare graphic in the company section so we can actually see our fucking customization's
  • reduce respawn time after death (if im waitting to be revived and the timer runs out, that should be enough to respawn, not another 8-10 seconds on the deploy screen)
  • fix the lighting on Rotterdam, light to dark contrast is too extreme and its hard to see enemies. 

thats all I got for now. 



  • stepee 1
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5 hours ago, atom631 said:


There will be another beta in October. Here is my wishlist in no particular order:


  • More planes and tanks
  • make the planes and tanks more threatening, needs a spotting mechanic, which brings me to:
  • Add spotting but only for members of your squad (this would further help encourage team play among randos)
  • Fix the audio / add more ambient sounds to make it feel like a war
  • Slow down the TTK slightly to give you a chance to react
  • reduce range on SMGs so the semi-auto rifles become viable.
  • give the medic class some semi-auto refiles too
  • reduce medic revive animation time
  • allow medic to revive from prone
  • Larger clips in the support LMGs
  • Make LMGs sound/act like LMGs (slower velocity, more damage - just so they sound different from SMGs)
  • Fix the Grenade launcher. Like literally redo it from the ground up, its terrible
  • more damage on grenades
  • More starting ammo - at least 1-2 more full clips - or dont make us first run to a supply crate at every spawn
  • allow us to unlock guns and upgrades in-game and not have to back out to main menu first
  • Combine armory and the company in to one section
  • get rid of that blue flare graphic in the company section so we can actually see our fucking customization's
  • reduce respawn time after death (if im waitting to be revived and the timer runs out, that should be enough to respawn, not another 8-10 seconds on the deploy screen)
  • fix the lighting on Rotterdam, light to dark contrast is too extreme and its hard to see enemies. 

thats all I got for now. 




I support this. Id also like to see more times of tanks. A cromwell and Panzer 4. 

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jumped back in to BF1 for a few matches. Im going to sound like a broken record, but: 


Right off the bat....the intensity of that game is leaps and bounds more. Its a personal preference, but I really enjoy it. The sound definitely plays a big part as well as some of the mechanics that are missing. The grenades are boomier, the gas, needing to equip the mask and not seeing well and no ADS with it.. all adds to the intesity. theres all this ambient chatter and noices like debris flying, ricochets, multiple tanks. It really feels like a full blown war. The maps are also grittier, the snow isnt as clean on the one map I playined (river somme maybe? which the church in the middle). 


I like having bullets!!!!! lol. Im sure the attrition system is great with a good squad, but i didnt get to experience a good squad. its nice have enough ammo to push objectives, cap, keep going without first having to doubleback or look around for ammo crates. 


The guns just look and sound better. They are so much more unique. PLaying with my Howell Automatic Factory just looks and sounds so awesome. 


Hit and head shot sound ... Holy fuck is it so much better in BF1. That Clang! when you get a headshot kill is awesome. they need to bring that back



Thing I realize I hate in BF1: 


Calvary! Fuck the calvary!!! too much health. 


Bayonet Charge!!!! Its fucking dumb that the charger gets a defense buff while its happening. Bullshit. 


The Spotting is 100% overdone. I definitely like dislike how all of a sudden the entire enemy team is shooting at you bc some sniper across the map tapped a button. 



Also - this is just an observation - but the aim assist on BFV on Xbox  is way more. I needed half a match to relearn how to aim better. I have all the settings the same on both games too. 

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16 minutes ago, atom631 said:

Right off the bat....the intensity of that game is leaps and bounds more. Its a personal preference, but I really enjoy it. The sound definitely plays a big part as well as some of the mechanics that are missing. The grenades are boomier, the gas, needing to equip the mask and not seeing well and no ADS with it.. all adds to the intesity. theres all this ambient chatter and noices like debris flying, ricochets, multiple tanks. It really feels like a full blown war. The maps are also grittier, the snow isnt as clean on the one map I playined (river somme maybe? which the church in the middle). 

That right there is what I mean:  Battlefield V simply lacks the atmospherics as BF1.


And it SORELY misses them.

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30 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

That right there is what I mean:  Battlefield V simply lacks the atmospherics as BF1.


And it SORELY misses them.

To be fair this was just a 10gb beta. For all we know half the audio cues and fx are missing and there are better maps than Rottendam. Grand Operations feels very epic. The snow level is a really good map. I have had more fun in the BFV beta than I have have in BF1. A lot of that has to do with the gun selection. There really isn't a gun in BF1 I enjoyed. I just found something that wasn't bad and stuck with it. I agree the TTK in BFV can be tweaked to be a bit longer. But everything else felt better than BF1. Yes there can be more vehicles but sure that will also be more map dependant. We'll see for the most part when the game releases but I'm more sold on BFV than I was on BF1.

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46 minutes ago, The def star said:

To be fair this was just a 10gb beta. For all we know half the audio cues and fx are missing and there are better maps than Rottendam. Grand Operations feels very epic. The snow level is a really good map. I have had more fun in the BFV beta than I have have in BF1. A lot of that has to do with the gun selection. There really isn't a gun in BF1 I enjoyed. I just found something that wasn't bad and stuck with it. I agree the TTK in BFV can be tweaked to be a bit longer. But everything else felt better than BF1. Yes there can be more vehicles but sure that will also be more map dependant. We'll see for the most part when the game releases but I'm more sold on BFV than I was on BF1.

Man I don’t get it. What gun selection? The medic had 4 SMGs that basically all felt the same. Assault had 1 SMG and 3 semi-auto rifles that were useless. I didn’t play support enough because the bipod was terrible (forgot to add that to my list) but the first 2 guns were basically the same.  


This is why after 5 days - everyone was still running STG44/Sten/Kev. It was extremely rare to be killed by anything else. 


Have you played BF1 recently? If not, the premium pass is free right now. I suggest you pick it up and give it another go. The guns are incredibly more unique than BFV, even between same class guns (I.e, Heilreigel vs MP18 vs Automatico)  



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24 minutes ago, atom631 said:

Man I don’t get it. What gun selection? The medic had 4 SMGs that basically all felt the same. Assault had 1 SMG and 3 semi-auto rifles that were useless. I didn’t play support enough because the bipod was terrible (forgot to add that to my list) but the first 2 guns were basically the same.  


This is why after 5 days - everyone was still running STG44/Sten/Kev. It was extremely rare to be killed by anything else. 


Have you played BF1 recently? If not, the premium pass is free right now. I suggest you pick it up and give it another go. The guns are incredibly more unique than BFV, even between same class guns (I.e, Heilreigel vs MP18 vs Automatico)  



I have been playing BF1 up to the BFV beta. Dice has been giving away all their paid expansions leading up to BFV and now they have with the premium pass being free. All the starting weapons in BFV feel better than anything in BF1 to me. All the guns felt very similar and never quite found one that I felt comfortable with. I play with a squad of friends and they agree. Most of the automatic guns in BF1 felt out of place and not quite right. Its our least favorite BF game released not counting Hardline. Maybe it's the TTK that makes the BFV guns feel better to me but the shooting in BF1 has been the least favorite in the series thus far 


As far as everyone running around with the some guns I think that has to do with the assignments. All the assignments I have received revolved around the starting weapons. It's mainly the reason why I haven't switched much.

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14 hours ago, The def star said:

I have been playing BF1 up to the BFV beta. Dice has been giving away all their paid expansions leading up to BFV and now they have with the premium pass being free. All the starting weapons in BFV feel better than anything in BF1 to me. All the guns felt very similar and never quite found one that I felt comfortable with. I play with a squad of friends and they agree. Most of the automatic guns in BF1 felt out of place and not quite right. Its our least favorite BF game released not counting Hardline. Maybe it's the TTK that makes the BFV guns feel better to me but the shooting in BF1 has been the least favorite in the series thus far 


As far as everyone running around with the some guns I think that has to do with the assignments. All the assignments I have received revolved around the starting weapons. It's mainly the reason why I haven't switched much.

to each their own i guess regarding BF1.  


As for the assignments, I dont think that has anything to do with it.  People want to try as much different stuff as possible in a short period..but when certain guns vastly outperform others (STG44, Sten) there is little reason to give the other guns much more than 1 or 2 lifes before you go back. 


Removing recon, this beta had 12 guns. At least 8 of them had near identical recoil, ROF, TTK and sound. The 2nd support gun (Bren, I think) sounded a little more like a support gun should but still fired, recoiled, TTK exactly the same. I didnt get to play the FG42, but watching videos, its the same thing. the shotgun, obviously is unique. However, none of that matters when every gun is basically outclassed by the STG44. This is why the field was predominantly assault running that gun the entire beta. 

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4 hours ago, atom631 said:

theres a lot of polishing to do. I dont think this game will even be ready for launch in Nov. 


big convo going on over at the battlefield subreddit regarding this. 


Just an FYI, but the battlefieldV subreddit is a much better community. The battlefield subreddit seems to be mostly filled with pictures and trash-talk.

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2 hours ago, Brick said:

Levelcapgaming put out a video today talking about some of the changes that will be coming based on feedback from the beta. Also says that the game may be 6 months behind schedule. Is EA rushing this game out the door in order to make a holiday release?




Main takeaways on changes:


- Toning down appearance customization (probably no prosthetic limbs) due to complaints about the trailer

- Increasing brightness of holo sights

- Increasing soldier visibility

- Increasing starting ammo from 2 magazines to 3 (and you can carry 4 total if you get resupplied)

- All players may spawn in with a one-time health pouch rather than needing to get one from a supply station (all classes)

- Change keybind for self-heal for PC (holding 5 is hard)

- Changing ammo-supply stations (unknown how)

- Add points for throwing smoke grenades to encourage use

- Add points for spotting with binoculars

- Squad shares points from reinforcements

- Better optimization

- More nimble tanks being added

- Adaptive UI system to more easily read text on backgrounds

- Limb penetration system being added. So if you shoot through an arm into a head, it's still a headshot

- Weapon pickup swap bug is fixed

- Death screen is being tweaked so if you hold right-mouse for a revive and no one comes, you can respawn quicker from the screen

- Faster bleed out system

- Fixing revive bugs

- Medics will get smoke grenade launchers

- Option menu will get tweaks to be more clear

- Adding manual leaning if toggled, potentially

- Adding being able to spot when you are bleeding out, potentially (to warn others)

- Adding server regions

- Fixing profanity filter (filtering some normal words right now)

- Add dragging teammates to the game (post-launch)

- Post-launch vehicle customization

- Rental server not at launch, no confirmation if it will come at all

- Sea battles post-launch 

- Will get training map post-launch

- Co-op combined arms post-launch

- 6-months behind schedule, launching before holidays anyway


So lots of good changes, but the game won't be finished until spring, really.


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35 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Just an FYI, but the battlefieldV subreddit is a much better community. The battlefield subreddit seems to be mostly filled with pictures and trash-talk.

I agree the main BF subreddit is just a toxic circlejerk. Same thing with the SWBF subreddit. But there are gems in there. 


The BFV subreddit is another circlejerk tho. God forbid you mention something criticizing the game (which you can see in this thread I have my reservations about quite a few things)...you get downvoted to hell. 

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29 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Main takeaways on changes:


- Toning down appearance customization (probably no prosthetic limbs) due to complaints about the trailer

- Increasing brightness of holo sights

- Increasing soldier visibility

- Increasing starting ammo from 2 magazines to 3 (and you can carry 4 total if you get resupplied)

- All players may spawn in with a one-time health pouch rather than needing to get one from a supply station (all classes)

- Change keybind for self-heal for PC (holding 5 is hard)

- Changing ammo-supply stations (unknown how)

- Add points for throwing smoke grenades to encourage use

- Add points for spotting with binoculars

- Squad shares points from reinforcements

- Better optimization

- More nimble tanks being added

- Adaptive UI system to more easily read text on backgrounds

- Limb penetration system being added. So if you shoot through an arm into a head, it's still a headshot

- Weapon pickup swap bug is fixed

- Death screen is being tweaked so if you hold right-mouse for a revive and no one comes, you can respawn quicker from the screen

- Faster bleed out system

- Fixing revive bugs

- Medics will get smoke grenade launchers

- Option menu will get tweaks to be more clear

- Adding manual leaning if toggled, potentially

- Adding being able to spot when you are bleeding out, potentially (to warn others)

- Adding server regions

- Fixing profanity filter (filtering some normal words right now)

- Add dragging teammates to the game (post-launch)

- Post-launch vehicle customization

- Rental server not at launch, no confirmation if it will come at all

- Sea battles post-launch 

- Will get training map post-launch

- Co-op combined arms post-launch

- 6-months behind schedule, launching before holidays anyway


So lots of good changes, but the game won't be finished until spring, really.


These are lots of good changes. I wish more was in there about the things that concern me: audio, atmosphere, TTK, spotting, diversity in guns....but that’s a nice list to start with. 


I would say 6 months out sounds about right....and now I’m torn about if I want to buy the game at launch and reward them for releasing essentially something that’s completely unfinished and in early access. I have no will power and I love BF so I will be getting it tho (esp with my BB gamer club still active till spring and they are also giving a $10 reward zone too).:shrug: 

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2 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

I played about 4 hours of the BFV beta and have pretty much the same thoughts as most of you here.  

@atom631mentioned the BF1 premium pass is free right now and on the PSN BF1 is on sale for $5.19.  I pretty much have to buy it at that price. Played a bit at release but didn't stick around long. 


I believe its also like 6 bux on the xbox store ( and then premium). Definitely worth it, its night and day difference from launch.  

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So BF1 was $5 and the premium free so I decided to jump in... pretty late.  And I really love it.  Not enough to jump into BFV on day one, but I'll keep my eye out for a deal. 


I also played a little bit of BF4 recently, and BF1 just feels much better.  The gunplay is tighter.  The netcode seems to be much better.  And sorry, Wade, but the community for BF1 is much bigger.  I had trouble finding matches for BF4 - everyone is playing one fucking map!  I also like the cleaner look of BF1.  The game also seems fairer for newcomers concerning unlocks.  The base weapons/gadgets are useful, as opposed to BF4/3 where the unlocks and accessories can give you a significant advantage.


The spotting does seem very forgiving, but I believe I make use of it more than the enemies use it on me so I don't mind really!  I only feel a little bit bad when I spot someone, and I then get to track them for an absurd amount of time when they duck behind cover.

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If you dont want to watch the video



Tweaking attrition:

Devs want to nudge attrition in the right direction but still want it to be fully part of the game.

More ammo on spawn.

More max ammo capacity.

Ammo tweaking will be weapon specific (not all weapons may be affected, some more than others).

Medpack on spawn.

Improving visibility:
Adding a haze to the background to make enemies stand out.

Fine tuning lighting in specific locations.


Death experience and pacing:

Devs agree with the community that current death timer made the game feel too slow.

Devs want highs and lows moments in the game, but find that the high moments are not high enough (this is partially caused by soldier downtime). They want moments of pure chaos.

Tweaking "bleeding out" timer, you are not punished anymore if you decide to hang on, respawn timer will be reduced accordingly.

Audio immersion:
Fixed the audio bugs which contributed to make the game too silent. Audio should feel like war once again.

Time to kill and time to death:
Trying to find that sweet spot to cater to both players who love it or hate it.

From the data, players have learned to move closer to cover to avoid getting killed too easily.

Certain weapons stand out (more effective at most engagement distances), "won't name specifics *cough*STG*cough*". Those are gonna be tweaked to "bring them into the fold".

Confirmed Netcode issues in regards to Time to death, "you receive more damage than you should be in one update, which is due to packet loss, netcode, delays and high rate of fire weapons". Currently looking into fixing this.


Vehicles (Tanks):

Beta testers felt that the tanks were too slow/heavy and not offensive enough against infantry, but dev says the more agile/anti-infantry tanks weren't in the open beta, as well as anti-aircraft vehicles.

Devs were happy with the tuning on the new turret system on the heavy tanks, but plan to make the turret turn faster on the medium and lighter tanks. Light tanks will have a "very fast" turret turning speed.

Devs want the tanks to be the "dragons of our game", once they show up on the field, "everyone should relate to that". If you see a friendly tank, you should push alongside it, if you see an enemy tank, you should cower in fear.

Heavier tanks are robust, hard to take down, but slow, less effective against infantry, more effective against other vehicles, and the opposite is true for lighter tanks, more agile, used to kill infantry, harass and flank.

Tweaked systemic damage (such as canon disabled or track disabled), they want to reward players who chip away at tanks without necessarily destroying them, but don't want to penalize tank drivers too much, leaving them with nothing to do. Added turret damage which slows down turret turning speed, as well as engine damage, which cripples its movement.


Vehicles (Airplanes):

Beta feedbacks tell that the difference between the two fighter planes was too great and people didn't like it. Devs are taking step to make them much more similar and better than they were in open beta.

Overall players found fighter planes not agile enough.

Not being able to acquire ground targets as easily as in previous titles.

Players most happy with the BF 109 plane, but devs say even that one wasn't were we needed it to be.

Tweaked visibility for pilot and gunner, extended spotting range. "We want planes to participate in the ground combat".

Dev excited about the broader spectrum of vehicle classes in BFV, says it was a bit lacking in BF1.

Talking about anti-aircraft tanks, such as the Flakpanzer and Valentine MK 1 AA, they have "tons of canons and tons of bullets flying through the sky".

Next episode within two weeks.

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